259 research outputs found

    Filled-in document image identification using landmarks

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    A technique is proposed to classify documents based on landmarks, with a reject option.Carrión Robles, D. (2011). Filled-in document image identification using landmarks. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15836Archivo delegad

    Estado del arte modelo óptimo de operación posterior a ataques intencionales considerando conmutación de los sistemas de transmisión

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    La presente investigación está enfocada en la operación óptima posterior a ataques intencionales considerando conmutación de los sistemas de transmisión. Los modelos aplicables para este proceso se enfocan en la aplicación de métodos de optimización binivel que son capaces de analizar dos posibles escenarios con el fin de disminuir el tiempo de pérdida o salida de la demanda del sistema eléctrico. El principal objetivo de este trabajo está relacionado en mantener los requerimientos mínimos que permitan la operación del Sistema Eléctrico de Potencia para esto se realizará el planteamiento de ecuaciones que permita establecer los modelos matemáticos ante ataques intencionales el mismo deberá mantener el funcionamiento del Sistema Eléctrico y reaccionar ante contingencias a través de la Conmutación Óptima de Líneas de Transmisión.This research focuses on optimal post-intentional attack operation considering switching transmission systems. The applicable models for this process focus on the application of bi-level optimization methods that are capable of analyzing two possible scenarios in order to reduce the time of loss or departure from the demand of the electricity system. The main objective of this work is related to maintaining the minimum requirements that allow the operation of the Electric Power System, for this the approach of equations will be carried out that allows establishing the mathematical models in the event of intentional attacks, it must maintain the operation of the Electric System and react in the event of contingencies through the Optimal Switching of Transmission Lines

    Exploration of TPUs for AI Applications

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    Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) are specialized hardware accelerators for deep learning developed by Google. This paper explores the performance of TPU with a focus on AI and its implementation in edge computing. It first provides an overview of TPUs, specifically their design in relation to neural networks, their general architecture, compilation techniques and supporting frameworks. Furthermore, we provide a comparative analysis of Cloud and Edge TPU performance against other counterpart chip architectures. It is then discussed how TPUs can be used to speed up AI workloads. The results show that TPUs can provide significant performance improvements both in cloud and edge computing. Additionally, we address the need for further research for the deployment of more architectures in the Edge TPU, as well as the need for the development of more robust comparisons in edge computing.Comment: Research done by the Robotics & AI Club at IE Universit

    Análisis bibliométrico de la planeación de expansión de los Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia

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    This article presents a bibliometric analysis on the planning of the expansion of electric power systems, a topic of great importance due to the continuous growth of electricity demand. For this reason, electrical power systems must be designed and built to foresee future expansions through the entry of new generation plants, transmission lines and compensating equipment. For the development of this research, keywords that will help find articles on the same subject in Scopus and Web of Science databases will be taken into account. This information will then be organized according to the countries, authors, number of citations and organizations to make a comparison of the information obtained through VOSviewer to inquire about acceptance criteria. By having the selected articles, the matrix of the State of the Art is made which will provide information on formulation, restriction, proposal and solution to the problem.Este artículo presenta un análisis bibliométrico sobre la planeación de la expansión de los sistemas eléctricos de potencia, tema de gran importancia debido al continuo crecimiento de la demanda eléctrica. Por tal motivo, los sistemas eléctricos de potencia deben ser diseñados y construidos para prever futuras expansiones mediante el ingreso de nuevas centrales de generación, líneas de transmisión y equipos compensadores. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación se considerará las palabras claves que permitirán encontrar artículos de la misma temática en bases de datos Scopus y Web of Science. Después se organizará esta información de acuerdo con los países, autores, número de citas y organizaciones para realizar una comparación de la información obtenida mediante VOSviewer para indagar criterios de aceptación. Al contar con los artículos seleccionados se realiza la matriz del Estado del Arte que brindará información sobre formulación, restricción, propuesta y solución al problema

    Modelling Complex Dynamics and Distributed Generation of Knowledge with Bacterial-Based Algorithms

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    This study aimed to test that connected and heterogeneous societies with peer-to-peer (P2P) exchanges are more resilient than centralized and homogeneous ones. In agent-based modeling, agents with bounded rationality interact in a common environment guided by local rules, leading to Complex Adaptive Systems that are named 'artificial societies'. These simplified models of human societies grow from the bottom up in computational environments and can be used as a laboratory to test some hypotheses. We have demonstrated that in a model based on free interactions among autonomous agents, optimal results emerge by incrementing diversity and decentralization of communication structures, as much as in real societies Internet is leading to the emergence of improvements in collective intelligence. In order to achieve a real “Knowledge Society”, what we have named a “P2P Society”, it is necessary to increase decentralization and heterogeneity through information policies, distributed communication networks, open e-learning approaches and initiatives like public domain licenses, free software and open data

    Biological Peer-to-Peer Networks: From Bacterial Communication to the Development of Synthetic Distributed Systems

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    Poster presented at the ESC-EBSCO Conference: Biology of plastids: Towards a blueprint for synthetic organelles which took place in 2014 June 21-23, in Pultusk (POLAND). The Web Site of the event: http://bioplastids.esf.org/This communication was supported by a European Science Foundation gran

    Decentralization and heterogeneity in complex adaptative systems

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    Following a bacterial-based modeling approach, the authors want to model and analyze the impact of both decentralization and heterogeneity on group behavior and collective learning. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Inspired by bacterial conjugation, the authors have defined an artificial society in which agents’ strategies adapt to changes in resources location, allowing migration, and survival in a dynamic sugarscape-like scenario. To study the impact of these variables the authors have simulated a scenario in which resources are limited and localized. The authors also have defined three constraints in genetic information processing (inhibition of plasmid conjugation, inhibition of plasmid reproduction and inhibition of plasmid mutation). The results affirmed the hypothesis that efficiency of group adaptation to dynamic environments is better when societies are varied and distributed than when they are homogeneous and centralized.The authors have demonstrated that in a model based on free interactions among autonomous agents, optimal results emerge by incrementing heterogeneity levels and decentralization of communication structures, leading to a global adaptation of the system. This organic approach to model peer-to-peer dynamics in complex adaptive systems (CAS) is what the authors have named “bacterial-based algorithms” because agents exchange strategic information in the same way that bacteria use conjugation and share genome

    P2P Societies: The impact of Decentralization and Heterogeneity in Complex Systems

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    Poster presented at the 16th WOSC Congress: Our Self-organising World: from Disruption to Reparation which took place in 2014, 15-17 October, in Ibagué (COLOMBIA). The Web Site of the event: http://wosc-congress.unibague.edu.co

    Alternative Under Frecuency Load Disconection Methodology Based on Semi-Adaptative Model

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    Stability analysis in electrical power systems is based on the study in dynamic state of the voltage and frequency, since at the moment that there is some contingency it fluctuates drastically due to the primary and secondary controls of the voltage and frequency to the power systems that act on the generators. In order to solve the possible stability problems that may arise in power systems, various techniques have been developed that act on the generating machines for their protection as well as on the loads for the power cut. The present investigation proposes an alternative methodology for load disconnection by low frequency as an option to save the power system from a possible blackout due to instability due to a fall in the frequency, managing to improve the results affected by other improved techniques, the frequency change range, frequency deviation and the effects of demand disconnection. The proposed methodology was tested in the IEEE 14 bus system

    ¿Y si no ejercen su derecho de adquisición preferente, podemos vender? La importancia de reglas claras para el ejercicio de este derecho

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    The following article addresses the topic of Right of First Refusal, the reasons for its existence and regulation, also it will analyze theregulations adopted in the Peruvian legal system, the civil perspective of the exercise of this right, finally concluding with the challengesfaced in reality. The author will propose recommendations onto many of the outlined issues, albeit there not being a simple solution and, each challenge should be analyzed on a case-by-case basis as the best way to reduce or eliminate said problems.DOI: 10.26439/advocatus2018.n036.4735 Este artículo hablará sobre el derecho de adquisición preferente, las razones de su existencia y regulación, la forma como está regulado en nuestro sistema jurídico, la perspectiva civil del ejercicio de este derecho, para finalmente aterrizar en la problemática que podríamos enfrentar en una situación real. El autor propondrá una serie de recomendaciones para muchos de los problemas delineados, aunque no tienen una solución fácil y se deberá ver, caso por caso, la mejor manera de reducir o eliminar la aparición de esos problemas