883 research outputs found

    Analysis of whey protein hydrolysates: peptide profile and ACE inhibitory activity

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi preparar hidrolisados enzimáticos do concentrado proteico do soro de leite com perfil peptídico nutricionalmente adequado e com capacidade para inibir a atividade da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ECA). Os efeitos do tipo de enzima usado (pancreatina ou papaína), da relação enzima:substrato (E:S=0,5:100, 1:100, 2:100 e 3:100) e do uso da ultrafiltração (UF) foram investigados. O fracionamento dos peptídeos foi feito por CLAE de exclusão molecular e a quantificação dos componentes das frações cromatográficas foi realizada pelo método da Área Corrigida da Fração. A atividade inibitória da ECA (AI-ECA) foi determinada por CLAE de fase reversa. Todos os parâmetros testados afetaram tanto o perfil peptídico quanto a AI-ECA. O melhor perfil peptídico foi atingido para os hidrolisados obtidos com papaína, enquanto a pancreatina foi mais vantajosa em termos da AI-ECA. O efeito benéfico do uso de menor relação E:S sobre o perfil peptídico e a AI-ECA foi observado para ambas as enzimas dependendo das condições usadas para o preparo dos hidrolisados. O efeito benéfico da ausência da UF sobre o perfil peptídico foi observado em alguns casos para pancreatina e papaína. No entanto, a ausência da UF produziu maior AI-ECA somente quando a papaína foi usada.The aim of this study was to prepare enzymatic hydrolysates from whey protein concentrate with a nutritionally adequate peptide profile and the ability to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity. The effects of the type of enzyme used (pancreatin or papain), the enzyme:substrate ratio (E:S ratio=0.5:100, 1:100, 2:100 and 3:100) and the use of ultrafiltration (UF) were investigated. The fractionation of peptides was performed by size-exclusion-HPLC, and the quantification of the components of the chromatographic fractions was carried out by a rapid Corrected Fraction Area method. The ACE inhibitory activity (ACE-IA) was determined by Reverse Phase-HPLC. All parameters tested affected both the peptide profile and the ACE-IA. The best peptide profile was achieved for the hydrolysates obtained with papain, whereas pancreatin was more advantageous in terms of ACE-IA. The beneficial effect of using a lower E:S ratio on the peptide profile and ACE-IA was observed for both enzymes depending on the conditions used to prepare the hydrolysates. The beneficial effect of not using UF on the peptide profile was observed in some cases for pancreatin and papain. However, the absence of UF yielded greater ACE-IA only when using papain

    Non-HDL cholesterol is a good predictor of the risk of increased arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women in an urban Brazilian population

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    OBJECTIVES: Increased arterial stiffness is an important determinant of the risk of cardiovascular disease. Lipid profile impairment, especially hypercholesterolemia, is associated with stiffer blood vessels. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine which of the five circulating lipid components (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides) is the best predictor of increased arterial stiffness in an urban Brazilian population. METHODS: A random sample of 1,662 individuals from the general population of Vitoria, Brazil (25-64 years), was selected, and lipid components were measured using standard methods. Pulse wave velocity was measured using a non-invasive automatic device, and increased arterial stiffness was defined as a pulse wave velocity ≥10 m/s. RESULTS: In men, only total cholesterol (OR=1.59; CI=1.02 to 2.48, p=0.04) was associated with the risk of increased arterial stiffness. In women, HDL-C (OR=1.99; CI=1.18 to 3.35, p=0.01) and non-HDL-C (OR=1.61; CI=1.01 to 2.56, p=0.04) were good predictors of the risk of increased arterial stiffness. However, these associations were only found in postmenopausal women (OR=2.06; CI=1.00 to 4.26, p=0.05 for HDL-C and OR=1.83; CI=1.01 to 3.33, p=0.04 for non-HDL-C). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that both HDL-C and non-HDL-C are good predictors of the risk of increased arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women in an urban Brazilian population and may be useful tools for assessing the risk of arterial stiffness

    5G Technology Analysis in Relation to Electromagnetic Waves

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    Electromagnetic waves are present in most of the main equipment used by humans. The advancement of 5G mobile network technology has been gaining ground in the telecommunications market and with it both positive and potentially negative consequences as it is used. Fundamental research has been conducted to gain knowledge and familiarity with 5G technology, how it works and its millimeter waves, which is a new range of the electromagnetic spectrum, which works with this new very high frequency and the first time used in technology. mobile network, as well as exploratory research through techniques such as bibliographic surveys in search of data such as frequency, related to 5G and the equipment transmitting electromagnetic waves, and conducting a comparative study to determine through the data collected from both , pointing out studies that present the evils that may cause the human being due to the use of high frequency. According to the results obtained on the 5G, the use of mobile network frequency presents no risks compared to other equipment that humans have been using. Therefore, despite the research results, it is still too early to point out possible damage over the years with the use of this technology, not ruling out possible consequences

    A New Approach For Dressing Operation Monitoring Using Voltage Signals Via Impedance-Based Structural Health Monitoring

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    Among the methods used in structural health monitoring (SHM), the electromechanical impedance technique (EMI), which uses piezoelectric transducers of lead zirconate titanate (PZT), stands out for its low cost. This paper presents a new approach for monitoring of the dressing operation based on structural health monitoring from the digital processing of voltage signals based on the time-domain response of a PZT transducer by EMI method. Experimental tests of the dressing process were performed by using a single-point dresser equipped with a natural diamond. The voltage signals in the time-domain were collected in different damage levels using a measurements EMI System. By using damage metrics, it was possible to qualify different damage levels that the diamond suffered during the dressing operation, observing variations from the magnitude of the signals. The dressing operation is of utmost importance for the grinding process and the dresser wear negatively affects the result of the process, which owns high added value. In this way, this work contributes with a new monitoring tool which aims ensuring a consistent dressing operation.Keywords: Manufacturing process, automation, electromechanical impedance, dressing operation

    Análise de Sinais de Emissao Acústica e Estatística Counts na Detecção da Alteração Microestrutural na Retificação de Aço 1045

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    Grinding is a high-precision, high-value-added finishing process as it is usually the last stage of the manufacturing chain. However, unsatisfactory results may occur, mainly due to changes in the microstructure of the ground workpiece. Such changes are caused by the high temperatures involved in the process due to the grinding conditions in which the part was subjected. In this way, the main objective of this work is the monitoring of the grinding process in order to detect changes in the signal and to relate them with damage occurred in the ground workpiece. The tests were carried out on a surface grinding machine, aluminum oxide grinding wheel and ABNT 1045 steel parts. Metallography was performed on the parts for a more further analysis of their microstructure. The recording of signals was obtained at a sample rate of 2 MHz through an acoustic emission sensor (AE). A frequency study for the selection of the best frequency bands that characterize damage occurred in the ground workpiece. The event counts statistic was applied to the filtered signal in the chosen frequency bands. The results of this work show that the grinding conditions influence the signal and, therefore, its frequency spectrum.Keywords: Manufacturing process; automation, monitoring; grinding process; acoustic emission, damage detectio

    Ocorrência de associação micorrízica em seis essências florestais nativas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Mycorrhizal associations could promote plant growth in native forestry species in Rio Grande do Sul State. The aim of this work was to identify mycorrhizal associations in six native forestry species: Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng) Taub., Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC.) Standl., Tabebuia heptaphylla (Well.) Toledo) and  Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel) J.F. Macbr.). The study was done at Fepagro Forestry – Boca do Monte, Santa Maria, in cultivated and natural forest stands. Roots, fungal fruiting bodies and soil were analyzed in laboratory. Roots were processed and analyzed considering the formation of mycorrhizal association. Ectomycorrhizal fungi growing in the forest areas were identified, isolated and multiplied. The plants showed no ectomycorrhizal colonization, even though sporocarps of these fungi had been found close to the plants in some sites. The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal was observed in all native forestry species studied.Ao favorecer o crescimento das plantas hospedeiras, a micorriza pode ser um fator importante para as essências florestais nativas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o tipo de micorriza em seis espécies florestais do Estado: pinheiro-do-paraná (Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze), timbaúva (Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong), canafístula (Peltophorum dubium (Spreng) Taub), ipê-amarelo (Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC.) Standl.), ipê-roxo (Tabebuia heptaphylla (Well.) Toledo) e grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel) J.F. Macbr). O estudo foi desenvolvido na Fepagro Floresta - Boca do Monte, Santa Maria, em bosques de espécies nativas e plantadas. As amostras de raízes, os corpos de frutificação dos fungos e o solo foram analisados no laboratório. As raízes foram processadas e analisadas quanto ao tipo de micorriza presente. Os fungos ectomicorrízicos nativos encontrados foram identificados, isolados e mantidos em cultura. As espécies estudadas não apresentaram colonização ectomicorrízica, embora em alguns locais tenham sido encontrados esporocarpos próximos às plantas. A associação com micorrizas arbusculares foi encontrada em todas as espécies de essências florestais nativas estudadas

    Ação da pancreatina na obtenção de hidrolisados protéicos de soro de leite com elevado teor de oligopeptídeos

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    Vários hidrolisados enzimáticos de soro de leite foram preparados visando a elevação do teor de oligopeptídeos e a redução de custos para produção em larga escala. Para isso, empregou-se a pancreatina e alguns parâmetros hidrolíticos como o tempo de reação (5, 10 e 15h), a relação E:S (1:100, 2:100 e 4:100) e a concentração do substrato (10 e 15%) foram testados. Os hidrolisados foram fracionados por cromatografia liquida de alta eficiência de exclusão molecular (SEHPLC) e, para a quantificação dos componentes das frações cromatográficas, empregou-se o método rápido da Área Corrigida da Fração. Para os parâmetros estudados, observou-se efeito benéfico sobre o perfil peptídico, sendo que o melhor resultado, associado, principalmente, ao maior teor de oligopeptídeos (49%) e ao menor conteúdo de aminoácidos livres (22%), foi obtido quando se empregou a concentração do substrato a 10%, a relação E:S de 4:100 e o tempo de reação de 10h.Several enzymatic hydrolysates of whey were prepared with the objective of increasing the oligopeptide content and reducing the cost of large scale production. Pancreatin was used and some hydrolytic parameters such as reaction time (5, 10 and 15h), enzyme:substrate ratio (E:S) (1:100, 2:100 and 4:100) and substrate concentration (10 and 15%) were tested. The hydrolysates were fractionated by size-exclusion-HPLC and the rapid corrected fraction area method was used for quantifying the chromatographic fractions. The beneficial effect on the peptide profile was observed in several cases, and it was mainly associated with higher oligopeptide (49%) and lower amino acid (22%) contents, which were obtained for a substrate concentration of 10%, E:S ratio of 4:100 and reaction time of 10h


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    As informações utilizadas para estimativa da capacidade produtiva de sítios florestais provêm de bases de dados de inventário florestal que podem conter observações discrepantes (outliers). Assim, torna-se necessário a análise de consistência para exclusão destes. Porém, os outliers podem representar determinado padrão de crescimento existente na floresta, logo a exclusão destes pode ser uma ação equivocada. Objetivou-se comparar a performance de diferentes técnicas de modelagem para classificação de sítios florestais, considerando uma base de dados com a presença de outliers. Utilizou-se pares de dados de idade e altura dominante (HD) de parcelas permanentes de Eucalyptus urophyla x Eucalyptus grandis localizadas no norte de Minas Gerais. Foi simulado um outlier de HD. A base de dados foi modelada, com e sem presença de outliers, por regressão linear (RL) e redes neurais artificiais Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) e Radial Basis Function (RBF). Os métodos foram analisados por meio dos critérios estatísticos de precisão: bias, raiz quadrada do erro médio, correlação de Pearson, erro médio percentual e gráfico de dispersão residual. A MLP foi superior para estimativa do índice de sítio. Portanto, a MLP é indicada para classificação de sítios florestais quando há presença de outliers na base de dados. Palavras-chave: índice de sítio; inventário florestal; dados discrepantes.   Performance of modeling for classification of forest sites in databases with outliers   ABSTRACT: The information used to estimate the productive capacity of forest sites comes from forest inventory databases that may contain discrepant observations (outliers). Thus, consistency analysis is required to exclude these. However, the outliers may represent a certain growth pattern existing in the forest, so their exclusion may be a mistaken action. The objective was to compare the performance of different modeling techniques for forest site classification, considering a database with the presence of outliers. We used pairs of data of age and dominant height (HD) of permanent parcels of Eucalyptus urophila x Eucalyptus grandis located in the north of Minas Gerais. A HD outlier was simulated. The database was modeled, with and without the presence of outliers, by linear regression (RL) and artificial neural networks Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF). The methods were analyzed by means of precision statistical criteria: bias, square root of mean error, Pearson correlation, mean percentage error and residual scatter plot. The MLP was superior for site index estimation. Therefore, the MLP is indicated for forest site classification when there are outliers in the database. Keywords: site index; forest inventory; discrepant data


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    Introdução: em países desenvolvidos, o câncer de mama e do colo uterino ainda representam uma problemática. Quando se trata do público feminino no Brasil, sabe-se que estas patologias são as mais frequentes. O profissional enfermeiro é habilitado para dar orientações no autoexame das mamas, bem como orientar e realizar sobre o Papanicolau. Objetivo: descrever a experiência de instruir mulheres quanto à prevenção pelo autoexame de mama e a avaliação do colo do útero pelo Papanicolau. Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo do tipo relato de experiência mediante ações de educação em saúde realizadas em março de 2019, numa escola de Ensino Fundamental II, localizada em um distrito do município de Quixadá-Ce. Participaram das ações as mães dos alunos dessa instituição. A proposta foi levar orientações sobre o autoexame das mamas e incentivar a realização do exame preventivo de colo de útero. Foi utilizado um álbum seriado para a educação em saúde, sendo este apresentado por meio de uma roda de conversa para 13 mulheres. Resultados: verificou-se que a maioria das mulheres sabia como realizar o autoexame das mamas, contribuindo de forma significativa na promoção da saúde. Quanto ao exame preventivo de colo de útero, houve relatos de mulheres que nunca haviam ido a uma consulta. Observou-se resistência por parte das mulheres quanto ao processo que envolve a realização do Papanicolau, dando indícios da falta de informações a respeito deste. A participação das mulheres nas ações de educação em saúde ocorreu de forma ativa, onde estas puderam expor suas opiniões e suas dúvidas. Conclusão: conclui-se que o profissional Enfermeiro é capacitado para prestar orientações referentes ao autoexame das mamas e incentivar a realização do exame preventivo de colo do útero. Salientando que o diagnóstico precoce é de fundamental importância para o tratamento e cura

    Mycorrhizal association studies in six native forestry species of Rio Grande do Sul state

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    Ao favorecer o crescimento das plantas hospedeiras, a micorriza pode ser um fator importante para as ess\ueancias florestais nativas do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o tipo de micorriza em seis esp\ue9cies florestais do Estado: pinheiro-do-paran\ue1 (Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze), timba\ufava ( Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong), canaf\uedstula ( Peltophorum dubium (Spreng) Taub), ip\uea-amarelo ( Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC.) Standl.), ip\uea-roxo ( Tabebuia heptaphylla (Well.) Toledo) e gr\ue1pia ( Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel) J.F. Macbr). O estudo foi desenvolvido na Fepagro Floresta \u2013 Boca do Monte, Santa Maria, em bosques de esp\ue9cies nativas e plantadas. As amostras de ra\uedzes, os corpos de frutifica\ue7\ue3o dos fungos e o solo foram analisados no laborat\uf3rio. As ra\uedzes foram processadas e analisadas quanto ao tipo de micorriza presente. Os fungos ectomicorr\uedzicos nativos encontrados foram identificados, isolados e mantidos em cultura. As esp\ue9cies estudadas n\ue3o apresentaram coloniza\ue7\ue3o ectomicorr\uedzica, embora em alguns locais tenham sido encontrados esporocarpos pr\uf3ximos \ue0s plantas. A associa\ue7\ue3o com micorrizas arbusculares foi encontrada em todas as esp\ue9cies de ess\ueancias florestais nativas estudadas.Mycorrhizal associations could promote plant growth in native forestry species in Rio Grande do Sul State. The aim of this work was to identify mycorrhizal associations in six native forestry species: Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze, Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Vell.) Morong, Peltophorum dubium (Spreng) Taub., Tabebuia chrysotricha (Mart. ex DC.) Standl., Tabebuia heptaphylla (Well.) Toledo) and Apuleia leiocarpa (Vogel) J.F. Macbr.). The study was done at Fepagro Forestry \u2013 Boca do Monte, Santa Maria, in cultivated and natural forest stands. Roots, fungal fruiting bodies and soil were analyzed in laboratory. Roots were processed and analyzed considering the formation of mycorrhizal association. Ectomycorrhizal fungi growing in the forest areas were identified, isolated and multiplied. The plants showed no ectomycorrhizal colonization, even though sporocarps of these fungi had been found close to the plants in some sites. The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal was observed in all native forestry species studied