132 research outputs found


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    Issues in teaching to the writing test : preparing students for the TOEFL(R); iBT independent writing task

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    Students in the Department of International Studies at Doshisha Women’s College are required to study overseas for one year at a college or university in an English-speaking country. For this reason, their first year is devoted to test preparation. Teaching such test preparation courses forces the instructors to face several issues related to "teaching to the test" such as effectiveness and the relationship to usual language teaching. These issues have been discussed in the literature to some extent but only a few studies address them in a specific context. This paper examines a course designed to prepare students for the independent writing task of the TOEFL iBT; it presents a detailed description of how the course is taught based on the reflections of four instructors, focusing on three issues related to teaching to the test: teaching writing as opposed to teaching to the prompt; the effect of the test rubric and the holistic scoring policy on teaching; and the use of textbooks. We conclude that teaching to the test is compatible with sound instructional practice.論文 (Article

    Impact of COVID-19 on immunocompromised populations during the Omicron era:insights from the observational population-based INFORM study

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    Background Immunocompromised individuals are not optimally protected by COVID-19 vaccines and potentially require additional preventive interventions to mitigate the risk of severe COVID-19. We aimed to characterise and describe the risk of severe COVID-19 across immunocompromised groups as the pandemic began to transition to an endemic phase. Methods COVID-19-related hospitalisations, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions, and deaths (01/01/2022-31/12/2022) were compared among different groups of immunocompromised individuals vs the general population, using a retrospective cohort design and electronic health data from a random 25% sample of the English population aged ≥12 years (Registration number: ISRCTN53375662). Findings Overall, immunocompromised individuals accounted for 3.9% of the study population, but 22% (4585/20,910) of COVID-19 hospitalisations, 28% (125/440) of COVID-19 ICU admissions, and 24% (1145/4810) of COVID-19 deaths in 2022. Restricting to those vaccinated with ≥3 doses of COVID-19 vaccine (∼84% of immunocompromised and 51% of the general population), all immunocompromised groups remained at increased risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes, with adjusted incidence rate ratios (aIRR) for hospitalisation ranging from 1.3 to 13.1. At highest risk for COVID-19 hospitalisation were individuals with: solid organ transplant (aIRR 13.1, 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 11.2–15.3), moderate to severe primary immunodeficiency (aIRR 9.7, 95% CI 6.3–14.9), stem cell transplant (aIRR 11.0, 95% CI 6.8–17.6), and recent treatment for haematological malignancy (aIRR 10.6, 95% CI 9.5–11.9). Results were similar for COVID-19 ICU admissions and deaths. Interpretation Immunocompromised individuals continue to be impacted disproportionately by COVID-19 and have an urgent need for additional preventive measures beyond current vaccination programmes. These data can help determine the immunocompromised groups for which targeted prevention strategies may have the highest impact. Funding This study was funded by AstraZeneca UK

    Transmission Dynamics of a Virus in a Stage-Structured Insect Population

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    Despite the blossoming interest in host-microparasite epidemiology, and in use of viruses in the biological control of insect pests, few empirical studies have attempted to quantify transmission and mortality rates under field conditions. We report a laboratory and field study in which the transmission parameter (u) and mortality rate (a) due to nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) are measured in different larval instars of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Laboratory studies of food consumption and virus susceptibility were used to produce crude estimates of relative transmission rates in successive instars. Increased in the rate of feeding outstrip increases in virus resistance with instar, so we predict that transmission rates should increase in older larvae (assuming rate of intake of virus to be proportional to rate of feeding). This prediction was tested in a field experiment in which a constant initial density of susceptible and infected (moribund) larvae were reared together on cabbage plants for 2-8 d. Estimates of the linear transmission parameter (u) did not differ between instars and gave a mean value of 2.16 x 10^-^1^2 for all instars and time points. Causes for the discrepancy between predictions based on laboratory data and field measurements are discussed. Differences were found between instars in the time from infection to death (?) (equivalent to 1/a, where @a is the rate of mortality due to viral infection). Second-instar larvae died more rapidly once infected than third instars, which, in turn, died more rapidly than fourth instars. The effect of host population stage structure on patterns of viral infection can be pronounced and if recognized, may significantly increase the accuracy and predictive value of models of host pathogen systems

    Determinants of durable humoral and T cell immunity in myeloma patients following COVID-19 vaccination

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    Objective: To describe determinants of persisting humoral and cellular immune response to the second COVID-19 vaccination among patients with myeloma. Methods: This is a prospective, observational study utilising the RUDYstudy.org platform. Participants reported their second and third COVID-19 vaccination dates. Myeloma patients had an Anti-S antibody level sample taken at least 21 days after their second vaccination and a repeat sample before their third vaccination. Results: 60 patients provided samples at least 3 weeks (median 57.5 days) after their second vaccination and before their third vaccination (median 176.0 days after second vaccine dose). Low Anti-S antibody levels (<50 IU/mL) doubled during this interval (p = .023) and, in the 47 participants with T-spot data, there was a 25% increase negative T-spot tests (p = .008). Low anti–S antibody levels prior to the third vaccination were predicted by lower Anti-S antibody level and negative T-spot status after the second vaccine. Independent determinants of a negative T-spot included increasing age, previous COVID infection, high CD4 count and lower percentage change in Anti-S antibody levels. Conclusions: Negative T-spot results predict low Anti-S antibody levels (<50 IU/mL) following a second COVID-19 vaccination and a number of biomarkers predict T cell responses in myeloma patients

    AZD1222 effectiveness against severe COVID-19 in individuals with comorbidity or frailty: the RAVEN cohort study

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    Objectives Despite being prioritized during initial COVID-19 vaccine rollout, vulnerable individuals at high risk of severe COVID-19 (hospitalization, intensive care unit admission, or death) remain underrepresented in vaccine effectiveness (VE) studies. The RAVEN cohort study (NCT05047822) assessed AZD1222 (ChAdOx1 nCov-19) two-dose primary series VE in vulnerable populations. Methods Using the Oxford-Royal College of General Practitioners Clinical Informatics Digital Hub, linked to secondary care, death registration, and COVID-19 datasets in England, COVID-19 outcomes in 2021 were compared in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals matched on age, sex, region, and multimorbidity. Results Over 4.5 million AZD1222 recipients were matched (mean follow-up ∼5 months); 68% were ≥50 years, 57% had high multimorbidity. Overall, high VE against severe COVID-19 was demonstrated, with lower VE observed in vulnerable populations. VE against hospitalization was higher in the lowest multimorbidity quartile (91.1%; 95% CI: 90.1, 92.0) than the highest quartile (80.4%; 79.7, 81.1), and among individuals ≥65 years, higher in the ‘fit’ (86.2%; 84.5, 87.6) than the frailest (71.8%; 69.3, 74.2). VE against hospitalization was lowest in immunosuppressed individuals (64.6%; 60.7, 68.1). Conclusions Based on integrated and comprehensive UK health data, overall population-level VE with AZD1222 was high. VEs were notably lower in vulnerable groups, particularly the immunosuppressed

    The diagnosis and management of systemic autoimmune rheumatic disease-related interstitial lung disease: British Society for Rheumatology guideline scope

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a significant complication of many systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases (SARDs), although the clinical presentation, severity and outlook may vary widely between individuals. Despite the prevalence, there are no specific guidelines addressing the issue of screening, diagnosis and management of ILD across this diverse group. Guidelines from the ACR and EULAR are expected, but there is a need for UK-specific guidelines that consider the framework of the UK National Health Service, local licensing and funding strategies. This article outlines the intended scope for the British Society for Rheumatology guideline on the diagnosis and management of SARD-ILD developed by the guideline working group. It specifically identifies the SARDs for consideration, alongside the overarching principles for which systematic review will be conducted. Expert consensus will be produced based on the most up-to-date available evidence for inclusion within the final guideline. Key issues to be addressed include recommendations for screening of ILD, identifying the methodology and frequency of monitoring and pharmacological and non-pharmacological management. The guideline will be developed according to methods and processes outlined in Creating Clinical Guidelines: British Society for Rheumatology Protocol version 5.1.</p

    The Cause of ‘Weak-Link’ Grain Boundary Behaviour in Polycrystalline Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 Superconductors

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    The detrimental effects of grain boundaries have long been considered responsible for the low critical current densities (J_c) in high temperature superconductors. In this paper, we apply the quantitative approach used to identify the cause of the 'weak-link' grain boundary behaviour in YBa2Cu3O7 [1], to the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 and Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 materials that we have fabricated. Magnetic and transport measurements are used to characterise the grain and grain boundary properties of micro- and nanocrystalline material. Magnetisation measurements on all nanocrystalline materials show non-Bean-like behaviour and are consistent with surface pinning. Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8: Our microcrystalline material has very low grain boundary resistivity (ρ_GB), which is similar to that of the grains (ρ_G) such that ρ_GB≈ρ_G=2×〖10〗^(-5) Ωm (assuming a grain boundary thickness (d) of 1 nm) equivalent to an areal resistivity of ρ_G=2×〖10〗^(-14) Ωm^2. The transport J_c values are consistent with well-connected grains and very weak grain boundary pinning. However, unlike low temperature superconductors in which decreasing grain size increases the pinning along the grain boundary channels, any increase in pinning produced by making the grains in our Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 materials nanocrystalline was completely offset by a decrease in the depairing current density of the grain boundaries caused by their high resistivity. We suggest a different approach to increasing J_c from that used in LTS materials, namely incorporating additional strong grain and grain boundary pinning sites in microcrystalline materials to produce high J_c values. Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10: Both our micro- and nanocrystalline samples have ρ_GB/ρ_G of at least 10^3. This causes strong suppression of J_c across the grain boundaries, which explains the low transport J_c values we find experimentally. Our calculations show that low J_c in untextured polycrystalline Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 material is to be expected and the significant effort in the community in texturing samples and removing grain boundaries altogether is well-founded

    Age and geochemistry of the Charlestown Group, Ireland:Implications for the Grampian orogeny, its mineral potential and the Ordovician timescale

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    Accurately reconstructing the growth of continental margins during episodes of ocean closure has important implications for understanding the formation, preservation and location of mineral deposits in ancient orogens. The Charlestown Group of county Mayo, Ireland, forms an important yet understudied link in the Caledonian-Appalachian orogenic belt located between the well documented sectors of western Ireland and Northern Ireland. We have reassessed its role in the Ordovician Grampian orogeny, based on new fieldwork, high-resolution airborne geophysics, graptolite biostratigraphy, U–Pb zircon dating, whole rock geochemistry, and an examination of historic drillcore from across the volcanic inlier. The Charlestown Group can be divided into three formations: Horan, Carracastle, and Tawnyinah. The Horan Formation comprises a mixed sequence of tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalt, crystal tuff and sedimentary rocks (e.g. black shale, chert), forming within an evolving peri-Laurentian affinity island arc. The presence of graptolites Pseudisograptus of the manubriatus group and the discovery of Exigraptus uniformis and Skiagraptus gnomonicus favour a latest Dapingian (i.e. Yapeenian Ya 2/late Arenig) age for the Horan Formation (equivalent to c. 471.2–470.5 Ma according to the timescale of Sadler et al., 2009). Together with three new U–Pb zircon ages of 471.95–470.82 Ma from enclosing felsic tuffs and volcanic breccias, this fauna provides an important new constraint for calibrating the Middle Ordovician timescale. Overlying deposits of the Carracastle and Tawnyinah formations are dominated by LILE- and LREE-enriched calc-alkaline andesitic tuffs and flows, coarse volcanic breccias and quartz-feldspar porphyritic intrusive rocks, overlain by more silicic tuffs and volcanic breccias with rare occurrences of sedimentary rocks. The relatively young age for the Charlestown Group in the Grampian orogeny, coupled with high Th/Yb and zircon inheritance (c. 2.7 Ga) in intrusive rocks indicate that the arc was founded upon continental crust (either composite Laurentian margin or microcontinental block). Regional correlation is best fitted to an association with the post-subduction flip volcanic/intrusive rocks of the Irish Caledonides, specifically the late-stage development of the Tyrone Igneous Complex, intrusive rocks of Connemara (western Ireland) and the Slishwood Division (Co. Sligo). Examination of breccia textures and mineralization across the volcanic inlier questions the previous porphyry hypothesis for the genesis of the Charlestown Cu deposit, which are more consistent with a volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposit.</p