1,370 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the 1997 Fiscal Decentralization Reform in Mexico: The Case of the Health Sector

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    This paper studies the impact of the health decentralization of funds and responsibilities that took place in Mexico in 1997 on state level health outcomes. It renders two main results. First, the magnitude of transfers from the federal government to states failed to take into account state-specific needs; instead, transfers were mainly determined by the pre-reform health expenditures of the federal government in each state. Second, decentralization did not boost the advances in health outcomes already achieved under the centralized health sector regime. We conclude by discussing plausible reasons for the disappointing impact of decentralization on health outcomes.Fiscal decentralization, federalism, health.

    Coupled Extraction/Re-Extraction Method for the Chemical Speciation of Nickel in NaturalWaters

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    Chemical fractionation and speciation of metals species in natural waters and its relation with bioavailability have received increased attention in recent years. A simple liquid membranes method, based on coupled liquid extraction and re-extraction processes, is proposed to separate and quantify the species of nickel present in water samples. A simplex optimization of chemical variables, such as carrier concentration in the organic solution and nitric acid concentration in the receiving solution, was performed and, under optimized conditions, the extraction system was applied to determine nickel species in water samples at natural level concentrations. A linear relationship was established between extraction e cacy and the concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the samples, allowing the separation and determination of labile and non-labile nickel fractions, since the latter was not transported through the organic solution acting as liquid membrane. When the total and labile concentrations of metals were analyzed in real samples with di erent salinities, no significant di erences were found between the results obtained and those from well-established methods. An average relative error of 1.50 and 2.37 was obtained for total Ni concentration and labile fraction, respectively. Finally, a comparison with the theoretical speciation data calculated with the softwareWinHumic V was successfully performed. Thus, the proposed method allows the simultaneous determination of labile and non-labile nickel fractions, presented as a simple alternative to nickel fractionation in natural waters

    La responsabilidad social empresarial y el principio anticorrupción evolución y presente

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    Dentro del presente artículo, se hará una exposición de la historia de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, en adelante RSE, y su interacción con iniciativas internacionales anticorrupción. Así mismo, se analizará el rol de los instrumentos voluntarios anticorrupción, partiendo de su desarrollo y observando su propósito, para así determinar si su naturaleza es realmente voluntaria, al igual que observar su impacto social.Pregrad

    An evaluation of the 1997 fiscal decentralization reform in Mexico: The case of the health sector

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    This paper studies the impact of the health decentralization of funds and responsibilities that took place in Mexico in 1997 on state level health outcomes. It renders two main results. First, the magnitude of transfers from the federal government to states failed to take into account state-specific needs; instead, transfers were mainly determined by the pre-reform health expenditures of the federal government in each state. Second, decentralization did not boost the advances in health outcomes already achieved under the centralized health sector regime. We conclude by discussing plausible reasons for the disappointing impact of decentralization on health outcomes

    Perceived Similarity With Gay Men Mediates the Effect of Antifemininity on Heterosexual Men’s Antigay Prejudice

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    This research examined the hypothesis that heterosexual men’s motivation to differentiate themselves from gay men mediates the relationship between the antifemininity norm of masculinity and antigay prejudice. We assessed masculinity through three concepts: status, thoughness, and antifemininity. Participants then reported their perceived similarity with gay men and their antigay prejudice. The results showed that antifemininity was the best predictor of both perceived similarity and antigay prejudice: The more people endorsed the antifemininity norm, the more they perceived themselves as dissimilar from gay men and showed antigay prejudice. More important, perceived similarity mediated the effect of antifemininity on antigay prejudice. These findings provide direct evidence for the link between masculinity and the motivation to differentiate oneself from gay men, and they suggest that antigay prejudice accomplishes the identity function of maintaining unambiguous gender boundaries

    Práctica profesional supervisada en la empresa PLICEM Nicaragua-División de Fibrocemento.

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    La investigación tiene como finalidad documentar el trabajo realizado en la empresa transnacional PLICEM CONSTRUSISTEMAS, S.A. La práctica profesional supervisada es una modalidad que está contemplada en las normativas de culminación de estudios de la Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería

    La influencia del estilo educativo en los procesos de autoatribución y las manifestaciones de sexismo

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    Partiendo de la investigación sobre estereotipos de género, y dada la polémica en torno a las diferencias y desigualdades entre hombres y mujeres, este estudio investiga los autoestereotipos como proceso psicosocial marcado por las relaciones entre factores situacionales, las estructuras sociales y la interacción con diversos procesos psicológicos. Para ello, el estudio analiza las autoatribuciones y evaluaciones de género y su relación con el sexismo, en una muestra de 192 adolescentes, utilizando como instrumento la escala de sexismo de Glick y Fiske (1996). Asimismo comparamos las respuestas de los participantes en función del género y la tipología del centro educativo al que asisten, donde diferenciamos entre colegios privados (religiosos/laicos) y colegios públicos. Los resultados muestran homogeneidad en las atribuciones que realizan chicos y chicas pero diferencias en relación con el sexismo. Además muestran la influencia del estilo educativo en las manifestaciones de sexismo. Palabras claves: Sexismo, estereotipos, autoatribuciones y género

    Introducción al Tema Central Nº 13 Transitar el espacio: imágenes cartográficas, relatos y experiencias sobre el terreno (siglos XVI-XX)

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    A partir de las herramientas heurísticas propuestas por la historia política, la historia social, la historia de la cartografía, la historia del arte y la historia cultural, los trabajos reunidos en el presente dossier exploran los diversos modos en que es posible abordar y reflexionar sobre la experiencia de transitar el espacio

    Perception of students and teachers from escuela colombiana de carreras industriales modern languages program on the relationship between english and organizational management

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    This project shows the perception process of the relationship between English and Organizational management. These perceptions identify the environment into Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales on Modern Languages program with management focus respect to both sectors; taking into account the influence that it has for students and teachers in their professional training. In addition this project is supporting by bibliographical sources, audiovisual materials and professional and basic training; which reveal important characteristics and different points of view. The perceptions provide particular support for research between these aspects. On the other hand, this project has high influence into our society, what starting in the globalization age, cultural interchanges, external relations and free trade agreement is; since English language is not only a daily source communication but is a business language.Chapter 1 Introduction Statement of the problem Research question and objectives. Research question. Main objective. Specific objectives. Rationale Chapter 2 Theoretical framework Organizational management Planning Organization Leadership Resource Control Foreign languages Organizational Management and Foreign Languages. Experiences. Experience 1. Experience 2. Experience 3. Experience 4. Chapter 3 Research design Type of study. Research method. Research Context and Participants. Data collection instruments and procedures Chapter 4 Work plan Chapter 5 Data analysis. Business context. Knowledge relationship. Chapter 6 Conclusion and recommendations Chapter 7 Question for further research Annexes ReferencesPregradoProfesional en Lenguas ModernasLenguas Moderna