176 research outputs found

    System dynamics modelling in systems biology and applications in pharmacology

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    El modelado matemático de sistemas biológicos complejos es uno de los temas clave en la Biología de Sistemas y varios métodos computacionales basados ​​en la simulación computarizada han sido aplicados hasta ahora para determinar el comportamiento de los sistemas no lineales. La Dinamica de Sistemas es una metodología de modelado intuitivo basada en el razonamiento cualitativo por el cual un modelo conceptual se puede describir como un conjunto de relaciones de causa y efecto entre las variables de un sistema. A partir de esta estructura, es posible obtener un conjunto de ecuaciones dinámicas que describan cuantitativamente el comportamiento del sistema. Centrándose en los sistemas farmacológicos, el modelado compartimental a menudo se utiliza para resolver un amplio espectro de problemas relacionados con la distribución de materiales en los sistemas vivos en la investigación, el diagnóstico y la terapia en todo el cuerpo, los órganos y los niveles celulares. En este artículo presentamos la metodología de modelado de Dinámica del Sistema y su aplicación al modelado de un modelo compartimental farmacocinético-farmacodinámico del efecto de profundidad anestésica en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas, derivando un modelo de simulación en el entorno de simulación orientada a objetos OpenModelica. La Dinamica de Sistemas se puede ver como una herramienta educativa poderosa y fácil de usar y en la enseñanza de Biología de Sistemas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El cultivo de rosa de jamaica

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    EL trabajo a exponer por medio de póster forma parte del Proyecto Fin de Carrera: “Productividad de rosa de Jamaica (hibiscus sabdariffa) en la cooperativa hibiscus (municipio de nandaime, nicaragua): seguimiento y apoyo técnico en su cultivo, secado y procesado”, realizado en Nicaragua desde julio de 2009 a enero de 2010 con el fin de dar seguimiento al proyecto de Fortalecimiento empresarial de las comunidades del municipio de Nandaime que “Ingenierías Sin Fronteras” realizó en años anteriores a través del proyecto de una Cooperativa agroindustrial, Hibiscus S.L. El proyecto consta de la descripción del punto de partida y del ciclo biológico de la rosa de Jamaica (es en este punto donde se centrará la exposición para el Congreso), del seguimiento del ciclo de cultivo de rosa de Jamaica de cada uno de los productores socios de la Cooperativa y del diseño de una secadora de cálices, que es la parte aprovechable del cultivo, para los productores de esta zon

    Correlation Analysis of People Attitude and the Development of Chemical Processes in the Human Body

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    This chemical science investigation was made to efficiently understand the way in which ionic substances operate in the human body and its correlation that they can have with the attitude of people, whose evaluation was carried out according to the analysis of three actions developed in the human body, such as digestion factors, family, work and social relationships (emotional actions) and the health of 10 people surveyed in the city of Tijuana, Baja California. This evaluation had a main hypothesis at the beginning of the investigation, indicating that, of the three factors mentioned, the one that links emotions had the greatest effect on the behavior of the people evaluated, with the aspect of family and work relationships being of primary importance; followed by the health factor and finally the digestion factor. This scientific study included an analysis of three principal aspects, being first the daily food as a nutrition action, followed a chemical analysis of ionic substances of the human body of the 10 persons evaluated. In addition, the third aspect evaluated was the emotional state of the people and a clinic with the urine analysis were considered to indicate the pH, temperature and oxygen level of each person, with which the main chemical elements of the ionic substances that can circulate through the human body were obtained, as part of the food intake. and drinks, emotional factor and digestion. This scientific study was made from March to May of 2023

    Real-world persistence of initial targeted therapy strategy in monotherapy versus combination therapy in patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis

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    Objective: The persistence of biologic (b) and targeted synthetic (ts) disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs(DMARDs) in monotherapy versus in combination with conventional synthetic (cs) DMARDs is still a controversial topic in rheumatic diseases. To clarify this issue, the retention of the initial treatment strategy of b/tsDMARD in combination with csDMARD versus monotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients under real-life conditions was evaluated. Factors associated with maintenance of the initial strategy were analysed. Methods: Nested cohort study within the Spanish BIOBADASER III registry. Bivariate comparisons and multivariate Cox proportional hazards models were used for the analyses. Results: A total of 2521 patients were included in the study. In the multivariate model, the initial strategy of combination therapy was associated with shorter persistence in patients with RA (hazard ratio [HR] 1.58;95% confidence interval [CI] 1.00-2.50; p = .049), PsA (HR 2.48; 95% CI 1.65-3.72) and AS (HR 16.77; 95% CI 7.37-38.16; p < .001), regardless of sex, time of disease progression, baseline disease activity, glucocorticoid use or type of b/tsDMARD. Overall, the combination strategy was associated with an increased incidence of adverse events (incidence rate ratio [IRR] 1.13; 95% CI 1.05-1.21). Conclusions: In this real-life study, the strategy of combining a b/tsDMARD with a csDMARD is associated with lower persistence and worse safety profile compared to monotherapy in RA and especially in PsA and AS, suggesting that combination therapy should be rethought as first choice in RA patients, but especially in PsA and AS patients.This research is supported by the Research Unit of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology. BIOBADASER is supported by the Spanish Agency of Drugs and Medical Devices (AEMPS), Biogen, Bristol-Myers and Squibb (BMS), Celltrion, Janssen, Lilly, Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD), Novartis, Pfizer, Regeneron, and Samsung Bioepis.S

    Magisterio, educación y humanidades

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    172 p.Diversas circunstancias del presente obligan a pensar acerca del papel de la formación humanística en todos los procesos educativos. Las manifestaciones de intolerancia, barbarie, corrupción, falta de pertenencia, ausencia de memoria histórica o espiritualidad, entre otros factores, llevan a analizar, en profundidad y con esperanza, los diferentes conflictos humanos. Así mismo, a procurar alzar la voz para ofrecer algunas reflexiones que iluminen posibilidades de diálogo y reconocimiento, las cuales colaboren con la reconstrucción del tejido social que, por la diversidad de manifestaciones de una realidad en crisis, necesita algunas pistas para atender las necesidades más apremiantes del contexto colombiano, aunque estas sean de carácter teórico, como las que se presentan en el siguiente volumen. La participación activa de los docentes del departamento de Humanidades de la Universidad Católica de Colombia, permite reconocer que cada quien, desde su campo disciplinar y académico, es consciente de la necesidad de asumir la vocería para reflexionar y dialogar sobre diversidad de temas y autores, que pueden orientar las posibilidades de comprensión frente a las situaciones que se viven en el día a día y que no son ajenas a las aulas de clase y a la cotidianidad de la comunidad universitaria. Es por ello que en este libro se presentan reflexiones en torno a: el papel de la educación política; la alteridad; la relación entre filosofía y pintura; los aportes del Magisterio de la Iglesia al concepto de funcionamiento familiar; la consciencia política; Jesucristo como el rostro de la felicidad cristiana; el desarrollo de la Constitución Pastoral Gaudium et Spes en las encíclicas de S.S. Benedicto XVI y su relación con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia; algunas lecciones sobre la mujer y el hombre en el Magisterio; la pedagogía de la pregunta y la respuesta en la posibilidad de un proyecto de vida; la educación en el Magisterio Pontificio; y las enseñanzas de la teología del cuerpo.Prólogo 1. Educar para pensar políticamente: el papel de la educación política en el contexto colombiano 2. El lenguaje: camino hacia la alteridad 3. Merleau-Ponty: filosofía y pintura. La duda de Cézanne 4. Aportes del Magisterio de la Iglesia al concepto de funcionamiento familiar (APGAR) 5. De la ceguera a la lucidez: camino hacia una consciencia política 6. Jesucristo: el rostro de la felicidad cristiana 7. Desarrollo de la constitución pastoral Gaudium et spes en las encíclicas de S.S. Benedicto XVI y su relación con la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia 8. Algunas lecciones sobre la mujer y el hombre en el Magisterio 9. Un proyecto de vida desde la pedagogía de la pregunta y la respuesta 10. La educación en el Magisterio Pontificio: algunas enseñanzas de la teología del cuerpo Bibliografí

    OWLs: A mixed-signal ASIC for optical wire-less links in space instruments

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    This paper describes the design of a mixed-signal ASIC for space application and the techniques employed for radiation hardening and temperature effects compensation. The work is part of a planned long-term effort and collaboration between "Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (IMSE)", "Universidad de Sevilla (US)", and "Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA)" aimed to consolidate a group of experienced mixed-signal space-ASIC designers. The initiative is partially funded by the Spanish National Research Program. The ASIC performs the function of an optical digital transceiver for diffuse-light intra-satellite optical communications. It has been designed in a 0.35μm CMOS technology from austriamicrosystems (ams). The chip has been manufactured and verified from a functional perspective. Radiation characterization is planned for the third quarter of 2012. Power- and temperature-stress tests, as well as life-tests are also planned for this next quarter, and will be carried out by Alter Technology TÜV Nord S.A.U. Given the previous characterization of the technology [1] and the hardening techniques employed in the design and layout, radiation is not expected to be a problem. The specified environmental limits are a pedestal hard limit of 50KRads with the goal of maximizing TID tolerance, SEU and SET LET-thresholds above 70MeV/(mg/cm2), and latchup free behavior up to the same LET limit. Concerning temperature, the specified operation range is from -90 to +125ºC, while the non-operating temperature range is from -135 to +150ºC.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) MEIGA AYA2009-14212-C05-04, AYA2008-06420-C04-0

    Brain connectivity and cognitive functioning in individuals six months after multiorgan failure

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    Abstract Multiorgan failure (MOF) is a life-threating condition that affects two or more systems of organs not involved in the disorder that motivates admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patients who survive MOF frequently present long-term functional, neurological, cognitive, and psychiatric sequelae. However, the changes to the brain that explain such symptoms remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To determine brain connectivity and cognitive functioning differences between a group of MOF patients six months after ICU discharge and healthy controls (HC). METHODS: 22 MOF patients and 22 HC matched by age, sex, and years of education were recruited. Both groups were administered a 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including structural T1 and functional BOLD, as well as a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation that included tests of learning and memory, speed of information processing and attention, executive function, visual constructional abilities, and language. Voxel-based morphometry was used to analyses T1 images. For the functional data at rest, functional connectivity (FC) analyses were performed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in structural imaging and neuropsychological performance between groups, even though patients with MOF performed worse in all the cognitive tests. Functional neuroimaging in the default mode network (DMN) showed hyper-connectivity towards sensory-motor, cerebellum, and visual networks. DMN connectivity had a significant association with the severity of MOF during ICU stay and with the neuropsychological scores in tests of attention and visual constructional abilities. CONCLUSIONS: In MOF patients without structural brain injury, DMN connectivity six months after ICU discharge is associated with MOF severity and neuropsychological impairment, which supports the use of resting-state functional MRI as a potential tool to predict the onset of long-term cognitive deficits in these patients.Similar to what occurs at the onset of other pathologies, the observed hyper-connectivity might suggest network re-adaptation following MOF.This research was founded by Ministerio Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain and FEDER (grant no. DPI2016-79874-R) to JC and JCAL. ID's time was founded by the Department of Education of the Basque Country, postdoctoral program. JR's time was founded by the Ministry of Education, Language Policy and Culture (Basque Government). JMC's time was founded by Ikerbasque and the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Country, Elkartek Program (grant no. KK-2018/00032). JCAL's time was founded by Ikerbasque and Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (grant no. AP169812018). IG's time was founded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for a Juan Rodes (grant no. JR15/00008) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund 'Investing in Your Future'. AJM's time was partly founded by Euskampus Fundazioa

    Impact of a home telehealth program after a hospitalized COPD exacerbation: a propensity score analysis

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    [Abstract] Introduction: Currently there is lack of data regarding the impact of a home telehealth program on readmissions and mortality rate after a COPD exacerbation-related hospitalization. Objective: To demonstrate if a tele-monitoring system after a COPD exacerbation admission could have a favorable effect in 1-year readmissions and mortality in a real-world setting. Methods: This is an observational study where we compared an intervention group of COPD patients treated after hospitalization that conveyed a telehealth program with a followance period of 1 year with a control group of patients evaluated during one year before the intervention began. A propensity-score analyses was developed to control for confounders. The main clinical outcome was 1-year all-cause mortality or COPD-related readmission. Results: The analysis comprised 351 telemonitoring patients and 495 patients in the control group. The intervention resulted in less mortality or readmission after 12 months (35.2% vs. 45.2%; hazard ratio [HR] 0.71 [95% CI=0.56-0.91] 0.71 [95% CI=0.56-0.91; p=0.007). This benefit was maintained after the propensity score analysis (HR=0.66 [95% CI=0.51-0.84]). This benefit, which was seen from the first month of the study and during its whole duration, is maintained when mortality (HR=0.54; 95% CI=[0.36-0.82]) or readmission (subdistribution hazard ratio [SHR] 0.66; 95% CI=[0.50-0.86]) are analyzed separately. Conclusion: Telemonitoring after a severe COPD exacerbation is associated with less mortality or readmissions at 12 months in a real world clinical setting

    Intensificación en el desarrollo de competencias en asignaturas de Tratamiento de Aguas a través del análisis de diagramas de flujo de instalaciones mediante el empleo de técnicas de gamificación y estrategias de trabajo colaborativo

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    El objetivo principal del presente proyecto de innovación docente es el de subsanar una problemática detectada en los últimos años en las asignaturas de Tratamiento y Tecnología de Aguas del Grado en Ciencias Ambientales, Ingeniería Sanitaria en la Construcción Civil (Especialidad Construcciones Civiles) del Grado en Ingeniería Civil, y Tecnologías para el Tratamiento de Aguas del Grado en Ingeniería Química. Los estudiantes de las asignaturas indicadas anteriormente presentan serias dificultades para implementar, interpretar y analizar diagramas de flujo de instalaciones de tratamiento de aguas, ya sean de potabilización, desalación, depuración y/o reutilización. Este aspecto es uno de los de mayor relevancia dentro del temario de dichas asignaturas y se traduce en tasas de rendimiento y de éxito relativamente bajas. La aplicación de la innovación docente desarrollada en el presente proyecto pretende solventar esta deficiencia de los estudiantes en estas asignaturas de tratamiento de aguas mediante estrategias de trabajo colaborativo e introduciendo la evaluación por pares. Asimismo, esta metodología permitirá potenciar el desarrollo de diferentes competencias de las asignaturas en cuestión

    Genetic diversity of the Spanish apple genetic resources using SSRs

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    The Spanish Program of Plant Genetic Resources integrates, among others, the collections located at Public University of Navarre, Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo, Cabildos (Tenerife, La Palma and Gran Canaria), University of Lleida, Estación Experimental de Aula Dei-CSIC and CITA of Aragon. Those collections include mainly local cultivars from their respective regions, covering most of the Spanish apple-growing areas. Though some previous studies about the genetic variability of apple genetics resources from Spain were already performed, a complete analysis is needed in order to evaluate the complete diversity of Malus spp. in Spain. For doing that, the Spanish Government funded the project ¿Harmonization of the methodology of characterization, assessment of genetic diversity and definition of the core collection of the apple germplasm conserved in Spanish genebanks¿. In total, we have evaluated 1206 accessions using standardized methodologies, with SSR markers and morphological descriptors. SSR fingerprinting was performed with 13 SSR markers. SSR profiles were obtained independently and allele sizes were compared using a common set of cultivars selected as references. Results showed 601 genotypes for 1206 accessions. Most of the genotypes (438) were identified only in one accession. The other 163 genotypes were repeated in two to 81 accessions (involving 767 accessions in total). The harmonization of morphological descriptors will allow us to determine if the accessions with the same genotype are synonymies or closely related individuals. Results of this study highlight the interest of coordinated actions in order to optimize the management of germplasm collections and to evaluate the complete genetic diversity of Malus spp. in Spain.Peer Reviewe