448 research outputs found

    “It is hard right now”: High School Educators Working with Undocumented Students

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    This project began with an interest in learning about the experiences of educators working with undocumented high school students in San Diego County. The backdrop for this study is the current anti-immigrant climate, specifically targeting Latinx undocumented immigrants. Educators in the San Diego County are working in a context where immigration authorities are deporting their students’ family members. Our aim is to begin painting a picture of who these educators are and some of the practices they employ to support their undocumented students. We hope our findings will begin to support educators and in turn their students

    Fonaments de tecnologia electrònica

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    Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial, especialitat de Mecànica. 914: Fonaments de Tecnologia Electrònic

    MicroRNAs in C. elegans Aging: Molecular Insurance for Robustness?

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    The last decade has witnessed a revolution in our appreciation of the extensive regulatory gene expression networks modulated by small untranslated RNAs. microRNAs (miRNAs), ~22 nt RNAs that bind imperfectly to partially homologous sites on target mRNAs to regulate transcript expression, are now known to influence a broad range of biological processes germane to development, homeostatic regulation and disease. It has been proposed that miRNAs ensure biological robustness, and aging has been described as a progressive loss of system and cellular robustness, but relatively little work to date has addressed roles of miRNAs in longevity and healthspan (the period of youthful vigor and disease resistance that precedes debilitating decline in basic functions). The C. elegans model is highly suitable for testing hypotheses regarding miRNA impact on aging biology: the lifespan of the animal is approximately three weeks, there exist a wealth of genetic mutations that alter lifespan through characterized pathways, biomarkers that report strong healthspan have been defined, and many miRNA genes have been identified, expression-profiled, and knocked out. 50/114 C. elegans miRNAs change in abundance during adult life, suggesting significant potential to modulate healthspan and lifespan. Indeed, miRNA lin-4 has been elegantly shown to influence lifespan and healthspan via its lin-14 mRNA target and the insulin signaling pathway. 27 of the C. elegans age-regulated miRNAs have sequence similarity with both fly and human miRNAs. We review current understanding of a field poised to reveal major insights into potentially conserved miRNA-regulated networks that modulate aging

    Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry of Spirulina platensis proteins obtained by pressurized liquid extraction

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    In this work, the usefulness of CE-MS to monitor and optimize the pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) of proteins from Spirulina platensis microalga is demonstrated. Crude and purified PLE extracts from microalga were analyzed by CE-MS. It was observed that the use of purification protocols of phycobiliproteins (namely, ultrafiltration or precipitation- dialysis-freeze drying) resulted in better CE resolution and MS signals, demonstrating that sample matrix plays an important role in CE-MS of proteins in real samples. Ultrafiltration was found less laborious and much faster than precipitationdialysis- freeze drying (1 vs. 48 h). Direct analysis of crude extracts was demonstrated to be also possible by CE-MS, providing less-quality information but enough to characterize PLE extracts in a much faster way. Therefore, the latter protocol was selected to monitor and optimize the extraction process of phycobiliproteins from S. platensis. To do that, different extraction conditions were tested, including time, temperature and pressure of extraction, nature of pressurized liquid, distribution of microalga inside the extraction cell, type of packing, etc. It is demonstrated that the combined use of PLE and CE-MS allows the attainment of extracts rich in phycobiliproteins in short extraction times (namely, yields of 20% can be obtained in less than 2 h under the optimum PLE process in an automatic way). To our knowledge, this work shows for the first time the usefulness of CE-MS for monitoring and optimizing a PLE process.Financial support from AGL2002–04621-C02–02 project (CICYT, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnlogía) is acknowledged. M.H. thanks MCYT for an FPI grant. C.S. thanks Consejería de Educación y Cultura (Comunidad de Madrid) for a fellowship.Peer reviewe

    Study of extracellular matrix synthesis in C. elegans

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    The epithelial monolayer of cells surrounding the animal, the hypodermis, Synthesises five cuticles during the nematode life cycle. The first cuticle is formed within the egg, prior to hatching, and the remainder towards the end of each larval stage. Because of the structural role of the cuticle, mutations in genes involved in assembly of this ECM can cause a spectrum of effects from lethality late in embryogenesis to alterations in the nematode shape. The severity of phenotype correlates with the severity of cuticle synthesis defects. Accordingly, two distinct mutant alleles that cause death after embryonic elongation, possibly due to failure in synthesising an intact cuticle, were characterised . One mutant, ij15, was isolated from a forward genetic screen previously performed (I. Johnstone, Glasgow University, Glasgow, UK). ij15 defines mutationally the gene stc-1, which encodes a HSP70-like protein possibly localised in the secretory pathway. The other mutant, h402, defines mutationally the gene let-607. A second let-607 allele, h189, which results in larval lethaity at the L2 stage was also analysed in this study. let-607 corresponds to the predicted gene F57B10.1, which encodes a putative bZIP transcription factor. Both stc-1 and let-607 are expressed in the hypodermis at all developmental stages. Furthermore, disruption of the function of either stc-1 or let-607 by mutation or RNAi affects cuticle synthesis in different ways. Thus, stc-1 and let-607 encode for a HSP70-like protein and a putative bZIP transcription factor required for synthesis of the cuticular ECM in C. elegans. In addition, this study defines C. elegans mutant phenotypes that can be used as indicators for gene products with controlling roles in the synthesis of this ECM

    El control jurisdiccional de las cuentas públicas en Europa: el Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo y el Tribunal de Cuentas Español

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    The control of public expenditure is part of the institutional setting of any democracy. A modern public management requires further attention in the control of the economic and financial management of the performance of public authorities at national and supranational level. There is a need to reinvent public control due to the corruption cases that have occurred in recent years in the Spanish administration itself, mainly reinforcing the control system and the special control consciousness of the public authorities. This article aims to show how the Spanish Court of Auditors can become a more technical external control body based on the case of the European Court of Auditors whose mandate is to control and audit the European Union’s finances.El control del gasto público forma parte del entramado institucional de toda democracia. Una gestión pública moderna exige una mayor atención en el control de la gestión económico financiera en la actuación de los poderes públicos tanto a nivel nacional como supranacional. Ante los recurrentes casos de mala gestión pública que se han sucedido en los últimos años en la propia administración española, se plantea la necesidad de reinventar el control público; es decir, dando importancia al ambiente de control en el que actúan los poderes públicos y en especial a la conciencia de control que tiene el propio sistema. Este artículo pretende mostrar como el Tribunal de Cuentas Español se puede convertir auténtica entidad de control externo de carácter más técnico, basándose en el ejemplo del Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo cuya misión es el control y fiscalización de las cuentas de la Unión Europea.The control of public expenditure is part of the institutional setting of any democracy. A modern public management requires further attention in the control of the economic and financial management of the performance of public authorities at national and supranational level. There is a need to reinvent public control due to the corruption cases that have occurred in recent years in the Spanish administration itself, mainly reinforcing the control system and the special control consciousness of the public authorities. This article aims to show how the Spanish Court of Auditors can become a more technical external control body based on the case of the European Court of Auditors whose mandate is to control and audit the European Union’s finances

    Percepción de la relación Chile-Perú y su influencia en la identidad nacional, las representaciones estereotípicas y los prejuicios hacia el exogrupo nacional

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar el efecto de la percepción de conflicto y cooperación intergrupal entre Chile y Perú en los componentes de identidad nacional peruana, en los prejuicios hacia exogrupos nacionales, en la disposición a luchar contra un exogrupo y en las emociones asociadas a los eventos intergrupales, en una muestra de 225 participantes de una universidad privada de Lima. Se aplicó una metodología experimental formándose dos condiciones experimentales (“grupo de cooperación” y “grupo de conflicto”) y una condición de control. El grupo de cooperación recibió tres noticias que muestran una situación cooperativa en la relación intergrupal entre Chile y Perú mientras que el grupo conflicto recibió otra versión de las mismas noticias en las que se muestra una situación conflictiva entre ambos países. Los resultados confirman que: (1) la percepción de conflicto intergrupal promueve una mayor cohesión endogrupal y mayor identificación con el Perú; (2) el efecto de la percepción de conflicto intergrupal genera más estereotipos negativos y prejuicios hacia el exogrupo chileno, mientras que el efecto de cooperación intergrupal los disminuye; y (3) la percepción de conflicto intergrupal genera emociones más negativas asociadas a eventos intergrupales entre Perú y Chile. Palabras claves: relaciones intergrupales, Perú-Chile, identidad nacional, estereotipos, prejuicios y disposición a luchar.The present study aims to determine the effect of the perception of intergroup conflict and intergroup cooperation between Chile and Peru in Peruvian national identity components, in national prejudice towards outgroups, in the willingness to fight against an outgroup and the emotions associated with intergroup events, in a sample of 225 participants from a private university in Lima. Experimental methodology was applied forming two experimental conditions ("cooperation group" and "conflict group") and a control condition. The cooperation group received three news showing a cooperative situation between Chile and Peru while the conflict group received another version of the same news which shows a conflict between these two countries. The results confirm that: (1) the perception of intergroup conflict promotes greater ingroup cohesion and greater identification with Peru, (2) the effect of the perception of intergroup conflict generates more negative stereotypes and prejudice towards the outgroup, while the intergroup cooperation effect decreases them (3) the perception of intergroup conflict generates negative emotions associated with intergroup events between Peru and Chile. Keywords: intergroup relations, Peru-Chile, national identity, stereotypes, prejudices and willingness to fight.Tesi

    A educação dos alumnos nas escolas hospitalares. Uma visão da filosofia, economia e tecnologia

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    Introduction. Hospital schools are an educational environment characterized by the high heterogeneity of their students, encompassing different ages, illnesses, and previous educational repertoires. Pedagogical practices within these schools manifest through dialectical and negotiation processes, occurring in relative times and spaces. Purpose. This study aims to analyze certain tensions that occur in the educational process of students attending hospital schools. Three key factors of the process are part of this analysis. Discussion. Philosophical, economic, and technological aspects intertwine, shaping the current educational landscape within hospital schools. From a philosophical perspective, time and space in hospital schools are presented as dimensions that facilitate the introduction of non-conventional educational approaches, challenging the traditional one. On the economic side, the problematic issue of financing these schools arises due to their particular implementation. Finally, technology emerges as a crucial factor in ensuring the continuity of the educational process for children and young people affected by illness. Conclusion. The three examined factors illustrate how the modifications developed in the context of hospital schools could provide valuable guidance to the mainstream education system. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the imperative need for adaptable and effective mechanisms capable of sustaining the continuity of educational processes for all students. We are invited to learn from out-of-the-ordinary approaches to enrich and strengthen our education system as a whole.Introducción. Las escuelas hospitalarias son un contexto educativo que se caracteriza por la alta heterogeneidad de sus estudiantes (distintas edades, distintas enfermedades y distintos repertorios educativos previos), y por prácticas pedagógicas que se materializan a través de procesos dialécticos y de negociación, en tiempos y espacios relativos. Propósito. Analizar ciertas tensiones que se producen en el proceso educativo de estudiantes que se educan en escuelas hospitalarias. Tres factores claves del proceso son parte de este análisis. Discusión. Se entrelazan aspectos filosóficos, económicos y tecnológicos que moldean el panorama educativo actual de las escuelas en el hospital. Desde una perspectiva filosófica, el tiempo y el espacio en las escuelas hospitalarias se presentan como dimensiones que posibilitan la introducción de enfoques educativos no convencionales, desafiando lo tradicional. En lo económico, surge la cuestión problemática de la financiación de estas escuelas, debido a su implementación particular. Por último, lo tecnológico emerge como un factor crucial en asegurar la continuidad del proceso educativo para niños, niñas y jóvenes aquejados por enfermedades. Conclusión. Los tres factores examinados ilustran cómo las modificaciones desarrolladas en el contexto de las escuelas hospitalarias podrían ofrecer pautas valiosas al sistema educativo convencional. La irrupción de la pandemia de Covid-19 ha resaltado la imperiosa necesidad de contar con mecanismos adaptables y eficaces, capaces de sostener la continuidad de los procesos educativos de todos los grupos de estudiantes. Se invita a aprender de enfoques fuera de lo habitual para enriquecer y fortalecer nuestro sistema educativo en su totalidad.Introdução. As escolas hospitalares são um contexto educativo caracterizado pela elevada heterogeneidade dos seus alunos (diferentes idades, diferentes doenças e diferentes repertórios educativos anteriores) e por práticas pedagógicas que se materializam através de processos dialéticos e de negociação, em tempos e espaços relativos. Objetivo. Analisar certas tensões que ocorrem no processo educativo dos estudantes que são educados nas escolas hospitalares. Três fatores-chave do processo fazem parte desta análise. Discussão. Os aspectos filosóficos, económicos e tecnológicos estão interligados e moldam o atual panorama educativo das escolas no hospital. De uma perspectiva filosófica, o tempo e o espaço nas escolas hospitalares são apresentados como dimensões que permitem introduzir abordagens educativas não convencionais, desafiando o tradicional. Do ponto de vista económico, surge a problemática do financiamento destas escolas devido à sua particular implementação. Por fim, a tecnologia surge como um fator crucial para garantir a continuidade do processo educativo das crianças e jovens afetados pela doença. Conclusão. Os três fatores analisados ilustram como as modificações desenvolvidas no contexto das escolas hospitalares podem oferecer orientações valiosas para o sistema de ensino regular. A eclosão da pandemia de Covid-19 pôs em evidência a necessidade imperiosa de mecanismos adaptáveis e eficazes, capazes de sustentar a continuidade dos processos educativos para todos os alunos. Somos convidados a aprender com abordagens fora do comum para enriquecer e reforçar o nosso sistema educativo como um todo

    Análisis morfométrico del surco nasal en aves

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    Fil: Ibáñez, Lucía Mariel. Campus Universitario Florencio Varela, División Zoología Vertebrados, Sección Ornitología; ArgentinaFil: Tambussi, Claudia Patricia. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La PlataFil: Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Análisis de los efectos del crecimiento económico sobre la calidad ambiental: evidencia empírica para el caso de Colombia de 1970 – 2012

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    Este trabajo se encarga de evaluar la hipótesis de la Curva de Kuznets Ambiental (CKA) usando un modelo simple de regresión por mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (MCO) para su análisis. Se investigó la relación entre las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero y el PIB per cápita para Colombia durante el periodo comprendido entre 1970 – 2012. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la relación entre las emisiones GEI per cápita y el PIB per cápita describen una curva en forma de N, indicando que los beneficios que se pueden lograr en cuanto a la disminución de emisiones de GEI, debido a un mayor crecimiento económico, son transitorios. Se incluyeron además, variables explicativas para robustecer el modelo principal como lo fueron el consumo de energía fósil, la participación del sector servicios en el PIB y la población, siendo la última la única que presentó significancia en el modelo y mostrando una relación positiva con el nivel de emisiones del contaminante. Todo lo anterior, con el fin de darle importancia a la consideración del cambio climático como un aspecto transversal en los planes de desarrollo del país, bajo el compromiso que Colombia adquirió en la reducción de emisiones en el Acuerdo de Paris.PregradoEconomist