27 research outputs found

    Pontolinha, linhaponto, linhalinha, planoplano, pontoponto, linhaplano, planolinha, planoponto. matemática e arte e educação

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    Neste trabalho os autores se lançam a experimentações visuais com objetos e palavras operando com noções elementares de ponto, linha e plano produzindo um ensaio visual composto por uma série de fotografias. As imagens apresentam exercícios de produção de atrito entre matemática, arte e educação a partir de situações em que pequenos objetos dialogam com aquelas noções elementares. A produção visual é acompanhada de notas de leitura de Kandinsky, Euclides e Deleuze & Guattari, propondo um convite a outras possibilidades.

    Transcriptional activity, chromosomal distribution and expression effects of transposable elements in Coffea genomes

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    Plant genomes are massively invaded by transposable elements (TEs), many of which are located near host genes and can thus impact gene expression. In flowering plants, TE expression can be activated (de-repressed) under certain stressful conditions, both biotic and abiotic, as well as by genome stress caused by hybridization. In this study, we examined the effects of these stress agents on TE expression in two diploid species of coffee, Coffea canephora and C. eugenioides, and their allotetraploid hybrid C. arabica. We also explored the relationship of TE repression mechanisms to host gene regulation via the effects of exonized TE sequences. Similar to what has been seen for other plants, overall TE expression levels are low in Coffea plant cultivars, consistent with the existence of effective TE repression mechanisms. TE expression patterns are highly dynamic across the species and conditions assayed here are unrelated to their classification at the level of TE class or family. In contrast to previous results, cell culture conditions per se do not lead to the de-repression of TE expression in C. arabica. Results obtained here indicate that differing plant drought stress levels relate strongly to TE repression mechanisms. TEs tend to be expressed at significantly higher levels in non-irrigated samples for the drought tolerant cultivars but in drought sensitive cultivars the opposite pattern was shown with irrigated samples showing significantly higher TE expression. Thus, TE genome repression mechanisms may be finely tuned to the ideal growth and/or regulatory conditions of the specific plant cultivars in which they are active. Analysis of TE expression levels in cell culture conditions underscored the importance of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathways in the repression of Coffea TEs. These same NMD mechanisms can also regulate plant host gene expression via the repression of genes that bear exonized TE sequences. (Résumé d'auteur

    Práticas artísticas no ensino básico e secundário

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    A mediação entre os conteúdos culturais e a Educação Artística formal tem emergido como uma distinta área de inovação e de intervenção, como o mostram os 18 artigos selecionados nesta nona edição da revista Matéria-Prima.Entre a identidade, fundada nos focos de conhecimento local, e uma inserção integrada nos problemas e conteúdos globais joga-se a problematização da Educação Artística. As propostas articulam quer discursos curatoriais (museu, bienal, exposição), como ações de mediação visando uma expansão das atividades, a que se juntam as reflexões sobre a realidade da formação de professores, nas suas diversas modalidades, em diversas realidades sociais.Propiciam-se oportunidades de ações de intervenção, concertadas ou não, entre os agentes artísticos e os educadores. O resultado pode ser potenciado se se conseguir uma perspetiva informada e integrada das realidades artísticas: pede-se a todos os intervenientes mais integração e disponibilidade para um conhecimento mútuo consequente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications


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    This thesis deals with art as formative education as education is constituted as production process into art. Its elements, forms and themes derived from appropriations of texts, proposing interventions in its structure, causing displacement by changing the syntax and producing other senses. In this production the artist and teacher figures problematize and mingle melting into possibilities to experience intermediate places. The research appears precariously, its objects, images and words are fragments, remnants that make up an apparent blurring. Different methods produce different remains that indicate provisional relations speeches establishing art, education, teacher, artist., The connections of these intervals. There is no specific order, with a piped force to produce a single object. The paper proposes persistence in the multiplication of debris and intervals as research and reading, pointing to the need to continue exercising the complexity of meaning productions, maintaining its characteristic precariousness moving.Esta tese aborda a arte como processo formativo em educação enquanto a educação se constitui como processo de produção em arte. Seus elementos, formas e temas derivam de apropriações de textos, propondo intervenções em sua estrutura, provocando deslocamentos, alterando as sintaxes e produzindo outros sentidos. Nesta produção as figuras do artista e do professor se problematizam e se misturam fundindo-se em possiblidades de experimentar lugares intermediários. A pesquisa se apresenta de forma precária, seus objetos, imagens e falas são fragmentos, restos que compõem uma aparente indefinição. Diferentes processos produzem diferentes restos que indicam relações provisórias dos discursos que instituem arte, educação, professor, artista., nas conexões destes intervalos. Não há um fim especifico, com uma força canalizada para produzir um único objeto. O trabalho propõe persistência na multiplicação de restos e intervalos corno pesquisa e leitura, apontando para a necessidade de continuar exercitando a complexidade da produções de sentido, mantendo sua precariedade característica em movimento

    Evaluation of dairy cows intake behavior grazing Brachiaria brizantha fed different levels of concentrate at diet

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    The objective with this research was to evaluate the dairy cows intake behavior grazing Brachiaria brizantha submitted to different levels of concentrate supplementation in the diet. Used 16 lactating cows ½ Holstein x ½ Zebu, with an average of 80 ±10.14 days of lactation and body weight of 454.7 ± 54.51 kg. The animals were distributed in four treatments, using a 4x4 Latin square. The evaluation of behavior was done every ten minutes, during 24 hours on the 16th day of period. We used analysis of variance and regression probability of 0.05. The time spent grazing, ruminating and other activities, the numbers of grazing, ruminating, of bites per day and chews per cake, the grazing times, total power and total chewing, bit rate, time to swallow; time per bolus ruminated; chewing speed and power efficiency for NDF were not altered by increased levels of concentrate. The time of trough, the trough period, the bit size, the chews time for bolus, feeding efficiency for DM, NFC, and TDN and rumination efficiency linearly increased. Periods of rumination, deglutition bits, number of rumination chews per day, decreased linearly with increasing levels of concentrate. Significant quadratic effect of concentrate level on the number of periods in other activities and over time on other activities. Supplementation with 33.8% concentrate in the diet of cows grazing not promote changes in the activity of grazing, ruminating and other activities, but increases the time of trough. The increase in concentrate diet improves the efficiencies of feeding and ruminatio