276 research outputs found

    Bicycle parking in parks : a study of four examples in two Swedish cities

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    För att uppnĂ„ mĂ„l om en hĂ„llbar omstĂ€llning fokuserar alltfler stĂ€der pĂ„ att öka cykelanvĂ€ndningen och andra vetenskapliga studier lyfter vikten av att arbeta med cykelinfrastruktur för att uppnĂ„ detta. Den hĂ€r studien har undersökt cykelparkeringar i parker genom att titta pĂ„ tvĂ„ exempel i Lund respektive Malmö. Syftet har varit att undersöka om cykelparkeringar i parker kan anvĂ€ndas för att frĂ€mja en hĂ„llbar mobilitet i stĂ€der. De metoder som har genomförts i arbetet har varit en litteraturstudie, dokumentstudie, inventering, observationer och kvalitativa intervjuer med tjĂ€nstepersoner frĂ„n Malmö stad och Lunds kommun. Den hĂ€r studien visar att kommunerna frĂ€mst arbetar med cykelparkeringar vid större kollektivtrafiknoder och andra stora mĂ„lpunkter. Parker tillhör inte den hĂ€r typen av mĂ„lpunkt och det saknas tydliga riktlinjer för hur cykelparkeringar ska utformas vid mĂ„lpunkter som förknippas med rekreation. Huruvida cykelparkeringar kan anvĂ€ndas som ett verktyg för att frĂ€mja den hĂ„llbara mobiliteten diskuteras i arbetet dĂ€r bĂ„de observationerna och resultatet frĂ„n intervjuerna inte ger ett entydigt svar. Incitamenten till att arbeta med cykelparkeringar i parker Ă€r snarare att skapa en trivsam miljö för gĂ„ende Ă€n för att tillmötesgĂ„ cyklisters eventuella behov av cykelparkeringar vilket pĂ„verkar hur mobilitetsflödena planeras. Studien visar slutligen att det Ă€r osĂ€kert i vilken utstrĂ€ckning cykelparkeringar kan bidra med tillgĂ€nglighet för cyklister i parker, för att uppmuntra till cykling pĂ„ fritiden behöver kommunerna arbeta pĂ„ en mer övergripande nivĂ„ med mobilitetsflöden. Cykelparkeringarna bidrar snarare med tillgĂ€nglighet för gĂ„ende i de fall dĂ„ de informella parkeringarna leder till framkomlighetsproblem.A lot of cities aim to increase their bicycle share to achieve a sustainable transition. Studies show that the bicycle infrastructure is an important factor that can be used by urban planners to promote bicycle use. The purpose of this study is to explore if bicycle parking in parks can encourage sustainable mobility in cities. Two examples have been studied in Lund and Malmö respectively where the methods applied were a literature and document review, observations, and interviews with civil servants from Lund municipality and the City of Malmö. The results show that Lund municipality and the City of Malmö focus on e.g., public transport nodes when implementing bicycle parking. Parks are not targeted in the same way and there are no consistent strategies for the placement of bicycle parking, this is especially clear in parks where bicycle traffic is allowed. The observations and interviews show that it is uncertain whether bicycle parking can promote sustainable mobility. The mobility planning in parks is based on the pedestrians’ experiences and the incentives found to implement bicycle parking in parks is mainly to accommodate pedestrians, not cyclists. Finally, this study shows that it is uncertain to which extent bicycle parking contribute with accessibility for cyclists and that the municipalities need to work on larger scale to encourage bicycling for recreational purposes. Bicycle parking mainly increase the accessibility for pedestrians when the informal parking creates obstacles for them

    Combining Overall equipment Efficiency (OEE) and productivity measures as drivers for production improvements

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    To compete on a globalized market companies need to constantly improve the performance in their manufacturing systems. Production performance measures can be used for different purposes, by practitioners they are commonly used for follow-up and reporting purposes. Two of the most commonly used performance measures are Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) and productivity. Between these two productivity exhibits the far most variety in definition. Even if OEE and productivity are strongly affected by improvement work, they are seldom used to drive the improvement efforts. The purpose of this paper is to present definitions of productivity suitable as improvement drivers, and to discuss the need for a combined set of performance measures to drive productivity improvements. Finally some experiences from industrial improvement work are viewed

    True equivalent chip thickness for tools with a nose radius

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    A majority of the established systems for choice and optimization of cutting data are based on WoxĂ©n’s equivalent chip thickness, heW. In metal cutting theory and models, the equivalent chip thickness is of vital importance when the depth-of-cut ap is in the same order or smaller than the nose radius r. WoxĂ©n made considerable simplifications in his chip area model, that form the basis for calculations of the equivalent chip thickness. Basic mathematical solutions, e.g. describing the chip area on circular inserts, are lacking. This article describes the geometrical implications when machining with round inserts. The error in WoxĂ©n’s equivalent chip thickness is largest when the depth-of-cut is less than ÂŒ of the nose radius. The calculations of the equivalent chip thickness based on the WoxĂ©n model are up to 50 % wrong, for some combinations of cutting data in the finishing range. The presented results explain the difficulties in getting a good validity in the models used to calculate tool life in finishing machining. The error leads to an underrating of the tool load in many machining situations

    Manufacturing costs and Degree of Occupancy Based on the Principle of Characteristic Parts

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    In making capacity estimates and cost calculations in the manufacturing industry, many products and production systems are often involved, making the data in their totality difficult to grasp. Introducing the concept of the characteristic part, which is a fabricated part seen as representative of all parts produced in terms of demand, setup time, cycle time, average batch size and total number of batches involved, makes the calculations required much more manageable and much less time-consuming. The article takes up how the characteristic part is defined and how it can be used in calculating production capacity, system utilization and manufacturing costs

    Subjektiva upplevelsen av miljön i Health

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    Denna studie syftade till att undersöka den subjektiva upplevelsen av anvĂ€ndbarheten i Health Sciences Center Lund [HSC]. Att en miljö Ă€r tillgĂ€nglig behöver inte vara samma sak som att den Ă€r anvĂ€ndbar. Efter en studie gjord vintern 2009 dĂ€r fysiska miljöhinder listades i HSC avsĂ„g författarna undersöka hur studenter med funktionella begrĂ€nsningar upplevde anvĂ€ndbarheten i sin skolmiljö. För att undersöka detta inspirerades författarna av bedömningsinstrumentet ”bedömning av anpassning i skolan” (BAS). Det Ă€r genom att frĂ„ga individen som utför en aktivitet i en given miljö som anvĂ€ndbarheten visas. Fem respondenter med funktionella begrĂ€nsningar deltog i studien. Resultatet visade att det som upplevdes mest inskrĂ€nkande pĂ„ anvĂ€ndbarheten var praktiska rastaktiviteter och att umgĂ„s med andra pĂ„ rasten. Dessa begrĂ€nsningar grundade sig i fysisk otillgĂ€nglighet och attityder frĂ„n den sociala miljön. Studien visar pĂ„ att den fysiska och sociala miljön pĂ„verkade studenter med funktionella begrĂ€nsningar genom att mycket energi lades pĂ„ att orka med en dag och att de inte klarar av att vara sĂ„ aktiva som de önskar

    Reconstructing early Holocene seasonal bottom-water temperatures in the northern North Sea using stable oxygen isotope records of Arctica islandica shells

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    The knowledge of seasonal temperature variability in the ocean is essential for understanding climate and its response to forcing factors. Time intervals with highly dynamic climate and increased seasonal forcing such as the early Holocene are of particular interest. Yet, the temporal resolution of most existing climate records is not sufficient to reconstruct temperature seasonality. Here, we present the first seasonally resolved, early Holocene, bottom-water temperature record from the Viking Bank in the northern North Sea. The reconstruction is based on the stable oxygen isotope data (ÎŽ18Oshell) of two crossdated, radiocarbon-dated subfossil shells of Arctica islandica (Bivalvia). Oxygen isotope data were combined into a 21-year long record, dated at 9593–9573 (±55) cal yr BP The record indicates an early Holocene seasonal temperature amplitude up to ca. 4.5 °C. To estimate changes in the mean state and seasonality of temperature conditions between the present and early Holocene, the record and temperatures inferred thereof are compared with modern ÎŽ18Oshell profiles and instrumental temperature data. The results indicate that the seasonal amplitude of ÎŽ18Oshell signal in the subfossil shells reflects sea-level changes. The reconstruction suggests that the long-term average and seasonal variability of temperature were similar to modern times when considering changes in the relative sea level. Our data also confirm that ÎŽ18Oshell records are reproducible and track seasonal amplitude of bottom-water temperature variability, thus demonstrate the potential for application in reconstructions of past seasonality. Furthermore, our results show that ÎŽ18Oshell records can be used to reconstruct seasonal stratification dynamics. This novel application of sclerochronological data has the potential to be used to validate and constrain paleotidal models.publishedVersio

    High resolution benthic Mg/Ca temperature record of the intermediate water in the Denmark Strait across D-O stadial-interstadial cycles

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    Dansgaard‐Oeschger (D‐O) climate instabilities that took place during Marine Isotope Stage 3 are connected to changes in ocean circulation patterns and sea ice cover. Here we explore in detail the configuration of the water column of the Denmark Strait during D‐O events 8–5. How the ocean currents and water masses within the Denmark Strait region responded and were connected to the North Atlantic are discussed. We investigate sediment core GS15‐198‐36CC, from the northern side of the Greenland‐Iceland Ridge, at 30‐year temporal resolution. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope reconstructions based on benthic foraminifera, together with a high‐resolution benthic foraminiferal record of Mg/Ca paleothermometry, is presented. The site was bathed by warm intermediate waters during stadials and cool but gradually warming intermediate water during interstadials. We suggest that stadial conditions in the Denmark Strait are characterized by a well‐stratified water column with a warm intermediate water mass that lies beneath a cold fresh body of water where sea ice and brine rejection work in consort to uphold the halocline conditions. Interstadial periods are not a pure replicate of modern times, but rather have two modes of operation, one similar to today, and the other incorporating a brief period of warm intermediate water and increased ventilation.publishedVersio

    Two centuries of southwest Iceland annually-resolved marine temperature reconstructed from Arctica islandica shells

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    Iceland's exposure to major ocean current pathways of the central North Atlantic makes it a useful location for developing long-term proxy records of past marine climate. Such records provide more detailed understanding of the full range of past variability which is necessary to improve predictions of future changes. We constructed a 225-year (1791–2015 CE) master shell growth chronology from 29 shells of Arctica islandica collected at 100 m water depth in southwest Iceland (Faxaflói). The growth chronology provides a robust age model for shell oxygen isotope (ή18Oshell) data produced at annual resolution for 251 years (1765–2015 CE). The temperature reconstruction derived from ή18Oshell shows coherence with May–October local surface temperature records and sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic region, suggesting it is a useful proxy indicator of water temperature variability at 100 m depth within Faxaflói. Field correlations between the shell-based records and gridded sea surface temperature data reveal strong positive correlations between the 1-year lagged shell growth and temperatures within the subpolar gyre post-1972, suggesting a delayed influence of subpolar gyre dynamics on ecological indicators in southwest Iceland in recent decades. However, the shell growth chronology and ή18Oshell record generally show relatively weak and insignificant correlations with larger region climate indices including the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability, North Atlantic Oscillation, and East Atlantic pattern. Therefore the interannual variations in the newly produced shell-based records appear to reflect more local to regional dynamics around southwest Iceland than large-scale modes of climate variability.publishedVersio

    paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic changes in the Nordic Seas

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    [1] High-resolution records from IMAGES core MD95-2011 in the eastern Norwegian Sea provide evidence for relatively large-and small-scale high-latitude climate variability throughout the Holocene. During the early and mid-Holocene a situation possibly driven by consistent stronger westerlies increased the eastward influence of Arctic intermediate and near-surface waters. For the late Holocene a relaxation of the atmospheric forcing resulted in increased influence of Atlantic water. The main changes in Holocene climate show no obvious connection to changing solar irradiance, and spectral analysis reveals no consistent signature for any periodic behavior of Holocene climate at millennial or centennial timescales. There are, however, indications of consistent multidecadal variability

    Co-feeding of live feed and inert diet from first-feeding affects Artemia lipid digestibility and retention in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae

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    The present study intended to evaluate the effects of early introduction of inert diet in lipid digestibility and metabolism of sole, while larval feed intake, growth and survival were also monitored. Solea senegalensis larvae were reared on a standard live feed regime (ST) and co-feeding regime with inert diet (Art R). Trials using sole larvae fed with Artemia enriched with two different lipid emulsions, containing glycerol tri [1-14C] oleate (TAG) and L-3-phosphatidylcholine-1,2-di-[1-14C] oleoyl (PL), were performed at 9 and 17 days after hatching (DAH) to study lipid utilization. Co-feeding did not affect sole survival rates (ST 59.1 ± 15.9 %; Art R 69.56 ± 9.3 %), but was reflected in significantly smaller final weight at 16 DAH (ST 0.71 ± 0.20; Art R 0.48 ± 0.14 mg). Higher feed intake was observed in sole larvae fed on Artemia enriched with labeled PL at 9 DAH but not at 17 DAH. At 17 DAH, the smaller larvae (Art R treatment) ingested proportionally more Artemia in weight percentage, independently of enrichment. At 9 DAH lipid digestibility was equal among treatments and higher than 90%, while at 17 DAH it was higher in ST treatment (around 73 %) compared to the Art R group (around 66 %). Lipid retention efficiency at 9 DAH was higher in the Art R treatment, reaching values of 50 %, while these values almost duplicated at 17 DAH, ranging up to 80 % in both treatments without significant differences. These results show that co-feeding of live feed and inert diet from first-feeding in Senegalese sole has a toll in terms of growth and lipid digestibility but does not seem to compromise lipid metabolic utilization
