30 research outputs found

    Fish pass assessment in the rivers of Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). A case study of weirs associated with hydropower plants and gauging stations

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    This study evaluated the effectiveness of fish passes in Catalan rivers (NE Iberian Peninsula). The aim was to test current functionality to enhance these structures for the purpose of optimising their management. We analysed river connectivity and fish pass facilities to generate information to improve the design, construction, management and assessment of solutions related to fish passage in Catalan rivers according to international best practices. In 2006, a preliminary evaluation of the locations and effectiveness of fish pass facilities in Catalonia was conducted through direct inspection of 78 fishways. Most of them were retro-fitted solutions using broad-spectrum technical structures, mainly pool fishway or pool pass facilities. An analysis of the effectiveness of 7 of the new fish passes (4, 2 and 1 passes in the Ter, Ebro and Tordera rivers, respectively) was performed between 2006 and 2009. The fish passes were located in weirs associated with hydropower plants and gauging stations. Our preliminary assessment of fish connectivity was based on a field visit and collection of information to populate a database of existing obstacles and associated fishways and calculation of the new version of the ICF index (river connectivity index) for all of them. Several methodologies were used to check the effectiveness of a selection of fish pass solutions, most of which were based on passage rates directly or indirectly estimated for each species. Direct estimation techniques involved the installation of fish traps upstream of the facility at the exit of the fish pass and visual counts. Indirect estimation techniques compared the fish population structure on each side of the obstacle in river sections with equivalent hydrology and habitat characteristics using electric fishing or trapping systems, group mark-recapture methods and individual mark-recapture methods (PIT tags). The results showed that (1) existing solutions to improve fish migration in Catalonia are insufficient (only present at approximately 8% of obstacles), and where they do exist, the fish passes are usually inadequate or poorly maintained. (2) Fish passes are generally inadequate or insufficient for the total native fish fauna from each water body. Additionally, with few exceptions, fish passage rates are too low, and in most cases, only fish with a high capacity to overcome obstacles or the largest individuals succeed in migrating. (3) Fish pass effectiveness agrees with the results of the new version of the ICF index.Este estudio evalua la eficacia de dispositivos o soluciones de paso para peces en los ríos de Catalunya (NE de la Península Ibérica). Se realizó con el propósito de comprobar su funcionalidad actual y también para poder mejorar elementos constructivos y/o para optimizar aspectos de gestión. El objetivo del estudio era analizar la conectividad de los ecosistemas fluviales y generar información para mejorar el diseño, construcción, gestión y evaluación de soluciones para el paso de peces en los ríos de Catalunya, de acuerdo con los estándares internacionales. El año 2006 se realizó un estudio de localización y evaluación preliminar de la eficacia de los dispositivos de paso para peces existentes en Catalunya mediante la inspección directa de 78 dispositivos. La mayor'ıa eran soluciones de rehabilitación por medio de estructuras técnicas de amplio espectro, como dispositivos de paso de estanques sucesivos. Entre 2006 y 2009 se efectuó un análisis de la eficacia de 7 de estos elementos (4, 2 y 1 en los ríos Ter, Ebro y Tordera, respectivamente). Los dispositivos de paso para peces estaban localizados en azudes para uso hidroeléctrico y estaciones de aforo. La evaluación preliminar de la connectividad para los peces se basó en una visita de campo y la recolección de información para completar una base de datos sobre los obstáculos existentes y las soluciones de paso para peces associadas. Para cada uno de estos casos analizados se calculó la nueva versión del Índice de Conectividad Fluvial (ICF). Posteriormente, se usaron varias metodologías para comprobar la eficacia de una selección de soluciones de paso para peces, la mayoría basadas en la estimación de la tasa de franqueo de cada especie. Las t'ecnicas de estimación directa consistieron en la instalación de trampas aguas arriba del obstáculo, a la salida del dispositivo de paso para peces, y los recuentos visuales. La estimación indirecta permitió la comparación de las estructuras poblacionales por especie de ambos lados del obstáculo en tramos fluviales de características hidrológicas y de hábitat equivalentes, a partir de muestreos con pesca eléctrica o trampeo, métodos de marcaje y recaptura de grupo, y métodos de marcaje y recaptura individualizados (con marcas PIT). Los resultados obtenidos indicaron (1) Las soluciones existentes en Catalunya para mejorar las migraciones de los peces resultan insuficientes (están presentes sólo alrededor del 8 % de los obstáculos). Cuando los hay, en general, los dispositivos de paso son inadecuados o con un mal mantenimiento. (2) Los dispositivos de paso para peces son generalmente inadecuados o insuficientes para el conjunto de las especies autóctonas de fauna piscícola de cada masa de agua. Las tasas de franqueo de los dispositivos de paso para peces son, con algunas excepciones, demasiado bajas y, en la majoría de los casos, sólo facilitan las migraciones de los peces con gran capacidad de superar obst'aculos o los individuos de mayor talla. (3) La eficacia de los dispositivos de paso para peces coincide con los resultados de la nueva versión del índice ICF

    Longitudinal connectivity in hydromorphological quality assessments of rivers. The ICF index : a river connectivity index and its application to Catalan rivers

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    The Water Framework Directive urges assessment of river continuity as an input for the evaluation of hydromorphological quality. The existence of transverse obstacles in river beds has serious ecological consequences because it blocks the natural flow of water, sediments and biota, and this is considered one of the major causes of declines in many continental fish species. The index of river connectivity (ICF, from the Catalan name Index de Connectivitat Fluvial) evaluates obstacle effects on fish movement alone and does not take into account other elements affected by the obstacles. However, it can be used as a complementary element in hydromorphological condition assessments. The index is based on comparison of obstacle and fish pass (if any) characteristics with the capabilities of the fishes potentially present in the considered river section to overcome the obstacle. In this study, we present a new version of the ICF improved from its earlier version that was tested by different consultants and research centres for several obstacles from 2006 to 2009. The new version of the ICF is divided into three blocks that encompass assessment of (1) the obstacle and (2) the fish pass (if any) as well as (3) the estimation of certain modulators. Finally, the ICF classifies connectivity into five levels from very good to bad depending on the degree of permeability for different fish groups. This new version of the ICF has been tested for 101 transverse obstacles in rivers in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula) both with and without fish passes, obtaining representation of the five expected quality levels (from very good to bad), and it is considered coherent with the real permeability of the obstacles. Its ease of application compared to in situ measurements of fish movements and the detailed information recorded by the index make it a very useful tool for the diagnosis of the longitudinal connectivity of rivers and for guiding measures for hydromorphological quality improvement.La Directiva Marco del Agua define que para evaluar la calidad hidromorfológica de los ríos hay que valorar, entre otros factores, la continuidad fluvial. La existencia de obstáculos transversales al cauce fluvial tiene importantes consecuencias ecológicas, y se considera una de las causas principales del declive de muchas especies continentales de peces. Por ello se ha diseñado el Índice de Conectividad Fluvial (ICF), que aunque sólo considera los peces y no otros compartimentos afectados (agua y sedimentos), puede ser utilizado como parte integrante del protocolo completo de evaluación de la calidad hidromorfológica de los ríos en Catalunya (protocolo HIDRI). El ICF se basa en la comparación de las características de un determinado obstáculo y de los dispositivos de paso para peces (si dispone de ellos) con las capacidades para superarlo de las distintas especies de peces autóctonos potencialmente presentes en el tramo. En este estudio se presenta una versión mejorada del ICF, que ha sido probada por distintos equipos de consultorías y centros de investigación entre 2006 y 2009. La nueva versión consta de tres grandes bloques que incluyen la evaluación de (1) el obstáculo, (2) el o los dispositivos de paso de peces, en caso que los haya, y (3) la estimación de distintos moduladores. Finalmente, el ICF clasifica el nivel de conectividad en cinco rangos, de muy bueno a malo, en función del grado de franqueabilidad para los distintos grupos de especies potencialmente presentes en el tramo. La nueva versión del ICF ha sido aplicada en 101 obstáculos transversales de distintos ríos de Catalunya (NE de la península Ibérica), con y sin dispositivos de paso para peces. En los resultados se encuentran representados los cinco rangos de calidad posibles (desde muy bueno a malo), resultados que se consideran coherentes con la permeabilidad real del obstáculo. Su fácil aplicación, en comparación con la evaluación in situ de los movimientos de los peces, así como los detalles de la información recogida en las hojas de campo, sugieren que el ICF es una buena herramienta tanto para diagnosticar la conectividad longitudinal como para orientar las medidas a tomar para la mejora de la calidad hidromorfológica

    Eficacia, seguridad y utilidad de la genisteína en pacientes con síndrome de Sanfilippo

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    Genisteína; Síndrome de Sanfilippo; Sistema Nacional de SaludGenisteïna; Síndrome de Sanfilippo: Sistema Nacional de SalutGenistein; Sanfilippo disease; National Health SystemAntecedentes La genisteína es una terapia de reducción del sustrato propuesta para la mucopolisacaridosis tipo III (MPS III) o enfermedad de Sanfilippo. Objetivos Evaluar la eficacia, la seguridad y la utilidad de la genisteína en pacientes con MPS III con el fin de valorar la incorporación de la genisteína a la cartera común de servicios del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). Métodos Revisión de la literatura científica elaborada a partir de un protocolo preespecificado, de acuerdo con directrices metodológicas estandarizadas. Informe de los hallazgos de la revisión de acuerdo con la declaración PRISMA. En enero de 2018 se diseñó y ejecutó una búsqueda en bases de datos bibliográficos, registros de estudios en curso y fuentes de información específicos de enfermedades raras. Se incluyeron estudios sin limitación de diseño en los que se evaluara el efecto de la genisteína en cualquier dosis y formato de administración en personas de cualquier edad con MPS III. A partir de dos investigadores se seleccionaron de manera independiente los estudios a incluir en el informe, y se evaluaron críticamente con herramientas de valoración del riesgo de sesgo de ensayos clínicos y de valoración de la calidad metodológica de los ensayos no controlados y estudios observacionales. Se extrajeron los datos descriptivos de los estudios y los resultados referidos a los desenlaces de interés de la revisión. Se recopilaron los hallazgos de la revisión para los principales desenlaces de interés en tablas de síntesis de la evidencia, en las que se incluyó una clasificación de la calidad de la evidencia. Finalmente, se elaboraron conclusiones sobre la inclusión de la genisteína en la cartera común de servicios del SNS junto a la identificación de lagunas de conocimiento. Resultados La búsqueda ofreció 837 referencias de las cuales se incluyeron 10 estudios (2 ensayos aleatorizados, 6 ensayos no controlados, 1 observacional no controlado y 1 reporte de caso). Los estudios incluyeron un total de 162 personas con un diagnóstico de MPS III. La mayoría de los estudios evaluaron una dosis baja de genisteína (entre los 5 y los 15 mg/kg/día) y solo dos estudios administraron una dosis alta de genisteína pura sintética (150 mg/kg/día). La duración del tratamiento fue variable en los estudios, entre 6 meses y 3 años. Todos los estudios valoraron los resultados inmediatamente después del tratamiento. Las dosis bajas de genisteína mostraron mejoras de poca o nula relevancia clínica en escalas neurocognitivas a los 12 meses de tratamiento (calidad de la evidencia muy baja, motivada por el sesgo de los estudios y la imprecisión de los resultados). Un ensayo clínico aleatorizado no mostró diferencias entre una dosis de 10 mg/kg/día de genisteína y placebo en una escala de comportamiento a los 6 meses de tratamiento, ni en ninguna de sus subescalas. Una extensión del estudio mostró que los pacientes tratados con genisteína mejoraban en la subescala de ansiedad tras un año de seguimiento (calidad de la evidencia baja, motivada por la imprecisión de los resultados y su heterogeneidad). Los estudios sobre dosis bajas de genisteína no describieron efectos adversos (calidad de la evidencia baja, motivada por el sesgo de los estudios y la imprecisión de los resultados). Un ensayo clínico no controlado no mostró diferencias en una escala de discapacidad al comparar las puntuaciones entre el inicio del estudio y las de los 12 meses de tratamiento con dosis altas de genisteína (calidad de la evidencia muy baja, motivada por el sesgo de los estudios y la imprecisión de los resultados). Este ensayo solamente registró nueve eventos adversos graves, de los cuales solo uno fue valorado como posiblemente relacionado con la genisteína. La mayoría de los eventos adversos no graves identificados se consideraron asociados con el trastorno subyacente (calidad de la evidencia baja, motivada por la imprecisión de los resultados). Conclusiones La dosis baja de genisteína ha mostrado una nula relevancia clínica mientras que los datos sobre la dosis alta son insuficientes. Los resultados consistentemente negativos sobre variables fisiológicas en las dosis bajas del tratamiento sugieren que no es apropiado realizar más estudios con estas dosis. En la actualidad está pendiente la publicación de los resultados de un ensayo clínico aleatorizado controlado con placebo (EudraCT 2013-001479- 18) de la dosis de genisteína de 150 mg/kg/día que tiene como variable principal de interés el nivel de heparán sulfato en líquido cefalorraquídeo. Si los resultados de este estudio fueran negativos, probablemente no estaría justificado seguir investigando sobre el posible beneficio del tratamiento. Aun si los resultados fueran positivos, se deberían realizar estudios adicionales que evaluaran el impacto de la dosis alta en desenlaces importantes para los pacientes, como los desenlaces comportamentales o neurocognitivos. Con los datos disponibles en la actualidad en la literatura, se concluye que la genisteína no debe incluirse en la cartera común de servicios del SNS. Con relación a la práctica clínica, se concluye que los profesionales sanitarios deberían conocer la limitada evidencia sobre el efecto de la genisteína en la MPS III e informar a las familias de personas con MPS III de la nula relevancia clínica de la dosis baja de genisteína y la ausencia de datos sobre el impacto de la dosis alta. Esta información debe servir de base para que los padres puedan tomar una decisión informada e individualizada en relación con el uso de la genisteína.Background Genistein is a substrate reduction therapy proposed for the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis type III (MPS III), or Sanfilippo disease. Objectives To assess the efficacy, safety and usefulness of genistein in patients with MPS III in order to evaluate its possible incorporation into the service portfolio of the Spanish National Health System (NHS). Methods Review of the scientific literature based on a pre-specified protocol and following standardized methodological guidelines. The findings were reported in accordance with the PRISMA statement. In January 2018, bibliographic databases, registers of ongoing studies and specific information sources were searched for rare diseases. Studies evaluating the effect of genistein at any dose and presentation, in individuals of any age with MPS III were included, without limitations on design. Two investigators independently selected the studies to be included in the review, and evaluated them critically using a risk of bias assessment tool specific for clinical trials and a methodological quality assessment tool for uncontrolled trials and observational studies. Descriptive data from the studies and the results for the outcomes of interest of the review were extracted. The findings of the review for the main outcomes of interest are compiled in Summary of Evidence tables, which also include a classification of the quality of the evidence. Finally, the conclusions regarding the inclusion of genistein in the Spanish NHS service portfolio are presented and current knowledge gaps are identified. Results The search retrieved 837 references, from which 10 studies were included (two randomized trials, six uncontrolled clinical trials, one uncontrolled observational study and one case report). The studies included a total of 162 individuals with a diagnosis of MPS III. Most studies evaluated a low dose of genistein (between 5 and 15 mg/kg/day) and only two administered a high dose of synthetic pure genistein (150 mg/kg/day). Duration of genistein treatment in the studies varied between six months and three years, and all studies assessed the results immediately after treatment. Low doses of genistein showed improvements on neurocognitive scales of little or no clinical relevance after 12 months of treatment (very low quality of evidence, due to the methodological limitations of the studies and the imprecision of the results). A randomized clinical trial showed no difference on a behavioural scale (or on any of its subscales) between a dose of 10 mg/kg/day of genistein and placebo after six months of treatment. An extension of the study showed that patients treated with genistein presented improvements on the anxiety subscale after one year of followup (low quality of evidence, due to the imprecision of the results and their heterogeneity). Studies of low doses of genistein did not describe adverse effects (low quality of evidence, due to methodological limitations and imprecise results). An uncontrolled clinical trial did not show differences on a disability scale when comparing the change in scores between baseline and after 12 months of treatment with high doses of genistein (very low quality of evidence, due the methodological limitations of the studies and the imprecision of the results). This trial recorded only nine serious adverse events, of which only one was determined as possibly related to genistein. The majority of nonserious adverse events identified were attributed to the underlying disorder (low quality of evidence, due to the imprecision of the results). Conclusions: Low doses of genistein show no clinical relevance, while the data on high doses are insufficient. The consistently negative results for physiological variables with low doses of the treatment argue against the performance of further studies with these doses. The publication of the results of a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial (EudraCT 2013-001479-18) testing the effects of a genistein dose of 150 mg/kg/day on the level of heparan sulfate in cerebrospinal fluid as the main variable is still pending. If the results of this study are negative, there would be no justification for continuing to investigate the possible benefits of the treatment. Even if the results were positive, additional studies would be needed to evaluate the impact of high doses on patient-important outcomes, such as behavioural or neurocognitive outcomes. Based on the data currently available in the literature, we do not support the inclusion of genistein in the Spanish NHS service portfolio. With regard to clinical practice, we conclude that health professionals should be aware of the limited evidence on the effect of genistein in MPS III; they should inform families of the lack of clinical relevance of low doses of genistein, and of the absence of data on the impact of high doses. This information should serve as a basis for parents to make an informed and individualized decision regarding its use

    Comparative analysis of systemic oncological treatments and best supportive care for advanced gastresophageal cancer : A comprehensive scoping review and evidence map

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    Altres ajuts: acords transformatius de la UABTo identify, describe, and organize the available evidence regarding systemic oncological treatments compared to best supportive care (BSC) for advanced gastresophageal cancer. We conducted a thorough search across MEDLINE (PubMed), EMbase (Ovid), The Cochrane Library, Epistemonikos, PROSPERO, and Clinicaltrials.gov. Our inclusion criteria encompassed systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials, quasi-experimental and observational studies involving patients with advanced esophageal or gastric cancer receiving chemotherapy, immunotherapy or biological/targeted therapy compared to BSC. The outcomes included survival, quality of life, functional status, toxicity, and quality of end-of-life care. We included and mapped 72 studies, comprising SRs, experimental and observational designs, 12 on esophageal cancer, 51 on gastric cancer, and 10 both locations. Most compared schemes including chemotherapy (47 studies), but did not report therapeutic lines. Moreover, BSC as a control arm was poorly defined, including integral support and placebo. Data favor the use of systemic oncological treatments in survival outcomes and BSC in toxicity. Data for outcomes including quality of life, functional status, and quality of end-of-life care were limited. We found sundry evidence gaps specifically in assessing new treatments such as immunotherapy and important outcomes such as functional status, symptoms control, hospital admissions, and the quality of end-life care for all the treatments. There are important evidence gaps regarding new for patients with advanced gastresophageal cancer and the effect of systemic oncological treatments on important patient-centered outcomes beyond survival. Future research should clearly describe the population included, specifying previous treatments and considering therapeutic, and consider all patient-centered outcomes. Otherwise, it will be complex to apply research results into practice

    Systemic Oncological Treatments versus Supportive Care for Patients with Advanced Hepatobiliary Cancers : An Overview of Systematic Reviews

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    Altres ajuts: This study is funded through a grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00034), co-financed by funds from the European Regional Development Fund.Hepatobiliary cancers (that include hepatocellular carcinoma, intrahepatic or extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and gallbladder cancer) are usually treated with systemic oncological treatments (i.e., chemotherapy, immunotherapy and biological or targeted therapies) mainly due to their improvement in survival. However, the trade-off between these therapies and usual practice supportive care is not clear, and other outcomes beyond survival should be considered in advanced stages, such as quality of life or symptom control. The present study is part of a wider project aiming to conduct broad evidence syntheses assessing the effects of systemic oncological treatments versus usual practice supportive care for patients with advanced non-intestinal digestive cancers. We performed an overview of systematic reviews assessing the effects of systemic oncological treatments versus usual practice supportive care for patients with primary advanced hepatobiliary cancer. We found evidence that for these patients (specifically for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma), systemic oncological treatments tend to improve survival at the expense of greater toxicity. Much of systematic reviews included was of low quality and highly overlapped. Nevertheless, the evidence we found failed to report other important outcomes that could be critical for decision making, including quality of life or symptom control. Future research assessing these patient-important outcomes is needed. Background: The trade-off between systemic oncological treatments (SOTs) and UPSC in patients with primary advanced hepatobiliary cancers (HBCs) is not clear in terms of patient-centred outcomes beyond survival. This overview aims to assess the effectiveness of SOTs (chemotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted/biological therapies) versus UPSC in advanced HBCs. Methods: We searched for systematic reviews (SRs) in PubMed, EMBASE, the Cochrane Library, Epistemonikos and PROSPERO. Two authors assessed eligibility independently and performed data extraction. We estimated the quality of SRs and the overlap of primary studies, performed de novo meta-analyses and assessed the certainty of evidence for each outcome. Results: We included 18 SRs, most of which were of low quality and highly overlapped. For advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, SOTs showed better overall survival (HR = 0.62, 95% CI 0.55-0.77, high certainty for first-line therapy; HR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.79-0.92, moderate certainty for second-line therapy) with higher toxicity (RR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.87-1.60, very low certainty for first-line therapy; RR = 1.58, 95% CI 1.28-1.96, low certainty for second-line therapy). Survival was also better for SOTs in advanced gallbladder cancer. No outcomes beyond survival and toxicity could be meta-analysed. Conclusion: SOTs in advanced HBCs tend to improve survival at the expense of greater toxicity. Future research should inform other patient-important outcomes to guide clinical decision making

    Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams

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    We provide a unique fish individual body size dataset collected from our own sampling and public sources in north-eastern Spain. The dataset includes individual body size measures (fork length and mass) of 12,288 individuals of 24 fish species within 10 families collected at 118 locations in large rivers and small streams. Fish were caught by one-pass electrofishing following European standard protocols. The fish dataset has information on the local instream conditions including climatic variables (i.e., temperature and precipitation), topography (i.e., altitude), nutrient concentration (i.e., total phosphorus and nitrates), and the IMPRESS values (a measure of cumulative human impacts in lotic ecosystems). The potential uses of this new fish dataset are manifold, including developing size-based indices to further estimate the ecological status of freshwater ecosystems, allometric models, and analysis of variation in body size structure along environmental gradients

    Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams

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    We provide a unique fish individual body size dataset collected from our own sampling and public sources in north-eastern Spain. The dataset includes individual body size measures (fork length and mass) of 12,288 individuals of 24 fish species within 10 families collected at 118 locations in large rivers and small streams. Fish were caught by one-pass electrofishing following European standard protocols. The fish dataset has information on the local instream conditions including climatic variables (i.e., temperature and precipitation), topography (i.e., altitude), nutrient concentration (i.e., total phosphorus and nitrates), and the IMPRESS values (a measure of cumulative human impacts in lotic ecosystems). The potential uses of this new fish dataset are manifold, including developing size-based indices to further estimate the ecological status of freshwater ecosystems, allometric models, and analysis of variation in body size structure along environmental gradients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adapting participatory processes in temporary rivers management.

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    The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) mandates to incorporate the participation of stakeholders and the general public in the development and updating of the river basin management plans. So far, the WFD implementation has been mainly focused on perennial rivers without considering temporary rivers properly, neither in biomonitoring programs nor participatory processes. This paper aims at adapting participatory processes in river basin management to enhance the inclusion of ecosystems with poor or no social recognition such as temporary rivers. To do so, we examined previous experiences of participatory processes conducted in the WFD and adapted them to propose and implement an approach for promoting stakeholders' engagement in temporary rivers. The approach is based on a collaborative leadership, includes multiple participatory engagement mechanisms, uses future global change scenarios and the concept of ecosystem services at different stages of the process, and aims at involving stakeholders not only in the proposal of measures stage but in the diagnosis of the ecological status. It also includes an evaluation of participants' satisfaction on the process. We tested our approach in temporary rivers from the Mediterranean region. We found that the combination of environmental education and citizen science activities, together with the inclusion of the ecosystem services concept, was the most useful way to raise awareness on the biodiversity and ecological value of temporary rivers and to promote stakeholders' engagement. Workshops conducted during the diagnosis stage played an important role in both including stakeholders' suggestions and increasing their knowledge on temporary rivers. Further, envisaging climate-related future scenarios allowed participants to incorporate measures that could tackle new and emerging pressures on these ecosystems. As future environmental changes will increase the proportion of rivers with temporary flow regimes, our approach can contribute to adapt current participatory processes to future needs

    Aqueous Stable Gold Nanostar/ZIF‐8 Nanocomposites for Light‐Triggered Release of Active Cargo Inside Living Cells

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: C. Carrillo-Carrión, R. Martínez, M. F. Navarro Poupard, B. Pelaz, E. Polo, A. Arenas-Vivo, A. Olgiati, P. Taboada, M. G. Soliman, Ú. Catalán, S. Fernández-Castillejo, R. Solà, W. J. Parak, P. Horcajada, R. A. Alvarez-Puebla, P. del Pino, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 7078, which has been published in final form at https:// doi.org/10.1002/anie.201902817. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived VersionsA plasmonic core–shell gold nanostar/zeolitic‐imidazolate‐framework‐8 (ZIF‐8) nanocomposite was developed for the thermoplasmonic‐driven release of encapsulated active molecules inside living cells. The nanocomposites were loaded, as a proof of concept, with bisbenzimide molecules as functional cargo and wrapped with an amphiphilic polymer that prevents ZIF‐8 degradation and bisbenzimide leaking in aqueous media or inside living cells. The demonstrated molecule‐release mechanism relies on the use of near‐IR light coupled to the plasmonic absorption of the core gold nanostars, which creates local temperature gradients and thus, bisbenzimide thermodiffusion. Confocal microscopy and surface‐enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) were used to demonstrate bisbenzimide loading/leaking and near‐IR‐triggered cargo release inside cells, thereby leading to DNA stainingThis work has received financial support from the MINECO‐Spain (MAT2016‐80266‐R, MAT2015‐74381‐JIN, CTQ2017‐88648R, ENE2016‐79608‐C2‐1‐R, CTQ2017‐89588‐R, RYC‐2014‐15039, RYC‐2014‐16962), the Xunta de Galicia, Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016–2019 (ED431G/09), the Agrupación Estratégica de Materiales Action (ED431E 2018/08), the Generalitat de Cataluña (2017SGR522, 2017SGR883, SLT002/16/00239), the URV (2017PFR‐URV‐B2‐02), the German Research Society (DFG PA 794‐21‐1), and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund—ERDF, H2020‐MSCA‐IF‐2016, project 749667). M.F.N.P acknowledges the CONACYT PhD fellowship programS