3,299 research outputs found

    Contributo de Angola para a segurança energética chinesa

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    A República Popular da China é o segundo maior consumidor e importador de petróleo, depois dos EUA. Segundo a Agência Internacional de Energia, em 2030, ultrapassará os Estados Unidos e passará a ser o maior consumidor mundial. O presente artigo analisa o papel de Angola na estratégia da liderança chinesa em busca de uma maior segurança energética

    from conceptual structures in the backstage to customizable visualizations in the front-end – FP7

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    UID/CCI/04667BlackBox is an interdisciplinary ERC-funded project hosted by FCSH-UNL since September 2014, under the direction of Prof. Carla Fernandes as its Principal Investigator. With a wide-breadth duration of 5 years, the BlackBox project aims at developing a cutting-edge model for a web-based collaborative platform, dedicated to the documentation of compositional processes by contemporary performing artists with a focus on dance and theatre. The platform will enable a robust representation of the implicit knowledge in performing practices while applying novel visualization technologies to support it.publishersversionpublishe

    The Coronation of Portuguese Medieval Kings (12th–14th Centuries)

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    UIDB/00749/2020 UIDP/00749/2020The coronations of Portugal’s first dynasty constitute a complex topic. Approaching the theme requires understanding that an omission of words in written documentation can both affirm and deny possibilities. Likewise, visual documentation, such as illuminations, sculptures and other figurative arts, is scarce, raising a significant number of questions and thus is not trustworthy as a historical source. For this reason, the study of Portuguese coronations is filled with questions and silences. Art does not testify to these ceremonies, but shows that Portuguese kings valued regalia pertaining to both religious and secular ceremonies affirming their power, and that those insignias were different from those used by French or English kings in the same time period. In this study, I will use art, particularly funerary sculpture, but also objects with iconographic value, to demonstrate how these reflect elements of thought and the emotional pulsar of the various European societies that produced them.publishersversionpublishe

    Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods from Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions

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    Recent studies of school-age children and adolescents have used social network analyses to characterize selection and socialization aspects of peer groups. Fewer network studies have been reported for preschool classrooms and many of those have focused on structural descriptions of peer networks, and/or, on selection processes rather than on social functions of subgroup membership. In this study we started by identifying and describing different types of affiliative subgroups (HMP- high mutual proximity, LMP- low mutual proximity, and ungrouped children) in a sample of 240 Portuguese preschool children using nearest neighbor observations. Next, we used additional behavioral observations and sociometric data to show that HMP and LMP subgroups are functionally distinct: HMP subgroups appear to reflect friendship relations, whereas LMP subgroups appear to reflect common social goals, but without strong, within-subgroup dyadic ties. Finally, we examined the longitudinal implications of subgroup membership and show that children classified as HMP in consecutive years had more reciprocated friendships than did children whose subgroup classification changed from LMP or ungrouped to HMP. These results extend previous findings reported for North American peer groups

    Affiliative Subgroups in Preschool Classrooms: Integrating Constructs and Methods from Social Ethology and Sociometric Traditions

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    Recent studies of school-age children and adolescents have used social network analyses to characterize selection and socialization aspects of peer groups. Fewer network studies have been reported for preschool classrooms and many of those have focused on structural descriptions of peer networks, and/or, on selection processes rather than on social functions of subgroup membership. In this study we started by identifying and describing different types of affiliative subgroups (HMP- high mutual proximity, LMP- low mutual proximity, and ungrouped children) in a sample of 240 Portuguese preschool children using nearest neighbor observations. Next, we used additional behavioral observations and sociometric data to show that HMP and LMP subgroups are functionally distinct: HMP subgroups appear to reflect friendship relations, whereas LMP subgroups appear to reflect common social goals, but without strong, within-subgroup dyadic ties. Finally, we examined the longitudinal implications of subgroup membership and show that children classified as HMP in consecutive years had more reciprocated friendships than did children whose subgroup classification changed from LMP or ungrouped to HMP. These results extend previous findings reported for North American peer groups

    Digital media use and impact questionnaire : contributions towards its development

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    The present study is part of the Media Activity and Mental Health project and aimed to contribute to the development of the Digital Media Use and Impact questionnaire (DMUIq). The three specific aims were: 1) to characterise the use of digital media (DM) in a sample of Portuguese adolescents; 2) to contribute to the development of the Portuguese version of the Media Multitasking Scale (MMS); and 3) to study the psychometric properties of the DMUIq. This study involved a sample of 171 youths aged between 11 and 16 (M age = 13.67; SD= 1.07), from two schools in the north of Portugal. Results demonstrated that youths spent more hours on (DM) on a typical weekend day than on a typical weekday, social media was the activity most performed on a typical weekday. The Portuguese version of the MMS demonstrated being a reliable and consistent instrument to investigate how youths use DM. The experimental version of DMUIq also demonstrated being a practical, valid, and reliable screening tool to assess the impact that DM has upon youths.O presente estudo faz parte do projeto “Media Activity and Mental Health” e teve como objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento do Digital Media Use and Impact questionnaire (DMUIq). Os três objetivos específicos foram: 1) caracterizar a utilização de meios de comunicação eletrónicos (MCE) numa amostra de adolescentes portugueses; 2) contribuir para o desenvolvimento da versão portuguesa da Media Multitasking Scale (MMS); e 3) estudar as propriedades psicométricas do DMUIq. Este estudo envolveu uma amostra de 171 jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 11 e os 16 anos (idade M = 13,67; DP= 1,07), de duas escolas do norte de Portugal. Os resultados demonstraram que os jovens passam mais horas nos MCE num dia típico de fim de semana comparado a um dia típico de semana, a rede social foi a atividade mais realizada num dia típico de semana. A versão em português do MMS demonstrou ser um instrumento confiável e consistente para investigar como os jovens usam os MCE. A versão experimental do DMUIq também demonstrou ser uma ferramenta de screening prática, válida e confiável para avaliar o impacto que os MCE têm sobre os jovens

    Molecular Characterization and Expression of Two New Members of the SLC10 Transporter Family: SLC10A4 and SLC10A5

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    Over 10 years the solute carrier family SLC10 comprised two well established sodium-dependent bile acid transporters, i.e. the Na+/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide NTCP (SLC10A1) and the apical sodium-dependent bile acid transporter ASBT (SLC10A2). These carriers are essentially involved in the maintenance of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids mediating the first step of active bile acid transport through the membrane barriers in the liver (NTCP) and the intestine (ASBT). Recently, two further members of this transporter family were identified in our group; they are referred to as sodium-dependent organic anion transporter SOAT (SLC10A6) and SLC10A7. While SOAT transports sulfoconjugated steroid hormones and sulfoconjugated bile acids, SLC10A7 remains an orphan carrier with yet unknown substrates. In the present study, two novel members were discovered and referred to as Slc10a4 and SLC10A5 (GenBank accession nos. AY825924, AY825925, and DQ074435). This work describes molecular cloning, expression and molecular analysis as well as functional testing for these novel putative membrane transporters. Sequence lengths of the SLC10A4 and SLC10A5 proteins are between 434-438 amino acids in man, rat, and mouse which is much longer compared with other members this carrier family (i.e. 340-377 amino acids). However, sequence identity/similarity of SLC10A4 is quite high to NTCP, ASBT, and SOAT, being 29%/54%. In contrast, identity/similarity values of SLC10A5 are highest to SLC10A3 which is an orphan and hitherto uncharacterized member of the SLC10 family. Slc10a4 exhibits a seven transmembrane domain topology with Nexo/Ccyt trans-orientation of the N- and C-terminal ends, whereas SLC10A5/Slc10a5 shows nine putative TMDs. Based on real time quantitative PCR and northern blot analyses SLC10A4 expression is predominant in the brain, whereas SLC10A5 is highest expressed in the liver and kidney. A polyclonal rabbit antibody was generated against the rat Slc10a4 protein and used for western blot and immunohistochemical analyses. Slc10a4-immunoreactivity was detected in cholinergic regions throughout the rat central nervous system. Co-localization studies with the cholinergic markers VAChT, ChAT, and CHT1 confirmed the presence of Slc10a4 in cholinergic neurons. Furthermore, the Slc10a4 protein is expressed in two dopaminergic regions: the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. Here, this protein was co-localized with ChAT and the catecholaminergic marker tyrosine hydroxylase. Slc10a5 expression was localized by in situ hybridization to hepatocytes and renal proximal tubules in rat liver and kidney sections, respectively. For the functional characterization of Slc10a4 and SLC10A5/Slc10a5, these proteins were expressed in X. laevis oocytes and HEK293 cells. Thereby, the C-terminal end of the proteins was tagged by the FLAG epitope and plasma membrane expression was confirmed by immunofluorescence microscopy. However, up to now transport studies failed to show transport activity of Slc10a4 and SLC10A5/Slc10a5 for bile acids and steroid sulfates, which are the typical substrates for NTCP, ASBT, and SOAT. Regarding SLC10A5/Slc10a5, because similar expression patterns to NTCP and ASBT and as these bile acid carriers are the most related carriers to SLC10A5 though, it's strongly supposed that SLC10A5 also has carrier function. Regarding Slc10a4, this carrier did not transport choline neither, which is a substrate of CHT1. Thus, in this study, the functional properties of Slc10a4 could not be completely elucidated, but Slc10a4 is assumed to be a new marker protein for cholinergic neurons. This unexpected finding for a novel member of the sodium/bile acid cotransporter family SLC10 sets Slc10a4 apart and needs further clarification

    Cuidadores familiares: o que eles necessitam? Uma revisão integrativa

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    OBJETIVO Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar cuáles son las principales necesidades manifiestas por el cuidador familiar en el cuidado a la persona dependiente. MÉTODO Se llevó a cabo una revisión integrativa de la literatura en el período entre 2010 y 2015 con el recurso de instrumentos de búsqueda específicos, en las bases de datos EBSCO y SCOPUS. RESULTADOS Fueron seleccionados 11 artículos. El análisis de la evidencia científica permitió organizar los resultados en cinco áreas temáticas: la transición al cuidar, el ser responsable de todo, la importancia del soporte, el acceso a los apoyos formales, la comunicación y la información en la toma de decisión. CONCLUSIÓN Los resultados demuestran que el cuidador presenta innumerables necesidades en áreas distintas, las que se deben abordar en las intervenciones de enfermería.OBJETIVO Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar quais as principais necessidades manifestadas pelo cuidador familiar no cuidado à pessoa dependente. MÉTODO Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa da literatura no período entre 2010 e 2015 com o recurso de instrumentos de busca específicos, nas bases de dados EBSCO e SCOPUS. RESULTADOS Foram selecionados 11 artigos A análise da evidência científica obtida permitiu organizar os resultados em cinco áreas temáticas: a transição para o cuidar, o ser responsável por tudo, a importância do suporte, o acesso aos apoios formais, a comunicação e a informação na tomada de decisão. CONCLUSÃO Os resultados demonstram que o cuidador apresenta inúmeras necessidades em áreas distintas,as quais devem ser abordadasnas intervenções de enfermagem.OBJECTIVE Aimed to identify the main needs expressed by family caregivers in caring for adependent person. METHOD An integrative review of the literature in the period between 2010 and 2015 using specific search engine tools in the EBSCO and SCOPUSdatabases. RESULTS 11 articles were selected, and the analysis of the scientific evidence obtained allowed for organizing the results into five thematic areas:transition into care, being responsible for everything, the importance of support, access to formal support, communication and informationprocesses. CONCLUSION The results showed that caregivers have many needs in different areas, which should be addressed in nursing interventions

    A violência contra as mulheres como uma violação dos direitos humanos: do positivado ao noticiado

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    A violência contra as mulheres é considerada uma das mais graves e marcantes formas de violência a serem enfrentadas. Produto de construção histórica, constitui uma grave violação dos direitos humanos, tal como é postulado nas leis brasileiras e portuguesas. Este artigo apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre o Brasil e Portugal que visa compreender o modo como os meios de comunicação social tratam a violência contra as mulheres, nomeadamente quando estas são figuras públicas. Com recurso à análise de conteúdo, estudámos notícias dos dois países, sem ignorar que seus índices de violência estão em patamares distintos. Foi escolhido um caso de violência com destaque midiático em cada país nos últimos dez anos, no qual a vítima sobreviveu às agressões. Os resultados permitem concluir que a violência contra as mulheres não é tratada como uma violação dos direitos humanos pela mídia informativa, sendo apresentada majoritariamente como um caso isolado.Violence against women is considered one of the most serious and striking forms of violence to be faced. As a result of a historical construction, it is a very severe violation of human rights, as it is postulated in the law of Brazil and also Portugal. This paper presents an exploratory study about these countries that aims to understand how media addresses violence against women, particularly cases involving public figures. Using the content analysis, we have studied news from Brazil and Portugal, not ignoring that their rates of violence stand at different levels. A case of violence highlighted by the media in the past decade, in which the victim survived, was chosen in each country. The results indicate that violence against women is not treated by the media as a violation of human rights, being mostly presented as an isolated case.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio