465 research outputs found


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    O artigo analisou a construção de uma devoção na cidade do Recife, especialmente, a partir das comemorações dos cinquenta anos do dogma da Imaculada Conceição. Em um instante de secularização do Estado e consolidação da legislação republicana, intelectuais, religiosos e fiéis trabalharam em um projeto de reafirmação do catolicismo, organização de uma neocristandade e o fortalecimento do processo de recatolização. A partir das propostas da História Cultural das Religiões, com análise dos documentos eclesiásticos e periódicos que circularam na capital pernambucana em 1904, discutimos como a devoção a Nossa Senhora da Conceição fez parte de uma rede de atuação política, cultural e social para fortalecimento dos projetos da Cúria Romana

    Profile of nurse acting in a hospital as to the approach to spinal cord injury

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    Objective: The SCI is a major health problem by causing the individual sequelae. This study aimed to know the profile of nurses in the hospital, and will approach the patient with SCI. Method: This was an exploratory descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach which was based on a non-experimental, documentary, directed by means of data collection. Results: We interviewed 15 nurses, most were female 66,66%. The most prevalent age group from 30 to 34 years. 80% have some kind of specialization. Most states do not be prepared to assist patients with SCI and that higher education institutions do not address satisfactorily the work of these professionals to patients with spinal cord injury and there is little promotion of training for hospitals. Conclusion: It is evident deficiency during the academic training of professionals to assist the victims of SCI patients

    Fisioterapia em pacientes com doença de Alzheimer: uma revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados controlados

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of physical therapy on the cognitive and functional capacity of patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). This is a systematic review of randomized or quasi-randomized clinical trials, using the descriptors: AD, dementia and physical therapy. Two studies were included with a total of 207 participants. In study 1, no statistically significant difference was found on the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) (MD 0.0, 95%CI −5.76 to 5.76), neuropsychiatric inventory (MD −4.50, 95%CI −21.24 to 12.24) and Pfeffer instrumental activities questionnaire (MD 0.0 95%CI −6.48 to 6.48). In study 2, there was no statistically significant difference on the MMSE (MD −1.60, 95% CI −3.57 to 0.37), clock-drawing test (MD −0.20, 95%CI −0.61 to 0.21) and Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – cognitive subscale (MD 1.0, 95%CI −2.21 to 4.21) after 12 months. There was no consistent evidence on the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic intervention in improving cognitive function and functional capacity of patients with AD. More studies should be conducted for better evidence.O objetivo do estudo é avaliar os efeitos da fisioterapia na capacidade cognitiva e funcional de pacientes com doença de Alzheimer (DA). Trata-se de revisão sistemática de ensaios clínicos randomizados ou quasi-randomizados utilizando os descritores: DA, demência e fisioterapia. Dois estudos foram incluídos, com um total de 207 participantes. No Estudo 1, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no miniexame do estado mental (MEEM) (MD 0,0, IC 95% 5,76−5,76), inventário neuropsiquiátrico (MD −4,50, IC 95% 12,24−21,24) e questionário de atividades instrumentais Pfeffer (MD 0,0 IC 95% −6,48 a 6,48). No Estudo 2, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa no MEEM (MD −1,60, IC 95% −3,57 a 0,37), teste do desenho do relógio (MD −0,20, IC95% −0,61 a 0,21) e escala de avaliação da doença de Alzheimer – subitem cognição (MD 1,0, IC95% −2,21 a 4,21) após 12 meses. Não houve evidência consistente da eficácia da intervenção fisioterapêutica na melhora da função cognitiva e capacidade funcional na DA. Recomenda-se a produção de mais estudos para encontrar possíveis evidências.El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar los efectos de la fisioterapia en la capacidad cognitiva y funcional de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA). Se trata de una revisión sistemática de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados o casi-aleatorizados, en que se utilizó los descriptores: EA, demencia y fisioterapia. Se incluyeron dos estudios, con un total de 207 participantes. En el Estudio 1, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el Miniexamen del estado mental (MEEM) (MD 0,0, IC 95%: 5,6 –5,76), en el inventario neuropsiquiátrico (MD –4,50, IC 95%: 12,24 –21,24) y en el cuestionario de actividades instrumentales de Pfeffer (MD: 0,0 IC 95% IC: –6,48 a 6,48). En el Estudio 2, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el MEEM (MD −1,60, IC 95% −3,57 a 0,37), el test de diseño del reloj (MD −0,20, IC 95% −0,61 a 0,21) y la escala de evaluación de la enfermedad de Alzheimer: subítem de cognición (MD 1,0, IC 95% −2,21 a 4,21) tras 12 meses. No hubo evidencia consistente de la eficacia de la intervención fisioterapéutica en la mejora de la función cognitiva y de la capacidad funcional en la EA. Se recomienda realizar estudios adicionales para encontrar posibles evidencias

    Internal loading potential of phosphorus in reservoirs along a semiarid watershed.

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    All rights reserved. Sediments are important to nutrient dynamics, especially due to phosphorus internal loading. Several studies have observed that internal loading could prevent water quality from improving in lakes, even when external phosphorus loading is significantly decreased. Therefore, there is an urgent need to assess the potential release of phosphorus contained in the sediment, and thus, its potential to impact water quality. In this study, the vertical and horizontal distributions of distinct phosphorus forms in the bottom sediments of artificial reservoirs, located at Forquilha watershed (Ceará, Brazil), were investigated through sequential chemical fractionation. The reservoirs Lagoa Cercada (R#1), Riacho do Algodão (R#2), Riacho Verde (R#3), Cachoeira (R#4), Chagas Manu (R#5), Quandu (R#6) and Balanças (R#7) were investigated. Reservoirs R#1 (most downstream reservoir of the watershed) and R#7 (most upstream reservoir of the watershed) had higher concentrations of total phosphorus (PT) and lower pH values, potentially exerting greater influence in phosphorus concentration in the water column. Reservoirs R#3 and R#4 presented a predominance of residual phosphorus (PRe), the least available fractions of phosphorus and thus, presented a lower potential for internal loading. Reservoirs R#5, R#1 and R#2 showed a tendency of decreasing total phosphorus (PT) as the sediment depth increased, probably indicating an increase of allochthonous phosphorus loading along time. Reservoir R#6 showed the predominance of PFeAl and PCa fractions on points A and B, respectively, showing that the characteristics of the sediments may vary in the same reservoir. Mobile (PM) and iron and aluminum-bound phosphorus (PFeAl) were the least and the most abundant fractions in most of the samples analyzed, respectively

    Surveillance of risk-factors for chronic diseases through telephone interviews in 27 Brazilian cities (2006)

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever métodos e resultados iniciais do Sistema de Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas não Transmissíveis por Inquérito Telefônico - VIGITEL implantado no Brasil em 2006. MÉTODOS: O VIGITEL estudou amostras probabilísticas da população com 18 ou mais anos de idade residente em domicílios conectados à rede de telefonia fixa de cada uma das capitais dos 26 Estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal (54.369 indivíduos no total, sendo pelo menos 2.000 por cidade). A amostragem foi realizada a partir de cadastros eletrônicos completos das linhas residenciais fixas de cada cidade, envolvendo sorteio de linhas (domicílios) e sorteio de um morador por linha para ser entrevistado. O questionário aplicado investigou características demográficas e socioeconômicas, padrão de alimentação e de atividade física, consumo de cigarros e de bebidas alcoólicas, e peso e altura recordados, entre outros quesitos. Estimativas sobre a freqüência de fatores de risco selecionados, estratificadas por sexo e acompanhadas de Intervalo de Confiança de 95%, foram calculadas para a população adulta de cada cidade empregando-se fatores de ponderação que igualam a composição sociodemográfica da amostra em cada cidade àquela observada no Censo Demográfico de 2000. Estimativas para o conjunto das cidades empregam fator de ponderação adicional que leva em conta a população de adultos de cada cidade. RESULTADOS: Os cinco fatores de risco selecionados (tabagismo, consumo abusivo de bebidas alcoólicas, excesso de peso, consumo de carnes com excesso de gordura e sedentarismo) tenderam a ser mais freqüentes em homens do que em mulheres. Dentre os fatores de proteção, o consumo regular de frutas e hortaliças foi mais freqüente em mulheres do que em homens, observando-se situação inversa no caso da atividade física de lazer. Diferenças substanciais na freqüência dos fatores de risco e proteção foram observadas entre as cidades, com padrões de distribuição regional diferenciados por fator. DISCUSSÃO: O desempenho do sistema, avaliado a partir da qualidade dos cadastros telefônicos e de taxas de resposta e de recusas, mostrou-se adequado e, de modo geral, superior ao encontrado em sistemas equivalentes existentes em países desenvolvidos. O custo do sistema de R31,15porentrevistarealizada,foiametadedocustoobservadonosistemaamericanodevigila^nciadefatoresderiscoparadoenc\cascro^nicasporinqueˊritotelefo^nicoeumquintodocustoestimadoeminqueˊritodomiciliartradicionalrealizadorecentementenoBrasil.OBJECTIVES:TodescribemethodsandinitialfindingsoftheSurveillanceSystemofRiskandProtectiveFactorsforChronicNon−CommunicableDiseasesthroughTelephoneInterviews−VIGITELimplementedinBrazilin2006.METHODS:VIGITELstudiedrandomsamplesofindividualswith18yearsofageormorelivinginhouseholdswithtelephonesineachcapitalofthe26BrazilianstatesandtheFederalDistrict(54,369totalindividuals,andatleast2,000percity).Samplingwasbasedoncompleteelectronictelephonedirectoriesineachcityandincludedrandomselectionofphonelines(households)andrandomselectionofthehouseholdmembertobeinterviewed.Thequestionnaireinvestigateddemographicandsocioeconomiccharacteristics,dietpatterns,physicalactivity,smoking,consumptionofalcoholicbeverages,recalledweightandheight,andothertopics.Prevalenceestimatesofselectedprotectiveandriskfactors,stratifiedbygenderwithcorresponding95 31,15 por entrevista realizada, foi a metade do custo observado no sistema americano de vigilância de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas por inquérito telefônico e um quinto do custo estimado em inquérito domiciliar tradicional realizado recentemente no Brasil.OBJECTIVES: To describe methods and initial findings of the Surveillance System of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases through Telephone Interviews - VIGITEL implemented in Brazil in 2006. METHODS: VIGITEL studied random samples of individuals with 18 years of age or more living in households with telephones in each capital of the 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District (54,369 total individuals, and at least 2,000 per city). Sampling was based on complete electronic telephone directories in each city and included random selection of phone lines (households) and random selection of the household member to be interviewed. The questionnaire investigated demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, diet patterns, physical activity, smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages, recalled weight and height, and other topics. Prevalence estimates of selected protective and risk factors, stratified by gender with corresponding 95% Confidence Intervals, were calculated for the adult population of each city using sample weighing factors designed to equalize the sample socio-demographic distribution in each city to the distribution observed in the same city in the Demographic Census of 2000. Estimates were also calculated for all cities together using additional sample weighing that took into account the adult population size of each city. FINDINGS: The five selected risk factors (smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, overweight, habit of eating fatty meats, and physical inactivity) were more frequent among men than women. Among protective factors, the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables was more common among women than men and the opposite was seen for leisure-time physical activity. Strong differences among the cities were found for all protective and risk factors, with distinct patterns of regional distribution seen for different factors. DISCUSSION: The performance of the system, evaluated based on the quality of telephone directories and response and refusal rates, was appropriate and in general higher than the performance seen in similar systems of developed countries. The cost of R 31.15 per complete interview was half the cost of the Behavioral Risk-Factor Surveillance System and one fifth of the cost estimated for a household survey on risk factors for chronic diseases recently conducted in Brazil

    Portable, one-dimensional, trunk-flexor muscle strength measurement system

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    Trunk-flexor muscle strength plays a fundamental role in athletic performance, but objective measurements are usually obtained using expensive and nonportable equipment, such as isokinetic dynamometers. The aim of this study was to assess the concurrent validity of a portable, one-dimensional, trunk-flexor muscle strength measurement system (Measurement System) that uses calibrated barbells and the reliability of the measurements obtained using the Measurement System, by conducting test–retests. As a complementary assessment, the measurements obtained during a maximum contraction test performed by a group of 15 subjects were also recorded. Four conditions were assessed: repeatability, time reproducibility, position reproducibility, and subject reproducibility. The results demonstrate that both the concurrent validity and the measured reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient > .98) of the Measurement System are acceptable. The Measurement System provides valid and reliable measures of trunk-flexor muscle strength

    Characterization of titanium welded joints by the orbital gas tungsten arc welding process for aerospace application

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    In this work, three welding programs for orbital gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), previously developed, were used, using pulsed current and increasing speed (#A), constant current (#B) and pulsed current and decreasing current (#C). One of these should be used for the propulsion system of the Satellite CBERS (China – Brazil Earth Resources Satellite). Welded joints using tubes of commercially pure titanium were obtained with these procedures, which were characterized by means of mechanical and metallographic tests. The obtained results showed that the three welding procedures produce welded joints free of defects and with adequate shape. Although small differences on mechanical properties and on microstructure have been observed, the three welding programs attained compatible results with international standards used in the aerospace segment. The welding program #B, due to the reduced heat input used, was considered to obtain slightly advantage over the others

    Physical Activities Pattern among Brazilian Adults: Results of Phone Survey, 2006

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    O estudo descreve as características do padrão de atividade física da população adulta das capitais de Estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal em 2006. Os dados foram coletados pelo sistema de vigilância de fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas por inquérito telefônico (Vigitel) em uma amostra probabilística da população com 18 ou mais anos de idade (n=54.369). Foram analisados dois indicadores: ativo no lazer; e sedentário. Os indivíduos ativos no lazer foram 14,9%, a maioria homens. A caminhada é a modalidade mais comum, para ambos os sexos. A freqüência de ativos no lazer aumenta com a escolaridade e diminui com a idade. O sedentarismo já atingiu 29,2% da população adulta, com maior freqüência no sexo masculino, e aumenta com a idade e com a escolaridade. O perfil de atividade física é insatisfatório em todas as cidades, o que determina a necessidade de mais esforços no estímulo à prática da atividade físicaThis report describes the characteristics of physical activities pattern among adult population of Brazilian State Capitals and the Federal District in 2006. Data was collected through the surveillance system of risk and protection factors for chronic diseases by telephone inquiry (Vigitel) in a probabilistic sample of 54,369 individuals aged 18 years and older. We analyzed two indicators: leisure time physical activity; and sedentariness. The frequency of individuals active in leisure was just of 14.9%, greater among men. Walking is the most common modality for both sex. Frequency of leisure active life increases with education, and decreases with age. Sedentary life affects 29.2% of adult population, more frequently males. The physical activity profile is not satisfactory in all cities, which determines the need for more efforts to stimulate the practice of physical activit

    Mapas de difusão na busca de outliers de curvas de polarização

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    This work proposes an efficient nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique known as Diffusion Maps in the identification of polarization curve outliers. Such curves evaluate the global kinetics of electrochemical electrode processes in corrosive media under steady-state conditions. However, they can present scattering of experimental nature or due to artifacts that may occur. Thus, a search for outliers is necessary because it would allow extracting them from the set of experimental curves under analysis; eventually, they do not adequately translate the material's behavior immersed in the corrosive environment to a given electrochemical potential. The hope is to achieve a good classification rate, eliminating improbable results from the data. However, classifying them correctly is a challenge because a strong nonlinearity typical of polarization curves besides the overlap make the task difficult. In this work, two stainless steels were studied in an aqueous solution with 3.5 % NaCl. Through the diffusion matrix and the associated color map, the Diffusion Maps technique was able to satisfactorily find outliers for both steels used, proving useful because of the proposed approach.Este trabalho propõe uma abordagem de uma eficiente técnica de redução de dimensionalidade não linear conhecida como mapas de difusão na identificação de outliers de curvas de polarização. Tais curvas avaliam a cinética global de processos eletroquímicos de eletrodos em meios corrosivos sob condições estacionárias, mas que apresentam variações de natureza experimental ou por erros sistemáticos que possam ocorrer. Assim, a busca por outliers se faz necessária pois, no contexto em questão, permitiria extrair do conjunto das curvas experimentais em análise aquelas que, eventualmente, não traduzem de forma adequada o comportamento do material imerso no meio corrosivo a um dado potencial aplicado. A esperança é conseguir um ganho na taxa de classificação, eliminando-se dados muito improváveis do conjunto de amostras. Classificá-los corretamente é um desafio pois a forte não linearidade típica de curvas de polarização e a superposição tornam a tarefa difícil. Neste trabalho, estudou-se dois aços inoxidáveis em solução aquosa com 3,5 % NaCl. Por meio da matriz de difusão e do mapa de cores a ela associada, a técnica de mapas de difusão conseguiu encontrar satisfatoriamente outliers de ambos os aços utilizados, mostrando-se útil diante da abordagem proposta
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