11 research outputs found

    Konstruiranje vidljivosti: fotografija Esther Born izvan arhiva

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    Esther Baum Born was an American photographer who worked in both the United States and Mexico. Beginning in the 1920s, she exhibited her work regularly in New York galleries and saw her photographs published in a broad spectrum of architectural journals. Born’s book, The New Architecture in Mexico (1937), stands as an undisputed monument to her creative insights and a respected source for cutting-edge ideas about modern building. Less well known to the scholarly community are the sensitive portraits that Born took of her own artistic milieu: Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, and Frank Lloyd Wright, to name only a few, appeared before her camera. The author argues that these images represent an area for future research. In any event, Born’s creative flourishing was largely eclipsed once she joined the highly successful architectural practice of her husband, Ernest Born. She gave up photography entirely in the 1940s to support his work. The legacy of both Borns remains fairly well-known to students of Bay Area architecture, who have admired their contributions to public transportation (designing train stations), urban renewal (developing master planning documents), and book design (such as the Plan of St. Gall, co-authored with art historian, Walter Horn). Much of the couple’s joint career is documented in established archives throughout the United States and Canada, although it needs to be said that Ernest Born is typically given top billing for the work. Esther Born’s early efforts as a photographer sit in these archives, too. A full assessment of her legacy as a photographer waits to be written. This paper attempts to give greater visibility to her ambitions as well as to the lasting consequence of her work’s placement within the many archival situations where it can be found today.Esther Baum Born bila je američka fotografkinja koja je radila u Sjedinjenim DrĆŸavama i Meksiku. PočevĆĄi od 1920-ih, redovito je izlagala svoje radove u njujorĆĄkim galerijama i objavljivala fotografije u ĆĄirokom spektru arhitektonskih časopisa. Njezina knjiga The New Architecture in Mexico [Nova arhitektura u Meksiku] (1937.) stoji kao neosporan spomenik njezinim kreativnim uvidima i predstavlja vrijedan izvor najsuvremenijih ideja o modernoj gradnji. Ono ĆĄto je znanstvenoj zajednici manje poznato jesu tankoćutni portreti koje je Born snimala u vlastitom umjetničkom miljeu: pred njezinim fotoaparatom pojavljivali su se Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera i Frank Lloyd Wright, da spomenemo samo neke. Autor smatra da te fotografije predstavljaju građu za buduća istraĆŸivanja. U svakom slučaju, kreativni procvat Esther Born uvelike je zasjenjen nakon ĆĄto se pridruĆŸila vrlo uspjeĆĄnoj arhitektonskoj praksi svoga supruga Ernesta Borna. Kako bi podrĆŸala njegov rad, 1940-tih se potpuno odrekla fotografije. Nasljeđe oboje Bornovih joĆĄ je uvijek prilično dobro poznato studentima arhitekture područja Bay Area, koji se mogu diviti njihovom doprinosu javnom prijevozu (projektiranje ĆŸeljezničkih postaja), urbanoj obnovi (razvoj glavnih planskih dokumenata) i dizajnu knjiga (kao ĆĄto je Plan of St. Gall [Plan St. Gallena], nastao u koautorstvu s povjesničarem umjetnosti Walterom Hornom). Velik dio zajedničke karijere bračnog para Born dokumentiran je u zasnovanim arhivima diljem Sjedinjenih DrĆŸava i Kanade, iako treba reći da se najveće zasluge za taj rad obično pripisuju Ernestu Bornu. Rani radovi Esther Born iz područja fotografije također se nalaze u tim arhivima, ali na punu procjenu njezine ostavĆĄtine kao fotografkinje tek se čeka. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokuĆĄaj povećanja vidljivosti njezinih ambicija kao i dugotrajnih posljedica pozicioniranja njezinoga rada u mnogim arhivima u kojima se danas nalazi

    Independent evolution of the core and accessory gene sets in the genus Neisseria: insights gained from the genome of Neisseria lactamica isolate 020-06

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genus <it>Neisseria </it>contains two important yet very different pathogens, <it>N. meningitidis </it>and <it>N. gonorrhoeae</it>, in addition to non-pathogenic species, of which <it>N. lactamica </it>is the best characterized. Genomic comparisons of these three bacteria will provide insights into the mechanisms and evolution of pathogenesis in this group of organisms, which are applicable to understanding these processes more generally.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Non-pathogenic <it>N. lactamica </it>exhibits very similar population structure and levels of diversity to the meningococcus, whilst gonococci are essentially recent descendents of a single clone. All three species share a common core gene set estimated to comprise around 1190 CDSs, corresponding to about 60% of the genome. However, some of the nucleotide sequence diversity within this core genome is particular to each group, indicating that cross-species recombination is rare in this shared core gene set. Other than the meningococcal <it>cps </it>region, which encodes the polysaccharide capsule, relatively few members of the large accessory gene pool are exclusive to one species group, and cross-species recombination within this accessory genome is frequent.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The three <it>Neisseria </it>species groups represent coherent biological and genetic groupings which appear to be maintained by low rates of inter-species horizontal genetic exchange within the core genome. There is extensive evidence for exchange among positively selected genes and the accessory genome and some evidence of hitch-hiking of housekeeping genes with other loci. It is not possible to define a 'pathogenome' for this group of organisms and the disease causing phenotypes are therefore likely to be complex, polygenic, and different among the various disease-associated phenotypes observed.</p

    A Processual Operational Framework for Implementation of Strategies and Policies: An Iterative Grounded Approach

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    Quark and gluon jet properties in symmetric three jet events

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    Quark and gluon jets with the same energy, 24 GeV, are compared in symmetric three-jet configurations from hadronic Z decays observed by the ALEPH detector. Jets are defined using the Durham algorithm. Gluon jets are identified using an anti-tag on b jets, based on a track impact parameter method. The comparison of gluon and mixed flavour quark jets shows that gluon jets have a softer fragmentation function, a larger angular width and a higher particle multiplicity, Evidence is presented which shows that the corresponding differences between gluon and b jets are significantly smaller. In a statistically limited comparison the multiplicity in c jets was found to be comparable with that observed for the jets of mixed quark flavour

    Measurement of charge asymmetry in hadronic Z decays

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    A significant charge asymmetry is observed in the hadronic Z decays with the ALEPH detector at LEP. The asymmetry expressed in terms of the difference in momentum weighted charges in the two event hemispheres is measured to be −= −0.0084±0.0015 (stat.) ±0.0004 (exp. sys.). In the framework of the standard model this can be interpreted as a measurement of the effective electroweak mixing angle, sin2Ow (Mz2=0.2300±0.0034 (stat.) ±0.0010 (exp. sys.) ±0.0038 (theor. sys.) or of the ratio of the vector to axual- vector coupling costants of the electron, gvegAe=+0.073±0.024

    Study of the muon pair production at center-of-mass energies from 20-GeV to 136-GeV with the ALEPH detector

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    The total cross section and the forward-backward asymmetry for the process e+e− → ÎŒ+Ό−(nÎł) are measured in the energy range 20–136 GeV by reconstructing the effective centre-of-mass energy after initial state radiation. The analysis is based on the data recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP between 1990 and 1995, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 143.5 pb−1. Two different approaches are used: in the first one an exclusive selection of events with hard initial state radiation in the energy range 20–88 GeV is directly compared with the Standard Model predictions showing good agreement. In the second one, all events are used to obtain a precise measurement of the energy dependence of σ0 and AFB0 from a model independent fit, enabling constraints to be placed on models with extra Z bosons

    Caos: a criação de uma nova ciĂȘncia? as aplicaçÔes e implicaçÔes da Teoria do Caos na administração de empresas

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    List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2018

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