1,077 research outputs found

    Teaching for Urbanism: a didactical experience in a newly academicized area

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    This paper describes a didactical experience in the Masters course of the Department of Urbanism of the Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) and issues related to the academicization of its curriculum. Although urbanism is a firmly established discipline in many curricula, in The Netherlands it has entered higher education as a practical and vocational discipline from the engineering tradition. The experience of the implementation of a stronger academic approach in such an environment reveals differences in worldviews among practitioners and academics, which result in frictions about the role and the form of academic research in Masters’ education. This is becoming more evident as urbanism is confronted with the need to situate research actions and outcomes in relation to other more established disciplines, for example through research assessments. We have found problems related to a dysfunctional relationship between research claims and research actions, problems with assessment, trans-disciplinary dialogue and other issues common to areas of knowledge and practice recently entering academia. Here we discuss how new courses and requirements were introduced, that aimed to encourage an academic attitude and improve outputs in relation to academic standards, and how this was done by seeking a dialogue between research and design practice. The experience is examined both from the point of view of staff’s expectations and students’ reception

    Guiding The Work Of Writing: Reflections On The Writing Process

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    The phenomenon of teaching and learning the writing for publication process was examined from the perspectives of instructors and the students

    Adrenal function testing in patients with septic shock

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    INTRODUCTION: Adrenal failure (AF) is associated with increased mortality in septic patients. Nonetheless, there is no agreement regarding the best diagnostic criteria for AF. We compared the diagnosis of AF considering different baseline total cortisol cutoff values and Δmax values after low (1 μg) and high (249 μg) doses of corticotropin, we analyzed the impact of serum albumin on AF identification and we correlated laboratorial AF with norepinephrine removal. METHODS: A prospective noninterventional study was performed in an intensive care unit from May 2002 to May 2005, including septic shock patients over 18 years old without previous steroid usage. After measurement of serum albumin and baseline total cortisol, the patients were sequentially submitted to 1 μg and 249 μg corticotropin tests with a 60-minute interval between doses. Post-stimuli cortisol levels were drawn 60 minutes after each test (cortisol 60 and cortisol 120). The cortisol 60 and cortisol 120 values minus baseline were called Δmax(1 )and Δmax(249), respectively. Adrenal failure was defined as Δmax(249 )≤ 9 μg/dl or baseline cortisol ≤ 10 μg/dl. Other baseline cortisol cutoff values referred to as AF in other studies (≤15, ≤20, ≤25 and ≤34 μg/dl) were compared with Δmax(249 )≤ 9 μg/dl and serum albumin influence. Norepinephrine removal was compared with the baseline cortisol values and Δmax(249 )values. RESULTS: We enrolled 102 patients (43 male). AF was diagnosed in 22.5% (23/102). Patients with albumin ≤2.5 g/dl presented a lower baseline total cortisol level (15.5 μg/dl vs 22.4 μg/dl, P = 0.04) and a higher frequency of baseline cortisol ≤25 μg/dl (84% vs 58.3%, P = 0.05) than those with albumin > 2.5 g/dl. The Δmax(249 )levels and Δmax(249 )≤ 9, however, were not affected by serum albumin (14.5 μg/dl vs 18.8 μg/dl, P = 0.48 and 24% vs 25%, P = 1.0). Baseline cortisol ≤ 23.6 μg/dl was the most accurate diagnostic threshold to determine norepinephrine removal according to the receiver operating characteristic curve. CONCLUSION: AF was identified in 22.5% of the studied population. Since Δmax(249 )≤ 9 μg/dl results were not affected by serum albumin and since the baseline serum total cortisol varied directly with albumin levels, we propose that Δmax(249 )≤ 9 μg/dl, which means Δmax after high corticotropin dose may be a better option for AF diagnosis whenever measurement of free cortisol is not available. Baseline cortisol ≤23.6 μg/dl was the best value for predicting norepinephrine removal in patients without corticosteroid treatment

    Reactividad alcalina potencial de los basaltos mesopotámicos

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    Los basaltos de la Mesopotamia son una importante fuente de de agregados destinados a la elaboración de hormigones. Si bien presentan en general un comportamiento en servicio satisfactorio desde el punto de vista de la durabilidad, existen casos documentados de hormigones elaborados con basaltos de la Mesopotamia que han sufrido fenómenos deletéreos severos por efecto de la reacción álcali agregado. Resulta sin embargo de una notoria complejidad establecer de manera objetiva la reactividad alcalina potencial de estos agregados básicamente por dos particularidades: en primer lugar la dificultad para cuantificar la presencia del componente mineralógicamente reactivo y en segundo lugar el hecho de que prácticamente todos estos agregados califican como potencialmente reactivos en el ensayo según norma IRAM 1674. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de estudios y ensayos correspondientes a la evaluación de la reactividad alcalina potencial de agregados basálticos provenientes de cuatro canteras comerciales ubicadas en la Mesopotamia Argentina. Sobre muestras representativas de los frentes de explotación de cada una de las canteras analizadas se realizaron estudios petrográficos con esteromicroscopio y microscopía de polarización sobre secciones delgadas, que incluyeron la cuantificación del vidrio volcánico presente en el agregado. Estos estudios se complementaron con ensayos acelerados de reactividad alcalina potencial de barras de mortero según norma IRAM 1674, ensayos químicos de reactividad alcalina potencial según norma IRAM 1650 y ensayos de expansión de prismas de hormigón hasta un año de edad según norma IRAM 1700. Adicionalmente se realizaron ensayos acelerados de barras de mortero en similares condiciones a las establecidas en la norma IRAM 1674 pero exponiendo a las mismas a diferentes concentraciones de NaOH en el rango comprendido entre 0 y 1N. Los resultados obtenidos permiten correlacionar entre si la información proveniente de las diferentes técnicas de evaluación aplicadas y establecer en forma objetiva el grado de reactividad del agregado. Por otro lado se aporta información de gran utilidad para establecer criterios de utilización de estos agregados en el contexto de la problemática de la reacción álcali agregado

    Projeto doenças orificiais experiência do HCFMUSP em hospital-dia e doenças anorretais

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    The treatment of malignant or benign colorectal pathologies that require more complex management are priorities in tertiary hospitals such as "Hospital das Clínicas" University of São Paulo Medical Center (HCFMUSP). Therefore, benign, uncomplicated orifice conditions are relegated to second place. The number of patients with hemorrhoids, perianal fistulas, fissures, condylomas and pilonidal cysts who seek treatment at the HFMUSP is very great, resulting in over-crowding in the outpatient clinics and a long waiting list for recommended surgical treatment (at times over 18 months). The authors describe the experience of the HCFMUSP over an eight-day period with day-hospital surgery in which 140 patients underwent surgery. Data was prospectively taken on the patients undergoing surgery for benign orifice pathologies including age, sex, diagnosis, surgery performed, immediate and late postoperative complications, and follow-up. 140 patients operated on over eight days were studied. 68 were males (48.75%) with ages ranging from 25 to 62 (mean 35.2 yrs.). Hemorrhoids was the most frequent condition encountered (82 hemorrhoidectomies, 58.6%), followed by perineal fistula (28 fistula repairs, 20.0%). The most common complication was headache secondary to rachianesthesia occurring in 9 patients (6.4%). One patient (0.7%) developed bleeding immediately PO that required reoperation. Mean follow-up was 104 days. Day-surgery characterized by quality care and low morbidity is feasible in tertiary public hospitals, permitting surgery for benign orifice pathologies on many patients within a short period of time.O tratamento das patologias colorretais malignas ou benignas, que necessitam tratamento com maior grau de complexidade são prioridades em hospitais terciários, como é o Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMUSP), permanecendo assim as patologias orificiais benignas em um segundo plano. Todavia devido à sua característica assistencial, o número de pacientes que procuram o HCFMUSP por doença hemorroidária, fístulas perianais, fissuras, condilomas e cistos pilonidais é muito grande, resultando na hipertrofia dos ambulatórios e lentidão para o tratamento cirúrgico preconizado (às vezes um ano e meio). Os autores descrevem a experiência do HCFMUSP durante oito dias com o atendimento tipo hospital-dia em que 140 pacientes foram atendidos e submetidos a intervenções cirúrgicas. Foram anotados prospectivamente os dados de paciente submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico para patologias orificiais benignas quanto a idade, sexo, diagnóstico, tratamento cirúrgico realizado, e complicações pós operatórias imediatas e tardias e tempo de seguimento ambulatorial. Foram estudados 140 pacientes, operados em oito dias, sendo 68(48,75%) homens e a idade variando entre 25 e 62 anos (média de 35,2 anos). A doença hemorroidária foi a patologia mais freqüente, com 82 doentes operados (58,57%), seguido pela fístula perineal com 20,0% dos casos operados. A complicação mais freqüente foram as anestésicas com a cefaléia pós raquianestesia ocorrendo em nove pacientes (6,42%). Um paciente (0,71%) apresentou hemorragia no PO necessitando reoperação para hemostasia. O tempo médio de seguimento foi de 104 dias. O uso do conceito hospital-dia em serviços públicos terciários é factível, com a possibilidade de atendimento de grande quantidade de pacientes com patologias orificiais benignas, em curto espaço de tempo, com qualidade e baixas taxas de complicações

    Invisible axis. Art and graphics in contemporary artistic production

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    Nuestra relación con el arte contemporáneo parte de roles desempeñados desde el ámbito de la producción gráfica. Hemos desarrollado varias operaciones artísticas a través de la manipulación de medios de producción editorial, y si bien nos consideramos artistas de este contexto presente, también nos ligamos a un “eje invisible” que mantiene un lineamiento conceptual que transcurre a través del tiempo. Es por ello que proseguimos actos productivos que no sólo nos ligan a lo contemporáneo, sino también a lo argentino / latinoamericano. Indagamos en las relaciones que se establecen entre las viejas y las nuevas producciones, generando o reciclando sentidos en las obras actuales. Debatimos sobre el lugar del artista, el sistema de producción y consumo dentro de los circuitos de arte, también sobre las políticas de regulación del campo cultural y, finalmente, nos interesamos por una reflexión mayor acerca de la naturaleza del contexto contemporáneo para observar las políticas de la obra y su adecuación a los cambios producidos en los mecanismos de producción.Our relationship with contemporary art stems from roles performed from the field of graphic production. We have developed several artistic operations through the manipulation of editorial production media, and although we consider ourselves artists of this present context, we are also linked to an "invisible axis" that maintains a conceptual line that passes through time. That is why we continue productive acts that not only link us to the contemporary, but also to the Argentine / Latin American. We investigate the relationships established between the old and the new productions, generating or recycling meanings in the current works. We debate about the place of the artist, the system of production and consumption within the art circuits, also about the policies of regulation of the cultural field and, finally, we are interested in a greater reflection about the nature of the contemporary context to observe the policies of the work and its adaptation to the changes produced in the production mechanisms.Facultad de Arte

    The Impact of API Change- and Fault-Proneness on the User Ratings of Android Apps

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    The mobile apps market is one of the fastest growing areas in the information technology. In digging their market share, developers must pay attention to building robust and reliable apps. In fact, users easily get frustrated by repeated failures, crashes, and other bugs; hence, they abandon some apps in favor of their competition. In this paper we investigate how the fault-and change-proneness of APIs used by Android apps relates to their success estimated as the average rating provided by the users to those apps. First, in a study conducted on 5,848 (free) apps, we analyzed how the ratings that an app had received correlated with the fault-and change-proneness of the APIs such app relied upon. After that, we surveyed 45 professional Android developers to assess (i) to what extent developers experienced problems when using APIs, and (ii) how much they felt these problems could be the cause for unfavorable user ratings. The results of our studies indicate that apps having high user ratings use APIs that are less fault-and change-prone than the APIs used by low rated apps. Also, most of the interviewed Android developers observed, in their development experience, a direct relationship between problems experienced with the adopted APIs and the users\u27 ratings that their apps received

    APOBEC3-mediated editing in HIV type 1 from pediatric patients and its association with APOBEC3G/CUL5 polymorphisms and Vif variability

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    The APOBEC3 proteins are cytidine deaminases that can introduce G→A mutations in the HIV-1 plus DNA strand. This editing process may inhibit virus replication through lethal mutagenesis (hypermutation), but could also contribute to viral diversification leading to the emergence of escape forms. The HIV-1 Vif protein has the capacity to counteract APOBEC3 factors by recruiting a CUL5-based ubiquitin ligase complex that determines their proteasomal degradation. In this work, we analyzed the APOBEC3-mediated editing in proviral HIV-1 from perinatally infected children (n=93) in order to explore its association with polymorphisms of APOBEC3G and CUL5 genes (APOBEC3G H186R, APOBEC3G C40693T, and CUL5 SNP6), the Vif protein variability, and also the time to AIDS development. To calculate the level of editing, we have developed an index exploiting the properties of a region within the HIV-1 pol gene that includes the central polypurine tract (cPPT). We detected a reduced editing associated with the CUL5 SNP6 minor allele and also with certain Vif variants (mutations at sites 46, 122, and 160), although we found no evidence supporting an impact of APOBEC3 activity on disease progression. Thus, our findings suggest that APOBEC3-mediated editing of HIV-1 could be modulated by host and virus genetic characteristics in the context of pediatric infection.Fil: de Maio, Federico Andres. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Retrovirus; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rocco, Carlos Alberto. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Retrovirus; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Aulicino, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Retrovirus; ArgentinaFil: Bologna, Rosa. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Mangano, Andrea María Mercedes. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Retrovirus; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sen, Luisa. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan". Laboratorio de Biología Celular y Retrovirus; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Metastatic oral melanoma: radiotherapy and nivolumab treatment

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    INTRODUCTION: Oral Mucosa Melanoma (MMO) is a rare malignant neoplasm that accounts for about 0.5% of all oral tumors. This melanoma is associated with atypical proliferation of melanocytes present in the mucosal epithelium. The treatment can be performed by surgical resection, with chemotherapy and radiotherapy as adjunct treatment. In cases with metastatic lymph nodes, adjuvant treatment with immunotherapy may be used. CASE REPORT: An 83-year-old male patient had as main complaint a dark tumor in the gingiva, hard palate and right maxillary sinus, with cervical and mediastinal lymph nodes and pulmonary metastases. In 2015, he started treatment with DTIC and obtained partial response. After one year, he started treatment with Imatinib, obtained partial response and then disease progression. In 2016, he started treatment with Nivolumab and local radiotherapy with IMRT. He had complete local remission and partial systemic remission. Moreover, the treatment had as immune-mediated side effects adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and vitiligo on face and left flank. Our report aims to present a case of oral mucosal melanoma in the gingiva, palate and maxillary sinus with systemic metastases, treated with Nivolumab and radiotherapy, compare it with other reports in the literature and highlight the complications of immunotherapy.INTRODUÇÃO: O Melanoma de Mucosa Oral (MMO) é uma neoplasia maligna rara, corresponde a cerca de 0,5% de todos os tumores orais. Este melanoma ocorre devido a proliferação atípica de melanócitos presentes no epitélio das mucosas do organismo. O tratamento é realizado por ressecção cirúrgica, quimioterapia e radioterapia como tratamento adjuvante. Nos casos com linfonodos metastáticos pode-se usar o tratamento adjuvante com imunoterapia. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente 83 anos, sexo masculino, teve como queixa principal tumoração de cor escura em gengiva, palato duro e seio maxilar direito, com linfonodos metastáticos cervicais e mediastinais e metástases pulmonares. Em 2015, iniciou tratamento com DTIC com resposta parcial e após um ano, iniciou a terapêutica com Imatinibe com resposta parcial e depois progressão da doença. Em 2016, iniciou tratamento com Nivolumabe e radioterapia local com IMRT. Apresentou remissão completa local e parcial sistêmica. Também apresentou como efeitos colaterais imunomediados insuficiência suprarrenal, hipotireoidismo, diabetes melitus e vitiligo em face e flanco esquerdo. Nosso relato tem como objetivo apresentar um caso de melanoma de mucosa oral na região da gengiva, palato e seio maxilar com metástases sistêmicas, tratado com Nivolumabe e radioterapia, e com isso comparar com outros relatos existentes na literatura e ressaltar as complicações da imunoterapia