275 research outputs found

    Comparison of the properties of two fossil groups of galaxies with the normal group NGC 6034 based on multiband imaging and optical spectroscopy

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    We collected multiband imaging and spectroscopy for two fossil groups (RX J1119.7+2126 and 1RXS J235814.4+150524) and one normal group (NGC 6034). We computed photometric redshifts in the central zones of each group, combining previous data with the SDSS five-band data. For each group we investigated the red sequence (RS) of the color-magnitude relation and computed the luminosity functions, stellar population ages and distributions of the group members. Spectroscopy allowed us to investigate the large-scale surroundings of these groups and the substructure levels in 1RXS J235814.4+150524 and NGC 6034. The large-scale environment of 1RXS J235814.4+150524 is poor, though its galaxy density map shows a clear signature of the surrounding cosmic web. RX J1119.7+2126 appears to be very isolated, while the cosmic environment of NGC 6034 is very rich. At the group scale, 1RXS J235814.4+150524 shows no substructure. Galaxies with recent stellar populations seem preferentially located in the group outskirts. A RS is discernable for all three groups in a color-magnitude diagram. The luminosity functions based on photometric redshift selection and on statistical background subtraction have comparable shapes, and agree with the few points obtained from spectroscopic redshifts. These luminosity functions show the expected dip between first and second brightest galaxies for the fossil groups only. Their shape is also regular and relatively flat at faint magnitudes down to the completeness level for RX J1119.7+2126 and NGC 6034, while there is a clear lack of faint galaxies for 1RXS J235814.4+150524. RX J1119.7+2126 is definitely classified as a fossil group; 1RXS J235814.4+150524 also has properties very close to those of a fossil group, while we confirm that NGC 6034 is a normal group.Comment: Accepted in A&A, english-improved, 5 jpeg figures, and shortened abstrac

    Formation of Primordial Stars in a LCDM Universe

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    We study the formation of the first generation of stars in the standard cold dark matter model, using a very high-resolution hydordynamic simulations. Our simulation achieves a dynamic range of 10^{10} in length scale. With accurate treatment of atomic and molecular physics, it allows us to study the chemo-thermal evolution of primordial gas clouds to densities up to n = 10^{16}/cc without assuming any a priori equation of state; a six orders of magnitudes improvement over previous three-dimensional calculations. All the relevant atomic and molecular cooling and heating processes, including cooling by collision-induced continuum emission, are implemented. For calculating optically thick H2 cooling at high densities, we use the Sobolev method. To examine possible gas fragmentation owing to thermal instability, we compute explicitly the growth rate of isobaric perturbations. We show that the cloud core does not fragment in either the low-density or high-density regimes. We also show that the core remains stable against gravitational deformation and fragmentation. We obtain an accurate gas mass accretion rate within a 10 Msun innermost region around the protostar. The protostar is accreting the surrounding hot gas at a rate of 0.001-0.01 Msun/yr. From these findings we conclude that primordial stars formed in early minihalos are massive. We carry out proto-stellar evolution calculations using the obtained accretion rate. The resulting mass of the first star is M_ZAMS = 60-100 Msun, with the exact mass dependent on the actual accretion rate.Comment: 27 pages, 13 embedded figures. Revised versio

    The initial stellar mass function from random sampling in hierarchical clouds II: statistical fluctuations and a mass dependence for starbirth positions and times

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    Observed variations in the slope of the initial stellar mass function are shown to be consistent with a model in which the protostellar gas is randomly sampled from hierarchical clouds at a rate proportional to the square root of the local density. RMS variations in the IMF slope around the Salpeter value are +/- 0.4 when only 100 stars are observed, and +/- 0.1 when 1000 stars are observed. The hierarchical-sampling model also reproduces the tendency for massive stars to form closer to the center of a cloud, at a time somewhat later than the formation time of the lower mass stars. The assumed density dependence for the star formation rate is shown to be appropriate for turbulence compression, magnetic diffusion, gravitational collapse, and clump or wavepacket coalescence. The low mass flattening in the IMF comes from the inability of gas to form stars below the thermal Jeans mass at typical temperatures and pressures. Consideration of heating and cooling processes indicate why the thermal Jeans mass should be nearly constant in normal environments, and why it might increase in some starburst regions. The steep IMF in the extreme field is not explained by the model, but other origins are suggested.Comment: 21 pages, 8 figures, scheduled for ApJ vol. 515, April 10, 199

    Generation of Bianchi type V cosmological models with varying Λ\Lambda-term

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    Bianchi type V perfect fluid cosmological models are investigated with cosmological term Λ\Lambda varying with time. Using a generation technique (Camci {\it et al.}, 2001), it is shown that the Einstein's field equations are solvable for any arbitrary cosmic scale function. Solutions for particular forms of cosmic scale functions are also obtained. The cosmological constant is found to be decreasing function of time, which is supported by results from recent type Ia supernovae observations. Some physical aspects of the models are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, submitted to CJ

    The Structure of Structure Formation Theories

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    We study the general structure of models for structure formation, with applications to the reverse engineering of the model from observations. Through a careful accounting of the degrees of freedom in covariant gravitational instability theory, we show that the evolution of structure is completely specified by the stress history of the dark sector. The study of smooth, entropic, sonic, scalar anisotropic, vector anisotropic, and tensor anisotropic stresses reveals the origin, robustness, and uniqueness of specific model phenomenology. We construct useful and illustrative analytic solutions that cover cases with multiple species of differing equations of state relevant to the current generation of models, especially those with effectively smooth components. We present a simple case study of models with phenomenologies similar to that of a LambdaCDM model to highlight reverse-engineering issues. A critical-density universe dominated by a single type of dark matter with the appropriate stress history can mimic a LambdaCDM model exactly.Comment: 31 pages, 18 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Estimation of the Tilt of the Stellar Velocity Ellipsoid from RAVE and Implications for Mass Models

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    We present a measure of the inclination of the velocity ellipsoid at 1 kpc below the Galactic plane using a sample of red clump giants from the RAVE DR2 release. We find that the velocity ellipsoid is tilted towards the Galactic plane with an inclination of 7.3 +/-1.8 degree. We compare this value to computed inclinations for two mass models of the Milky Way. We find that our measurement is consistent with a short scale length of the stellar disc (Rd ~2 kpc) if the dark halo is oblate or with a long scale length (Rd~3 kpc) if the dark halo is prolate. Once combined with independent constraints on the flattening of the halo, our measurement suggests that the scale length is approximately halfway between these two extreme values, with a preferred range [2.5-2.7] kpc for a nearly spherical halo. Nevertheless, no model can be clearly ruled out. With the continuation of the RAVE survey, it will be possible to provide a strong constraint on the mass distribution of the Milky Way using refined measurements of the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Limits on Neutrino Mass from Cosmic Structure Formation

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    We consider the effect of three species of neutrinos with nearly degenerate mass on the cosmic structure formation in a low matter-density universe within a hierarchical clustering scenario with a flat initial perturbation spectrum. The matching condition for fluctuation powers at the COBE scale and at the cluster scale leads to a strong upper limit on neutrino mass. For a flat universe with matter density parameter Omega=0.3, we obtain m_nu<0.6eV for the Hubble constant H_0<80km/s/Mpc. Allowing for the more generous parameter space limited by Omega11.5Gyr, the limit is 0.9eV.Comment: 4 pages with 2 figure

    Search for Pairs of Isolated Radio Pulsars - Components in Disrupted Binary Systems

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    We have developed a method for analyzing the kinematic association of isolated relativistic objects - possible remnants of disrupted close binary systems. We investigate pairs of fairly young radio pulsars with known proper motions and estimated distances (dispersion measures) that are spaced no more than 2-3 kpc apart. Using a specified radial velocity distribution for these objects, we have constructed 100-300 thousand trajectories of their possible motion in the Galactic gravitational field on a time scale of several million years. The probabilities of their close encounters at epochs consistent with the age of the younger pulsar in the pair are analyzed. When these probabilities exceed considerably their reference values obtained by assuming a purely random encounter between the pulsars under consideration, we conclude that the objects may have been gravitationally bound in the past. As a result, we have detected six pulsar pairs (J0543+2329/J0528+2200, J1453-6413/J1430-6623, J2354+6155/J2321+6024, J1915+1009/J1909+1102, J1832-0827/J1836-1008, and J1917+1353/J1926+1648) that are companions in disrupted binary systems with a high probability. Estimates of their kinematic ages and velocities at binary disruption and at the present epoch are provided

    Cosmology at the Millennium

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    One hundred years ago we did not know how stars generate energy, the age of the Universe was thought to be only millions of years, and our Milky Way galaxy was the only galaxy known. Today, we know that we live in an evolving and expanding Universe comprising billions of galaxies, all held together by dark matter. With the hot big-bang model, we can trace the evolution of the Universe from the hot soup of quarks and leptons that existed a fraction of a second after the beginning to the formation of galaxies a few billion years later, and finally to the Universe we see today 13 billion years after the big bang, with its clusters of galaxies, superclusters, voids, and great walls. The attractive force of gravity acting on tiny primeval inhomogeneities in the distribution of matter gave rise to all the structure seen today. A paradigm based upon deep connections between cosmology and elementary particle physics -- inflation + cold dark matter -- holds the promise of extending our understanding to an even more fundamental level and much earlier times, as well as shedding light on the unification of the forces and particles of nature. As we enter the 21st century, a flood of observations is testing this paradigm.Comment: 44 pages LaTeX with 14 eps figures. To be published in the Centennial Volume of Reviews of Modern Physic

    The 10k zCOSMOS: morphological transformation of galaxies in the group environment since z~1

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    We study the evolution of galaxies inside and outside of the group environment since z=1 using a large well defined set of groups and galaxies from the zCOSMOS-bright redshift survey in the COSMOS field. The fraction of galaxies with early-type morphologies increases monotonically with M_B luminosity and stellar mass and with cosmic epoch. It is higher in the groups than elsewhere, especially at later epochs. The emerging environmental effect is superposed on a strong global mass-driven evolution, and at z~0.5 and log(M*/Msol)~10.2, the "effect" of group environment is equivalent to (only) about 0.2 dex in stellar mass or 2 Gyr in time. The stellar mass function of galaxies in groups is enriched in massive galaxies. We directly determine the transformation rates from late to early morphologies, and for transformations involving colour and star formation indicators. The transformation rates are systematically about twice as high in the groups as outside, or up to 3-4 times higher correcting for infall and the appearance of new groups. The rates reach values, for masses around the crossing mass 10^10.5 Msol, as high as (0.3-0.7)/Gyr in the groups, implying transformation timescales of 1.4-3 Gyr, compared with less than 0.2/Gyr, i.e. timescales >5 Gyr, outside of groups. All three transformation rates decrease at higher stellar masses, and must decrease also at the lower masses below 10^10 Msol which we cannot well probe. The rates involving colour and star formation are consistently higher than those for morphology, by a factor of about 50%. Our conclusion is that the transformations which drive the evolution of the overall galaxy population since z~1 must occur at a rate 2-4 times higher in groups than outside of them.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Ap