719 research outputs found

    A Brazilian anuran (Hylodes magalhaesi: Leptodactylidae) infected by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis: a conservation concern

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    Several studies have associated the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis with anuran population declines worldwide. To date, the fungus has been found in Africa, the Americas, Australia, and Europe. However, it has never been reported to occur in the Atlantic forest or Brazil. Based on morphological, histological, and molecular data, we encountered evidence of B. dendrobatidis infection in a high-altitude stream-dwelling Brazilian anuran species, Hylodes magalhaesi (Leptodactylidae). One population (Municipality of Camanducaia, State of Minas Gerais) was surveyed from 2001 to 2005. Tadpoles lacking teeth were observed and collected in 2004. Histological and molecular analyses identified infection by B. dendrobatidis. Although infected tadpoles seem nowadays to co-exist with the disease, our results are alarming due to the highly endangered situation of the Brazilian Atlantic forest and its fauna. Effects of the chytrid infection on the studied population are still unknown. Further investigations are needed to provide information on its distribution in relation to other populations of H. magalhaesi

    A new species of Brachycephalus (Anura:Brachycephalidae) fromthe Quiriri mountain range of southern Brazil

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    A new miniaturized toadled of the genus Brachycephalus (Anura: Brachycephalidae) is described from Serra do Quiriri in the municipality of Campo Alegre, Santa Catarina, southern Brazil. Specimens were collected from the leaf litter between from 1,263 and 1,318 m above sea level. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: snout–vent length 9.9–13.1 mm; skin on head and dorsum without dermal co-ossification; snout mucronate in dorsal view; dorsum rugose; general color brown, with a narrow orange vertebral stripe. The region where the new species is located is also shared with other endemic anuran species and has experienced strong anthropogenic impacts,suggesting that immediate actions should be taken to ensure their long-term preservation

    Combination Therapy for Neuropathic Pain: A Review of Recent Evidence

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    Pharmacological treatment is not very effective for neuropathic pain (NP). A progressive decrease in the estimated effect of NP drugs has been reported, giving rise to an increase in the use of the multimodal analgesic approach. We performed a new independent review to assess whether more and better-quality evidence has become available since the last systematic review. We evaluated the efficacy, tolerability, and safety of double-blinded randomized controlled trials involving only adult participants and comparing combination therapy (CT: ≥2 drugs) with a placebo and/or at least one other comparator with an NP indication. The primary outcome assessed was the proportion of participants reporting ≥50% pain reductions from baseline. The secondary outcome assessed was the proportion of drop-outs due to treatment-emergent adverse events. After removing duplicates, 2323 citations were screened, with 164 articles assessed for eligibility, from which 16 were included for qualitative analysis. From the latter, only five lasted for at least 12 weeks and only six complied with the required data for complete analysis. CT has been adopted for years without robust evidence. Efforts have been made to achieve better-quality evidence, but the quality has not improved over the years. In this regard, guidelines for NP should attempt to make recommendations about CT research, prioritizing which combinations to analyze

    O consumo energético residencial em campo grande e a eficiência energética

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil

    Simulação e controle da etapa de reação da produção de Óxido de Etileno

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    O Óxido de Etileno é a principal commodity química produzida em todo o Mundo, obtido pela oxidação catalítica do etileno com catalisador de prata. Essa reação de oxidação é acompanhada por reações paralelas, destacando-se a de queima total do etileno e a queima direta do próprio óxido de etileno, formando CO2 e H2O. A seletividade e conversão do reator dependem fortemente das condições de processo e a baixa conversão por passe, associada ao aumento da seletividade, impõe a necessidade de reciclo, com integração energética para minimização dos custos de produção. A predição do comportamento dinâmico é dificultada pela alta sensibilidade paramétrica do processo, tornando necessárias ferramentas de simulação para análise e otimização da produção. Neste cenário, o presente trabalho abordou a Etapa de Reação, com modelagem fenomenológica rigorosa. Adicionalmente, a Etapa de Absorção do óxido produzido foi introduzida de forma simplificada visando à simulação do reciclo e da integração energética, enquanto a Etapa de Purificação não foi objeto de simulação. Os modelos para os principais equipamentos – i.e., reator, trocadores de calor de integração energética e absorvedora – foram implementados em ambiente SIMULINK do MATLAB (SIMULINK 4.1 do MATLAB versão 6.1, The MathWorks Inc.), configurado para simulação do processo em correntes de processo e blocos de operações/equipamentos. viii Uma análise de sensibilidade paramétrica apontou as condições de operação enquanto uma análise de controlabilidade definiu a estrutura de controle para condução do processo. A estratégia de controle proposta é composta por quatro malhas cascata de controle, além da malha de controle simples da concentração de CO2. Após procedimento de sintonia, o processo integrado e controlado foi si

    Local adaptation in mainland anole lizards: Integrating population history and genome–environment associations

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    Environmental gradients constrain physiological performance and thus species’ ranges, suggesting that species occurrence in diverse environments may be associated with local adaptation. Genome–environment association analyses (GEAA) have become central for studies of local adaptation, yet they are sensitive to the spatial orientation of historical range expansions relative to landscape gradients. To test whether potentially adaptive genotypes occur in varied climates in wide‐ranged species, we implemented GEAA on the basis of genomewide data from the anole lizards Anolis ortonii and Anolis punctatus, which expanded from Amazonia, presently dominated by warm and wet settings, into the cooler and less rainy Atlantic Forest. To examine whether local adaptation has been constrained by population structure and history, we estimated effective population sizes, divergence times, and gene flow under a coalescent framework. In both species, divergence between Amazonian and Atlantic Forest populations dates back to the mid‐Pleistocene, with subsequent gene flow. We recovered eleven candidate genes involved with metabolism, immunity, development, and cell signaling in A. punctatus and found no loci whose frequency is associated with environmental gradients in A. ortonii. Distinct signatures of adaptation between these species are not associated with historical constraints or distinct climatic space occupancies. Similar patterns of spatial structure between selected and neutral SNPs along the climatic gradient, as supported by patterns of genetic clustering in A. punctatus, may have led to conservative GEAA performance. This study illustrates how tests of local adaptation can benefit from knowledge about species histories to support hypothesis formulation, sampling design, and landscape gradient characterization

    Premio Ernesto McCausland Sojo, un apoyo al periodismo cultural

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    En su cuarta versión, el Premio de Periodismo Nacional Mejor Crónica del Carnaval de Barranquilla ‘Ernesto McCausland Sojo’ abrió dos nuevas categorías: Colaboradores Habituales y Nuevos Cronistas, además se recibieron 55 trabajos de periodistas locales, de la región y varias ciudades del país, que inicialmente llevaron el Carnaval a sus lectores, radioescuchas y televidentes a través de sus medios y luego postularon para honrar con este género el legado del gran narrador que fue McCausland

    Coronación de Reyes de los Niños, un homenaje a los valores

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    Alejandra Santiago y Gabriel Primera lideraron con orgullo y alegría el Carnaval de los Niños 2017. Con ellos los pequeños barranquilleros vivieron una mágica experiencia, El espectáculo contó con 410pequeños bailarines en una puesta en escena que representó la búsqueda donde los valores y la alegría del mago de Oz fueron los principales protagonistas en el acto de Lectura de Bando y Coronación

    Ejemplo de construcción de ciudad y ciudadanía

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    El Desfile del Rey Momo el sábado de Carnaval se convirtió en un ejercicio de construcción de ciudad y ciudadanía que promovió la apropiación de la comunidad, la participación de nuevas generaciones y la articulación interinstitucional de la ciudad con positivos resultados