2,053 research outputs found

    Lagrangian transport in a microtidal coastal area: the Bay of Palma, island of Mallorca, Spain

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    Coastal transport in the Bay of Palma, a small region in the island of Mallorca, Spain, is characterized in terms of Lagrangian descriptors. The data sets used for this study are the output for two months (one in autumn and one in summer) of a high resolution numerical model, ROMS, forced atmospherically and with a spatial resolution of 300 m. The two months were selected because its different wind regime, which is the main driver of the sea dynamics in this area. Finite-size Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs) were used to locate semi-persistent Lagrangian coherent structures (LCS) and to understand the different flow regimes in the Bay. The different wind directions and regularity in the two months have a clear impact on the surface Bay dynamics, whereas only topographic features appear clearly in the bottom structures. The fluid interchange between the Bay and the open ocean was tudied by computing particle trajectories and Residence Times (RT) maps. The escape rate of particles out of the Bay is qualitatively different, with a 32% more of escape rate of particles to the ocean in October than in July, owing to the different geometric characteristics of the flow. We show that LCSs separate regions with different transport properties by displaying spatial distributions of residence times on synoptic Lagrangian maps together with the location of the LCSs. Correlations between the time-dependent behavior of FSLE and RT are also investigated, showing a negative dependence when the stirring characterized by FSLE values moves particles in the direction of escape

    The reduction of plankton biomass induced by mesoscale stirring: a modeling study in the Benguela upwelling

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    Recent studies, both based on remote sensed data and coupled models, showed a reduction of biological productivity due to vigorous horizontal stirring in upwelling areas. In order to better understand this phenomenon, we consider a system of oceanic flow from the Benguela area coupled with a simple biogeochemical model of Nutrient-Phyto-Zooplankton (NPZ) type. For the flow three different surface velocity fields are considered: one derived from satellite altimetry data, and the other two from a regional numerical model at two different spatial resolutions. We compute horizontal particle dispersion in terms of Lyapunov Exponents, and analyzed their correlations with phytoplankton concentrations. Our modelling approach confirms that in the south Benguela there is a reduction of biological activity when stirring is increased. Two-dimensional offshore advection and latitudinal difference in Primary Production, also mediated by the flow, seem to be the dominant processes involved. We estimate that mesoscale processes are responsible for 30 to 50% of the offshore fluxes of biological tracers. In the northern area, other factors not taken into account in our simulation are influencing the ecosystem. We suggest explanations for these results in the context of studies performed in other eastern boundary upwelling areas

    Design and characterization of hybrid polymeric materials based on PE-b-PEO block copolymer.

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    164 p.Este trabajo de investigación consiste en el desarrollo de diferentes materiales híbridos basados en uncopolímero de bloque de tipo PE-b-PEO. La principal motivación del empleo de copolímeros de bloquees su capacidad para autoensamblarse dando lugar a materiales híbridos nanoestructurados. Por un lado sehan fabricado cristales líquidos dispersos en polímeros PDLC modificando cristales líquidos nemáticosde bajo peso molecular. Por otro lado se han fabricado fibras mediante la técnica de electrohilado.Finalmente se han diseñado redes termostables nanoestructuradas empleadas como plantillas paradispersión y/o posicionamiento de nanopartículas de TiO2 sintetizadas mediante el proceso sol-gel.En la primera parte de la tesis, se han fabricado materiales basados en copolímero de bloque PE-b-PEOmodificados con dos tipos de cristales líquidos nemáticos estudiando la miscibilidad (Capítulo 3), sucomportamiento termo-óptico (Capítulo 4) y su capacidad de electrohilado (Capítulo 5). El estudio de larespuesta termo-óptica de los materiales desarrollados aplicando un gradiente de temperatura ha sido unode los puntos más importantes. En el Capítulo 6, se ha trabajado en el diseño y caracterización de redestermoestables nanoestructuradas desarrolladas empleando dos copolímeros de bloque de tipo PE-b-PEO,empleando de diferente peso molecular y relación entre bloques para generar plantillas para la dispersiónde nanopartículas de TiO2 sintetizadas mediante sol-gel. En el último Capítulo de la tesis se presentan lasconclusiones generales, líneas futuras y recoge las publicaciones científicas relacionadas directamentecon el trabajo de investigación realizado

    Schwarzian derivative for convex mappings of order alpha

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    The main purpose of this paper is to obtain sharp bounds of the norm of Schwarzian derivative for convex mappings of order alphaalpha in terms of the value of f(0)f''(0), in particular, when this quantity is equal to zero. In addition, we obtain sharp bounds for distortion and growth for this mappings and we generalized the results obtained by Suita and Yamashita for this particular case

    Analysing PIAAC Data with the IDB Analyzer (SPSS and SAS)

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    This chapter provides readers with a step-by-step guide to performing both simple and complex analyses with data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) using the IEA International Database (IDB) Analyzer. The IDB Analyzer is a Windows-based tool that generates SPSS and SAS syntax. Using this syntax, corresponding analyses can be conducted in SPSS and SAS. The chapter presents the data-merging module and the analysis module. Potential analyses with the IDB Analyzer are demonstrated—for example, the calculation of percentages, averages, proficiency levels, linear regression, correlations, and percentiles

    A Measurement Strategy for SDG Thematic Indicators 4.7.4 and 4.7.5 Using International Large Scale Assessments in Education

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    The aim of this document is to describe and implement a measurement strategy for the SDG Thematic Indicators 4.7.4 and 4.7.5 using International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs) in Education. Building on two reports previously published by the Global Alliance to Monitoring Learning (GAML) describing a proposal of a measurement strategy for these two indicators, we use items from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and the International Civic and Citizenship Education Survey (ICCS) to fit measurement models, generate scores, and propose a method to establish cutoff points for these indicators.This document is divided into four main sections. In the first one, we describe the methods and tools we used for constructing both the scores to measure each indicator and the cut-off points to identify the individuals who reach the corresponding targets. The second and the third sections correspond to the implementation of the proposed methodological procedures for each of the thematic indicators covered by this document and for their subscales. As a way of summarizing the full set of scores, the fourth section includes a set of tables showing the average percentage of students who reach cut-off points set for any sub-scale for each indicator

    Perceptions des étudiants de la maîtrise en Professeur de l’Enseignement Secondaire: points forts et faiblesses du nouveau modèle de formation

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    Este artículo incluye los resultados de una investigación desarrollada para conocer y valorar las percepciones que tiene el alumnado del Máster en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria de la Universidad de Alicante (UA), sobre el funcionamiento del plan de estudios en su tercera edición, correspondiente al curso académico 2011/12. Para ello se ha recogido información de 227 alumnos/as, que han cumplimentado de forma anónima un cuestionario con preguntas abiertas. El propósito de la investigación ha inducido a que adoptásemos una metodología de carácter evaluativo, con un enfoque cualitativo. La información recogida ha sido analizada con el soporte informático AQUAD 6 (Huber, 2006), que ha permitido clasificarla en nueve categorías o dimensiones que sustentan las principales conclusiones. Las evidencias asociadas a las principales dimensiones emergentes (valoración del tiempo empleado en el aprendizaje, desarrollo de la capacitación docente, dificultades encontradas, fortalezas de la formación recibida, expectativas de desarrollo profesional, principios básicos de la tarea educativa y propuestas de mejora) aconsejan introducir algunas modificaciones en el plan de estudios, así como potenciar las fortalezas que los estudiantes destacan de su proceso de formación.This paper is the result of a research process developed to know which the students’ perceptions about the program of Secondary Teachers Training are, during the academic course 2011/2012, when it has already been developed for three years. For that, we have reached some information from 227 students who have completed an anonymous open questionnaire. It has been used an evaluative methodology which is typical of qualitative paradigm. The information has been analyzed by AQUAD 6 software program (Huber, 2006), which has allowed the classification of the different codes in nine categories that help us to organize the information and reach some conclusions. These dimensions are: assessment time and teachers, teachers’ development through training, training difficulties, benefits of training, concept of education, interest in teaching, expectations of professional development, basic principles of educational work and suggestions for improvement. Results, therefore, are useful for doing several reformulations in curriculum and for enhance strengths of curriculum, identified by the students

    Pre-service teacher education and comprehension of didactic concepts. An experience within the Master of Secondary Education Teachers

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    The main purpose of the research was to figure out which was the level of comprehension of the didactic concepts that the students of the Secondary Education Master of the University of Alicante of the academic year 2011/12 had. With this purpose, we have collected the information provided by the answers of 227 students to an ad-hoc-elaborated semi-structured questionnaire whose data have been treated with a quantitative methodology using the SPSS.19 device. The statistic techniques were descriptive, differential and correlational. In this analysis, we take into account the scores obtained by students in variables related to their learning process and their attitudes towards it. The most interesting results prove that the students don’t master the basic didactic concepts in a satisfactory way, there are differences between the levels of comprehension and other variables related to the learning of the concepts and with attitudinal variables of this learning. The research based on these results indicates the need to focus the teaching and learning processes of the Master from a different point of view and combining the strategies which enhance the understanding of these concepts by the students

    Diagnóstico participativo y gestión universitaria del conocimiento para el desarrollo agropecuario local

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    The Municipal University Center (CUM) function in the Network is to coordinate technological innovation as a pivot center that connects the knowledge produced in the University Network with local needs to solve production and service problems, it uses Paulo Freire´s Popular Education principles to introduce the science that solves problems in Agricultural Companies. As a pivot principle, a diagnosis was made on the productive forms of agriculture and an improvement project was worked on to resolve the difficulties.   The concept of the Local Network for University Management of Knowledge and Innovation (GUCID for its acronyms in Spanish) was the basis of a Local Innovation System and its growing recognition is based on the fact that, regardless of the amount of codified knowledge that is produced, if there is no relationship between the amount of codified knowledge and the competencies (tacit knowledge) embodied in individuals and organizations, the locality will not capture the productive impulse of knowledge, nor will it translate it into innovation following a stable development path. It was concluded that innovation, promoted by students in their role as "extension workers" achieves the introduction of scientific results that ensure a solution to the productive problems of the Agricultural Units.La función del Centro Universitario Municipal (CUM) en la Red es coordinar la innovación tecnológica como centro de pivote que conecta el conocimiento producido en la Red Universitaria con las necesidades locales para resolver problemas productivos y de servicios, utilizando los principios de Educación Popular de Paulo Freire para introducir la ciencia que soluciona los problemas en Empresas Agropecuarias. En cuanto principio de pivote se realizó un diagnóstico en las formas productivas de la agricultura y se trabajó en un proyecto de mejora para resolver las dificultades. El concepto de Red Local de Gestión Universitaria del Conocimiento e Innovación (GUCID por sus siglas en español) fue la base de un Sistema de Innovación Local y su creciente reconocimiento se basa en que, independientemente de la cantidad de conocimiento codificado que se produce, si no existe relación entre la cantidad de conocimiento codificado y las competencias (conocimiento tácito) encarnadas en los individuos y organizaciones, la localidad no captará el impulso productivo del conocimiento, ni lo traducirá en innovación siguiendo una trayectoria estable. camino de desarrollo. Se concluyó que la innovación, impulsada por los estudiantes en su rol de “extensionistas” logra la introducción de resultados científicos que aseguren una solución a los problemas productivos de las Unidades Agrícolas