27 research outputs found

    The last trip of the baby boomers: life and Death of Public Space in the cinema in the 1960s and 1970s

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    [Resumen] La generación nacida al final de la II Guerra Mundial llegó a su juventud arrastrada por la inercia del optimismo tecnocrático que había desarrollado la generación anterior. En un contexto de bonanza económica, la juventud se rebeló contra el sistema generando una nueva sensibilidad que daría lugar a diferentes respuestas contraculturales. En estos intentos de cambiar la sociedad, las ciudades asistieron a una recodificación de los espacios públicos. El espacio urbano, desacreditado bajo los ecos de “la muerte de la calle” promulgada por Le Corbusier, se reactivó como escenario de protesta y acción. Sin embargo, este resurgir de lo público se diluyó rápidamente al compás del desencanto juvenil. Una vez confirmada la imposibilidad de transformar el sistema, se produjo una búsqueda de otros territorios que el cine interpretó bajo dos estrategias: por un lado, la producción de espacios urbanos totalmente inhóspitos y desolados; por otro lado, un repliegue hacia lo individual reflejado en nuevas formas de habitar. Pequeñas comunidades, comunas y la vuelta a una vida rural controlada serán respuestas que, lejos de construir un ámbito público, resultarán finalmente el argumento que estaba buscando el sistema para la destrucción y reconfiguración del dominio público. El cine de finales de los años sesenta y principios de los setenta muestra el desencanto del final de un deseo que acaba identificándose con una iconografía de la destrucción, desamparo y vacío.[Abstract] The generation of those who were born at the end of the Second World War reached their youth carried by the inertia of the technocratic optimism developed by the previous generation. In a context of economic bonanza, the younger generation rebelled against the system, creating a new sensibility which would spawn different countercultural responses. Within these attempts to change society, cities witnessed a re-codification of public spaces. Urban space, discredited by the echoes of the ‘death of the street’ promoted by Le Corbusier, was reactivated as a stage for protest and action. However, this revival of public space was rapidly suffocated by the disenchantment of the youth. Once the impossibility to transform the system had been confirmed, a search for new territories started, which cinema interpreted following two strategies: on the one hand, through the production of definitely inhospitable and devastated urban spaces; on the other, by retreating to the individual sphere, which reflected on new modes of habitation. Small communities, communes, and the return to a controlled rural life would be responses which, far from building public realms, would ultimately provide the system with the argument it was looking for in order to destroy and reconfigure the public domain. The films of the late 1960s and early 1970s show the ultimate disenchantment of a desire that, in the end, was attached to an iconography of destruction, abandonment, and emptiness

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    Análisis de Coyuntura: El sector energético español y su dependencia del exterior

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la obtención de una previsión de la dependencia energética en España para el segundo semestre del 201 8. Para ello nos serviremos de una serie de indicadores energéticos relevantes, con los que estimaremos un modelo econométrico robusto que pueda predecir la evolución del sector energético en España. Tras una primera descripción de la evolución del sector energético, se estudian las principales características del sector mediante un análisis de los indicadores. Una vez concluido nuestro análisis, se estima el modelo que nos permite realizar la predicción de la serie objetivo. Finalmente, se cierra el trabajo con un resumen de los resultados obtenidos

    Estudiantes internacionales chinos en universidades europeas : percepciones de los estudiantes locales

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    Las universidades españolas y europeas tienen una larga tradición recibiendo a estudiantes y profesores extranjeros. En los últimos años el número de intercambios y de estudiantes internacionales ha aumentado considerablemente. Este hecho ha creado situaciones difíciles y abrumadoras a causa de la falta de conocimiento de la cultura de los estudiantes y de la cultura de la comunidad que los recibe. Este artículo muestra un estudio preliminar llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto europeo Inclusión social y éxito académico de los estudiantes chinos en la educación superior de la Unión Europea. El estudio pretende ser una aproximación a la percepción que tienen los estudiantes locales respecto a los estudiantes chinos procedentes de la República Popular China en un contexto universitario español. Para ello, se ha elaborado un cuestionario difundido por e-mail a una muestra de 30 estudiantes. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes locales aceptan sin problemas tener estudiantes chinos en el aula, a pesar de que en su imaginario tienen ya algunos estereotipos que influyen en su manera de interactuar con ellos. La formación intercultural de los estudiantes locales y chinos podría ayudar a mejorar su convivencia y a tener un mejor conocimiento de los compañeros de aula.Les universitats espanyoles i europees tenen una llarga tradició rebent a estudiants i professors estrangers. En els últims anys el nombre d'intercanvis i d'estudiants internacionals ha augmentat considerablement. Aquest fet ha creat situacions difícils i aclaparadores a causa de la manca de coneixement de la cultura dels estudiants i de la cultura de la comunitat que els rep. Aquest article mostra un estudi preliminar dut a terme en el marc del projecte europeu Inclusió social i èxit acadèmic dels estudiants xinesos en l'educació superior de la Unió Europea. L'estudi pretén ser una aproximació a la percepció que tenen els estudiants locals pel que fa als estudiants xinesos procedents de la República Popular de la Xina en un context universitari espanyol. Per a això, s'ha elaborat un qüestionari difós per correu electrònic a una mostra de 30 estudiants. Els resultats indiquen que els estudiants locals accepten sense problemes tenir estudiants xinesos a l'aula, tot i que en el seu imaginari tenen ja alguns estereotips que influeixen en la seva manera d'interactuar amb ells. La formació intercultural dels estudiants locals i xinesos podria ajudar a millorar la seva convivència i tenir un millor coneixement dels companys d'aula.There is a long tradition of Spanish and European universities that welcome international teachers and students. In recent years, the number of exchanges and international students has increased dramatically. Due to the lack of cultural understanding between local and Chinese international students, some difficult and overwhelming situations have arisen. This article shows a preliminary study conducted under the leadership of a European project focusing on Chinese international students' social inclusion and academic performance in higher education institutions within the European Union. This study attempts to make an approximation of local students' perceptions of Chinese international students. Hence, a questionnaire has been sent by e-mail to a sample of 30 local students. The results show that local students have no problem sharing classes with Chinese international students. They do, however, subconsciously hold certain stereotypes that affect their interactions. Interculturality training could therefore help both local and Chinese international students improve their coexistence and get to know their classmates better

    Regeneration dynamics in fragmented landscapes at the leading edge of distribution: Quercus suber woodlands as a study case

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    [EN] Aims We studied the regeneration dynamics of woodlands and abandoned old fields in a landscape dominated by Quercus suber in its lower limits of rainfall and temperature. Two hypotheses were established: (1) regeneration of Quercus species is strongly favored by the presence of tree cover; and (2) growth of Q. suber is driven by the climatic variables that represent the lower ecological limit of its leading distribution edge. Methods We selected woodlands and old fields with and without tree remnants (n = 3 per type), and analyzed stand structure, soil parameters and tree growth. Results Succession was arrested in old fields without tree remnants. By contrast, remnant trees were accelerators of forest recovery in old fields. Tree cover played a fundamental role in Quercus recruitment throughout seed dispersal and facilitation that mitigate the effects of summer drought on seedlings. Also, tree cover improved soil parameters (e.g., organic matter) that are important factors for understanding differences in regeneration. Winter/spring precipitation exerted a positive effect on tree growth, as well as temperatures during winter/spring and September. Conclusions Regeneration dynamics are modeled by the density of tree cover in the cold and dry edge of the distribution area of Q. suber where Q. ilex is increasing in abundance. Although temperature has a positive effect on the tree growth of Q. suber, when demographic processes are considered, decreases in water availability likely play a critical role in Q. ilex recruitment. This in turn changes dominance hierarchies, especially in abandoned areas with little or no tree cover.This study was funded by project SA013G19 from “Junta de Castilla y León” and by research grants awarded for final projects directed in the Master’s degree in Biology and Conservation of Biodiversity at the University of Salamanca, Spain.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Coping and Adaptation in Response to Environmental and Climatic Stressors in Caribbean Coastal Communities.

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    Cumulative and synergistic impacts from environmental pressures, particularly in low-lying tropical coastal regions, present challenges for the governance of ecosystems, which provide natural resource-based livelihoods for communities. Here, we seek to understand the relationship between responses to the impacts of El Niño and La Niña events and the vulnerability of mangrove-dependent communities in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Using two case study sites, we show how communities are impacted by, and undertake reactive short-term responses to, El Niño and La Niña events, and how such responses can affect their adaptive capacity to progressive environmental deterioration. We show that certain coping measures to climate variability currently deliver maladaptive outcomes, resulting in circumstances that could contribute to system 'lock-in' and engender undesirable ecological states, exacerbating future livelihood vulnerabilities. We highlight the significant role of social barriers on vulnerabilities within the region, including perceptions of state abandonment, mistrust and conflicts with authorities. Opportunities to reduce vulnerability include enhancing the communities' capacity to adopt more positive and preventative responses based on demonstrable experiential learning capacity. However, these will require close cooperation between formal and informal organisations at different levels, and the development of shared coherent adaptation strategies to manage the complexity of multiple interacting environmental and climatic pressures

    The NER-related gene GTF2H5 predicts survival in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients

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    We aimed to evaluate the prognostic and predictive value of the nucleotide excision repair-related gene GTF2H5, which is localized at the 6q24.2-26 deletion previously reported by our group to predict longer survival of high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients. In order to test if protein levels of GTF2H5 are associated with patients' outcome, we performed GTF2H5 immunohistochemical staining in 139 high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas included in tissue microarrays. Upon stratification of cases into high- and low-GTF2H5 staining categories (> and ≤ median staining, respectively) Kaplan-Meier and log-rank test were used to estimate patients' survival and assess statistical differences. We also evaluated the association of GTF2H5 with survival at the transcriptional level by using the on-line Kaplan-Meier plotter tool, which includes gene expression and survival data of 855 high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients from 13 different datasets. Finally, we determined whether stable short hairpin RNA-mediated GTF2H5 downregulation modulates cisplatin sensitivity in the SKOV3 and COV504 cell lines by using cytotoxicity assays. Low expression of GTF2H5 was associated with longer 5-year survival of patients at the protein (hazard ratio [HR], 0.52; 95% CI, 0.29 to 0.93; p=0.024) and transcriptional level (HR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.65 to 0.97; p=0.023) in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients. We confirmed the association with 5-year overall survival (HR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.38 to 0.78; p=0.0007) and also found an association with progression-free survival (HR, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.96; p=0.026) in a homogenous group of 388 high-stage (stages III-IV using the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics staging system), optimally debulked high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients. GTF2H5- silencing induced a decrease of the half maximal inhibitory concentration upon cisplatin treatment in GTF2H5 -silenced ovarian cancer cells. Low levels of GTF2H5 are associated with enhanced prognosis in high-grade serous ovarian cancer patients and may contribute to cisplatin sensitization

    Memoria de la sección de estudios biblioteconómicos

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    Memoria de la sección de estudios biblioteconómicos

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    [Carmen Lacambra (Barcelona.1992)]

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    Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Cooperación Bibliotecari