197 research outputs found

    Nevirapine (NVP), tenofovir (TDF) and lamivudine (3TC) or emtricitabine (FTC) is effective and well tolerated in naïve HIV-1 infected patients

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    Background: The combination of stavudine (d4T), 3TC and NVP was the WHO recommended first-line regimen for the treatment of naïve HIV-1 infected patients in resource-limited settings. But peripheral polyneuropathy, lipoatrophy and symptomatic hyperlactatemia are frequent and treatment-limiting adverse events associated with stavudine, especially when combined with antituberculous drugs. Tenofovir combined with lamivudine and efavirenz has proven excellent efficacy, but there is little experience when given with NVP. Methods: Retrospective analysis of all patients receiving TDF, NVP and 3TC or FTC as first-line treatment in the Frankfurt HIV cohort. Summary of results: 70 patients (15 female) with a median CD4 cell count of 210/μl (47–949) and HIV-RNA PCR of 140,000 copies/ml (2,500–2,000,000) at baseline received TDF, NVP and 3TC/FTC, and were treated for a median of 68 weeks (16–278). CD4 cells rose up to cells/μl 322 (119–1075) and 75% of the patients remained on treatment. All patients on treatment at week 48 were 100,000 c/m. Reasons for discontinuation (24%) were mainly adverse events (13%), with rash (7%) and liver toxicity (6%) being the two most common, whereas virologic failure, drug interaction and non-adherence were all relatively rare (each 3%). Conclusion: The combination of NVP, TDF and 3TC or FTC is effective and well tolerated in previously naïve HIV-1 infected patients even when started with low CD4 cell counts (100,000 c/ml). In the latest amendment of the WHO guidelines TDF, instead of d4T, is the recommended first-line treatment in resource-limited settings

    People in H&S: Henry D. Forer

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    Maine Yankee in Miami

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    Aufbau und Wirkungsweise von Ratemeter-Schaltungen

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    Es wird eine Übersicht über den prinzipiellen Aufbau von Ratemeterschaltungen gegeben und an Hand der Funktionsbeschreibungder einzelnen Stufen die maßgebenden Richtlinien für die Dimensionierung der Schaltung aufgezeigt

    Assessment of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors in HIV-infected individuals using transient elastography and serum biomarkers

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    Background: Liver fibrosis in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals is mostly attributable to co-infection with hepatitis B or C. The impact of other risk factors, including prolonged exposure to combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) is poorly understood. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of liver fibrosis and associated risk factors in HIV-infected individuals based on non-invasive fibrosis assessment using transient elastography (TE) and serum biomarkers (Fibrotest [FT]). Methods: In 202 consecutive HIV-infected individuals (159 men; mean age 47 ± 9 years; 35 with hepatitis-C-virus [HCV] co-infection), TE and FT were performed. Repeat TE examinations were conducted 1 and 2 years after study inclusion. Results: Significant liver fibrosis was present in 16% and 29% of patients, respectively, when assessed by TE (≥ 7.1 kPa) and FT (> 0.48). A combination of TE and FT predicted significant fibrosis in 8% of all patients (31% in HIV/HCV co-infected and 3% in HIV mono-infected individuals). Chronic ALT, AST and γ-GT elevation was present in 29%, 20% and 51% of all cART-exposed patients and in 19%, 8% and 45.5% of HIV mono-infected individuals. Overall, factors independently associated with significant fibrosis as assessed by TE (OR, 95% CI) were co-infection with HCV (7.29, 1.95-27.34), chronic AST (6.58, 1.30-33.25) and γ-GT (5.17, 1.56-17.08) elevation and time on dideoxynucleoside therapy (1.01, 1.00-1.02). In 68 HIV mono-infected individuals who had repeat TE examinations, TE values did not differ significantly during a median follow-up time of 24 months (median intra-patient changes at last TE examination relative to baseline: -0.2 kPa, p = 0.20). Conclusions: Chronic elevation of liver enzymes was observed in up to 45.5% of HIV mono-infected patients on cART. However, only a small subset had significant fibrosis as predicted by TE and FT. There was no evidence for fibrosis progression during follow-up TE examinations

    Delayed Bleeding after Percutaneous Liver Biopsy

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    Percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) is a common procedure in patients with liver disease. Bleeding after PLB is rare, with an incidence of 0.35%. Most bleeding complications present within 24 h after biopsy. A 56-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital due to severe and sudden right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain 10 days after ultrasound (US)-guided PLB. CT study revealed both intrahepatic and intraperitoneal bleeding, and Hb levels decreased by 3.2 g/dl within a few hours. Such a prolonged delay in PLB-related bleeding has not been previously described in the medical literature

    Entangled Stories: The Red Jews in Premodern Yiddish and German Apocalyptic Lore

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    “Far, far away from our areas, somewhere beyond the Mountains of Darkness, on the other side of the Sambatyon River…there lives a nation known as the Red Jews.” The Red Jews are best known from classic Yiddish writing, most notably from Mendele's Kitser masoes Binyomin hashlishi (The Brief Travels of Benjamin the Third). This novel, first published in 1878, represents the initial appearance of the Red Jews in modern Yiddish literature. This comical travelogue describes the adventures of Benjamin, who sets off in search of the legendary Red Jews. But who are these Red Jews or, in Yiddish, di royte yidelekh? The term denotes the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the ten tribes that in biblical times had composed the Northern Kingdom of Israel until they were exiled by the Assyrians in the eighth century BCE. Over time, the myth of their return emerged, and they were said to live in an uncharted location beyond the mysterious Sambatyon River, where they would remain until the Messiah's arrival at the end of time, when they would rejoin the rest of the Jewish people. This article is part of a broader study of the Red Jews in Jewish popular culture from the Middle Ages through modernity. It is partially based on a chapter from my book, Umstrittene Erlöser: Politik, Ideologie und jüdisch-christlicher Messianismus in Deutschland, 1500–1600 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011). Several postdoctoral fellowships have generously supported my research on the Red Jews: a Dr. Meyer-Struckmann-Fellowship of the German Academic Foundation, a Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica/Alan M. Stroock Fellowship for Advanced Research in Judaica at Harvard University, a research fellowship from the Heinrich Hertz-Foundation, and a YIVO Dina Abramowicz Emerging Scholar Fellowship. I thank the organizers of and participants in the colloquia and conferences where I have presented this material in various forms as well as the editors and anonymous reviewers of AJS Review for their valuable comments and suggestions. I am especially grateful to Jeremy Dauber and Elisheva Carlebach of the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia University, where I was a Visiting Scholar in the fall of 2009, for their generous encouragement to write this article. Sue Oren considerably improved my English. The style employed for Romanization of Yiddish follows YIVO's transliteration standards. Unless otherwise noted, translations from the Yiddish, Hebrew, German, and Latin are my own. Quotations from the Bible follow the JPS translation, and those from the Babylonian Talmud are according to the Hebrew-English edition of the Soncino Talmud by Isidore Epstein

    Exiles in British sociology

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    We have all seen them, foreheads wrinkled like a ploughed field, pastel-shaded check summer shirts worn in winter, desks festooned with yellowed index cards covered in hieroglyphics, books like yours only in plainer covers and read more carefully, filthy cigarettes, an accent growing thicker with age. But we have all seen them too, the luxuriant thatch at seventy, the jacket and tie, the tidy desk, the London club and the house in the country, the pipe, the disdain for small talk made all the more intimidating by an English acquired somewhere between grammar school and Oxford. Self-contained in a way only the uprooted can be, mysterious because you never knew what questions to ask them, emissaries from worlds they have lost and you have never known: the Polish gentry, the central European peasantry, Jewish merchants, German workers and, most puzzling of all, the continental European middle class