30 research outputs found

    Towards the Circular Economy: Existing Synergy Among the Conceptual Definitions and the Appropriation for Brazilian Literature

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    Circular economy has increasingly attracted attention of researchers, managers and governments. The dissemination of the concept is sometimes associated with the use of some technical terms of the new industrial revolution as being synonyms, but are these terms synonyms, complementary or do they just express different practices? To help clarifying these misunderstandings that occur in both academia and business practice, this paper presents conceptual guidelines on important terms of circular economy. The purpose of the study is to clarify the semantic and the conceptual differences of the terms: circular economy, spiral economy, cradle to cradle, double loop, closed loop, reverse logistics, life cycle analysis, upcycle and industrial symbiosis. The study is based on a categorization of Circular Economy literature and their related terms and translations for classic terms of management operations. Understanding the conceptual definitions and their origins is essential for developing knowledge in the area, as well as to disseminate such knowledge

    Supply Chain Trust: A Two-Way Street?

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    This research compares differences between customers´ and suppliers´ perceptions of the trustworthiness of their supply chain exchange partners and the implications for performance, applying the organizational behavior and marketing literature on trust to the supply chain context. A survey in the logistics sector in Brazil was used to collect data from two independent samples (customers and suppliers). Three alternative models of the antecedents of trustworthiness perceptions and the relationship between trust and performance were tested using multiple regression. This was followed by a panel session with logistics industry experts to discuss the results and their practical implications. We found that the ability of an exchange partner is important to both suppliers and customers in their perceptions of trustworthiness. In addition, customer integrity is important to suppliers, while supplier benevolence is important to customers. Trust is related to expectations about order accuracy, quality and cost by both suppliers and customers and to suppliers’ on-time delivery expectations. The findings support the contention of social exchange theory that, when there is a trusting relationship between exchange partners, there is heightened commitment to jointly held goals. They also support transaction cost economics theory by showing how trust forms an intangible transaction- specific asset that serves as a governance mechanism against opportunistic behavior. The findings provide a useful guideline for managers seeking to improve trust in their supply chain relationships. This paper extends interorganizational trust models showing that the relationship between trust and performance may not be applicable to customers and suppliers in the same manner

    Segmentation of Consuming Markets of Beef

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    One of the tasks most difficult in the planning of marketing has been the election of the market-target. Being thus, the market segmentation reveals of great importance. The objective of this study is to discuss a market segmentation model of meat consumers. For in such a way, a bibliographical research was conducted, adopting two basic conditions: (a) the proposals of segmentation of used consuming markets in excellent scientific studies can indicate insights for the presented theoretical construction; and (b) the excellent variable in the process of purchase of the consumers must be considered in the quarrel proposal. The following excellent variable had been identified, considering the purchase process: culture, motivation, perception, health, nutritional value, pecuniary acceptability, beliefs, intention, variable, attitude, style of life and preparation of the food. This allowed the identification of four segments of consumers: Guided by Meat Protein, Guided by Health, Indifferent and Sporadic. It is concluded, therefore, the product meat can not be considered as commodity, it exists other factors, beyond the price, that have great influence on the behavior of purchase of the consumer.segmentation, meat, Consumer behavior, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,


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    O objetivo dessa pesquisa é utilizar conceitos e modelos da literatura acadêmica de Logística e gestão de operações para analisar três casos da indústria automobilística no Brasil, e traçar um paralelo entre os conceitos apresentados na literatura acadêmica e a realidade operacional de uma empresa ampliada, abordando a identificação dos processos relevantes na SCM e o papel da Tecnologia da Informação neste processo de integração da cadeia. Os principais resultados indicam que a indústria automobilística seguiu a tendência de maior integração na gestão da cadeia de suprimentos. Os processos de negócios da cadeia de suprimentos são viabilizados pela tecnologia de informação amplamente utilizada nos três modelos produtivos apresentados, principalmente quanto aos processos de gestão da demanda e a sincronização do fluxo de informações.The objective of the research is to use concepts and models of logistics and operation management found in the academic literature to analyze three models utilized in the automobile industry in Brazil. A contrast is made between the presented concepts and the operational reality of a company, approaching the identification of the excellent processes in the SCM and the role of information technology in the production chain integration. The main results indicate that the automobile industry followed the trend of a greater integration in the suppliment chain management. The business-oriented processes are made possible by the information technology the three presented productive models, mainly in the processes demand management and the synchronization of the flow of information


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    This study evaluates the degree of strategic alignment in the supply strategies adopted by the Brazilian automotive supply chains. The concept of alignment followed was that proposed by Vachon et al. (2009), that alignment is related to the intensity of the gaps between the requirements of a client and an emphasis on first-tier supplier in these same requirements when dealing with suppliers second tier. The unit of analysis are companies located in Brazil, first-tier suppliers to automobile manufacturers. The sample of twenty-eight companies were selected by criteria of accessibility, provided by SINDIPEÇAS. The units of observation were their supply managers. The results pointed that, the stronger the bonds between the automaker and its suppliers are, higher is the degree of alignment in the adopted supply strategies. Furthermore, European automakers supply chains have higher levels of strategic alignment compared to North-American automakers ones. However, the supply chains characterized by lower levels of strategic alignment are the ones where collaborative practices prevail in the relations.El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el alineamiento de las estrategias adoptadas por relaciones de suministro en cadenas de suministro de la industria automotriz en Brasil. El concepto de alineación que siguió fue la propuesta por Vachon et al. (2009), que la alineación se refiere a la intensidad de las diferencias entre los requisitos del cliente y el énfasis dado por un proveedor de primer nivel de estos mismos requisitos cuando se trata de proveedores de segundo nivel. La unidad de análisis son las empresas ubicadas en Brasil, proveedores de primer nivel a los fabricantes de automóviles. La muestra de veintiocho empresas fueron seleccionadas por criterios de accesibilidad, de una lista de las empresas del sector proporcionada por Sindipeças, el sindicato patronal principal. Las unidades de observación fueron los gestores de estas empresas de la zona de suministro. Los resultados muestran que la dependencia de un único proveedor para un fabricante específico refuerza el alineamiento estratégico en esa cadena de suministro, y los fabricantes europeos tienen una base de proveedores directos que adoptan estrategias para la oferta más acorde con sus propios, en comparación con los fabricantes de automóviles de EE.UU. y sus bases de proveedores. Sin embargo, las cadenas de la desalineación cuando la adopción de las prácticas vigentes de colaboración en las relaciones entre los ensambladores y los proveedores de primer nivel.O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o alinhamento nas estratégias de suprimento adotadas pelos elos nas cadeias de suprimentos da indústria automobilística no Brasil. O conceito de alinhamento seguido foi aquele proposto por Vachon et al. (2009), de que o alinhamento se relaciona com a intensidade dos gaps entre os requisitos de um cliente e a ênfase dada por um fornecedor de primeira camada nestes mesmos requisitos ao lidar com os fornecedores de segunda camada. A unidade de análise são empresas industriais localizadas no Brasil, fornecedores de primeira camada de montadoras de automóveis. A amostra de vinte e oito empresas foi selecionada por critério de acessibilidade, a partir de uma relação de empresas do setor disponibilizada pelo Sindipeças, o principal sindicato patronal da categoria. As unidades de observação foram os gestores da área de suprimentos dessas empresas. Os resultados apontam que a dependência de um fornecedor em relação a uma montadora específica reforça o alinhamento estratégico nesta cadeia de suprimentos, e que as montadoras europeias possuem uma base de fornecedores diretos que adotam estratégias de suprimentos mais alinhadas com as suas próprias, quando comparadas com as montadoras norte-americanas e respectivas bases de fornecedores. No entanto, as cadeias se desalinham quando prevalece a adoção de práticas colaborativas nas relações entre montadoras e primeira camada de fornecedores

    Rumo à Economia Circular: Sinergia Existente entre as Definições Conceituais Correlatas e Apropriação para a Literatura Brasileira

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    Circular economy has increasingly attracted attention of researchers, managers and governments. The dissemination of the concept is sometimes associated with the use of some technical terms of the new industrial revolution as being synonyms, but are these terms synonyms, complementary or do they just express different practices? To help clarifying these misunderstandings that occur in both academia and business practice, this paper presents conceptual guidelines on important terms of circular economy. The purpose of the study is to clarify the semantic and the conceptual differences of the terms: circular economy, spiral economy, cradle to cradle, double loop, closed loop, reverse logistics, life cycle analysis, upcycle and industrial symbiosis. The study is based on a categorization of Circular Economy literature and their related terms and translations for classic terms of management operations. Understanding the conceptual definitions and their origins is essential for developing knowledge in the area, as well as to disseminate such knowledge.A economia circular aumentou a sua capacidade de atrair a atenção de pesquisadores, gestores e governos. A disseminação do conceito, por vezes, está associada ao uso de alguns termos técnicos da nova revolução industrial como sendo sinônimos. Mas realmente são sinônimos? São complementares? São práticas diferentes? Para ajudar a esclarecer essa confusão de conceitos que ocorre tanto na academia quanto na prática empresarial, este artigo apresenta diretrizes conceituais sobre importantes termos relacionados à economia circular. O objetivo do estudo consiste em esclarecer as diferenças semânticas e conceituais dos termos: economia circular, economia espiral, cradle to cradle, double loop, closed-loop, logística reversa, análise do ciclo de vida, upcycle e simbiose industrial. A contribuição do estudo está alicerçada na categorização da literatura sobre o tema economia circular e seus termos correlatos, assim como na proposição de traduções para termos clássicos da área de operações. Compreender as definições conceituais e suas origens é essencial para desenvolver o conhecimento na área, bem como a sua difusão