1,372 research outputs found

    Stringy Effects During Inflation and Reheating

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    We consider inflationary cosmology in the context of string compactifications with multiple throats. In scenarios where the warping differs significantly between throats, string and Kaluza-Klein physics can generate potentially observable corrections to the cosmology of inflation and reheating. First we demonstrate that a very low string scale in the ground state compactification is incompatible with a high Hubble scale during inflation, and we propose that the compactification geometry is altered during inflation. In this configuration, the lowest scale is just above the Hubble scale, which is compatible with effective field theory but still leads to potentially observable CMB corrections. Also in the appropriate region of parameter space, we find that reheating leads to a phase of long open strings in the Standard Model sector (before the usual radiation-dominated phase). We sketch the cosmology of the long string phase and we discuss possible observational consequences.Comment: 33pp, RevTeX4, v2. minor changes, added ref

    Free-Flight Investigation of Heat Transfer to an Unswept Cylinder Subjected to an Incident Shock and Flow Interference from an Upstream Body at Mach Numbers up to 5.50

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    Heat-transfer rates have been measured in free flight along the stagnation line of an unswept cylinder mounted transversely on an axial cylinder so that the shock wave from the hemispherical nose of the axial cylinder intersected the bow shock of the unswept transverse cylinder. Data were obtained at Mach numbers from 2.53 to 5.50 and at Reynolds numbers based on the transverse cylinder diameter from 1.00 x 10(exp 6) to 1.87 x 10(exp 6). Shadowgraph pictures made in a wind tunnel showed that the flow field was influenced by boundary-layer separation on the axial cylinder and by end effects on the transverse cylinder as well as by the intersecting shocks. Under these conditions, the measured heat-transfer rates had inconsistent variations both in magnitude and distribution which precluded separating the effects of these disturbances. The general magnitude of the measured heating rates at Mach numbers up to 3 was from 0.1 to 0.5 of the theoretical laminar heating rates along the stagnation line for an infinite unswept cylinder in undisturbed flow. At Mach numbers above 4 the measured heating rates were from 1.5 to 2 times the theoretical rates

    Histopathologic and Biochemical Responses in Arctic Marine Bivalve Molluscs Exposed to Experimentally Spilled Oil

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    Following two experimental spills of chemically dispersed and undispersed crude oil in shallow bays on the northwest coast of Baffin Island, Canadian Arctic, the bivalve molluscs Mya truncata and Macoma calcarea accumulated significant amounts of petroleum hydrocarbons in bays receiving dispersed oil and in those receiving crude oil alone (Boehm et all., 1987). Following the spills, Mya released accumulated hydrocarbons more rapidly than Macoma. ... The results of the biochemical analyses indicate that Mya from the four bays were not severely stressed by either dispersed oil or oil alone. Immediately after the spill, clams from the dispersal oil bays were nearly normal, while those from the bay receiving oil alone appeared stressed. These results seem to corroborate results from analytical chemistry and histopathology: that the acute effects of dispersed oil are greater than those of undispersed oil, but effects of undispersed oil on infaunal molluscs develop more slowly and persist longer than those from dispersed oil.Key words: oil spill, dispersant, Mya truncata, Macoma calcarea, histopathology, biochemistry, neoplasia, free amino acids, glycogen, parasitesMots clés: marée noire, agent de dispersion, Mya truncata, Macoma calcarea, histopathologie, biochimie, néoplasme, acides aminés libres, glycogène, parasite

    Visible camera cryostat design and performance for the SuMIRe Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS)

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    We describe the design and performance of the SuMIRe Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) visible camera cryostats. SuMIRe PFS is a massively multi-plexed ground-based spectrograph consisting of four identical spectrograph modules, each receiving roughly 600 fibers from a 2394 fiber robotic positioner at the prime focus. Each spectrograph module has three channels covering wavelength ranges 380~nm -- 640~nm, 640~nm -- 955~nm, and 955~nm -- 1.26~um, with the dispersed light being imaged in each channel by a f/1.07 vacuum Schmidt camera. The cameras are very large, having a clear aperture of 300~mm at the entrance window, and a mass of ∼\sim280~kg. In this paper we describe the design of the visible camera cryostats and discuss various aspects of cryostat performance

    Tick Haller\u27s Organ, a New Paradigm for Arthropod Olfaction: How Ticks Differ from Insects

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    Ticks are the vector of many human and animal diseases; and host detection is critical to this process. Ticks have a unique sensory structure located exclusively on the 1st pairs of legs; the fore-tarsal Haller\u27s organ, not found in any other animals, presumed to function like the insect antennae in chemosensation but morphologically very different. The mechanism of tick chemoreception is unknown. Utilizing next-generation sequencing and comparative transcriptomics between the 1st and 4th legs (the latter without the Haller\u27s organ), we characterized 1st leg specific and putative Haller\u27s organ specific transcripts from adult American dog ticks, Dermacentor variabilis. The analysis suggested that the Haller\u27s organ is involved in olfaction, not gustation. No known odorant binding proteins like those found in insects, chemosensory lipocalins or typical insect olfactory mechanisms were identified; with the transcriptomic data only supporting a possible olfactory G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) signal cascade unique to the Haller\u27s organ. Each component of the olfactory GPCR signal cascade was identified and characterized. The expression of GPCR, Gαo and β-arrestin transcripts identified exclusively in the 1st leg transcriptome, and putatively Haller\u27s organ specific, were examined in unfed and blood-fed adult female and male D. variabilis. Blood feeding to repletion in adult females down-regulated the expression of all three chemosensory transcripts in females but not in males; consistent with differences in post-feeding tick behavior between sexes and an expected reduced chemosensory function in females as they leave the host. Data are presented for the first time of the potential hormonal regulation of tick chemosensation; behavioral assays confirmed the role of the Haller\u27s organ in N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET) repellency but showed no role for the Haller\u27s organ in host attachment. Further research is needed to understand the potential role of the GPCR cascade in olfaction

    Conceptual Design of the Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS) for the Subaru Telescope

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    Recent developments in high-contrast imaging techniques now make possible both imaging and spectroscopy of planets around nearby stars. We present the conceptual design of the Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS), a lenslet-based, cryogenic integral field spectrograph (IFS) for imaging exoplanets on the Subaru telescope. The IFS will provide spectral information for 140x140 spatial elements over a 1.75 arcsecs x 1.75 arcsecs field of view (FOV). CHARIS will operate in the near infrared (lambda = 0.9 - 2.5 microns) and provide a spectral resolution of R = 14, 33, and 65 in three separate observing modes. Taking advantage of the adaptive optics systems and advanced coronagraphs (AO188 and SCExAO) on the Subaru telescope, CHARIS will provide sufficient contrast to obtain spectra of young self-luminous Jupiter-mass exoplanets. CHARIS is in the early design phases and is projected to have first light by the end of 2015. We report here on the current conceptual design of CHARIS and the design challenges

    Multidimensional collaboration; reflections on action research in a clinical context

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    This paper reflects on the challenges and benefits of multidimensional collaboration in an action research study to evaluate and improve preoperative education for patients awaiting colorectal surgery. Three cycles of planning, acting,observing and reflecting were designed to evaluate practice and implement change in this interactive setting, calling for specific and distinct collaborations. Data collection includes: observing educational interactions; administering patient evaluation questionnaires; interviewing healthcare staff, patients and carers; patient and carer focus groups; and examining written and audiovisual educational materials. The study revolves around and depends on multi-dimensional collaborations. Reflecting on these collaborations highlights the diversity of perspectives held by all those engaged in the study and enhances the action research lessons. Successfully maintaining the collaborations recognises the need for negotiation, inclusivity, comprehension, brokerage,and problem-solving. Managing the potential tensions is crucial to the successful implementation of changes introduced to practice and thus has important implications for patients’ well-being. This paper describes the experiences from an action research project involving new and specific collaborations, focusing on a particular healthcare setting. It exemplifies the challenges of the collaborative action research process and examines how both researchers and practitioners might reflect on the translation of theory into educational practices within a hospital colorectal department. Despite its context-specific features, the reflections on the types of challenges faced and lessons learned provide implications for action researchers in diverse healthcare settings across the world

    Reversible Transformation of Pt Nanoparticles into Single Atoms inside High-Silica Chabazite Zeolite

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    [EN] We report the encapsulation of platinum species in highly siliceous chabazite (CHA) crystallized in the presence of N,N,N-trimethyl-1-adamantammonium and a thiol-stabilized Pt complex. When compared to Pt/SiO2 or Pt-containing Al-rich zeolites, the materials in this work show enhanced stability toward metal sintering in a variety of industrial conditions, including H-2, O-2, and H2O. Remarkably, temperatures in the range 650-750 degrees C can be reached without significant sintering of the noble metal. Detailed structural determinations by X-ray absorption spectroscopy and aberration-corrected high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy demonstrate subtle control of the supported metal structures from similar to 1 nm nanoparticles to site-isolated single Pt atoms via reversible interconversion of one species into another in reducing and oxidizing atmospheres. The combined used of microscopy and spectroscopy is critical to understand these surface-mediated transformations. When tested in hydrogenation reactions, Pt/CHA converts ethylene (similar to 80%) but not propylene under identical conditions, in contrast to Pt/SiO2, which converts both at similar rates. These differences are attributed to the negligible diffusivity of propylene through the small-pore zeolite and provide final evidence of the metal encapsulation.This work has been supported by the European Union through the SYNCATMATCH project (Grant Agreement No. 671093) and the Spanish Government through "Severo Ochoa Program" (SEV 2012-0267) and MAT2015-71261-R. This research used beamline 9-BM of the Advanced Photon Source, a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science User Facility operated for the DOE Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. The Electron Microscopy Service of the UPV is acknowledged for their help in sample characterization. We thank Isabel Millet and Paul Stevens for technical assistance, and Randall Meyer, Aaron Sattler, and Dave Marler for review of the manuscript. We appreciate the support of ExxonMobil Research and Engineering for our efforts in fundamental catalytic research.Moliner Marin, M.; Gabay, JE.; Kliewer, CE.; Carr, RT.; Guzman, J.; Casty, GL.; Serna Merino, PM.... (2016). Reversible Transformation of Pt Nanoparticles into Single Atoms inside High-Silica Chabazite Zeolite. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 138(48):15743-15750. https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.6b10169S15743157501384

    Otterbein Miscellany , May 1970

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