1,688 research outputs found

    Depression and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

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    For over two decades clinical studies have been conducted which suggest the existence of a relationship between depression and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). Recently, Ohayon underscored the evidence for a link between these two disorders in the general population, showing that 800 out of 100,000 individuals had both, a breathing-related sleep disorder and a major depressive disorder, with up to 20% of the subjects presenting with one of these disorders also having the other. In some populations, depending on age, gender and other demographic and health characteristics, the prevalence of both disorders may be even higher: OSA may affect more than 50% of individuals over the age of 65, and significant depressive symptoms may be present in as many as 26% of a community-dwelling population of older adults. In clinical practice, the presence of depressive symptomatology is often considered in patients with OSA, and may be accounted for and followed-up when considering treatment approaches and response to treatment. On the other hand, sleep problems and specifically OSA are rarely assessed on a regular basis in patients with a depressive disorder. However, OSA might not only be associated with a depressive syndrome, but its presence may also be responsible for failure to respond to appropriate pharmacological treatment. Furthermore, an undiagnosed OSA might be exacerbated by adjunct treatments to antidepressant medications, such as benzodiazepines. Increased awareness of the relationship between depression and OSA might significantly improve diagnostic accuracy as well as treatment outcome for both disorders. In this review, we will summarize important findings in the current literature regarding the association between depression and OSA, and the possible mechanisms by which both disorders interact. Implications for clinical practice will be discussed

    Los profesores también juegan. El aprendizaje basado en juegos en la formación inicial de los docentes

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    Si el juego se reconoce como actividad de aprendizaje en educación infantil o primaria, ¿por qué los docentes de esas etapas educativas no experimentan a aprender jugando durante su formación inicial universitaria? ¿Es esto posible? Estas preguntas encuentran respuesta fundamentada en la presente comunicación dado que se ha realizado una amplia revisión de literatura sobre experiencias documentadas y estudios publicados que nos muestran las posibilidades y beneficios de favorecer que los docentes jueguen para aprender en las aulas universitarias. Los juegos son ejercicios atractivos y competitivos en los que el objetivo último es ganar. En ellos, los jugadores deben aplicar el conocimiento y habilidades que sean necesarias en su esfuerzo por avanzar en el ejercicio y alcanzar el final. Las simulaciones, en cambio, son situaciones recreadas en las que todos los participantes toman un rol particular, abordan los problemas o amenazas que surgen y experimentan los efectos de sus decisiones. La situación puede tomar, así, diferentes direcciones dependiendo de las acciones y reacciones de los participantes. Sin embargo, aún cuando las simulaciones y los juegos se definen por separado, en la actualidad, la tendencia es a converger en un único concepto aceptado por la comunidad educativa, a saber: juegos serios. En comparación con las simulaciones, los juegos serios tienden a ser más divertidos, más atractivos. En comparación con los juegos, los juegos serios tienen metas de aprendizaje específicas y resultados deseados. En ellos se logra que las competencias, objetivo de aprendizaje, se adquieran en un ambiente agradable y cuasi-real donde el alumnado es capaz de tocar, probar, equivocarse y, en consecuencia, aprender. Los juegos serios fortalecen los procesos cognitivos y mejoran o potencian las habilidades y capacidades, al tiempo que ofrecen retroalimentación en tiempo de ejecución. Y lo que es igual de importante, divierten mientras se participa de ellos.If the game is recognized as learning activity in primary education, why teachers do not experience these stages of education to learn playing during their initial university? Is this possible? Through an extensive literatura review of published studies and documented experiences we show the possibilities and benefits of encouraging teachers to play tol earn in university classrooms. Games are attractive and competitive exercise sin which the ultimate goal is to win. In them, players must apply the knowledge and skills necessary in an effort to advance the practice and reach the end. Simulations, however, are recreated situations in which all participants take a particular role, address problems or threats that arise and experience the effects of their decisions. The situation can take as well, different directions depending on the actions and reactions of the participants. However, even if the simulations and games are defined separately, at present, the tendency is to converge into serious games. Compared with simulations, seriousgames tend to be more fun, more attractive. Compared with games, seriousgames have specific learning goals and desired outcomes. Competencies are acquired in a friendly and quasi-real environment. Students are able to touch, taste, make mistakes and, learn. At the same time you have fun, seriousgames strengthen cognitive processes, the skills and capabilities, are improved providing feedback at runtime

    Genre-based strategies for integrating critical and creative thinking in Engineering and Journalism

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    In this paper we propose genre-based strategies for integrating two key lifelong competencies, critical and creative thinking, in Engineering and Journalism. In both disciplines there is a need to apply professional expertise in various contexts and to communicate with different audiences. Drawing on previous studies, we sketch a basic needs analysis in these professional fields, point to major learning obstacles, and provide guidelines for collaboration between language and content teachers in English-medium instruction settings. In such collaboration, genre is simultaneously the hub, the framing structure, and the shared middle ground between content and form and even between disparate disciplines. Our goal is an integrative pedagogy that merges the acquisition of disciplinary content and procedures with the practice of ‘soft skills’ and the ability to transform and interrelate knowledge. Our contention for both Engineering and Journalism is that by allowing students to understand genres and explore their potential, we can provide them with learning experiences in which critical thinking and creativity are engaged

    The Future’s Path in Three Acadian French Varieties

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    In the present study, we investigate the expression of future temporal reference in three closely-related varieties of Atlantic Canada Acadian French, varieties which differ substantially in their sociolinguistic histories. The three communities (Baie Sainte-Marie, Nova Scotia; L’Anse-à-Canards, Newfoundland; and the Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec) have experienced varying types and degrees of dialect contact since their original settlement. At one end of the continuum, Baie Sainte-Marie had the most homogeneous settlement pattern and has been largely isolated from other French varieties, including other Acadian varieties, for several centuries. The Iles de la Madeleine is at the other extreme, involving the most heterogeneous mix of original settlers and a subsequent history which is defined by waves of dialect contact. In an intermediary position, L’Anse-à-Canard\u27s settlement history is less heterogeneous than that of the Iles de la Madeleine but did involve late 19th century dialect contact with European French. The study is based on linguistic data for speakers born between 1873 and 1925, which constitute some of the earliest audio recordings for the varieties, along with sociohistorical data drawn from nominal censuses, cadastral maps, family genealogies, etc. Our goal is to determine the extent to which the grammaticalization path of the periphrastic future (which would ultimately overtake the inflected future as the majority variant in other spoken varieties) would be mirrored in the three communities. The results of multivariate analyses show, for Baie Sainte-Marie, the earliest stage in the evolution of the periphrastic future: it is still associated with imminent contexts. For L’Anse-à-Canards, we see the strong association of the variant with proximal contexts more generally. For these two communities, then, the use of the periphrastic future has not spread to distal contexts. Finally, for The Iles de la Madeleine, we find some weakening of the temporal distance effect and the emergence of a polarity constraint not attested for the other Acadian communities: negative utterances are associated with the inflected future, a finding resembling that found in variationist research on varieties of Laurentian French, wherein the periphrastic future has become the general marker of futurity. We explain the acquisition of the polarity constraint in terms of contact with speakers of Laurentian varieties. In sum, the historical trajectory of the future variable is reflected in intercommunity variation for the earliest linguistic attestations for spoken Acadian French

    Early motor copying behaviours: analysis of their functions and relationship with language

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    The development of copying behaviours of a group of infants from 9 to 15months of age is analysed. These behaviours are classified according totheir type (mimetic or imitated) and function (instrumental, social orhybrid). The function of the behaviours is derived from observableindicators linked to dyadic interaction. Mimetic behaviours aremaintained from 9 to 15 months, while imitative behaviours increase infrequency. The elicited copying situation promotes more behaviourswith instrumental function, while other functions appear spontaneously.The concurrent and prospective relationships between copyingbehaviours–frequency, type and function- and receptive andexpressive language are different through development. This studyproposes an innovative definition of the functions of copyingbehaviours that is based on dynamic variables linked to interaction, incontrast to previous work that derives function from static variablessuch as context, object use and/or the body part performing themovementThis research has been supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Government of Spain, underProject PSI2013-44250-

    Network and biosignature analysis for the integration of transcriptomic and metabolomic data to characterize leaf senescence process in sunflower

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    In recent years, high throughput technologies have led to an increase of datasets from omics disciplines allowing the understanding of the complex regulatory networks associated with biological processes. Leaf senescence is a complex mechanism controlled by multiple genetic and environmental variables, which has a strong impact on crop yield. Transcription factors (TFs) are key proteins in the regulation of gene expression, regulating different signaling pathways; their function is crucial for triggering and/or regulating different aspects of the leaf senescence process. The study of TF interactions and their integration with metabolic profiles under different developmental conditions, especially for a non-model organism such as sunflower, will open new insights into the details of gene regulation of leaf senescence.Fil: Moschen, Sebastián Nicolás. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Higgins, Janet. The Genome Analysis Centre; Reino UnidoFil: Di Rienzo, Julio Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Heinz, Ruth Amelia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Paniego, Norma Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fernández, Paula del Carmen. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Biotecnología; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Escuela de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Epidemiología y clínica de las fracturas diafisiarias cerradas de tibia en adultos hospitalizados en el hospital regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza en el periodo 2021 - 2023, Arequipa

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    Objetivo: Determinar la epidemiologia y clínica de las fracturas diafisiarias cerradas de tibia en adultos hospitalizados en el Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado Espinoza en el periodo 2021-2023, Arequipa. Material y Métodos: Estudio de tipo observacional, retrospectivo y transversal; para la recolección de datos se revisaron las historias clínicas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas. Resultados: La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 25 historias clínicas, las fracturas diafisirias de tibia representaron el 1.58% de otras fracturas, las fracturas diafisiarias cerradas de tibia ocurrieron en 55.56%. predominó el grupo etáreo de 18 a 29 años y 40 a 49 años (32.00%), de sexo masculino (76.00%), de procedencia urbana (76.00%), económicamente activos ocupados (72.00%) con un aumento de ocurrencia en los meses de julio a setiembre (44.00%). Causados por accidentes de tránsito (36.00%), lado derecho afectado (56.00%), asociado a fractura de peroné (80.00%). Tiempo de enfermedad fue de 1 a 24 horas (52.00%), tiempo de espera para la cirugía de 7 a 14 días (60.00%) y estancia hospitalaria de 10 a 21 días (80.00%). El 100% presentó dolor, predominaron las fracturas 42A1(32.00%). Predominó el tratamiento con placas y tornillos (60.00%), 100% recibieron antibióticos y no tuvieron complicaciones. Conclusiones: La edad frecuente de estas fue de 18 a 29 años y 40 a 49 años, varones adultos, de áreas urbanas, más frecuente entre julio y setiembre, el mecanismo de lesión más frecuente accidentes de tránsito, lado derecho más afectado, tratamiento con placas y tornillos y sin complicaciones

    Diseño de una escuela de música aplicando los principios de acústica arquitectónica en la provincia de Trujillo 2020

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el fin de diseñar una Escuela de Música en la ciudad de Trujillo, esto debido a que en la actualidad los únicos centros de impartición musical no han sido concebidos para tales enseñanzas, por lo que no cuentan con los ambientes mínimos requeridos; además, no se encuentran en las condiciones correctas para llevar a cabo la enseñanza y no contemplan con la acústica necesaria para un correcto acondicionamiento y confort. Es por ello que, el objetivo de este proyecto es aplicar los principios de acústica arquitectónica para una escuela de música en la provincia de Trujillo 2020. La metodología utilizada consiste en un estudio de casos arquitectónicos que permiten analizar y entender la importancia de la variable acústica arquitectónica en el objeto arquitectónico, y si es necesaria en espacios de educación musical. Posteriormente se elaborarán lineamientos técnicos, los cuales se compararán con los lineamientos teóricos, para obtener así los lineamientos finales a aplicar en el proyecto