79 research outputs found

    Self-regulated learning in higher education : strategies adopted by computer programming students

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    Trabalho apresentado em PAEE/ALE’2016, 8th International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE) and 14th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)To help students overcome their learning difficulties in the transition from entry-level to advanced computer programming, developing an appropriate set of learning strategies, the SimProgramming teaching approach has been adopted at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal). This approach is based on four conceptual foundations: businesslike learning environment, self-regulated learning, co-regulated learning, and formative assessment. In this approach the students develop an activity based on problem-based learning, with a specific set of tasks based on those four conceptual foundations. The approach was implemented in two courses from the second and third curricular years of the bachelor programmes in Informatics Engineering and Information & Communication Technologies. We conducted semi-structured interviews with students (n=32) at the end of the courses, to try to identify the students’ strategies for self-regulation of learning in the activity developed within the SimProgramming approach. The main strategies identified were: organization, planning, time management, identification of difficulties, resolution of the difficulties encountered, work review, identification of the factors that influenced their motivation, and structure of the environment. The factors influencing the motivation most often identified by students were the impact of the assessment in the final course grade, the completion of the course, learning, skills development, and teamwork. Generally, students applied strategies to solve the difficulties, in particular by searching for social help and information search. Procrastination was also often identified by students. Strategies of time management, transformation of information, in-depth review, self-reflection, and self-evaluation were referenced scantily. We found that students changed some of their strategies from one course edition to the next. We conclude by recommending the development of educational practices to help students review their work, treat and process the information they find, conduct self-reflection and self-evaluation of their performance during tasks, adopt concentration strategies, and become aware of their specific difficulties

    As inspeções/avaliações externas de escolas: efeitos nas instituições escolares descritos em artigos publicados desde 2016

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    This article aims to carry out a systematic review of the effects of school inspections/school external evaluations in schools, presented in the results published by open access articles, published in scientific journals, present in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, since 2016 to date (08/14/2021). Keyword searches were carried out, titles, abstracts, keywords and full texts were read and support software was used. From 914 initial articles, 14 articles were considered relevant. The evidence of the occurrence of unwanted effects is the one that is most present. Longitudinal studies, involving several schools, using control groups, will increase knowledge of the occurrence of the effects.Este artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática de los efectos de las inspecciones escolares/evaluaciones escolares externas en las escuelas, presentados en los resultados publicados por artículos de acceso abierto, publicados en revistas científicas, presentes en las bases de datos Web of Science y Scopus, desde 2016 a fecha (14/08/2021). Se realizaron búsquedas de palabras clave, se leyeron títulos, resúmenes, palabras clave y textos completos y se utilizó software de apoyo. De 914 artículos iniciales, 14 artículos se consideraron relevantes. La evidencia de la ocurrencia de efectos no deseados es la que está más presente. Los estudios longitudinales, que involucren a varias escuelas, utilizando grupos de control, aumentarán el conocimiento de la ocurrencia de los efectos.Este artigo tem por objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática sobre os efeitos das inspeções escolares/avaliações externas de escola nas escolas, apresentados nos resultados divulgados por artigos de acesso aberto, publicados em revistas científicas, presentes nas bases de dados Web of Science e Scopus, desde 2016 até o momento (14/08/2021). Foram efetuadas pesquisas por palavras-chave, realizadas leituras dos títulos, resumos, palavras-chave e textos integrais e utilizado software de apoio. De 914 artigos iniciais, consideraram-se relevantes 14 artigos. As evidências de ocorrência de efeitos não desejados, são aquelas que estão mais presentes. A realização de estudos longitudinais, envolvendo várias escolas, com utilização de grupos de controlo, aumentará o conhecimento da ocorrência dos efeitos

    A avaliação para as aprendizagens: percepções de alunos de um Agrupamento de Escolas português

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    A avaliação para as aprendizagens é de natureza formativa contínua, está integrada no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e visa a melhoria das aprendizagens dos alunos. No contexto do Projeto de “Monitorização, Acompanhamento e Intervenção em Avaliação Pedagógica”, em colaboração com o Ministério da Educação português, foi implementado um projeto de avaliação para as aprendizagens num Agrupamento de Escolas do norte de Portugal. Assim, questionámos as percepções dos alunos dos 5º aos 12º anos de escolaridade desse Agrupamento sobre o novo referencial daquela avaliação. O nosso intuito foi compreender as percepções dos alunos sobre esse referencial e sobre o seu impacto na melhoria das suas aprendizagens. Responderam ao questionário 472 alunos. Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram perceber que eles viam vantagens nessa avaliação, já que diversificava as tarefas de aprendizagem e de avaliação e que lhes possibilitava o estudo diário e a realização de melhores aprendizagens. Para alguns, a referida avaliação possibilitava a obtenção de melhores classificações nas disciplinas. Contudo, consideraram que exigia muito trabalho por terem várias tarefas de aprendizagem e de avaliação nas diversas disciplinas e que era necessária a clarificação e melhor utilização do referencial de avaliação

    Towards Segmentation and Labelling of Motion Data in Manufacturing Scenarios

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.There is a significant interest to evaluate the occupational exposure that manufacturing operators are subjected throughout the working day. The objective evaluation of occupational exposure with direct measurements and the need for automatic annotation of relevant events arose. The current work proposes the use of a self similarity matrix (SSM) as a tool to flag events that may be of importance to be analyzed by ergonomic teams. This way, data directly retrieved from the work environment will be summarized and segmented into sub-sequences of interest over a multi-timescale approach. The process occurs under 3 timescale levels: Active working periods, working cycles, and in-cycle activities. The novelty function was used to segment non-active and active working periods with an F1-score of 95%. while the similarity function was used to correctly segment 98% of working cycle with a duration error of 6.12%. In addition, this method was extended into examples of multi time scale segmentation with the intent of providing a summary of a time series as well as support in data labeling tasks, by means of a query-by-example process to detect all subsequences.authorsversionpublishe

    Modelação de jogos colaborativos utilizando uma abordagem de grupos

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaOs modelos de grupos facilitam a organização de aplicações distribuídas. Por um lado, permitem identificar cada grupo como uma entidade, à qual se associa um nome e outros atributos comuns ao conjunto de membros que pertencem ao grupo. Por exemplo, os membros de um grupo podem cooperar para cumprir um objectivo comum ou podem aceder, de forma controlada, a recursos partilhados associados ao grupo. Por outro lado, os modelos de grupos facilitam a estruturação da comunicação entre os seus membros, na medida em que disponibilizam um espaço comum de interacção, no qual os membros podem comunicar entre si. Na maioria dos modelos de grupos, essa comunicação é efectuada através da difusão de mensagens (multicast). Neste trabalho propõe-se uma plataforma, designada Imagine, que oferece uma interface de programação que se baseia num modelo de grupos desenvolvido em trabalhos anteriores (MAGO - Modeling Applications with a Group Oriented approach) e que integra múltiplos mecanismos de comunicação (por mensagens directas, por difusão de mensagens, por eventos assíncronos e por meio de um espaço de tuplos partilhado). O objectivo principal deste trabalho foi o estudo da adequação do modelo de grupos acima mencionado, para suportar múltiplos tipos de interacção que se verificam em jogos colaborativos. Nesta dissertação descrevem-se as funcionalidades oferecidas pela plataforma Imagine e a arquitectura que suporta a sua implementação distribuída, com melhorias quanto à fiabilidade e eficácia, face à implementação anterior do modelo MAGO. Por forma a testar a plataforma desenvolvida e para validar as características do modelo de grupos mencionado, concebeu-se e implementou-se um jogo colaborativo

    Supervisão e desenvolvimento profissional docente

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    Esta publicação foi financiada por Fundos Nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto UIDB/04372/2020LE@Dinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Book of Abstracts 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization

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    In this edition, the two events will run together as a single conference, highlighting the strong connection with the Taylor & Francis journals: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (John Middleton and Christopher Jacobs, Eds.) and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization (JoãoManuel R.S. Tavares, Ed.). The conference has become a major international meeting on computational biomechanics, imaging andvisualization. In this edition, the main program includes 212 presentations. In addition, sixteen renowned researchers will give plenary keynotes, addressing current challenges in computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging. In Lisbon, for the first time, a session dedicated to award the winner of the Best Paper in CMBBE Journal will take place. We believe that CMBBE2018 will have a strong impact on the development of computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging and visualization, identifying emerging areas of research and promoting the collaboration and networking between participants. This impact is evidenced through the well-known research groups, commercial companies and scientific organizations, who continue to support and sponsor the CMBBE meeting series. In fact, the conference is enriched with five workshops on specific scientific topics and commercial software.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Creating virtual learning communities to train supervisors and pedagogical leaders

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    A construção de comunidades de aprendizagem profissional constitui uma tentativa de colocar as práticas dos professores no centro dos processos formativos. A formação dessas comunidades pode ser potenciada em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem quando assentes no trabalho colaborativo e na reflexão sobre as práticas educativas. Neste pressuposto foi desenvolvida uma oficina de formação com professores de duas escolas/agrupamentos de escolas portuguesas com funções de coordenação e liderança pedagógica. Esta ação faz parte de um projeto em desenvolvimento desde 2017 que envolve a colaboração entre escolas e duas universidades visando a promoção do desenvolvimento profissional docente. Este artigo apresenta o processo de construção das comunidades virtuais de aprendizagem, analisa e discute os resultados obtidos através das narrativas e artefactos produzidos pelos participantes, das suas interações nos fóruns virtuais e dos relatórios reflexivos individuais realizados no final da ação. Os resultados evidenciam a construção de novos conhecimentos bem como o refazer de crenças e atitudes sobre o papel da supervisão pedagógica como estratégia para a inovação das escolas e no desenvolvimento profissional docente. Argumenta-se sobre a relevância dessas comunidades como um instrumento poderoso na formação de líderes e supervisores pedagógicos pela possibilidade de desenvolvimento de competências reflexivas, colaborativas, comunicacionais e de liderança.Constructing professional learning communities is an attempt to place teachers' practices at the center of training processes. The construction of these communities can be enhanced in virtual learning environments when based on collaborative work and reflection on educational practices. In this assumption a training workshop was developed with teachers from two Portuguese schools with coordinating and pedagogical leadership functions. This action is part of a project under development since 2017 that involves collaboration between schools and two universities aimed at promoting teacher professional development. This article presents the process of constructing virtual learning communities, analyzes and discusses the results obtained through the narratives and artifacts produced by the participants, their interactions in the virtual forums and the individual reflective reports made at the end of the action. The results show the construction of new knowledge as well as the redoing of beliefs and attitudes about the role of pedagogical supervision as a strategy for innovation in schools and in teacher professional development. It argues about the relevance of these communities as a powerful tool in the formation of pedagogical leaders and supervisors for the possibility of developing reflective, collaborative, evaluative and leadership competences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Self-Evaluation Processes in Arts Education Schools: Attitudes and Perceptions of Teachers

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer as atitudes e perceções dos professores sobre a autoavaliação nas escolas de ensino artístico, sabendo que existe uma certa ausência de cultura de autoavaliação nas escolas em geral e particularmente naquelas que não foram ainda abrangidas pelo programa nacional da Avaliação Externa de Escolas. Através de um inquérito por questionário, as respostas indicam que a autoavaliação de escolas é um processo que em alguns aspetos divide a opinião dos professores, suscitando alguma ambivalência, ainda que se registe de modo geral uma atitude/opinião favorável e a perceção de um certo desenvolvimento deste processo.This study aims to evaluate the attitudes and perceptions of teachers on the self-evaluationt in art schools

    SimProgramming : the development of an integrated teaching approach for computer programming in higher education

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    Conferência realizada em Valência de 7-9 de março de 2016Computer programming courses in higher education tend to have high rates of academic failure and students struggle, particularly so in the transition from entry-level programming to advanced programming. Some of the reasons given in the literature relate to the type of teaching approach and the strategies used by students and their attitudes towards computer programming. The literature also mentions that educational approaches are not always appropriate to the needs of students and to the development of skills required in the job market. We developed a teaching approach to try to address some of these issues and support students learning computer programming in the transition from entry-level to advanced computer programming: the SimProgramming approach. This approach was introduced at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal), within the scope of the course “Programming Methodologies III”, part of the second curricular year of the programmes of studies in Informatics Engineering and in Information & Communication Technologies. We present in detail the origins of the SimProgramming approach, starting from the first trials that introduced, in two iterations, learning activities based on problem-based learning, and up to the third iteration where the current SimProgramming approach was implemented. We describe the reasoning, design and implementation of these three iterations, to show how the approach evolved. The SimProgramming approach is based in four conceptual foundations: business-like learning environment, self-regulated learning, co-regulated learning and formative assessment. For each of these conceptual foundations, we explain the teaching strategies adopted. In SimProgramming, the learning activity process develops in four phases, and students have specific tasks in each phase. We analyse interview data regarding student perceptions about the SimProgramming approach, and registration grids data on team work dynamics and final assessment of the assignment, noting the impact of SimProgramming in student grades. The application of SimProgramming revealed promising evidences in the overall results of student learning in the activities proposed in this approach. The average grades improved, and did the number of students regularly submitting their tasks on schedule. The perceptions of students regarding the SimProgramming approach are very positive: they recommend using it in the following years, and provided some suggestions to improve the approach. We conclude with reflections and recommendations for subsequent development of the SimProgramming approach in its application to the teaching of computer programming and potential for using it in other educational contexts.FC