1,413 research outputs found

    Magnetovac Cylinder to Magnetovac Torus

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    A method for mapping known cylindrical magnetovac solutions to solutions in torus coordinates is developed. Identification of the cylinder ends changes topology from R1 x S1 to S1 x S1. An analytic Einstein-Maxwell solution for a toroidal magnetic field in tori is presented. The toroidal interior is matched to an asymptotically flat vacuum exterior, connected by an Israel boundary layer.Comment: to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    The Rubiaceae family in the Carrancas Mountain Complex, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil

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    Rubiaceae is the fourth largest family of the angiosperms in terms of species diversity worldwide. It is present in all plant physiognomies and occupies various vegetation strata, being one of the most important components of tropical vegetation. It is easily recognized by the opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules, gamopetalous corolla, and inferior ovary. The main objective of this study was to investigate the diversity of the Rubiaceae in the Carrancas Mountain Complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This region encompasses approximately 17,609 km2, extending from the southern border of the state of Minas Gerais, approaching the Itatiaia Plateau, to the Sao Joao del-Rei and Barbacena region, where the Sao Francisco River basin begins. It includes the municipalities of Lavras, Itumirim, Ingaí, Itutinga, Carrancas, and Minduri. Situated in an ecotone between the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado domains, it presents a surface covered by various vegetation types, such as campo rupestre, savannas, open fields, scrublands, seasonal semideciduous forests, riparian or gallery forests, and cloud forests at the higher elevations. A total of 681 herbarium specimens were analysed, most of them deposited at the ESAL herbarium, which holds most of the collections made in the region. In this study, 26 genera and 51 species were recorded. These represent noteworthy 37.7% of the genera and 13.5% of the species of Rubiaceae recorded in Minas Gerais, including 14 endemic species to Brazil. Borreria and Palicourea were the most diverse genera (five species each), followed by Cordiera, Galianthe, and Psychotria (four species each). Therefore, this work enriches the taxonomic knowledge of the Rubiaceae family in the state of Minas Gerais, particularly for the flora of the Carrancas Mountain Complex

    Seletividade do óleo de mamona em adultos do Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1978 (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).

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    Testes de seletividade tornaram-se obrigatórios quando o objetivo é estudar o efeito de um inseticida, mesmo que de origem vegetal, em organismos benéficos. Neste sentido, foi avaliada a seletividade do Óleo de mamona® nas concentrações de 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6% (v/v), do detergente neutro Zupp® a 2% (v/v) (emulsificante para o óleo), do inseticida clorpirifós a 0,5 L i.a./ha (testemunha positiva) e da água destilada em adultos do T. pretiosum, de acordo com protocolos da IOBC/WPRS.Resumo

    Rubisco catalytic properties of wild and domesticated relatives provide scope for improving wheat photosynthesis

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    Rubisco is a major target for improving crop photosynthesis and yield, yet natural diversity in catalytic properties of this enzyme is poorly understood. Rubisco from 25 genotypes of the Triticeae tribe, including wild relatives of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), were surveyed to identify superior enzymes for improving photosynthesis in this crop. In vitro Rubisco carboxylation velocity (V c), Michaelis–Menten constants for CO2 (K c) and O2 (K o) and specificity factor (S c/o) were measured at 25 and 35 °C. V c and K c correlated positively, while V c and S c/o were inversely related. Rubisco large subunit genes (rbcL) were sequenced, and predicted corresponding amino acid differences analysed in relation to the corresponding catalytic properties. The effect of replacing native wheat Rubisco with counterparts from closely related species was analysed by modelling the response of photosynthesis to varying CO2 concentrations. The model predicted that two Rubisco enzymes would increase photosynthetic performance at 25 °C while only one of these also increased photosynthesis at 35 °C. Thus, under otherwise identical conditions, catalytic variation in the Rubiscos analysed is predicted to improve photosynthetic rates at physiological CO2 concentrations. Naturally occurring Rubiscos with superior properties amongst the Triticeae tribe can be exploited to improve wheat photosynthesis and crop productivity

    Crystalline Order On Riemannian Manifolds With Variable Gaussian Curvature And Boundary

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    We investigate the zero temperature structure of a crystalline monolayer constrained to lie on a two-dimensional Riemannian manifold with variable Gaussian curvature and boundary. A full analytical treatment is presented for the case of a paraboloid of revolution. Using the geometrical theory of topological defects in a continuum elastic background we find that the presence of a variable Gaussian curvature, combined with the additional constraint of a boundary, gives rise to a rich variety of phenomena beyond that known for spherical crystals. We also provide a numerical analysis of a system of classical particles interacting via a Coulomb potential on the surface of a paraboloid.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase

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    We consider a simple Maier-Saupe statistical model with the inclusion of disorder degrees of freedom to mimic the phase diagram of a mixture of rod-like and disc-like molecules. A quenched distribution of shapes leads to the existence of a stable biaxial nematic phase, in qualitative agreement with experimental findings for some ternary lyotropic liquid mixtures. An annealed distribution, however, which is more adequate to liquid mixtures, precludes the stability of this biaxial phase. We then use a two-temperature formalism, and assume a separation of relaxation times, to show that a partial degree of annealing is already sufficient to stabilize a biaxial nematic structure.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    On the Complexity of Searching in Trees: Average-case Minimization

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    We focus on the average-case analysis: A function w : V -> Z+ is given which defines the likelihood for a node to be the one marked, and we want the strategy that minimizes the expected number of queries. Prior to this paper, very little was known about this natural question and the complexity of the problem had remained so far an open question. We close this question and prove that the above tree search problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees with diameter at most 4. This results in a complete characterization of the complexity of the problem with respect to the diameter size. In fact, for diameter not larger than 3 the problem can be shown to be polynomially solvable using a dynamic programming approach. In addition we prove that the problem is NP-complete even for the class of trees of maximum degree at most 16. To the best of our knowledge, the only known result in this direction is that the tree search problem is solvable in O(|V| log|V|) time for trees with degree at most 2 (paths). We match the above complexity results with a tight algorithmic analysis. We first show that a natural greedy algorithm attains a 2-approximation. Furthermore, for the bounded degree instances, we show that any optimal strategy (i.e., one that minimizes the expected number of queries) performs at most O(\Delta(T) (log |V| + log w(T))) queries in the worst case, where w(T) is the sum of the likelihoods of the nodes of T and \Delta(T) is the maximum degree of T. We combine this result with a non-trivial exponential time algorithm to provide an FPTAS for trees with bounded degree

    Suscetibilidade dos estágios imaturos de Trichogramma pretiosum a óleos inseticidas.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a suscetibilidade das fases imaturas do parasitoide Trichogramma pretiosum a óleos vegetais e sintéticos utilizados no controle fitossanitário de pragas.Resumo

    Interplay between bending and stretching in carbon nanoribbons

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    We investigate the bending properties of carbon nanoribbons by combining continuum elasticity theory and tight-binding atomistic simulations. First, we develop a complete analysis of a given bended configuration through continuum mechanics. Then, we provide by tight-binding calculations the value of the bending rigidity in good agreement with recent literature. We discuss the emergence of a stretching field induced by the full atomic-scale relaxation of the nanoribbon architecture. We further prove that such an in-plane strain field can be decomposed into a first contribution due to the actual bending of the sheet and a second one due to edge effects.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    On the differential geometry of curves in Minkowski space

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    We discuss some aspects of the differential geometry of curves in Minkowski space. We establish the Serret-Frenet equations in Minkowski space and use them to give a very simple proof of the fundamental theorem of curves in Minkowski space. We also state and prove two other theorems which represent Minkowskian versions of a very known theorem of the differential geometry of curves in tridimensional Euclidean space. We discuss the general solution for torsionless paths in Minkowki space. We then apply the four-dimensional Serret-Frenet equations to describe the motion of a charged test particle in a constant and uniform electromagnetic field and show how the curvature and the torsions of the four-dimensional path of the particle contain information on the electromagnetic field acting on the particle.Comment: 10 pages. Typeset using REVTE