214 research outputs found

    Opportunities for Lean Thinking in Aircraft Flight Testing & Evaluation

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    LAI Joint Workshop “Value Creation Through Integration

    La exclusión, un tema transversal, un reto para todos

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    La exclusión, un tema transversal, un reto para todo

    Opportunities for lean thinking in aircraft flight testing and evaluation

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 73-74).The application of Lean principles and practices has been shown to help aerospace companies reduce waste and maximize value to help meet the changing demands of the market. The most visible area of influence has been manufacturing, where great strides have been made in cost and cycle time reduction. Recently, the flight testing community has been faced with similar challenges. This paper investigates whether Lean principles can be applied to aircraft flight testing and evaluation to help meet these goals. Specific objectives are to identify opportunities for the implementation of Lean thinking and establish a framework for structured implementation of Lean principles and practices. This study focuses on seven aircraft programs: 737-NG, 767-400, Hawker Horizon, F-22, F/A-18E/F, C-130J, and the T-6A. The programs are analyzed from a programmatic viewpoint to identify where lean practices are currently being used and how lean thinking could further improve the overall flight testing process. Additionally, a detailed examination is performed on the day-to-day activities to identify the daily sources of waste and their impact on the program. The detailed analysis focuses on flutter testing as a surrogate for the entire testing program. A total of 90 flights were analyzed. Data collected from the case studies fits well into the value-creation framework established in Lean Enterprise Value. Each of the phases of the framework - value identification, value proposition, and value delivery - are discussed as they relate to flight testing. Many examples of the application of lean principles and practices as well as opportunities for implementation are presented in the value delivery phase. Opportunities were identified in: coordination of the systems engineering value stream, coordination with other test aircraft and necessary support functions, and management of the daily test operations. This preliminary study indicates that Lean thinking can be applied to flight testing. The guiding principles of well-run testing programs paralleled those of Lean. Additionally, there are many instances where Lean thinking would provide an opportunity to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.by Carmen E. Carreras.S.M

    Recovery of phosphorus from waste water profiting from biological nitrogen treatment: Upstream, concomitant or downstream precipitation alternatives

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    Mined phosphate rock is the largest source of phosphorus (P) for use in agriculture and agro-industry, but it also is a finite resource irregularly distributed around the world. Alternatively, waste water is a renewable source of P, available at the local scale. In waste water treatment, biological nitrogen (N) removal is applied according to a wide range of variants targeting the abatement of the ammonium content. Ammonium oxidation to nitrate can also be considered to mitigate ammonia emission, while enabling N recovery. This review focuses on the analysis of alternatives for coupling biological N treatment and phosphate precipitation when treating waste water in view of producing P-rich materials easily usable as fertilisers. Phosphate precipitation can be applied before (upstream configuration), together with (concomitant configuration), and after (downstream configuration) N treatment; i.e., chemically induced as a conditioning pre-treatment, biologically induced inside the reactor, and chemically induced as a refining post-treatment. Characteristics of the recovered products differ significantly depending on the case studied. Currently, precipitated phosphate salts are not typified in the European fertiliser regulation, and this fact limits marketability. Nonetheless, this topic is in progress. The potential requirements to be complied by these materials to be covered by the regulation are overviewed. The insights given will help in identifying enhanced integrated approaches for waste water treatment, pointing out significant needs for subsequent agronomic valorisation of the recovered phosphate salts, according to the paradigms of the circular economy, sustainability, and environmental protection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estrés percibido relacionado con la retirada de metadona

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    Background: Stress is a known risk factor in addiction relapse, and prior studies show that relapse induced by stress may be more likely than drug-cue induced relapse. The main goal of our research was to establish the influence of perceived stress in methadone withdrawal outcome and the psychological factors involved. Method: A sample of 81 methadone maintenance treatment outpatients was evaluated and then observed during methadone dose reduction. Results: a multivariate analysis first showed that successful detoxification was predicted by perceived stress, patient-clinic staff agreement, pharmacotherapy support and social care; and second, perceived stress was predicted by anxiety, depression, selfcontrol, social care and benzodiazepine use. Conclusions: These findings suggest that high levels of stress could increase the risk of failure in methadone detoxification, so a clinical intervention on the psychological factors related to stress would be indicated to improve effectiveness of methadone withdrawal treatmentAntecedentes: el estrés es un conocido factor de riesgo de recaída de la adicción y estudios anteriores muestran que puede ser mayor la probabilidad de recaída ante respuestas de estrés que ante estímulos asociados al consumo de drogas. El objetivo de nuestra investigación fue averiguar la infl uencia del estrés percibido en el resultado de la retirada de metadona y su relación con los procesos psicológicos implicados. Método: 81 pacientes ambulatorios en tratamiento de mantenimiento con metadona fueron evaluados y posteriormente observados durante la reducción de dosis de metadona. Resultados: el análisis multivariante mostró en primer lugar, como predictores del éxito de la desintoxicación, al grupo compuesto por estrés percibido, acuerdo paciente-facultativos, tratamientos farmacológicos complementarios y atención social; en segundo lugar, como predictores del estrés percibido, al conjunto de factores de ansiedad, depresión, autocontrol, apoyo social y consumo de benzodiacepinas. Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren que niveles altos de estrés podrían incrementar el riesgo de fracaso en la desintoxicación, por lo que una intervención clínica sobre los procesos psicológicos relacionados con el estrés resultaría indicada para mejorar la efectividad del tratamiento de retirada de metadon

    Escala espectrorradiométrica absoluta : contribución a la realización práctica de la unidad de fotometría

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de Madrid, 1979.Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Status of women in physics in Spain

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    2 pages, 3 tables.-- En: Women in Physics, 2nd lUPAP International Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings 795, New York.-- PACS: 01.78+p, 01.85.+fWe present activities of the group, Spanish Women in Physics, during the past three years. We describe measures adopted by the Spanish government to attain gender equality and discuss the status of women in the scientific field. Finally, we present statistical data updated from the last IUPAP Women in Physics Conference in 2005. The percentage of women at various staff levels at universities and at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) remains constant (approximately 32%). At CSIC, however, an increase in the number of available posts has led to an increase in the number of women in top positions. The most remarkable finding from Spanish universities is that 50% of women were hired at the new professorial category of “PhD contract.”Peer reviewe

    Posible efecto protector de la s-adenosil-l-metionina en un modelo isquemia reperfusión hepática

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense de Madrid, 1996Las situaciones de isquemia-reperfusión hepática en la práctica clínica son frecuentes (transplantes, clampaje del pedículo hepático). Los radicales libres del oxigeno desempeñan un papel fundamental en la producción de la lesión microvascular o parenquimatosa que se asocia a la reperfusión de los tejidos isquémicos. El glutation, a través de diversos mecanismos, entre ellos la disminución de la producción de radicales libres podría proteger a los hepatocitos frente a los mediadores de la inflamación. Por otra parte, samet es capaz de incrementar el contenido en glutation de los hepatocitos. Hemos evaluado el posible efecto protector de samet en un modelo de isquemia-reperfusión hepática en ratas, y nuestros resultados apuntan a que ese efecto beneficioso, efectivamente, existe.Depto. de CirugíaFac. de MedicinaTRUEpu

    Students` attitudes towards open innovation

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    In order to most efficiently utilize knowledge and technology, companies are increasingly developing open innovation models. Open innovation places emphasis on the inflow of external resources and outflow of idle assets. Human resources are considered to be a crucial element in the successful implementation of open innovation. Instead of emphasizing the internal elements of the work community and individual input and success, employees are encouraged to invest in collaboration and flexibility. Due to the increasing development and implementation of open innovation strategies, this thesis sought out to study students’ attitudes concerning open innovation. The research was built on describing the attitudes students have and determining where these attitudes stem from. Additionally, the thesis discusses the use of incentives to attract employees. The empirical study was conducted in the form of an online questionnaire sent to international business students of Turku University of Applied Sciences. The responses indicated that many elements of open innovation where found to be positive. The main appealing elements were flexibility, cost reduction of R&D and the collaboration between different actors. Elements that were found disruptive were the lack of structure and the necessity of communication between companies. The conclusions that were drawn based on the research were, that the subjects were influenced by still being amidst studies and though valued the idea of knowledge flow, felt uneasy with the communicational aspect. Additionally, it was concluded that developing an incremental system of enforcing flexibility may hinder the uncomfortable attitudes created by a lack of structure.Saadakseen mahdollisimman tehokkaasti hyödynnettyä tietoa ja teknologiaa, yritykset kehittävät enenevissä määrin avoimen innovaation malleja. Avoin innovaatio korostaa ulkoisten resurssien sisäänvirtausta ja turhien voimavarojen ulosvirtausta. Henkilöstöä pidetään keskeisenä tekijänä avoimen innovaation menestyksekkään toteutuksen kannalta. Sen sijaan, että korostetaan työympäristön sisäisiä tekijöitä ja yksilön panosta ja menestystä, työntekijät kannustetaan yhteistyöhön ja joustavuuteen. Avoimen innovaation strategioiden kasvava kehitys ja toimeenpano oli taustalla siihen, että tässä opinnäytetyössä lähdettiin selvittämään millaisia asenteita opiskelijoilla on avointa innovaatiota kohtaan. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvailla opiskelijoiden asenteet ja määritellä mistä nämä asenteet juontuvat. Lisäksi, tämä opinnäytetyö pohtii kannustimien käyttöä työntekijöiden houkuttelemiseksi. Empiirinen tutkimus tehtiin verkkokyselyn merkeissä, joka lähetettiin kansainvälisen liiketalouden opiskeljoille (Turun Ammattikorkeakoulussa). Vastaukset osoittivat, että positiivisia asenteita koskien avointa innovaatiota, oli moneen tekijään. Positiiviset asenteet koskivat joustavuutta, kustannusten alenemista tuotekehityksessä ja yhteistyötä eri toimijoiden välillä. Häiritseviä tekijöitä olivat rakenteen puute ja kommunikaation välttämättömyys yritysten välillä. Tutkimuksen johtopäätökset on, että kohteiden olo vielä opiskelemassa vaikuttaa heidän asenteisiin ja vaikka tiedon virtausta arvostetaan, kommunikaatio tarve aiheuttaa rauhattomuutta. Lisäksi esitetään, että rakenteen puutteesta johtuvia epämielyttäviä asenteita voidaan välttää lisäämällä vähitellen joustavia työtapoja

    Elaboración de los materiales didácticos necesarios para la adaptación de la enseñanza de hematología al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

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    Con el fin de adaptarnos al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, este Proyecto de Innovación Docente, plantea como objetivo principal la creación, por parte del alumno, de material de autoaprendizaje basado en pruebas objetivas. La materia elegida, Hematología, forma parte de la Licenciatura de Farmacia. El proyecto, realizado sobre 400 alumnos distribuidos en 4 grupos, ha pretendido darles las bases metodológicas suficientes para elaborar preguntas de elección múltiple similares a las del sistema de evaluación del alumnado. Con esta actividad conseguimos que el alumno enfoque su aprendizaje hacia pruebas objetivas, concretando la información, distinguiendo lo más importante de cada tema, participando en el desarrollo continuo de la materia, y mejorando sus calificaciones y autoaprendizaje. El resultado de la innovación muestra un elevado grado de participación en la actividad por parte de los alumnos (incluso mayor que con otras actividades de innovación), los cuales han valorado muy positivamente la experiencia. Además, los resultados académicos han mejorado sustancialmente, como muestra la tasa de rendimiento respecto a años anteriores.In order to comply with the European Space of Higher Educational, the main aim of this Teaching Innovation Project is to encourage students to produce self-learning materials based on multiple-choice tests. The course subject under consideration is Haematology, which is studied in Pharmacy at university level. The project was carried out with 400 students distributed in 4 groups, and it aimed at providing students with enough methodological grounding, so that they could produce multiple-choice questions similar to those used in student assessment processes. By doing this, we managed to make students focus their learning on multiple-choice tests, thus defining information; distinguishing the most important areas in each subject; participating in the continuous development of the subject, and improving their marks and self-learning. The results of this innovative process show students’ high level of participation in the activity (even higher than in previous years), and that the students rated the experience very positively. Furthermore, academic results improved significantly compared to previous years, as shown by the performance rate