2,100 research outputs found

    Relatório Justiça em Números : controle e parâmetro para a celeridade na justiça estadual

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Direito, 2016.A Reforma do Judiciário inaugurou um novo paradigma legal para consecução da atividade judicante, através da inserção do princípio da Razoável Duração do Processo dentro das garantias fundamentais assegurado a cada indivíduo, insculpido no inciso LXXVIII do art. 5º da Constituição Federal de 1988. Por sua vez, com o advento da mencionada EC/45, criou-se o Conselho Nacional de Justiça (CNJ), como parte da implantação de uma política de fortalecimento e aprimoramento da gestão judiciária. Cumpre destacar que coube ao CNJ a função de elaborar relatório anual das atividades do Poder Judiciário, a ser remetido ao Congresso Nacional, consoante se extrai do artigo 103-B,§ 4°, VII, da Magna Carta. Sendo assim, a pesquisa analisa o processo de elaboração do Relatório Justiça em Números 2016 (ano-base 2015), destacando como este instrumento, a partir das categorias referentes ao índice de conciliação, taxa de congestionamento e tempo médio de tramitação dos processos, fornece parâmetros e controle da efetivação da celeridade processual no âmbito da Justiça Estadual. Ademais, sob essa perspectiva, foram trabalhadas as históricas estruturas conceituais aliadas ao conceito de rapidez na prestação jurisdicional e de Acesso à Justiça, de modo a apresentar a atual conjuntura que reveste a atividade estatal de solução dos litígios.The Judiciary Reform inaugurated a new legal paradigm for the attainment of judicial activity, through the insertion of the principle of the Reasonable Duration of the Process within the fundamental guarantees guaranteed to each individual, inscribed in item LXXVIII of art. 5 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. In turn, with the advent of EC / 45, the National Justice Council (CNJ) was created as part of the implementation of a policy to strengthen and improve the management of justice. It should be pointed out that it was incumbent upon the CNJ to prepare an annual report on the activities of the Judiciary, to be submitted to the National Congress, as may be inferred from Article 103-B, § 4, VII, of the Magna Carta. Therefore, the research analyzes the process of preparing the Justice Report in Numbers 2016 (base year 2015), highlighting how this instrument, based on the categories related to the conciliation index, congestion charge and average processing time, provides Parameters and control of the effectiveness of procedural speed in the scope of State Justice. In addition, from this perspective, the historical conceptual structures associated with the concept of speed in the jurisdictional rendering and Access to Justice have been worked out, in order to present the current conjuncture that faces the state activity of solving disputes

    Application of the Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) technique in the plunge cylindrical grinding operation

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    Precision cylindrical grinding is used extensively in the manufacture of precision components in the metal-mechanical industry in general. Modern CNC grinding machines have improved this process with respect to the positioning and rigidity of the machine-workpiece-tool system, allowing the production of high precision parts with low dimensional tolerances. Besides the difficulties inherent to the process, awareness has grown in recent years regarding the environmental issues of cutting fluids. As a response, the industry has begun to seek alternative lubrication and cooling methods. Among the various existing techniques, Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) has been considered as an alternative. This technique can be understood as a combination of conventional lubrication and cooling methods and dry machining, in which a small quantity of lubricating oil mixed with compressed air flow is delivered in the wheel-workpiece interface. The MQL technique is already widely employed in machining processes with tools of defined geometry (e.g. turning), in which produces very satisfactory results. However, the MQL technique has been little explored in grinding processes (non-defined tool geometry), in which the really effective heat removal methods are required due to the frictional heat generation in the grinding zone. Consequently, the aim of this study was to evaluate the plunge cylindrical internal grinding operation when using the MQL technique and the conventional cooling method. Roughness and roundness were the outputparameters. As a result, it was found that the best values of roughness Ra were obtained with the conventional lubrication method. The MQL technique applied as proposed was not able to flush the chips away from the grinding zone, leading to the highest Ra values. No significant differences were detected among the cooling methods when analyzing the roundness results. The workpiece fixture method selected was responsible for the overall unsatisfactory results.(FAPESP) São Paulo Research Foundatio

    A responsabilidade jurídica das empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online / The legal liability of online payment intermediary companies

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    O presente artigo busca avaliar e comparar decisões judiciais que tratam da responsabilidade jurídica das empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online. Com as transformações da sociedade e do mercado, o nicho do e-commerce começou a ser explorado por grandes e pequenos empreendedores que buscam nessa ferramenta, alcançar um público maior por meio da internet. Entretanto, os sítios eletrônicos que permitem compras e vendas de mercadorias são regidos pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor, e este, com os desdobramentos da tecnologia, surgiu para proteger o consumidor final inclusive nas relações fora do estabelecimento comercial. Porém, as empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online, estão sendo responsabilizadas solidariamente nas reclamações consumeristas. Neste artigo, portanto, discute-se a responsabilidade das intermediadoras de pagamentos online de forma a retirá-las da cadeia de fornecedores, em que pese o tema não estar pacificado. Busca-se, portanto, analisar as decisões judiciais e apresentar posicionamento a favor da inexistência de responsabilidade solidária das empresas intermediadoras de pagamento online. Foi utilizada a metodologia documental quantitativa com análise de documentos, pesquisas e decisões judiciais. Por fim, diante de toda problemática, verificou-se que, as empresas intermediadoras de pagamentos online não devem ser responsáveis solidárias na cadeia de fornecedores, uma vez que, como intermediadora, não tem a posse ou conhecimento sobre o produto, servindo apenas para garantir o meio de pagamento e sua segurança enquanto transação financeira

    Conexões entre imagem fotográfica e memória social do garimpo

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    Este ensaio é composto por fotografias produzidas pelo pesquisador e principalmente oriundas do acervo pessoal dos interlocutores. Propõe-se a refletir as conexões entre a imagem fotográfica e o processo de constituição de memória coletiva (HALBWACHS, 1968) articuladas por ex-garimpeiros sobre o trabalho e a cotidianidade das relações elaboradas nos garimpos de ouro da região Amazônica, sobretudo os da área do Tapajós, que na década de 1970 e 1980 estiveram em grande efervescência e, pelos quais, os agentes interlocutores viveram por muitos anos de suas vidas.

    INSTITUTO PARAENSE DE EDUCANDOS ARTIFICES: um recurso para a formação do cidadão morigerado na Belém da Belle Époque

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    O artigo objetiva apresentar sucintamente os resultados de um estudo mais amplo sobre o atendimento à criança desvalida no Grão Pará, destacando o Instituto Paraense de Educandos Artífices. Tem como questão base: quais os objetivos das práticas desenvolvidas no Instituto no que diz respeito ao atendimento aos desvalidos? As fontes primárias utilizadas foram: os relatórios presidenciais e dos diretores do Instituto, a legislação educacional local, minutas de ofícios e jornais que circulavam na Província à época. Os resultados revelam que o atendimento oferecido se caracterizou em mais um instrumento de consolidação dos ideais iluministas produzidos na Europa,materializados no projeto civilizador de transformar índios e mestiços em cidadãos “distinctos e morigerados”, ou seja, homens civilizados.Palavras-chave: Criança desamparada. Instituto de Educandos Artífices. Processo civilizatório.ABSTRACTThis paper intends to show briefly the results of a broader study on the helpless child care on Grão Pará, highlighting the Instituto Paraense de Educandos Artífices. Its fundamental question: what are the goals of the practices developed in the Institute with regard to service to the disadvantaged? Theprimary sources used were: reports of the presidents of the province and the reports of the directors of the Institute, local educational legislation, drafts of letters and newspapers that circulated in the Province at the time The results show that the service offered was characterized in more than a tool for consolidation of the ideals of the Enlightenment produced in Europe, embodied in the project of civilizing the indians and mestizos make citizens distinct and well-bred.Keywords: Helpless child. Instituto Paraense de Educandos Artífices. Civilizing process

    Optimization of the dental implant with the use of ILIB: major considerations

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    Introduction: In the context of implantology and osseointegration for the stabilization of dental implants, the use of ILIB (Intravascular Laser Irradiation of Blood) to stimulate tissues, cells, and molecules at the systemic level stands out. In this sense, ILIB can be used with postoperative applications in the osseointegration and stability of dental implants. Objective: Conducted a concise systematic review of the main findings of using the ILIB to improve dental implant practices. Methods: The research was carried out from May 2021 to June 2021 and developed based on Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar, following the Systematic Review-PRISMA rules. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: A total of 58 studies were analyzed, with only 10 medium and high-quality studies selected, according to GRADE rules, and with risks of bias that do not compromise scientific development. After analyzing the major studies, it was analyzed that, with the use of ILIB, several bone regeneration factors can be promoted and optimized for implant dentistry. Other authors have shown that ILIB therapy has oral sterilization properties, facilitating tissue healing after surgical procedures and the osseointegration process for placement of stable implants. Despite this, low-intensity laser irradiation may have limitations, as it requires specific dosimetry and few published studies on the use of ILIB in Dentistry. Conclusion: Literary findings point to the safety and efficacy of ILIB in dental implant treatments. The ILIB power is included as an eligibility criterion equal to other low power lasers. Furthermore, ILIB enables local and systemic treatment, optimizing the benefits of its use by dentists, mainly to improve the stabilization of osseointegrated implants and prevent or eliminate contamination

    Frictional resistance of self-ligating versus conventional brackets in different bracket-archwire-angle combinations

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    Objective: To compare the influence of archwire material (NiTi, beta-Ti and stainless steel) and brackets design (self-ligating and conventional) on the frictional force resistance. Material and Methods: Two types of brackets (self-ligating brackets - Smartclip, 3M/Unitek - and conventional brackets - Gemini, 3M/Unitek) with three (0, 5, and 10 degrees) slot angulation attached with elastomeric ligatures (TP Orthodontics) were tested. All brackets were tested with archwire 0.019"x0.025" nickel-titanium, beta-titanium, and stainless steel (Unitek/3M). The mechanical testing was performed with a universal testing machine eMIC DL 10000 (eMIC Co, Brazil). The wires were pulled from the bracket slots at a cross-head speed of 3 mm/min until 2 mm displacement. Results: Self-ligating brackets produced significantly lower friction values compared with those of conventional brackets. Frictional force resistance values were directly proportional to the increase in the bracket/ wire angulation. With regard to conventional brackets, stainless steel wires had the lowest friction force values, followed by nickel-titanium and beta-titanium ones. With regard to self-ligating brackets, the nickel-titanium wires had the lowest friction values, significantly lower than those of other materials. Conclusion: even at different angulations, the self-ligating brackets showed significantly lower friction force values than the conventional brackets. Combined with nickel-titanium wires, the self-ligating brackets exhibit much lower friction, possibly due to the contact between nickel-titanium clips and wires of the same material

    Dental Implants and Plasma Rich in Fibrine: A Wide Literary Review

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    Introduction: When a dental element is lost in the posterior region of the maxilla, there is natural reabsorption of the alveolar process and at the same time there will be pneumatization of the maxillary sinus. It will increase its volume towards the place where the roots existed and this will often make it difficult or impossible to restore implants in place. For this reason, the procedure for elevating the floor of the maxillary sinus or short implants should be performed when possible. In this context, allogeneic, xenogenous, and alloplastic bone grafts are an alternative for the treatment of bone defects in the jaws, since they avoid the need for a second surgical access. However, due to the need for processing to eliminate antigenic components, these grafts are only osteoconductive with a lower bone formation potential compared to autogenous bone grafts. Also, in this context, in the last 20 years, platelet concentrates have been proposed as regenerative materials in tissue regeneration procedures. Among the platelet concentrates proposed in the literature, PRP and FRP are found to act as autogenous platelet aggregates with osteoinductive properties. Objective: The present study aimed to conduct a wide literature review on maxillary sinus surgery using fibrin-rich plasma. Methods: Experimental and clinical studies (case reports, retrospective, prospective and randomized) with qualitative and/or quantitative analysis were included. Results: The total of 48 articles were found involving Maxillary sinus surgery, Fibrin-rich plasma, and Biomaterials, of which 22 were selected to compose the present study. Conclusion: Based on the literary findings, it was shown that the FRP is favorable for bone formation processes for dental implants, especially when combined with xenografts