40 research outputs found

    Program Peningkatan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Jawa Di SD Patemon 01 Dan SD Sekaran 01 Kecamatan Gunungpati Kota Semarang

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    Learning Javanese language has been starting on since a long time, but still there are some problems found in the field. Problems when learning Javanese language that occur in SD Patemon 01 and SD Sekaran 01, District Gunungpati, Semarang are (1) low capacity of the teachers in creating computer-based learning media, (2) lack of language skills of the teachers in using Javanese language variety of manners, and (3) frequent occurrence of errors in the assessment of learning Javanese language. In connection with these conditions, devotee team tried to be facilitators to the problems faced by teachers in SD Patemon 01 and SD Sekaran 01 by conducting science and technology activities for the Community (IbM). IbM program implementation used workshop model with a variety of methods, such as lecturing, demonstrations, direct practice, frequently asked questions and assignments. The results of this IbM program are capacity building of teachers in making computers-based learning media for Javanese language, improving the competence of teachers in terms of manners of Javanese language skills, and increaseing understanding of Javanese language learning assessment. The increase was indicated from abilities\u27 score of the teachers before and after the IbM program. The ability of teachers in terms of making computer-based instructional media increased significantly, ie 16.9%. Competence of teachers in terms of unggah-ungguh based on Javanese language, especially in speaking skills manners increased 6.3%. The ability of teachers in terms of understanding of the Java language learning assessment increased 9.7%

    Depletion of enteric bacteria diminishes leukocyte infiltration following doxorubicin-induced small intestinal damage in mice

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    While enteric bacteria have been shown to play a critical role in other forms of intestinal damage, their role in mediating the response to the chemotherapeutic drug Doxorubicin (Doxo) is unclear. In this study, we used a mouse model of intestinal bacterial depletion to evaluate the role enteric bacteria play in mediating Doxo-induced small intestinal damage and, more specifically, in mediating chemokine expression and leukocyte infiltration following Doxo treatment. An understanding of this pathway may allow for development of intervention strategies to reduce chemotherapy-induced small intestinal damage

    Can attention to the intestinal microbiota improve understanding and treatment of anorexia nervosa?

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is characterized by severe dietary restriction or other weight loss behaviors and exhibits the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. Therapeutic renourishment in AN is founded primarily on clinical opinion and guidelines, with a weak evidence base. Genetic factors do not fully account for the etiology of AN, and non-genetic factors that contribute to the onset and persistence of this disease warrant investigation. Compelling evidence that the intestinal microbiota regulates adiposity and metabolism, and more recently, anxiety behavior, provides a strong rationale for exploring the role of this complex microbial community in the onset, maintenance of, and recovery from AN. This review explores the relationship between the intestinal microbiota and AN and a potential role for this enteric microbial community as a therapy for this severe illness

    The Curtain Rises: Teachers Unveil Their Processes of Transformation in Doing Classroom Inquiry

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    This paper is the joint reflection of a group of teachers on their transformative process of engaging in a systematic inquiry in their own classrooms. While sharing and reconstructing their experiences, they found that most of them went from detachment and resistance, when they were introduced to the idea of teacher-research, to engagement in a community of inquirers, and to uncovering the unforeseen benefits of doing teacher-inquiry

    Seeing the way: visual sociology and the distance runner's perspective

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    Employing visual and autoethnographic data from a two‐year research project on distance runners, this article seeks to examine the activity of seeing in relation to the activity of distance running. One of its methodological aims is to develop the linkage between visual and autoethnographic data in combining an observation‐based narrative and sociological analysis with photographs. This combination aims to convey to the reader not only some of the specific subcultural knowledge and particular ways of seeing, but also something of the runner's embodied feelings and experience of momentum en route. Via the combination of narrative and photographs we seek a more effective way of communicating just how distance runners see and experience their training terrain. The importance of subjecting mundane everyday practices to detailed sociological analysis has been highlighted by many sociologists, including those of an ethnomethodological perspective. Indeed, without the competence of social actors in accomplishing these mundane, routine understandings and practices, it is argued, there would in fact be no social order

    Intestinal bacteria are necessary for doxorubicin-induced intestinal damage but not for doxorubicin-induced apoptosis

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    Doxorubicin (DOXO) induces significant, but transient, increases in apoptosis in the stem cell zone of the jejunum, followed by mucosal damage involving a decrease in crypt proliferation, crypt number, and villus height. The gastrointestinal tract is home to a vast population of commensal bacteria and numerous studies have demonstrated a symbiotic relationship between intestinal bacteria and intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) in maintaining homeostatic functions of the intestine. However, whether enteric bacteria play a role in DOXO-induced damage is not well understood. We hypothesized that enteric bacteria are necessary for induction of apoptosis and damage associated with DOXO treatment. Conventionally raised (CONV) and germ free (GF) mice were given a single injection of DOXO, and intestinal tissue was collected at 6, 72, and 120 h after treatment and from no treatment (0 h) controls. Histology and morphometric analyses quantified apoptosis, mitosis, crypt depth, villus height, and crypt density. Immunostaining for muc2 and lysozyme evaluated Paneth cells, goblet cells or dual stained intermediate cells. DOXO administration induced significant increases in apoptosis in jejunal epithelium regardless of the presence of enteric bacteria; however, the resulting injury, as demonstrated by statistically significant changes in crypt depth, crypt number, and proliferative cell number, was dependent upon the presence of enteric bacteria. Furthermore, we observed expansion of Paneth and goblet cells and presence of intermediate cells only in CONV and not GF mice. These findings provide evidence that manipulation and/or depletion of the enteric microbiota may have clinical significance in limiting chemotherapy-induced mucositis

    Reassessing the cardiac box: A comprehensive evaluation of the relationship between thoracic gunshot wounds and cardiac injury

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    Background: High energy missiles can cause cardiac injury regardless of entrance site. This study assesses the adequacy of the anatomic borders of the current “cardiac box” to predict cardiac injury. Methods: Retrospective autopsy review was performed to identify patients with penetrating torso gunshot wounds 2011-2013. Using a circumferential grid system around the thorax, logistic regression analysis was performed to detect differences in rates of cardiac injury from entrance/exit wounds in the “cardiac box” vs. the same for entrance/exit wounds outside the box. Analysis was repeated to identify regions to compare risk of cardiac injury between the current cardiac box and other regions of the thorax. Results: Over the study period, 263 patients (89% male, mean age = 34 years, median injuries/person = 2) sustained 735 wounds [80% gunshot wounds (GSWs], and 239 patients with 620 GSWs were identified for study. Of these, 95 (34%) injured the heart. Of the 257 GSWs entering the cardiac box, 31% caused cardiac injury while 21% GSWs outside the cardiac box (n = 67) penetrated the heart, suggesting that the current “cardiac box” is a poor predictor of cardiac injury relative to the thoracic non-"cardiac box" regions [Relative Risk (RR) 0.96; p=0.82]. The regions from the anterior to posterior midline of the left thorax provided the highest positive predictive value (41%) with high sensitivity (90%) while minimizing false positives making this region the most statistically significant discriminator of cardiac injury (RR 2.9; p=0.01). Conclusion: For GSWs, the current cardiac box is inadequate to discriminate whether a gunshot wound will cause a cardiac injury. As expected, entrance wounds nearest to the heart are the most likely to result in cardiac injury, but, from a clinical standpoint, it is best to think outside the “box” for GSWs to the thorax