81 research outputs found

    On the automatic design of multi‑objective particle swarm optimizers: experimentation and analysis.

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    Research in multi-objective particle swarm optimizers (MOPSOs) progresses by proposing one new MOPSO at a time. In spite of the commonalities among different MOPSOs, it is often unclear which algorithmic components are crucial for explaining the performance of a particular MOPSO design. Moreover, it is expected that different designs may perform best on different problem families and identifying a best overall MOPSO is a challenging task. We tackle this challenge here by: (1) proposing AutoMOPSO, a flexible algorithmic template for designing MOPSOs with a design space that can instantiate thousands of potential MOPSOs; and (2) searching for good-performing MOPSO designs given a family of training problems by means of an automatic configuration tool (irace). We apply this automatic design methodology to generate a MOPSO that significantly outperforms two state-of-the-art MOPSOs on four well-known bi-objective problem families. We also identify the key design choices and parameters of the winning MOPSO by means of ablation. FAutoMOPSO is publicly available as part of the jMetal framework.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    MB-GNG: Addressing drawbacks in multi-objective optimization estimation of distribution algorithms

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    We examine the model-building issue related to multi-objective estimation of distribution algorithms (MOEDAs) and show that some of their, as yet overlooked, characteristics render most current MOEDAs unviable when addressing optimization problems with many objectives. We propose a novel model-building growing neural gas (MB-GNG) network that is specially devised for properly dealing with that issue and therefore yields a better performance. Experiments are conducted in order to show from an empirical point of view the advantages of the new algorithm.assigned to this paper for their comments and suggestions. They helped to substantially improve the paper. They also wish to thank Prof. Elisenda Molina for her assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. LM, JG, AB and JMM were supported by projects CICYT TIN2008-06742-C02-02/TSI, CICYT TEC2008-06732-C02-02/TEC, SINPROB, CAM CONTEXTS S2009/TIC-1485 and DPS2008-07029- C02-02. CACC was supported by CONACyT project 103570.Publicad

    Biodisponibilidad de lisina en dos pastas de soya con diferente nivel de actividad ureásica en pollos de engorda

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    In  order  to  study  bioavailability  of  lysine  of  two  soybeans  meals  (PSA  and  PSB)  for  broilers  with  different  ureaseactivity  (UA of  0.11 and  0.17 units  of  pH change),  an experiment  was  performed.  Two  hundred  and  ten (210)  chicksRoss  were  used  from  1  to  21  d  of  age,  in  a  completely  randomized  design  with  7  treatments  with  three  replicateseach  one. Treatments  were: 1)  Basal  diet sorghum-soybean  meal (deficient  in  lysine), 2)  Basal  diet+0.05%  L-lysine,3)  Basal diet+0.10%  L-lysine,  4) Basal  diet+0.05%  lysine from  PSA, 5)  Basal  diet+0.10% lysine  from  PSA,  6)  Basaldiet+0.05%  lysine from  PSB and  7)  Basal diet+0.10%  lysine  from  PSB.  The  growth  results  obtained  were  explainedby multiple linear regression equation, based on the data of weight gain, consumption of synthetic lysine  and intakesof  lysine  from  soybean  meals:  Y=X1+  Y=  375.419  +  0.0378  X1  +  0.0366  X2  +  0.0376  X3;  where  X1  accountedsupplementation  with  L-lysine,  X2  with  PSA  (with  addition  of  raw  hull)  and  X3  with  PSB  (with  addition  of  cockedhull).  Comparison  of  the  PSA  or  PSB  slopes  with  the  L-lysine  slope  (i.e.  100  %  bioavailability)  showed  them  all  tohave  >95  %  lysine  availability:  PS  A=  97  %,  PSB=  99  %.  These  results  indicate  that  UA  of  soybean  meal  affectedthe  bioavailability  of  lysine;  therefore  more  than  0.12  urcase  activity  units  of  pH  change,  lower  is  the  availability.Para conocer la biodisponibilidad de lisina para pollos de dos pastas de soya (PSA y PSB), con diferente actividad ureásica (AU 0.11 y 0.17 unidades de incremento de pH), se realizó el presente experimento. Se utilizaron 210 pollitos Ross de 1 a 21 días de edad, los cuales se distribuyeron al azar en 7 tratamientos con tres repeticiones. Lostratamientos fueron: 1) dieta basal sorgo-soya-ajonjolí (deficiente en lisina), 2) dieta basal + 0.05% de L-lisina, 3) dieta basal+0.10% de L-lisina, 4) dieta basal+0.05% de lisina a partir de PSA, 5) dieta basal+0.10% de lisina a partir de PSA, 6) dieta basal+0.05% de lisina a partir de PSB y 7) dieta basal+0.10% de lisina a partir de PSB. Losresultados de crecimiento, se explicaron mediante la ecuación de regresión lineal múltiple, con los datos de ganancia de peso, consumos de lisina sintética o consumos de lisina a partir de las pastas de soya fue Y= 375.419 + 0.0378 X1 + 0.0366 X2 + 0.0376 X3; en donde X1 correspondió a la complementación con L-lisina, X2 con la PSA (con adición de cascarilla cruda) y X3 con la PSB (con adición de cascarilla cocida). Al comparar la pendiente de la pasta de soya A o B, con la obtenida con L-lisina (100%), se tuvieron biodisponibilidades de lisina de 97 y 99 % para las pastasde soya A y B respectivamente. Estos resultados indican que la AU de la pasta de soya afecta la biodisponibilidad de lisina; a mayor actividad ureásica, menor es la disponibilidad

    Plan financiero empresarial Banco Internacional del Perú SAA - Interbank

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    El presente plan financiero tiene como objetivo incrementar el valor patrimonial de Interbank mediante la implementación de iniciativas financieras sostenibles en el corto y largo plazo. Para ello, se analiza el sector identificando las principales variables financieras y no financieras que lo dinamizan, como los competidores, riesgos del mercado, efectos financieros por cambios regulatorios, tendencias y expectativas. A partir de este análisis se concluye que la industria financiera es atractiva y competitiva, presenta un crecimiento sostenible y está relacionado directamente con el crecimiento económico del país. Interbank se posiciona como el cuarto banco más importante del país. Su estrategia comercial está orientada al segmento personas y tiene como ventaja competitiva contar con la red de cajeros más grande del Sistema Financiero Peruano. Dentro de sus objetivos estratégicos es ser líder en el mercado de tarjeta de crédito y productos personales, optimizar la eficiencia operativa, mejorar la calidad del servicio y mantenerse en el Great Place to Work. En la primera etapa del planeamiento financiero se valoriza Interbank, obteniendo un resultado superior en 35% al valor de mercado. Posteriormente, se define el plan financiero sobre la base de los lineamientos estratégicos, tales como mejorar el ratio de eficiencia y lograr un crecimiento saludable de la cartera; además de cumplir los requerimientos regulatorios establecidos por el Comité de Basilea y la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP. La implementación de este plan genera mayor valor a sus accionistas mediante un crecimiento sostenible y rentable, además de cumplir con sus objetivos estratégicosThis financial plan is intended to increase the equity value of Interbank by implementing sustainable financial initiatives in a short and long term. To achieve this result, the Peruvian financial sector has been analyzed to identify major financial and non-financial variables that promote it, such as competitors, market risks, financial impact due to regulatory changes, industry trends and expectations for next years. From this analysis, it is concluded that the Peruvian financial industry is attractive and competitive; it has a sustainable growth and it is directly related to the economic growth of Peru. Interbank is the fourth most important bank in Peru. Its commercial strategy is focused on retail segment and its competitive advantage is supported by having the largest ATM network in the financial sector. Interbank strategic objectives are to be the leader in credit card and personal loans, optimize operational efficiency, improve service quality and be in the annual ranking of Great Place to Work. In the first part of the financial planning, Interbank is valued, obtaining a price action that is 35% higher than the market value. Subsequently, the financial plan is based on strategic objectives, such as improving the efficiency ratio and achieving a healthy portfolio growth; meeting regulatory requirements set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Peruvian Superintendence of banking, insurance and private pension. The implementation of this plan creates more value to its shareholders through sustainable and profitable growth, in addition to satisfying its strategic objectivesTesi

    Efecto de paredes celulares (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) en el alimento de pollo de engorda sobre los parámetros productivos

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    Two experiments using broiler chicks were done to evaluate productive arameteres and mortality at 49 d of age with addition of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell walls (CW), with or without an antibiotic growth promoter (Avilamycin). The first assay included 3,000 chicks in six randomly-distributed treatments: Negative control (NC), Positive control (PC), NC + 0.5 kg/t CW, 1.0 kg/ t CW, 1.5 kg/t CW, and PC + 1.0 kg/t CW. The second included 1800 broiler chicks in six randomly-distributed treatments: NC, PC, NC + 0.5 kg/t CW, 0.25 kg/t CW, PC + 0.5 kg/t CW, and PC + 0.25 kg/t CW. No significant effects (P>0.05) were observed in feed consumption and mortality. Cell wall levels of 0.5 kg/t were enough to achieve a response competitive with that of AGP's, with similar results (P>0.05) in body weight and feed conversion. Joint addition of CW at different doses with the AGP (PSe realizaron dos experimentos en pollo de engorda con el objeto de evaluar el comportamiento productivo y mortalidad a los 49 días de edad, con la adición en el alimento de paredes celulares del Saccharomyces cerevisiae (PcSc), con y sin antibiótico como promotor de crecimiento (Avilamicina). En el primer ensayo se utilizaron 3,000 pollitos, distribuyéndose al azar en seis tratamientos: control negativo (CN), positivo (CP), inclusión de 0.5. 1.0 y 1.5 kg/t de PcSc, y CP + 1.0 kg/t. En el segundo, se utilizaron 1,800 pollitos, distribuyéndose en seis tratamientos: CN, CP, inclusión de 0.5 y 0.25 kg/ t de PcSc, y CP + 0.5 y 0.25 kg/t. Los resultados no mostraron efectos significativos (P>0.05), en el consumo de alimento y mortalidad. Niveles de 0.5 kg/t de PcSc, fueron suficientes para lograr una respuesta competitiva con Avilamicina, presentando resultados similares (P>0.05), en el peso corporal y en la conversión alimenticia. La adición conjunta de PcSc con Avilamicina, presentaron (

    Propuesta para un manual de procesos de la docencia universitaria

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    Se presenta un modelo para la elaboración de un "Manual de Procesos de la Docencia Universitaria" enmarcado en las acciones de mejora de la calidad, de acuerdo con el proceso derivado de la Evaluación de la Calidad que se está llevando a cabo en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Se parte de la experiencia de la Escuela Universitaria de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. En el trabajo se exponen los objetivos del Manual de Procesos, los Objetivos de la Titulación, la metodología utilizada y los procesos de la docencia más relevantes.This article presents a model for the construction of a "University Teaching Processes Manual", within the context of quality improvements, according to the process carried out for the quality evaluation that is being taking place at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. The basis are on the experiences of the Escuela Universitaria de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. This paper focuses on the goals of the Processes Manual, the objectives of the Degree, the methodology hondled and the main teaching processes

    Microbial biomass and earthworms as indicators of soil quality under contrasting management practices in small-scale dairy systems

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    Objetive: To determine soil quality under two contrasting agricultural management practices, based on microbial biomass and earthworm density, as compared to untilled control soils in two seasons (dry and wet), in different production units of small-scale milk production systems. Methodology: The work was conducted in ten production units in the municipality of Aculco, Estado de México, Mexico. We analyzed physical, chemical, and biological soil indicators (microbial biomass and earthworm density). We conducted an ANOVA with a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement (three systems [maize, grassland, and control] and two seasons [dry and wet]). Results: Values for all quality indicators in maize-cultivated soils were low, but increased in the wet season. Parameters in pasture-cultivated soils were similar to control soils. Implications: These results determine the conditions of the soils used in milk production systems. Conclusions: Some of the parameters assessed can be used as indicators of soil degradation and to strengthen other indicators which lead to an improved assessment of these systems’ sustainabilit

    Efecto de un complejo enzimático en dietas sorgo+soya sobre la digestibilidad ileal de aminoácidos, energía metabolizable y productividad en pollos

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    The effect of addition of a commercial enzyme mixture (pectinases, â-glucanases and hemicellulases) to sorghum+soybean meal diets on apparent ileal amino acid and protein digestibility, metabolizable energy and productive performance in broiler was evaluated with two experiments. Both experiments included four treatments: 1. Control, sorghum+soybean meal diet, 2. Control diet + enzymes, 3. Low-nutrient sorghum+soybean meal diet (7 % reduction in crude protein (CP), amino acids (AA) and metabolizable energy (ME), and 4. Low-nutrient diet + enzymes. A completely randomized design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement was used in both experiments, one factor was diets (control and low-nutrient) and the other factor was addition or not of enzymes. Exp 1 included 240 Ross 308 broiler chicks in a trial from 1 to 21 d of age, and Exp 2 included 280 Ross 308 chicks in a trial from 1 to 49 d of age. At 21 d in Exp 1, weight gain was lower (PSe realizaron dos experimentos, para evaluar enzimas (pectinasas, beta glucanasas y hemicelulasas) en dietas para pollos, sobre la digestibilidad ileal de proteína, aminoácidos esenciales (AA), EM y comportamiento productivo. En el Exp 1, se utilizaron 240 pollitos Ross 308 de 1 a 21 días en cuatros tratamientos: 1) Dieta testigo (sorgo+soya), 2) Dieta testigo+enzimas, 3) Dieta con menor contenido de nutrientes (7 % de PC, AA y EM) y 4) Como tratamiento 3+ enzimas. En el Exp 2, se utilizaron los mismos tratamientos del Experimento 1 en dietas en iniciación y finalización. Se emplearon 480 pollos Ross 308 de 1 a 49 días. En ambos experimentos, se utilizó arreglo factorial 2x2. Un factor fueron las dietas testigo sin y con reducción de nutrientes y otro factor con y sin la adición de enzimas. En el Exp 1, la ganancia de peso se afectó (

    Knowledge and practices regarding prostate cancer screening in Spanish men: The importance of personal and clinical characteristics (PROSHADE study)

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    Introduction Patients’ decisions on prostate cancer (PCa) opportunistic screening may vary. This study aimed to assess how demographic and health-related characteristics may influence knowledge and decisions regarding PCa screening. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among men aged over 40, randomly sampled from the Spanish population, 2022. The survey underwent development and content validation using a modified Delphi method and was administered via telephone. Binomial logistic regression was used to explore the relationship between respondents’ characteristics and participants’ knowledge and practices concerning PCa and the PSA test. Results Out of 1,334 men, 1,067 (80%) respondents were interviewed with a mean age of 58.6 years (sd 11.9). Most had secondary or university studies (787, 73.8%) and 61 (5.7%) self-reported their health status as bad or very bad. Most of the respondents (1,018, 95.4%) had knowledge regarding PCa with nearly 70% expressed significant concern about its potential development (720, 70.8%), particularly among those under 64 years (p = 0.001). Out of 847 respondents, 573 (67.7%) reported that they have knowledge regarding the PSA test: 374 (65.4%) reported receiving information from a clinicians, 324 (86.6%) information about the benefits of the test and 189 (49,5%) about its risks, with differences based on educational background. In a multivariable analysis (adjusted for age, educational level and previous prostate problems), respondents with higher levels of education were more likely to have higher knowledge regarding the PSA test (OR 1.75, 95%CI 1.24–2.50, p<0.001). Conclusions Although most of the patients reported to have knowledge regarding PCa, half of the interviewed men reported knowledge about PSA test. Differences in knowledge prostate cancer screening and undesirable consequences highlight the need to develop and provide tailored information for patients.Research funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, code PI20/01334, Principal Investigator Dr. Blanca Lumbreras Lacarra, co-financed with FEDER funds from the European Union “A way of doing Europe”

    PROSHADE Protocol: Designing and Evaluating a Decision Aid for Promoting Shared Decision Making in Opportunistic Screening for Prostate Cancer: A Mix-Method Study

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    Background: Opportunistic prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening may reduce prostate cancer mortality risk but is associated with false positive results, biopsy complications and overdiagnosis. Although different organisations have emphasised the importance of shared decision making (SDM) to assist men in deciding whether to undergo prostate cancer screening, recent evaluations show that the available decision aids fail to facilitate SDM, mainly because they do not consider the patients’ perspective in their design. We aim to systematically develop and test a patient decision aid to promote SDM in prostate cancer screening, following the Knowledge to Action framework. Methods: (1) Feasibility study: a quantitative survey evaluating the population and clinician (urologists and general practitioners) knowledge of the benefits and risks derived from PSA determination and the awareness of the available recommendations. Focus groups to explore the challenges patients and clinicians face when discussing prostate cancer screening, the relevance of a decision aid and how best to integrate it into practice. (2) Patient decision aid development: Based on this data, an evidence-based multicomponent SDM patient decision aid will be developed. (3) User-testing: an assessment of the prototype of the initial patient decision aid through a user-testing design based on mix-methods (questionnaire and semi-structured review). The decision aid will be refined through several iterative cycles of feedback and redesign. (4) Validation: an evaluation of the patient decision aid through a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Discussion: The designed patient decision aid will provide balanced information on screening benefits and risks and should help patients to consider their personal preferences and to take a more active role in decision making. Conclusions: The well-designed patient decision aid (PDA) will provide balanced information on screening benefits and risks and help patients consider their personal preferences.Article funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministry of Science and Innovation of the Government of Spain (Group 26 of the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Epidemiología y Salud Pública, CIBERESP). Research funded by the research project of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, code PI20/01334, Principal Investigator Dr. Blanca Lumbreras Lacarra, co-financed with FEDER funds from the European Union “A way of doing Europe”