162 research outputs found

    Entre o Ártico e os trópicos: implicações das migrações de longa distância na qualidade individual

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    Climate is changing at a faster pace than some species can adjust to and the situation can become more complicated in the arctic and sub-arctic, where temperatures are warming more rapidly than at lower latitudes. This can be particularly problematic for long-distance migrants using multiple climatic zones during the annual cycle. In fact, several long-distance migrants are in decline globally and in order to unravel population level responses it is essential to first understand how processes operating at the individual level can influence fitness. Icelandic whimbrels Numenius phaeopus islandicus provide a suitable system in which to investigate these questions. I investigated (1) differences in seasonal migration duration, speed and ground speed, and mapped migration routes, wintering and stopover; (2) examined range wide energetic trade-offs and associated carry-over effects of wintering area conditions into the breeding season; (3) explored seasonal and sex-specific variation in consistency of individual timing during the annual cycle; (4) using full annual cycle individual level data, I investigated correlations between annual stages and duration of stationary periods, and assessed their fitness consequences; and (5) explored how wind conditions, temperature and departure date influence spring migratory strategy of Icelandic whimbrels. Contrary to most seasonal migrants, Icelandic whimbrels tended to migrate faster in autumn than in spring, and during the latter migration period a stopover strategy was prevalent. I found a trade-off between migration distance and wintering site quality but spending the winter at higher quality sites had no apparent influence on breeding phenology or breeding investment. Hence, after establishing that fledging success decreases with laying date, fitness consequences did not seem to emerge from winter site use. I also show that individuals have consistent schedules during the annual cycle, particularly at spring migration departure. Yet, schedule adjustments seem to occur during stationary periods (e.g. stopover, wintering), which likely allow whimbrels to avoid or alleviate negative fitness consequences between breeding seasons, by compensating for delays and breed on time; however, compensation between consecutive stages within the annual cycle is insufficient. The migratory strategy used in spring had no clear influence on laying date (hence unlikely to influence fledging success) and did not seem to be driven by wind conditions. Instead, individuals departing later tended to fly directly to Iceland and arrive earlier than those that stopover. As in other systems, timing is crucial for Icelandic whimbrels, particularly laying date, which links to breeding success. I only found a significant effect of spring arrival date on laying date (although spring arrival can be influenced by other factors). Variables such as food supply and weather conditions in the breeding area and pair bond were not investigated, but I discuss how these might influence laying date. Additionally, I suggest that the decline in fledging success with laying date is likely caused by predation pressure on whimbrel broods. Since individuals are consistent in phenology and timing is crucial, it is important to acquire knowledge (i) on food resource dynamics at the breeding areas, to comprehend in detail how these may become limiting under a scenario of environmental change; and (ii) on the ontogeny of migration and associated timing, as this allow to understand how migratory schedules are defined and forecast population-level responses.Para muitas espécies as alterações climáticas ocorrem mais rápido do que a sua capacidade de resposta e a situação pode tornar-se mais complicada no árctico e sub-árctico, onde as temperaturas têm aumentado de forma mais célere do que a latitudes inferiores. Isto é particularmente problemático para migradores que usam várias regiões climáticas durante o seu ciclo anual. De facto, vários migradores de longa distância estão em declínio global e para perceber a sua capacidade de resposta a nível populacional, é primeiro necessário compreender como os processos que ocorrem ao nível dos indivíduos podem influenciar o seu fitness. Os maçaricos-galegos da subespécie islandesa Numenius phaeopus islandicus proporcionam um bom sistema de estudo para investigar estas questões. Nesta tese investiguei (1) as diferenças sazonais na duração da migração, velocidade de migração e velocidade do voo em relação ao solo, e mapeei as rotas de migração, zonas de invernada e de paragem migratória desta população; (2) examinei trade-offs energéticos à escala da distribuição da população e os potenciais efeitos de carry-over das condições de invernada no período de reprodução; (3) determinei a variação sazonal e sexual na consistência do timing individual ao longo do ciclo anual; (4) usando dados a nível individual para todo o ciclo anual, investiguei correlações entre estádios anuais e a duração de períodos estacionários, e avaliei as suas consequências no fitness individual; e (5) explorei como as condições de vento, temperatura e data de saída durante a migração influenciam a estratégia migratória primaveril. Ao contrário da maioria dos migradores sazonais, os maçaricos-galegos islandeses tendem a migrar mais rápido no outono do que na primavera, e durante a migração primaveril a estratégia de stopover é mais comum. Descrevi trade-offs entre a distância de migração e a qualidade do local de invernada, mas invernar num local de maior qualidade aparentemente não tem influência na fenologia de reprodução ou investimento reprodutor. Assim, depois de estabelecer que o sucesso reprodutor decresce com a data de postura, o local de invernada não parece ter consequências no fitness individual. Demonstrei que os indivíduos são consistentes no calendário anual, principalmente na data de saída na migração primaveril. Ainda assim, ocorrem ajustes ao calendário durante períodos estacionários (e.g. stopover, invernada), o que permite evitar ou atenuar implicações negativas entre épocas reprodutoras, ao compensar atrasos e nidificar a tempo. Contudo, entre estádios consecutivos do ciclo anual a compensação parece insuficiente. A estratégia usada na migração primaveral não teve uma influência clara na data de postura (portanto é improvável que afecte o fitness individual) e não parece depender das condições de vento. Indivíduos que partem mais tarde, tendem a fazer um voo directo para a Islândia e chegar antes daqueles que fazem uma paragem migratória. Como em outras espécies, o timing é crucial para os maçaricos-galegos islandeses, particularmente a data de postura, que influencia o sucesso reprodutor. Apenas encontrei um efeito significativo da data de chegada na migração primaveril na data de postura (no entanto, a data de chegada pode ser influenciada por outros factores). Os efeitos da disponibilidade alimentar e condições atmosféricas nos locais de reprodução, e a relação entre os membros do casal não foram investigados, mas é discutido como podem influenciar a data de postura. Adicionalmente, sugiro que o declínio no sucesso reprodutor com a data de postura é provavelmente causado por pressão de predação nas famílias de maçaricos-galegos. Uma vez que os indivíduos são consistentes no calendário e o timing é crucial, é importante adquirir conhecimento (i) sobre a dinâmica de recursos alimentares nas áreas de reprodução, para compreender em detalhe como esse factor pode vir a tornar-se limitante, dado o cenário actual de alterações ambientais; e (ii) sobre a ontogenia de migração e timing associado, uma vez que permitirá entender como o timing de migração é estabelecido e prever respostas populacionais.Programa Doutoral em Biologi

    Historical relations between Brazil and Paraguay: negotiations and quarrels behind Itaipu Dam

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    In the context of Brazil-Paraguay historical relations, the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River – in the border between the two countries – was one of the most important initiatives (in political, economic and energy terms). The events between Brazil and Paraguay involving the Itaipu project are part of South America's geopolitics. In this sense, the present article will focuses the negotiations that preceded and continued throughout the construction of the plant and the treaties and main events and agreements that established the criteria for the operation of the hydroelectric power plant. The Itaipu Treaty, signed in 1973, provides for the revision of financial clauses by 2023. The present work aims to examine the relations between Brazil and Paraguay throughout history and analyze the impacts of the Itaipu Dam on these relationships. This article is a qualitative research, from the perspective of International Relations and Political Geography, enriched with cartography created by the authors with Arc GIS software.En el contexto de las relaciones históricas entre Brasil y Paraguay, la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica de Itaipú Binacional, en el río Paraná – enla frontera entre los dos países – fue una de las iniciativas más importantes (en términos políticos, económicos y energéticos). Los eventos entre Brasil yParaguay relacionados con el proyecto de Itaipú son parte de la geopolítica de América del Sur. En este sentido, el presente artículo enfocará losprincipales eventos y negociaciones que precedieron y continuaron a lo largo de la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica y los tratados y conveniosque establecieron los criterios para su operación. El Acuerdo de Itaipú, firmado en 1973, prevé la revisión de las cláusulas financieras para el año 2023.En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo examinar las relaciones entre Brasil y Paraguay y analizar los impactos de Itaipú Binacionalsobre ellas. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, desde la perspectiva de las Relaciones Internacionales y de la Geografía Política, enriquecida concartografía creada por los autores con el software Arc GIS.In the context of Brazil-Paraguay historical relations, the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River – on the border between the two countries – was one of the most important initiatives (in political, economic and energy terms). The events between Brazil and Paraguay involving the Itaipu project are part of South America's geopolitics. In this sense, the present article will focus on the negotiations that preceded and continued throughout the construction of the plant and the treaties and main events and agreements that established the criteria for the operation of the hydroelectric power plant. The Itaipu Treaty, signed in 1973, provides for the revision of financial clauses by 2023. Thus, the present work aims to examine the relations between Brazil and Paraguay throughout history and analyze the impacts of the Itaipu Dam on this relationship. This article is qualitative research, from the perspective of International Relations and Political Geography, enriched with cartography created by the authors with Arc GIS software

    Historical relations between Brazil and Paraguay: negotiations and quarrels behind Itaipu Dam

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    In the context of Brazil-Paraguay historical relations, the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River – in the border between the two countries – was one of the most important initiatives (in political, economic and energy terms). The events between Brazil and Paraguay involving the Itaipu project are part of South America's geopolitics. In this sense, the present article will focuses the negotiations that preceded and continued throughout the construction of the plant and the treaties and main events and agreements that established the criteria for the operation of the hydroelectric power plant. The Itaipu Treaty, signed in 1973, provides for the revision of financial clauses by 2023. The present work aims to examine the relations between Brazil and Paraguay throughout history and analyze the impacts of the Itaipu Dam on these relationships. This article is a qualitative research, from the perspective of International Relations and Political Geography, enriched with cartography created by the authors with Arc GIS software.En el contexto de las relaciones históricas entre Brasil y Paraguay, la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica de Itaipú Binacional, en el río Paraná – enla frontera entre los dos países – fue una de las iniciativas más importantes (en términos políticos, económicos y energéticos). Los eventos entre Brasil yParaguay relacionados con el proyecto de Itaipú son parte de la geopolítica de América del Sur. En este sentido, el presente artículo enfocará losprincipales eventos y negociaciones que precedieron y continuaron a lo largo de la construcción de la central hidroeléctrica y los tratados y conveniosque establecieron los criterios para su operación. El Acuerdo de Itaipú, firmado en 1973, prevé la revisión de las cláusulas financieras para el año 2023.En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo examinar las relaciones entre Brasil y Paraguay y analizar los impactos de Itaipú Binacionalsobre ellas. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, desde la perspectiva de las Relaciones Internacionales y de la Geografía Política, enriquecida concartografía creada por los autores con el software Arc GIS.In the context of Brazil-Paraguay historical relations, the construction of the Itaipu hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River – on the border between the two countries – was one of the most important initiatives (in political, economic and energy terms). The events between Brazil and Paraguay involving the Itaipu project are part of South America's geopolitics. In this sense, the present article will focus on the negotiations that preceded and continued throughout the construction of the plant and the treaties and main events and agreements that established the criteria for the operation of the hydroelectric power plant. The Itaipu Treaty, signed in 1973, provides for the revision of financial clauses by 2023. Thus, the present work aims to examine the relations between Brazil and Paraguay throughout history and analyze the impacts of the Itaipu Dam on this relationship. This article is qualitative research, from the perspective of International Relations and Political Geography, enriched with cartography created by the authors with Arc GIS software

    Tríplice fronteira Brasil-Argentina-Paraguai: transfronteirização através do crime

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    RESUMOO presente artigo versa sobre a transfronteirização do crime na Tríplice Fronteira Brasil-Argentina-Paraguai. Uma região que o governo dos EUA considera um reduto do terrorismo internacional e que tem preocupado o Ministério da Defesa do Brasil, que iniciou uma grande operação para combater o narcotráfico e o contrabando. No texto são analisados os fluxos que atravessam a região, que é composta por três cidades-gêmeas (Foz do Iguaçu, Ciudad del Este e Puerto Iguazú). Esses fluxos são influenciados por fatores como a presença de diferentes grupos étnicos (árabes, chineses, etc), a existência de três sistemas jurídicos diferentes, a grande atividade econômica da zona franca de Ciudad del Este, a atuação de organizações criminosas, a corrupção dentro de órgãos de governo e de algumas polícias, a pobreza e o desemprego. Na Tríplice Fronteira o legal e o ilegal convivem lado a lado e fazem parte do dia a dia das populações dos três países. Nesse sistema, atividades qualificadas como ilícitas pelo Estado garantem a existência de outras atividades lícitas e o sustento de muitas famílias.Palavras-chave: Tríplice Fronteira, contrabando, crime. ABSTRACT This article concerns about the crime that crosses the TBA (Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay) borders. A region that the U.S. government considers a stronghold of international terrorism and that has worried the Ministry of Defence of Brazil, which began a large operation to combat drug trafficking and smuggling. The text analyzes the flows that cross the region, which consists of three twin cities (Foz do Iguaçu, Ciudad del Este and Puerto Iguazú). These flows are influenced by factors such as the presence of different ethnic groups (Arabs, Chinese, etc.), the existence of three different legal systems, the major economic activity in the free trade zone of Ciudad del Este, the activities of criminal organizations, corruption in government agencies and inside the police, poverty and unemployment. In the TBA legal and illegal live side by side and are part of daily life of the populations of three countries. In this system, activities considered as illegal by the State ensure the existence of other legal activities and support many families.Keywords: TBA, smuggling, crime

    Muscle strength assessment of knee flexors and extensors. Comparative study between basketball, football, handball and volleyball athletes

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    Muscle strength of lower limbs is considered a key factor in handball, basketball, football and volleyball athletes’ performance, as support of specific motor skills and actions. One of the methods used to assess muscle strength is isokinetic dynamometry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O processo de integração sul-americana pode levar ao surgimento de uma região transfronteiriça nos territórios contíguos ao Arco Sul da faixa de fronteira do Brasil. Esse território vem sendo impactado por grandes projetos de infraestrutura para a interconexão viária e energética entre os países sul-americanos. Nesse contexto, os responsáveis pela gestão do território se deparam com o desafio de conciliar os interesses do grande capital (empreiteiras) com o das populações das cidades onde as obras são materializadas

    Relación Brasil-Colombia: dinámicas transfronterizas, migratorias y de integración

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    Brazil-Colombia relationship started in the seventies of the twentieth century despite the consolidation of the border between the two countries in 1934, after the dispute over the city of Leticia, between Colombia and Peru. This context allows us to place a question: How is the development of the migration and the relationship between Brazil and Colombia? From a historical perspective of International Relations, Geography and Political Science and from a review of literature both migration and integration have had their own dynamics. However, from the early 2000s they tend to converge, even though the integration is limited to issues of security and military control of the border. In recent years, although the interactions between the two countries have increased, especially on issues such as migration, trade and common public policy, they are still limited due to poor knowledge of society, tensions generated by foreign countries and the fact that Brazil and Colombia belong to different economic blocs: CAN and MERCOSUR.La relación Brasil-Colombia data de la década del setenta del siglo XX pese a que la consolidación de la frontera entre ambos países sucediera en 1934, posterior a la disputa por la ciudad de Leticia entre Colombia y Perú. Este contexto nos permite situar la pregunta por ¿cómo se ha desarrollado la migración y la integración en la frontera Brasil-Colombia? Indicando, desde una perspectiva histórica de las Relaciones Internacionales, la Geografía y la Ciencia Política y, a partir de una revisión de literatura, que tanto la migración como la integración, han tenido sus propias dinámicas, aunque, hacia la década del 2000 éstas tienden a converger; así mismo, la integración se limita a temas de seguridad y control militar de la frontera. En los últimos años, aunque las interacciones entre ambos países han aumentado en temas migratorios, comerciales y en políticas públicas comunes, éstas aún son limitadas debido al poco conocimiento de la sociedad, las tensiones generadas por países externos y la pertenencia a dos bloques económicos poco dialogantes: la CAN y el MERCOSUR

    Why Are Whimbrels Not Advancing Their Arrival Dates Into Iceland? Exploring Seasonal and Sex-Specific Variation in Consistency of Individual Timing During the Annual Cycle

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)The timing of annual events is key for organisms that exploit seasonal resources, as deviations from optimal timing might result in considerable fitness costs. Under strong time selection, individuals likely have fewer suitable strategies available than when selection is more relaxed, hence both consistency and flexibility might be advantageous depending on the life history or annual cycle stage. For migrants using both the arctic and the tropics during their annual cycle, the faster warming at higher latitudes than elsewhere in the range may lead to mismatches with local environmental conditions. Additionally, while individuals might already be limited in responding to changes at each stage, the potential degree of a given response will likely also be limited by responses at previous stages of the annual cycle. Contrary to other migratory waders breeding in Iceland, Icelandic whimbrels Numenius phaeopus islandicus have not changed arrival dates during the past 30 years, suggesting high individual consistency in spring arrival timing and a potential limitation in responding to a changing environment. After repeatedly tracking 12 individual Icelandic whimbrels at least twice throughout their annual cycle between 2012 and 2018, we investigated individual consistency of spring arrival date and other annual stages and migration strategy, and explored differences between sexes and seasons. Individuals were more consistent on timing of spring than autumn migration, and the most consistent stage was departure from the wintering sites. Timing of laying was the stage that varied the most, and no overall significant difference between sexes was observed, except on spring stopover duration. While lower consistency in laying dates might allow individuals to track the advancement of spring, consistency at departure from the wintering sites, stopover duration, and arrival into Iceland might limit the degree of advancement. Transgenerational changes in the migratory behavior of other wader species allows population level responses to a changing phenology, but seems unlikely for Icelandic whimbrels, given the stable dates of spring arrival in this population. Under continuing advancement of spring onset, it is thus important to acquire information on the timing of spring arrival of recruits and on the ontogeny of migration to understand how migratory schedules are defined and might influence responses of long-distance migrants to environmental change.This work was funded by RANNIS (Grants: 130412-052 and 152470-052), the University of Iceland Research Fund, and by FCT/MCTES to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019), and individual grants (PD/BD/113534/2015 and SFRH/BPD/91527/2012), through National Funds, and ProPolar.Peer Reviewe