5,760 research outputs found

    Traumatic neuroma of the mandible: a case report with spontaneous remission

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    Traumatic neuroma is a well-known disorder involving peripheral nerves, which occurs following trauma or sur - gery. The lesion develops most commonly in the soft tissues of the mental foramen area, lower lip and tongue. Intra- osseous lesions arising in jawbones are very uncommon. In this paper, we report a new case of an intra-osseous traumatic neuroma, discovered incidentally on a panoramic radiograph obtained for orthodontic documentation. In addition, the case herein described developed spontaneous remission, a situation not previously reported in the literature. Finally, we discuss relevant demographic, clinical, microscopic, immunohistochemical and treatment aspects of traumatic neuromas

    Prejudice, Vulnerability, Adhesion Process, Religiousness Regarding the Life Routine with AIDS: Life Stories

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    Objective: To communicate life stories of people who suffer from acquired immunodeficiency-syndrome with a higher vulnerability registered at the Municipal Secretary of Social Assistance and the diagnostic’s influence on their daily routine. Method: Descriptive and exploratory study based on oral life history. Thirteen people with AIDs took part in the study via a semi-structured interview. The narratives were analyzed using Bardin’s thematic content analysis. Results: Three thematic axes emerged from Bardin’s content analysis: prejudice and discrimination regarding the life routine with aids; Reaction when facing the diagnostic and the adhesion process for the antiretroviral treatment; Confrontation of religion and religiousness on people with aids. Conclusion: The people living with aids, a chronic and stigmatizing disease, need the support of multidisciplinary teams and an improvement in relation to the access, the coverage and the meaning assigned to the disease, besides a better quality of life and social assistance. We conclude that religion did not contribute to facing these people’s conditions. It brought blame, incorrect information that may impair the treatment and their follow-up. One infers that health education regarding HIV/AIDS needs to be remodeled on all of society’s segments

    Eficiência agronômica de tecnologias de tratamento da ureia na cultura do algodão.

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    A cultura do algodão utiliza grande quantidade de fertilizantes nitrogenadas no processo produtivo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar tecnologias de tratamento da ureia para aumento da sua eficiência, no algodão. Avaliou-se o efeito de cinco fertilizantes nitrogenados em três doses, sob delineamento fatorial, além de um tratamento controle sem adubação nitrogenada, em duas safras no Mato Grosso, no rendimento de algodão em caroço, no número de maças, no peso de capulhos, na altura final e população de plantas. As doses de N avaliadas foram 0, 60, 90 e 120 kg ha-1, correspondentes à 0, 50, 75 e 100% da dose recomendada, respectivamente. Os parâmetros avaliados foram alterados positivamente pelas doses, mas não pelas tecnologias de tratamento da ureia, em ambas as safras. As tecnologias de tratamento para aumento da eficiência da ureia não permitem reduzir a dose de N recomendada, mas aumenta a eficiência agronômica na dose recomendada, em comparação com a ureia comum

    Multicomponent complex formation between vinpocetine, cyclodextrins, tartaric acid and water-soluble polymers monitored by NMR and solubility studies

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    This work deals with multicomponent complex formation of vinpocetine (VP) with [beta]-cyclodextrin ([beta]CD), sulfobutyl ether [beta]-cyclodextrin (SBE[beta]CD) and tartaric acid (TA), in the presence or absence of water-soluble polymers, in aqueous solution. Complexation was monitored by phase-solubility and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) studies. TA demonstrated a synergistic effect on VP solubility, and in the complexation efficiency of [beta]CD and SBE[beta]CD. Additionally, water-soluble polymers increased even more the complexation efficiency of the CDs that was reflected by a 2.1-2.5 increase on KC values for VP-CD-TA-polymer multicomponent complexes. SBE[beta]CD was more effective in VP solubilization, as KC values of VP-SBE[beta]CD-TA multicomponent complexes were notably higher than in corresponding [beta]CD complexes. The large chemical shift displacements from protons located in the interior of the hydrophobic CD cavities (i.e., H-3 and H-5) coupled with significant chemical shift displacements of VP aromatic protons suggested that this moiety was included in the cavity of both [beta]CD and SBE[beta]CD. Two-dimensional rotating frame nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY) experiments were carried out in order to obtain information about the multicomponent complex geometry in solution. Inspection of ROESY spectra allowed the establishment of spatial proximities between all aromatic protons of VP and the internal protons of the CDs, confirming that the aromatic moiety of VP is included in CD cavities being deeply inserted in SBE[beta]CD multicomponent complexes, since additional interactions with the sulfobutyl side chains were evidenced.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T25-4DT2KX7-1/1/a543ba03bff16fe4ef579956893c94b

    Phylogenetic relationships of Chanidae (Teleostei: Gonorynchiformes) as impacted by Dastilbe moraesi, from the Sanfranciscana basin, Early Cretaceous of Brazil

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    Fossil gonorynchiform fishes range from the Lower Cretaceous to the early Miocene, and are represented by a few dozen living species. The order is currently divided into two major clades: Gonorynchoidei, which includes the families Gonorynchidae and Kneriidae, and Chanoidei, encompassing a single family, Chanidae, with a single recent species, the Indo-Pacific Chanos chanos, and several fossil taxa. Chanidae includes some poorly known taxa, such as Dastilbe moraesi, described from the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) of the Areado Formation, Sanfranciscana basin, Brazil. This species is currently considered to be a junior synonym of the type species of its genus, Dastilbe crandalli, from Santana Formation, Aptian, northeastern Brazil. The analysis of abundant D. moraesi specimens revealed several new morphological features, many of which had previously been misinterpreted. Dastilbe moraesi was incorporated into a gonorynchiform character matrix as revised and modified for the Chanidae. We obtained a single most parsimonious tree in which D. moraesi is distinct and phylogenetically apart from D. crandalli. According our analysis, D. moraesi forms a sister pair with Chanos, a clade which is closely related to Tharrhias, all composing the tribe ChaniniGonorynchiformes fósseis ocorrem desde do Cretáceo inferior ao Mioceno inferior, e são representados por alguns representantes viventes. A ordem está dividida atualmente em dois clados principais: Gonorynchoidei, que inclui as famílias Gonorynchidae e Kneriidae, e Chanoidei, compreendendo uma única família, Chanidae, com uma única espécie vivente, Chanos chanos, do Indo-Pacífico, além de vários representantes fósseis. Chanidae inclui alguns táxons problemáticos, tais como Dastilbe moraesi, descrito do Aptiano (Cretáceo Inferior) da Formação Areado, bacia Sanfranciscana, Brasil. Esta espécie é atualmente considerada um sinônimo júnior da espécie-tipo de seu gênero, Dastilbe crandalli, da Formação Santana, Aptiano do nordeste do Brasil. A análise de abundante material de D. moraesi revelou várias novas características anatômicas, muitas das quais haviam sido previamente mal interpretadas. Dastilbe moraesi foi incorporado em uma matriz revisada de caracteres da família Chanidae. Nós obtivemos uma única árvore mais parcimoniosa na qual D. moraesi é distinto e filogeneticamente distante de D. crandalli. De acordo com nossa análise, D. moraesi é o grupo-irmão de Chanos, um clado intimamente relacionado a Tharrhias, com todos compondo a tribo ChaniniThis study was supported by CNPq (process # 401818/2010-1) and project CGL2013-42643P, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de Españ

    Effect of time and temperature on the profile of volatile compounds in beef processed by the Sous Vide method.

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    Sous vide is a term of French origin that means “under vacuum”. It is a cooking technique that preserves the integrity of food by heating it for long periods at relatively low temperatures [1]

    Pavimento flutuante com aglomerado de cortiça, de desempenho acústico optimizado

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    Este trabalho apresenta os resultados do desenvolvimento de pavimentos flutuantes com aglomerado de cortiça com o objectivo de melhorar o seu isolamento sonoro a ruídos de percussão. Foram realizados ensaios de percussão a 26 tipos de pavimentos em câmara reverberante da FEUP com o apoio da empresa SEDACOR. Os resultados mostraram que o melhor desempenho acústico é atingido com a combinação dos produtos 012, contraplacado e 51 PL/12 PL ou 012, MDF e 25 MS. Foi possível apurar que outros tipos de underlay podem melhorar substancialmente o isolamento sonoro nas médias-altas frequências. Fundamentada na comparação dos resultados, foi sugerida uma adaptação à actual normalização através da aplicação da curva de ponderação tipo A.This work presents the results of the development of agglomerated cork floating floors through the optimization of their acoustic performance, with the goal of improving sound insulation to structure borne noise. Percussion tests were performed in 26 floors in the reverberation room of FEUP, and with the support of the cork company SEDACOR. The results showed that the best acoustic performance is attained with the combination of the "012", "plywood" and "51 PL"/"12 PL" or "012", "MDF" and "25" products. It was found that other underlay shapes can substantially improve sound insulation in medium-high frequencies. For a better comparison of results an adaptation of the current standardization is suggested, through the use of the A-weighting curve

    Evaluation of structural intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal)

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    The Quartel das Esquadras is an 18th century infantry barrack located within the limits of the bulwarked fortress of Almeida, in Portugal. An ongoing adaptive reuse project of the building aims to recover its full capacity and also its importance to the fortified village of Almeida, by implementing a variety of new uses. While adaptive reuse projects of historical buildings are a very recommendable solution for maintaining those constructions whose use has become obsolete, these projects demand careful study because they may introduce changes in the structural behaviour of the buildings to preserve.The architectural intervention results in the need of the structure to withstand new and diverse imposed loads, as well as inserting passages and communication systems to enable a proper contemporary use of the building, fulfilling architectural requirements and current building codes. As the current configuration of the structure will be altered, the main objective of this paper is to evaluate the suitability of some of the proposed structural interventions. Such evaluation requires a good understanding of the current state of the structure and the alterations proposed by the project. The current condition has been characterized following a multidisciplinary approach comprising historical research, visual inspection, non-destructive testing and structural analysis. The alterations proposed by the project have been described, identifying possible sources of major structural problems. A portion of the building particularly affected by the alterations has been selected to carry out structural analysis. A comparative safety assessment of the selected area in both current and altered condition has been done through finite element modelling and nonlinear static analysis, resulting in an identification of the weaker points against the new implemented loads and alterations. Finally, proposals for the implementation of the studied intervention, as well as recommendations for future research and analyses, have been given.- (undefined