185 research outputs found

    Sample size and power calculations for detecting changes in malaria transmission using antibody seroconversion rate.

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    BACKGROUND: Several studies have highlighted the use of serological data in detecting a reduction in malaria transmission intensity. These studies have typically used serology as an adjunct measure and no formal examination of sample size calculations for this approach has been conducted. METHODS: A sample size calculator is proposed for cross-sectional surveys using data simulation from a reverse catalytic model assuming a reduction in seroconversion rate (SCR) at a given change point before sampling. This calculator is based on logistic approximations for the underlying power curves to detect a reduction in SCR in relation to the hypothesis of a stable SCR for the same data. Sample sizes are illustrated for a hypothetical cross-sectional survey from an African population assuming a known or unknown change point. RESULTS: Overall, data simulation demonstrates that power is strongly affected by assuming a known or unknown change point. Small sample sizes are sufficient to detect strong reductions in SCR, but invariantly lead to poor precision of estimates for current SCR. In this situation, sample size is better determined by controlling the precision of SCR estimates. Conversely larger sample sizes are required for detecting more subtle reductions in malaria transmission but those invariantly increase precision whilst reducing putative estimation bias. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed sample size calculator, although based on data simulation, shows promise of being easily applicable to a range of populations and survey types. Since the change point is a major source of uncertainty, obtaining or assuming prior information about this parameter might reduce both the sample size and the chance of generating biased SCR estimates

    Verifying compliance with ballast water standards : a decision-theoretic approach

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    We construct credible intervals to estimate the mean organism (zooplankton and phytoplankton) concentration in ballast water via a decision-theoretic approach. To obtain the required optimal sample size, we use a total cost minimization criterion defined as the sum of the sampling cost and the Bayes risk either under a Poisson or a negative binomial model for organism counts, both with a gamma prior distribution. Such credible intervals may be employed to verify whether the ballast water discharged from a ship is in compliance with international standards. We also conduct a simulation study to evaluate the credible interval lengths associated with the proposed optimal sample sizes

    Construindo alianças estratégicas para a produção na sétima arte: um estudo multicasos em produtoras cinematográficas brasileiras

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    The movie industry is characterized by the ambiguity of being an industrial activity and a symbolic to the national identity. Despite its relevance, there is a literature gap concerning the role of alliances in the national film production. We sought to understand this process through the lens of the industry structure and the resource-based view. This study was qualitative in nature on the basis of a multiple case study approach and semi-structured interviews. The findings showed that, due to the majors’ oligopolistic domain, the national industry inherited the North American pattern for revenue-sharing among participants in the production chain. However, the United States market structure is based in both vertical integration and strong ties between the movie industry and the television industry. Analyzing the Brazilian movie industry, government resignation from investing in production, reduced film lifecycles, and few projects funded privately (via incentive laws), competition between productions is fierce. We found not only that alliances are essential to the functioning of the industry (resource complementarity), but also that producers are strongly dependent to other elements in the movie value system – particularly due to power asymmetries created by the industry structure. Complementarity and dependency go hand in hand.O setor cinematográfico carrega a ambiguidade de ser uma atividade industrial e simbólica relevante para a identidade nacional. A despeito de sua significância, há uma lacuna acadêmica sobre o papel das alianças no modelo produtivo brasileiro. Optou-se, diante disso, por entender tal processo através da investigação da estrutura da indústria e da visão baseada em recursos. Este trabalho possui natureza qualitativa, fazendo uso de multicasos e de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Constatou-se que, em função do domínio oligopolista das majors, o setor nacional herdou o padrão americano de divisão de receitas entre os participantes da cadeia produtiva. Entretanto, a estrutura mercadológica dos Estados Unidos é baseada na integração vertical e em uma relação estreita com a televisão. Esses fatos, somados ao abandono do Estado no que diz respeito ao investimento direto na produção, à diminuição do ciclo de vida do filme e ao baixo percentual de projetos que captam recursos via leis de incentivo, asseveraram a competitividade. Percebeu-se que as alianças são um movimento necessário para o funcionamento da cadeia (complementariedade de recursos), mas que há, também, uma relação de dependência das produtoras com os demais elos do sistema de valor, em função da assimetria de poder criada pela estrutura da indústria. É possível afirmar, assim, que complementariedade e dependência andam pari passu.

    Capacidades Dinâmicas em um Ambiente de Crise: Uma Análise Comparativa de Casos do Setor de Varejo de Vestuário e Calçados

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    Objective: Our objective was to explore evidence of the relevance of dynamic capabilities to the economic performance of companies and on the mediating role of the external environment in the relation between capabilities and performance in the context of the Brazilian political-economic crisis of 2015-2017. Methodology: This was a comparative study of two cases of family companies of the same sector and stage, which have demonstrated opposite economic results. Structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were applied to a board member from each company. Originality: Environmental dynamics and capabilities are discussed as fundamental elements to performance. The former has been discussed little in the field of strategy and the latter has been explored little in crisis contexts. Main results: We demonstrated the complexity involved in research relating environment, capacities, and performance. The relevance of dynamic capabilities was evidenced, but corporate governance was demonstrated to be a fundamental element for the development of such capabilities. The idea of ​​environmental tolerance is raised in the face of long-term companies that have not developed some strategic capabilities over the years. Theoretical contributions: The relevance of the external environment is highlighted in the studies of strategy. Furthermore, corporate governance is proposed as a fundamental area to be investigated in the context of dynamic capacities. The time factor between capabilities and performance is also highlighted. Path dependence and ordinary capacities are suggested as important elements for building a theory based on capabilities.Objetivo del trabajo: explorar evidencias sobre la relevancia de las capacidades dinámicas para el desempeño económico de las empresas y sobre el papel mediador del ambiente externo en relación a la capacidad y desempeño en el contexto de la crisis político-económica brasileña del período 2015-2017. Metodología: estudio comparativo de dos casos de empresas familiares del mismo sector y edad, pero con resultados económicos opuestos. El cuestionario estructurado y la entrevista semiestructurada se aplicaron a un consejero de administración. Originalidad: se discute la dinámica ambiental y las capacidades como elementos fundamentales al desempeño. Mientras que la primera ha sido poco discutida en el campo de la estrategia, las últimas son todavía poco exploradas en contextos de crisis. Principales resultados: se demostró la complejidad involucrada en investigaciones que relacionan el ambiente, las capacidades y el rendimiento. La relevancia de las capacidades dinámicas fue evidenciada, pero la gobernanza corporativa fue demostrada como elemento fundamental para el desarrollo de tales capacidades. La idea de tolerancia ambiental se plantea ante empresas antiguas que no han desarrollado algunas capacidades estratégicas a lo largo de los años. Contribuciones teóricas: se retoma la relevancia del ambiente externo en los estudios de estrategia y se propone la gobernanza corporativa como una capacidad fundamental a ser investigada en el contexto de las capacidades dinámicas. El factor temporal entre capacidades y rendimiento es también destacado. La dependencia de la trayectoria y las capacidades ordinarias se sugieren como elementos importantes para la construcción de una teoría basada en capacidades.Objetivo do trabalho: explorar evidências sobre a relevância das capacidades dinâmicas para o desempenho econômico das empresas e sobre o papel mediador do ambiente externo na relação capacidade-desempenho no contexto da crise político-econômica brasileira do período 2015-2017. Metodologia: estudo comparativo de dois casos de empresas familiares de mesmos setor e idade, mas com resultados econômicos opostos. Questionário estruturado e entrevista semiestruturada foram aplicados a um conselheiro de administração. Originalidade: discute-se dinâmica ambiental e capacidades como elementos fundamentais ao desempenho. Enquanto a primeira tem sido pouco discutida no campo da estratégia, as últimas são ainda pouco exploradas em contextos de crise. Principais resultados: demonstrou-se a complexidade envolvida em pesquisas que relacionam ambiente, capacidades e desempenho. A relevância das capacidades dinâmicas foi evidenciada, mas a governança corporativa foi demonstrada como elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento de tais capacidades. A ideia de tolerância ambiental é levantada diante de empresas longevas que não desenvolveram algumas capacidades estratégicas ao longo dos anos. Contribuições teóricas: retoma-se a relevância do ambiente externo nos estudos de estratégia e propõe-se a governança corporativa como uma capacidade fundamental a ser investigada no contexto das capacidades dinâmicas. O fator temporal entre capacidades e desempenho é também destacado. Dependência da trajetória e capacidades ordinárias são sugeridas como elementos importantes para a construção de uma teoria baseada em capacidades.


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the security and analgesia of anesthetics protocols usually used for electroejaculation (EEJ) in domestic cats. Fourteen toms were anesthetized with 4 protocols and submitted to a 3 series of electric stimuli (2-6 mA). The heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, pain sensibility and eyes blink were analyzed prior and after induction, and during and after electroejaculation. The anesthesia protocol thatused isoflurane was the best for analgesic parameters, security and speed of recuperation for electroejaculation in domestic cat

    Capacidades Dinámicas en un Ambiente de Crisis: Un Análisis Comparativo de Casos del Sector de Ventas Al por Menor de Vestuario y Calzados

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    Objetivo do trabalho: explorar evidências sobre a relevância das capacidades dinâmicas para o desempenho econômico das empresas e sobre o papel mediador do ambiente externo na relação capacidade-desempenho no contexto da crise político-econômica brasileira do período 2015-2017. Metodologia: estudo comparativo de dois casos de empresas familiares de mesmos setor e idade, mas com resultados econômicos opostos. Questionário estruturado e entrevista semiestruturada foram aplicados a um conselheiro de administração. Originalidade: discute-se dinâmica ambiental e capacidades como elementos fundamentais ao desempenho. Enquanto a primeira tem sido pouco discutida no campo da estratégia, as últimas são ainda pouco exploradas em contextos de crise. Principais resultados: demonstrou-se a complexidade envolvida em pesquisas que relacionam ambiente, capacidades e desempenho. A relevância das capacidades dinâmicas foi evidenciada, mas a governança corporativa foi demonstrada como elemento fundamental para o desenvolvimento de tais capacidades. A ideia de tolerância ambiental é levantada diante de empresas longevas que não desenvolveram algumas capacidades estratégicas ao longo dos anos. Contribuições teóricas: retoma-se a relevância do ambiente externo nos estudos de estratégia e propõe-se a governança corporativa como uma capacidade fundamental a ser investigada no contexto das capacidades dinâmicas. O fator temporal entre capacidades e desempenho é também destacado. Dependência da trajetória e capacidades ordinárias são sugeridas como elementos importantes para a construção de uma teoria baseada em capacidades. Objective: Our objective was to explore evidence of the relevance of dynamic capabilities to the economic performance of companies and on the mediating role of the external environment in the relation between capabilities and performance in the context of the Brazilian political-economic crisis of 2015-2017. Methodology: This was a comparative study of two cases of family companies of the same sector and stage, which have demonstrated opposite economic results. Structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were applied to a board member from each company. Originality: Environmental dynamics and capabilities are discussed as fundamental elements to performance. The former has been discussed little in the field of strategy and the latter has been explored little in crisis contexts. Main results: We demonstrated the complexity involved in research relating environment, capacities, and performance. The relevance of dynamic capabilities was evidenced, but corporate governance was demonstrated to be a fundamental element for the development of such capabilities. The idea of ​​environmental tolerance is raised in the face of long-term companies that have not developed some strategic capabilities over the years. Theoretical contributions: The relevance of the external environment is highlighted in the studies of strategy. Furthermore, corporate governance is proposed as a fundamental area to be investigated in the context of dynamic capacities. The time factor between capabilities and performance is also highlighted. Path dependence and ordinary capacities are suggested as important elements for building a theory based on capabilities.Objetivo del trabajo: explorar evidencias sobre la relevancia de las capacidades dinámicas para el desempeño económico de las empresas y sobre el papel mediador del ambiente externo en relación a la capacidad y desempeño en el contexto de la crisis político-económica brasileña del período 2015-2017. Metodología: estudio comparativo de dos casos de empresas familiares del mismo sector y edad, pero con resultados económicos opuestos. El cuestionario estructurado y la entrevista semiestructurada se aplicaron a un consejero de administración. Originalidad: se discute la dinámica ambiental y las capacidades como elementos fundamentales al desempeño. Mientras que la primera ha sido poco discutida en el campo de la estrategia, las últimas son todavía poco exploradas en contextos de crisis. Principales resultados: se demostró la complejidad involucrada en investigaciones que relacionan el ambiente, las capacidades y el rendimiento. La relevancia de las capacidades dinámicas fue evidenciada, pero la gobernanza corporativa fue demostrada como elemento fundamental para el desarrollo de tales capacidades. La idea de tolerancia ambiental se plantea ante empresas antiguas que no han desarrollado algunas capacidades estratégicas a lo largo de los años. Contribuciones teóricas: se retoma la relevancia del ambiente externo en los estudios de estrategia y se propone la gobernanza corporativa como una capacidad fundamental a ser investigada en el contexto de las capacidades dinámicas. El factor temporal entre capacidades y rendimiento es también destacado. La dependencia de la trayectoria y las capacidades ordinarias se sugieren como elementos importantes para la construcción de una teoría basada en capacidades

    Differential Expression of Immune Genes in the Rhipicephalus microplus Gut in Response to Theileria equi Infection

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    Rhipicephalus microplus is the only tick species known to serve as a biological vector of Theileria equi for horses and other equids in Brazil. The protozoan T. equi is one of the causal agents of equine piroplasmosis, a major threat in horse breeding systems. Vector competence is closely linked to the pathogens’ ability to evade tick defense mechanisms. However, knowledge of tick immune response against infections by hemoparasites of the Theileria genus is scarce. In the present study, the expression of genes involved in immune signaling pathways of R. microplus adults’ guts when challenged with a high or low parasitic load of T. equi was evaluated. This research demonstrates divergences in the immune gene expression pattern linked to T. equi infection in R. microplus since the Toll, IMD, and JNK signaling pathways were transcriptionally repressed in the guts of adult ticks infected with T. equi. Moreover, the results showed that different infectious doses of T. equi induce differential gene expression of key components of immune signaling cascades in R. microplus gut, suggesting a link between the intensity of infection and the activation of tick immunity response. The present study adds knowledge to elucidate the gut immune signaling response of R. microplus to T. equi infection. In addition, the generated data can serve as a basis for further investigations to develop strategies for controlling and preventing equine piroplasmosis.publishersversionpublishe

    Post-malarial Anaemia in Mozambican Children Treated With Quinine or Artesunate: A Retrospective Observational Study

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    Objectives: This retrospective analysis performed in Manhiça, Southern Mozambique aimed to describe the occurrence of post-malarial anaemia (measured as a decrease of haematocrit ≥10%) and the need for blood transfusions in children with severe malaria treated with intravenous quinine or parenteral artesunate. Methods: All children = 10%) in the first weeks after their episode, often requiring blood transfusions. Because of the high underlying prevalence of anaemia in malaria-endemic settings, all children with severe malaria need to be actively followed up, irrespective of the treatment received

    Thrombus aspiration in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction: results of a national registry of interventional cardiology

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    BACKGROUND: We aimed to evaluate the impact of thrombus aspiration (TA) during primary percutaneous coronary intervention (P-PCI) in 'real-world' settings. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study, using data from the National Registry of Interventional Cardiology (RNCI 2006-2012, Portugal) with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients treated with P-PCI. The primary outcome, in-hospital mortality, was analysed through adjusted odds ratio (aOR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS: We assessed data for 9458 STEMI patients that undergone P-PCI (35% treated with TA). The risk of in-hospital mortality with TA (aOR 0.93, 95%CI:0.54-1.60) was not significantly decreased. After matching patients through the propensity score, TA reduced significantly the risk of in-hospital mortality (OR 0.58, 95%CI:0.35-0.98; 3500 patients). CONCLUSIONS: The whole cohort data does not support the routine use of TA in P-PCI, but the results of the propensity-score matched cohort suggests that the use of selective TA may improve the short-term risks of STEMI..info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Safety and immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in infants and children identified as HIV-infected during a randomized trial in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Background: We assessed the safety and immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in a subset of children identified as HIV-infected during a large phase III randomized controlled trial conducted in seven sub-Saharan African countries. Methods: Infants 6–12 weeks and children 5–17 months old were randomized to receive 4 RTS,S/AS01 doses (R3R group), 3 RTS,S/AS01 doses plus 1 comparator vaccine dose (R3C group), or 4 comparator vaccine doses (C3C group) at study months 0, 1, 2 and 20. Infants and children with WHO stage III/IV HIV disease were excluded but HIV testing was not routinely performed on all participants; our analyses included children identified as HIV-infected based on medical history or clinical suspicion and confirmed by polymerase chain reaction or antibody testing. Serious adverse events (SAEs) and anticircumsporozoite (CS) antibodies were assessed. Results: Of 15459 children enrolled in the trial, at least 1953 were tested for HIV and 153 were confirmed as HIV-infected (R3R: 51; R3C: 54; C3C: 48). Among these children, SAEs were reported for 92.2% (95% CI: 81.1–97.8) in the R3R, 85.2% (72.9–93.4) in the R3C and 87.5% (74.8–95.3) in the C3C group over a median follow-up of 39.3, 39.4 and 38.3 months, respectively. Fifteen HIV-infected participants in each group (R3R: 29.4%, R3C: 27.8%, C3C: 31.3%) died during the study. No deaths were considered vaccinationrelated. In a matched case-control analysis, 1 month post dose 3 anti-CS geometric mean antibody concentrations were 193.3 EU/mL in RTS,S/AS01-vaccinated HIV-infected children and 491.5 EU/mL in RTS,S/ AS01-vaccinated immunogenicity controls with unknown or negative HIV status (p = 0.0001). Conclusions: The safety profile of RTS,S/AS01 in HIV-infected children was comparable to that of the comparator (meningococcal or rabies) vaccines. RTS,S/AS01 was immunogenic in HIV-infected children but antibody concentrations were lower than in children with an unknown or negative HIV status
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