592 research outputs found

    Policy and Environmental Implications of Photovoltaic Systems in Farming in Southeast Spain: Can Greenhouses Reduce the Greenhouse Effect?

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    Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have grown in popularity in the farming sector, primarily because land area and farm structures themselves, such as greenhouses, can be exploited for this purpose, and, moreover, because farms tend to be located in rural areas far from energy production plants. In Spain, despite being a country with enormous potential for this renewable energy source, little is being done to exploit it, and policies of recent years have even restricted its implementation. These factors constitute an obstacle, both for achieving environmental commitments and for socioeconomic development. This study proposes the installation of PV systems on greenhouses in southeast Spain, the location with the highest concentration of greenhouses in Europe. Following a sensitivity analysis, it is estimated that the utilization of this technology in the self-consumption scenario at farm level produces increased profitability for farms, which can range from 0.88% (worst scenario) to 52.78% (most favorable scenario). Regarding the Spanish environmental policy, the results obtained demonstrate that the impact of applying this technology mounted on greenhouses would bring the country 38% closer to reaching the 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) target. Furthermore, it would make it possible to nearly achieve the official commitment of 20% renewable energies by 2020. Additionally, it would have considerable effects on the regional socioeconomy, with increases in job creation and contribution to gross domestic product (GDP)/R&D (Research and Development), allowing greater profitability in agrifood activities throughout the entire region

    Conventional Industrial Robotics Applied to the Process of Tomato Grafting Using the Splicing Technique

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    Horticultural grafting is routinely performed manually, demanding a high degree of concentration and requiring operators to withstand extreme humidity and temperature conditions. This article presents the results derived from adapting the splicing technique for tomato grafting, characterized by the coordinated work of two conventional anthropomorphic industrial robots with the support of low-cost passive auxiliary units for the transportation, handling, and conditioning of the seedlings. This work provides a new approach to improve the efficiency of tomato grafting. Six test rates were analyzed, which allowed the system to be evaluated across 900 grafted units, with gradual increases in the speed of robots work, operating from 80 grafts/hour to over 300 grafts/hour. The results obtained show that a higher number of grafts per hour than the number manually performed by skilled workers could be reached easily, with success rates of approximately 90% for working speeds around 210–240 grafts/hour

    La culpa desde la teoría sintética de la acción penal y su fundamentación en la justicia restaurativa.

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    One of the criminal legal categories of greatest complexity in its dogmatic articulation has been that of guilt. It can not be affirmed with absolute certainty, verbi gratia, if the law of the XII tables punished the culpable homicide, or if the Aquilian anointed only the civil or criminal responsibility also; but, if it is possible to be known that the emperor Adriano promulgated a rescript on the quasi delict of homicide, punishing it, by extraordinary cognitio, to a smaller pain that the one of the guilty one. However, to define it at the moment it became historically the meager work of renowned jurists starting with the classics especially Carrara, until finishing with Carreño (2017, p.21), who maintains that the fault is the knowledge and misapplication of systemic competences and functions as a guarantor of Human Rights.Una de las categorías jurídicas penales de mayor complejidad en su articulación dogmática ha sido la de la culpa. No se puede afirmar con absoluta certeza, verbi gratia, si la ley de las XII tablas castigaba el homicidio culposo, o si la Aquiliana ungía únicamente la responsabilidad civil o criminal también; pero si se puede saber que el emperador Adriano promulgó un rescripto sobre el cuasidelito de homicidio, castigándolo, por extraordinaria cognitio, a una pena menor que la del culposo. Sin embargo, para definirla actualmente devino históricamente el trabajo exiguo de connotados juristas iniciando por los clásicos especialmente Carrara, hasta llegar a Ferrajoli (2004) con su tesis de que en la culpa existe voluntariedad en la acción, pero no de resultado hasta finalizar con Carreño (2017), quien sostiene que la culpa es el conocimiento y aplicación errada de las competencias y funciones sistémicas como garante de Derechos Humanos

    Cultural heritage and environmental ethical values in governance models : Conflicts between recreational fisheries and other maritime activities in Mediterranean marine protected areas

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICWe would like to thank the collaboration of all the Pharos4MPAs project members, especially Catherine Piante, Pierre-Yves Hardy, Evan Jeffries, Alessandro Mullazzani, Elvira S?nchez and Esther Mart?nez. We thank the anonymous reviewers for their accurate and constructive comments, which helped to improve the manuscript Interreg Mediterranean 3MED17-3.2-M3-066. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.The seas as the next economic frontier have led to conflicts at the intersection of resource conservation and exploitation; a space where cultural values and social practices overlap. Underpinned by a literature review, surveys and personal interviews, this study identifies the main policy, socio-economic, environmental and cultural drivers of conflicts arising from the coexistence of recreational fishing -a major maritime activity in Mediterranean marine protected areas- and other maritime users. Results show that the constant paradoxes arising from the conflict stem from different concepts of heritage, appropriation of resources and preservation. Recreational fishing lacks a common definition and governance institution, but nevertheless regards itself as a fishing community and has behavioural traits which challenge other maritime activities, particularly small-scale fishing. This study highlights the importance of fostering socio-ecological relational values, which must necessarily be evaluated through the lens of environmental ethics, and contends that this is almost as relevant as the governance system. Given the divergent values of the different stakeholders and the high degree of scientific uncertainty found, we conclude that the main challenge in attaining a solid governance of multiple recreational and professional activities in marine reserves is to adopt a "middle ground" approach that combines top-down and bottom-up governance approaches

    La culpa desde la teoría sintética de la acción penal y su fundamentación en la justicia restaurativa.

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    One of the criminal legal categories of greatest complexity in its dogmatic articulation has been that of guilt. It can not be affirmed with absolute certainty, verbi gratia, if the law of the XII tables punished the culpable homicide, or if the Aquilian anointed only the civil or criminal responsibility also; but, if it is possible to be known that the emperor Adriano promulgated a rescript on the quasi delict of homicide, punishing it, by extraordinary cognitio, to a smaller pain that the one of the guilty one. However, to define it at the moment it became historically the meager work of renowned jurists starting with the classics especially Carrara, until finishing with Carreño (2017, p.21), who maintains that the fault is the knowledge and misapplication of systemic competences and functions as a guarantor of Human Rights.Una de las categorías jurídicas penales de mayor complejidad en su articulación dogmática ha sido la de la culpa. No se puede afirmar con absoluta certeza, verbi gratia, si la ley de las XII tablas castigaba el homicidio culposo, o si la Aquiliana ungía únicamente la responsabilidad civil o criminal también; pero si se puede saber que el emperador Adriano promulgó un rescripto sobre el cuasidelito de homicidio, castigándolo, por extraordinaria cognitio, a una pena menor que la del culposo. Sin embargo, para definirla actualmente devino históricamente el trabajo exiguo de connotados juristas iniciando por los clásicos especialmente Carrara, hasta llegar a Ferrajoli (2004) con su tesis de que en la culpa existe voluntariedad en la acción, pero no de resultado hasta finalizar con Carreño (2017), quien sostiene que la culpa es el conocimiento y aplicación errada de las competencias y funciones sistémicas como garante de Derechos Humanos

    An Estimation of Jobs Lost in Mexico during 2020 as a Result of the COVID-19: a Cointegration Approach/ Estimativa de empregos perdidos no México em 2020 como resultado do COVID-19: uma abordagem de cointegração

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    An estimation of jobs lost in the formal sector during 2020 in Mexico is presented. In order to obtain the jobs lost figure, a labor demand as function of output and real wage is estimated according to the cointegration approach. The main result is that 205,863 jobs of permanent workers insured at the Mexican Social Security Institute will be lost by each percentage point that Mexican GDP drops in 2020 as a consequence of the quarantine needed to avoid the Covid-19 spreads even further. If the Mexican GDP drops 8.2% in 2020 about 1.69 million of this kind of jobs would be lost

    Experimental investigation of a circulating fluidized bed reactor to capture CO2 with CaO

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    [EN] Calcium looping processes for capturing CO2 from large emissions sources are based on the use of CaO particles as sorbent in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) reactors. A continuous flow of CaO from an oxyfired calciner is fed into the carbonator and a certain inventory of active CaO is expected to capture the CO2 in the flue gas. The circulation rate and the inventory of CaO determine the CO2 capture efficiency. Other parameters such as the average carrying capacity of the CaO circulating particles, the temperature and the gas velocity must be taken into account. To investigate the effect of these variables on CO2 capture efficiency we employed a 6.5 m height CFB carbonator connected to a twin CFB calciner. Many stationary operating states were achieved using different operating conditions. The trends of CO2 capture efficiency measured are compared with those from a simple reactor model. This information may contribute to the future scaling up of the technology.The work was possible thanks to a contract with the companies Endesa and Hunosa and to the CaOling project funded by the European Commission FP7. N Rodríguez acknowledges a fellowship awarded by FICYT. The assistance of B González, F Fuentes and I Rodríguez during the experiments and sample analysis is also acknowledged.Peer reviewe

    Formulación de un plan de vivienda de interés prioritario para la construcción de 30 hogares conformados por madres cabeza de hogar vinculadas al sisben nivel 1 en la ciudad de san gil

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    El trabajo de Grado propuesto, corresponde a la Formulación de un Plan de Vivienda de Interés Prioritario para 30 hogares conformados por Madres Cabeza de Familia del Sistema de Identificación y Clasificación de Potenciales Beneficiarios para Programas Sociales- SISBEN Nivel 1 que devenguen hasta un (1) SMMLV., en la ciudad de San Gil”, como aporte a la solución del problema de vivienda en el Municipio. Actualmente San Gil, presenta un déficit de 963 viviendas, esto en parte, como consecuencia de la desaceleración económica debido al cierre de algunas de las más grandes empresas y así como por la alta tasa de desempleo que esto genera, imposibilitando a los hogares para proveerse de mejores condiciones de habitabilidad. Como primer paso, los 30 hogares conformaron una “Asociación de Vivienda”, figura a través de la cual se presenta y radica el Proyecto en la Alcaldía de San Gil - Oficina de Planeación Municipal, iniciando así, con todos los trámites y procesos respectivos. Radicado el Plan de Vivienda de Interés Prioritario ante el Municipio de San Gil, éste como entidad oferente lo presenta ante la Gobernación de Santander y ante Fonvivienda, con el objeto de acceder a subsidios con cargo al Presupuesto Nacional, previa viabilización y elegibilidad por parte de los tres entes. El Proyecto se justifica en el marco de los lineamientos del Plan de Desarrollo Municipal y acorde a la meta definida para el cuatrienio 2016-2019.The objective of the proposed degree work is the creation of a “Housing Plan of Priority Interest” for 30 household, all of them “Mothers Head of the Family” who earn up to one legal minimum salary according to the “Identification System and Classification of Potential Beneficiaries for Social Programs - SISBEN Level 1”., in the city of San Gil. This work pretends to contribute to the solution of the housing problem in the Municipality. At present San Gil has a deficit of 963 homes, partly as a consequence of the economic slowdown due to the closure of some of the largest companies of the region. The aforementioned, generated a high unemployment rate, making it impossible for households to provide themselves of better living conditions. The first step, is to create a "Housing Association" with 30 houses, a figure through which the project will be filed and presented to the Mayor's Office of San Gil - Municipal Planning Office, in order to start the legal and administrative procedures. Once the Housing Plan of Priority Interest has been filed with the Municipality of San Gil, The Municipality as offeror, will submit it to the Governor of Santander and to Fonvivienda, in order to have access to the subsidies of the National Budget, after the approval of feasibility and eligibility. The Project is proposed within the framework of the Municipal Development Plan and in accordance with the goal defined for the 2016-2019 quadrennium

    Bases moleculares de las neoplasias mieloproliferativas crónicas filadelfia negativas

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    Las neoplasias mieloproliferativas (NMP) son trastornos clonales de la célula madre hematopoyética caracterizados por la proliferación de una o más líneas mieloides. Dentro de éstas destacan las NMP cromosoma Filadelfia negativas clásicas a saber, Policitemia Vera (PV), Trombocitemia Esencial (TE) y Mielofibrosis Primaria (MFP), con unas características clínicas, morfológicas y moleculares similares. Aunque desde principios de este siglo se han identificado mutaciones driver (conductoras) características en los genes JAK2, MPL y CALR, todavía no está bien estudiado el papel que las mutaciones en genes no driver juegan en la biología y pronóstico de estas enfermedades. Por último, todavía no se conocen los mecanismos a través de los cuales diversas variantes genéticas identificadas incrementan el riesgo de padecer NMP esporádica ni los genes y mutaciones implicados en NMP familiar y síndromes NMP-like..