60 research outputs found

    L’enseignement philosophique Ă  la FacultĂ© des arts de l’UniversitĂ© de Paris en la premiĂšre moitiĂ© du XIIIe siĂšcle dans le miroir des textes didascaliques

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    Sans nĂ©gliger les autres documents pertinents dans un tour d’horizon final et comparatif, cette Ă©tude s’efforce de dĂ©peindre l’enseignement universitaire de la philosophie tel qu’il se reflĂšte dans le miroir des textes didascaliques artiens de Paris jusqu’au mitan du xiiie siĂšcle, tout en fournissant en annexe un premier rĂ©pertoire, encore partiel, de ce corpus, avec ses Ă©ditions et ses traductions. MalgrĂ© son caractĂšre gĂ©nĂ©ralement pratique et institutionnel, certains de ses Ă©lĂ©ments thĂ©oriques — comme la mise en relief de la liaison intime, trame sapientielle de ces Ă©crits de maĂźtres Ăšs arts, entre thĂ©ologie cosmique et Ă©thique philosophique — permettent d’espĂ©rer que cet article apporte une vĂ©ritable contribution Ă  l’Histoire de la philosophie.Without neglecting the other relevant documents in a final comparative survey, this study tries to depict the university teaching of philosophy as reflected in the mirror of the Parisian didascalical texts of the Arts Faculty during the first half of the thirteenth century, while giving in appendix a first repertory, still partial, of this corpus, with its editions and translations. Notwithstanding its generally practical and institutional character, some of its theoretical elements — such as the highlighting of the close relationship between cosmical theology and ethical philosophy, a sapiential thread in those arts masters writings — it is hoped that this article may prove a genuine contribution to the History of philosophy

    Double abstraction et séparation dans les Communia logice (mitan du XIIIe siÚcle) : complément aux parallÚles artiens de la doctrine thomasienne

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    La premiĂšre Ă©dition, accompagnĂ©e d’une traduction française annotĂ©e, du tĂ©moignage des Communia logice sur l’abstraction, en fait la double abstraction, et la sĂ©paration — un thĂšme philosophique dans la mouvance de MĂ©taphysique, E, 1 notoirement prĂ©sent, on l’a vu, Ă  la mĂȘme Ă©poque chez Thomas d’Aquin (Super Boetium « De Trinitate », autour de 1257-1259) — est ici prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e d’une Ă©tude d’histoire littĂ©raire et doctrinale de cette compilation exĂ©gĂ©tique de questions sur la logique contenue dans un manuscrit (aujourd’hui : Paris, BibliothĂšque nationale de France, fonds latin 16617) ayant appartenu Ă  Pierre de Limoges, maĂźtre Ă  la FacultĂ© des arts de l’UniversitĂ© de Paris au plus tard en 1260-1261 et peut-ĂȘtre responsable de l’insertion inattendue ainsi que de la structuration par amalgame dudit tĂ©moignage, en forme de dĂ©bat sur le sujet des sciences mathĂ©matiques, dans le commentaire sur le prĂ©dicament de la quantitĂ© dans les CatĂ©gories.The first edition, with an annotated French translation, of the Communia logice’s testimony on abstraction, actually double abstraction, and separation — a philosophical topic relating to Metaphysics, E, 1 notably present, as we have seen, at the same period in Thomas Aquinas (Super Boetium “De Trinitate”, about 1257-1259) — is preceded here by a study of literary and doctrinal history of this exegetic compilation of questions on logic preserved in a manuscript (today : Paris, BnF, lat. 16617) owned by Peter of Limoges, master at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Paris at the latest in 1260-1261 and perhaps responsible for the unexpected insertion as well as the amalgamated structure of the aforesaid testimony, in the form of a dialectical debate on the subject of mathematical sciences, in the commentary on the predicament of quantity in the Categories

    Abstraction et sĂ©paration : de Thomas d’Aquin aux nĂ©o-scolastiques, avec retour Ă  Aristote et aux artiens

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    Cet article se penche sur la doctrine de l’abstraction chez les nĂ©o-scolastiques et ses sources immĂ©diates (Cajetan, Jean de Saint-Thomas) pour en Ă©valuer la fidĂ©litĂ© par rapport Ă  ses sources ultimes (Aristote et Thomas d’Aquin), avec insistance — terminologique et conceptuelle — sur la distinction thomasienne entre abstraction et sĂ©paration (formulĂ©e, autour de 1257-1259, dans le commentaire SuperBoetium« DeTrinitate »), une distinction aussi prĂ©sente dans des textes de maĂźtres Ăšs arts de l’UniversitĂ© de Paris contemporains ou mĂȘme antĂ©rieurs, une distinction capitale — est-il rappelĂ© en conclusion — par laquelle l’Aquinate limite Ă©pistĂ©mologiquement la portĂ©e de la thĂ©ologie philosophique. On prĂ©pare ainsi l’étude du tĂ©moignage jusqu’ici inĂ©dit des Communia logice (vers 1250) sur ce thĂšme de l’abstraction et de la sĂ©paration.This article deals with the doctrine of abstraction among neo-scholastics and their immediate sources (Cajetan, John of St. Thomas), with a view to gage how faithful to its primary sources (Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas) it is, insisting — terminologically and conceptually — on Aquinas’ distinction between abstraction and separation (formulated, around 1257-1259, in the commentary Super Boetium “De Trinitate”), a distinction also found in some contemporary or even former texts of Arts Masters of the University of Paris, a key distinction to boot — as is pointed out in the conclusion — by means of which Aquinas limits, epistemologically speaking, the scope of philosophical theology. This paves the way to the study of the hitherto unedited testimony of the Communia logice (circa 1250) concerning this question of abstraction and separation

    Porphyre et les universaux dans les Communia logice du ms. Paris, BnF, lat. 16617

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    Cet article offre la premiĂšre Ă©dition du dĂ©but des Communia logice (et grammatice), une substantielle compilation didascalique issue de la FacultĂ© des arts de l’UniversitĂ© de Paris au milieu du xiiie siĂšcle et contenue dans un manuscrit lĂ©guĂ© par maĂźtre Pierre de Limoges († 1306) Ă  l’ancienne bibliothĂšque de la Sorbonne. AprĂšs une prĂ©sentation gĂ©nĂ©rale (section I) et avant des prĂ©cisions sur la Ratio edendi (section III), l’étude doctrinale (section II) qui prĂ©cĂšde cette Ă©dition (section IV) montre comment l’auteur-compilateur des Communia logice rĂ©pond — en le reformulant — au cĂ©lĂšbre questionnaire porphyrien relatif aux universaux.This article offers the first edition of the beginning of the Communia logice (et grammatice), a substantial didascalical compilation emanating from the Arts faculty of the University of Paris during the first half of the thirteenth century and preserved in a manuscript bequeathed by master Peter of Limoges († 1306) to the old library of the Sorbonne. After a general presentation (section I) and before some clarifications on the Ratio edendi (section III), the doctrinal study (section II) which precedes this edition (section IV) shows how the author-compiler of the Communia logice answers — while reformulating it — to the well known porphyrian set of questions about the universals

    La tercera significación de los términos universales en la 'Logica Ingredientibus: super Porphyrum' de Abelardo

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    This article insists on the correct interpretation of the phrase “tertia nominum significatio”, namely “third signification of the names”, in Abelard’s Logica “Ingredientibus”: Super Porphyrium (= LISPor), § 60. To do so in context, an analysis of LlSPor, § 45-60 shows that for Abelard the universal names (nomina universalia) have three significations: 1. The realities (they nominate); 2. The intellections (they constitute); 3. The conceived common forms (at which these intellections, as intentional actions of the soul, are directed).Este artĂ­culo insiste sobre la correcta interpretaciĂłn de la frase “tertia nominum significatio”, es decir “third signification of the names”, en la  Logica “Ingredientibus”: Super Porphyrium (= LISPor), § 60 de Abelardo. Para hacerlo en contexto, un anĂĄlisis de LlSPor, § 45-60 muestra que para Abelardo los nombres universales (nomina universalia) tienen tres significados: 1. Las realidades (que ellos nombran); 2. Las intelecciones (que ellos constituyen); 3. Las formas comunes concebidas (a las cuales se dirigen estas intelecciones como acciones intencionales del alma)

    Factors influencing the provision of end-of-life care for adolescents and young adults with advanced cancer: a scoping review

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    Background There is international recognition that cancer in young people is on the rise and that improvements in outcomes for young people lag well behind advances achieved for both children and older adults over the past 30 years. Cancer is the third leading cause of death in adolescents and young adults; however, little is known about how the end of life unfolds for those who die of the progressive disease. Objective This scoping review sought to locate and describe literature relating to end of life care for adolescents and young adults with cancer

    Factors influencing the provision of End of Life care for adolescents and young adults with advanced cancer: a scoping review protocol

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    The objective of this review is to locate and describe literature relating to EoL care provision to adolescents and young adults with cancer. The specific areas of investigation will include: - Care service provision in adolescents and young adults with cancer during the EoL phase of care - Experiences and perceptions of adolescents and young adults with cancer during the EoL phase of care - Experience and perceptions of the health professionals and family members involved in their care. - Practices/intervention

    The ethics of ‘Trials within Cohorts’ (TwiCs): 2nd international symposium - London, UK. 7-8 November 2016

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    On 7-8 th November 2016, 60 people with an interest in the ‘ Trials within Cohorts ’ (TwiCs) approach for randomised controlled trial design met in London. The purpose of this 2 nd TwiCs international symposium was to share perspectives and experiences on ethical aspects of the TwiCs design, discuss how TwiCs relate to the current ethical frame- work, provide a forum in which to discuss and debate ethical issues and identify future directions for conceptual and empirical research. The symposium was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber and organised by members of the TwiCs network led by Clare Relton and attended by people from the UK, the Netherlands, Norway, Canada and USA. The two-day sympo- sium enabled an international group to meet and share experiences of the TwiCs design (also known as the ‘ cohort multiple RCT design ’ ), and to discuss plans for future research. Over the two days, invited plenary talks were interspersed by discussions, posters and mini pre- sentations from bioethicists, triallists and health research regulators. Key findings of the symposium were: (1) It is possible to make a compelling case to ethics committees that TwiCs designs are ap- propriate and ethical; (2) The importance of wider considerations around the ethics of inefficient trial designs; and (3) some questions about the ethical requirements for content and timing of informed consent for a study using the TwiCs design need to be decided on a case-by-case basis

    Communiquer !

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    L'enjeu de la communication en direction des élus, des décideurs, mais aussi des journalistes, est devenu vital pour les bibliothÚques : il s'agit de donner à voir aux tutelles leurs activités, de rendre intelligible leur stratégie de développement, de construire une image institutionnelle forte. De quels moyens dispose la bibliothÚque pour faire la preuve du bienfondé de son existence ? Comment communiquer en direction d'un élu municipal ou régional, d'un responsable politique de la bibliothÚque ? Que peut apporter une bonne collaboration avec des journalistes, avec les partenaires naturels ou hiérarchiques au sein de l'université ou de la collectivité territoriale ? Comment utiliser à bon escient les méthodes du lobbying et du marketing, ou l'emploi des réseaux sociaux ? Voilà quelques-unes des questions abordées ici. Une quinzaine d'auteurs d'horizons divers (des sociologues, des enseignants, des journalistes, des bibliothécaires, des responsables de communication
) nous font part de leurs propres expériences, donnent des conseils méthodologiques et des outils fort utiles, en proposant de nombreux exemples et des mises en situation. Auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dans le domaine de la documentation et des sciences de l'information, Jean-Philippe Accart est actuellement directeur des bibliothÚques de la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de GenÚve
