819 research outputs found

    Caractérisation des sédiments des retenues pour la prévision des risques écotoxicologiques liés aux vidanges

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    L'acumulation de sédiments dans les retenues de barrages hydro-électriques nécessite de procéder à des opérations régulières de désenvasement indispensables à leur bon fonctionnement.Ces opérations de vidange ont le plus souvent un effet destructeur sur la faune et la flore aquatique.Cet effet destructeur est principalement lié à une diminution de la concentration en oxygène dissous et une augmentation de la teneur en matières en suspension.La méthodologie présentée a pour but d'estimer préalablement à toute vidange les risques écotoxicologlques correspondant à une telle opération. Elle implique d'une part la description et l'analyse physico-chimique des sédiments en place, d'autre part la mesure en laboratoire de la consommation en oxygène dissous des matériaux remis en suspension au cours du temps.La fiabilité d'une telle procédure a été montrée en particulier à l'occasion de vidanges de retenues situées sur le cours de l'Isère.Le protocole est décrit précisément de façon à pouvoir guider les exploitants de retenues à l'occasion des opérations de vidange qu'ils dirigent.Sediment silting up in hydroelectric dams Implies regular draining operations in order to prevent disfunction of the dams.These operations often lead to drastic lethal affects on aquatic fauna and flora.A toxicological study has clearly shown two main factors responsible for acute toxicological effects : dissolved oxygen deficit and suspended solids increase.These effects have been quantified by experimental tests on Brown trout fry (Salmo trutta fario) the results of which are summarized.The second step consisted in the prediction of water quality evolution downstream during dam draining operation, regarding both factors suspected, in order to assess ecotoxicological hazard.The proposed methodology based on a sedimentological study made in Grangent dam, located on river Loire and immediately downstream of St. Etienne urban area, and in St. Hilaire dam situated on the river Isère downstream partIt consists in sampling cored sediments and in measuring dissolved oxygen kinetic by mixing sediments with water In a reactor.The sample conservation as carried out in jar glasses kept at 4 °C.Results are reproducible as long as residual dissolved oxygen concentration is higher than 3 mg/l. If this condition is respected, oxygen consumption is strictly dependent on suspended sediment concentration.An increase in test water temperature makes the oxygen consumption rise.In accordance with these results, recommendations for dissolved oxygen measures are about 5 g/l suspended sediment concentration, with an experimental temperature reaching the temperature observed during dam draining.The variability of the results for different samples depends on the dam studied. Surface tore samples collected in St. Hilaire dam consume dissolved oxygen faster than the same bottom tore samples.However, in Grangent dam, only one surface core sample collected near the dam construction has clearly shown reducing properties. The difference between two dam sediments is very important : Grangent dam sediment have, on average, dissolved oxygen consumption three more times higher than St. Hilaire in the same duration.Taking into account dissolved oxygen kinetics by mixed sediments, and a simple aeration model using water and sediment deposits from downstream dam, may expert both suspended sediment and oxygen consumption evolution.Hazardous mortality of trout fario fry in downstream dam are quickly graphically visualized.Dam draining operator may so assess, for different suspended sediment land the harmful exposition to fish at any distance from it.This knowledge allows him to plan more strictly floodgate working : pointly dissolved oxygen continuous measurement on downstream dam is sufficient to give a mark related to model hazard assessment.The model reliability has been demonstrated by the examination of data collected during St. Hilaire dam draining operation

    Coherent acoustic vibration of metal nanoshells

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    Using time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy we have performed the first investigation of the vibrational modes of gold nanoshells. The fundamental isotropic mode launched by a femtosecond pump pulse manifests itself in a pronounced time-domain modulation of the differential transmission probed at the frequency of nanoshell surface plasmon resonance. The modulation amplitude is significantly stronger and the period is longer than in a gold nanoparticle of the same overall size, in agreement with theoretical calculations. This distinct acoustical signature of nanoshells provides a new and efficient method for identifying these versatile nanostructures and for studying their mechanical and structural properties.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Prevalence and correlates of low-grade systemic inflammation in adult psychiatric inpatients: An electronic health record-based study.

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    Low-grade inflammation is a risk factor for depression, psychosis and other major psychiatric disorders. It is associated with poor response to antidepressant and antipsychotics, and could potentially be a treatment target. However, there is limited data on the prevalence of low-grade inflammation in major psychiatric disorders, and on the characteristics of patients who show evidence of inflammation. We examined the prevalence of low-grade inflammation and associated socio-demographic and clinical factors in acute psychiatric inpatients. An anonymised search of the electronic patient records of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust was used to identify patients aged 18-65 years who were hospitalised between 2013 and 2016 (inclusive). We excluded patients on antibiotics or oral steroids, or with missing data. Inflammation was defined using serum C-reactive protein (>3 mg/L) or total white cell count (>9.4 × 109/L) as measured within 14 days of admission. Out of all 599 admissions, the prevalence of inflammation (serum CRP >3 mg/L) in the ICD-10 diagnostic groups of psychotic disorders (F20-29), mood disorders (F30-39), neurotic disorders (F40-48) and personality disorders (F60-69) was 32%, 21%, 22% and 42%, respectively. In multivariable analyses, low-grade inflammation was associated with older age, black ethnicity, being single, self-harm, diagnoses of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, current treatments with antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and with current treatment for medical comorbidities. A notable proportion of acutely unwell psychiatric patients from all ICD-10 major diagnostic groups show evidence of low-grade inflammation, suggesting inflammation may be relevant for all psychiatric disorders

    Asymptotic behaviour of estimators of the parameters of nearly unstable INAR(1) models

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    A sequence of first-order integer-valued autoregressive type (INAR(1)) processes is investigated, where the autoregressive type coefficients converge to 1. It is shown that the limiting distribution of the joint conditional least squares estimators for this coefficient and for the mean of the innovation is normal. Consequences for sequences of Galton{Watson branching processes with unobservable immigration, where the mean of the offspring distribution converges to 1 (which is the critical value), are discussed

    Lumen Border Detection of Intravascular Ultrasound via Denoising of Directional Wavelet Representations

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    In this paper, intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) grayscale images, acquired with a single-element mechanically rotating transducer, are processed with wavelet denoising and region-based segmentation to extract various layers of lumen contours and plaques. First, IVUS volumetric data is expanded on complex exponential wavelet-like basis functions, also known as Brushlets, which are well localized in time and frequency domains. Brushlets denoising have demonstrated in the past a great aptitude for denoising ultrasound data and removal of blood speckles. A region-based segmentation framework is then applied for detection of lumen border layers, which remains one of the most challenging problems in IVUS image analysis for images acquired with a single element, mechanically rotating 45 MHz transducer. We evaluated hard thresholding for Brushlet denoising, and compared segmentation results to manually traced lumen borders. We observed good agreement and suggest that the proposed algorithm has a great potential to be used as a reliable pre-processing step for accurate lumen border detection

    Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Aging Layered Pressure Vessels

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) operates approximately 300 aging layered pressure vessels that were designed and manufactured prior to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (B&PV) code requirements. In order to make decisions regarding the continued fitness-for-service of these non-code carbon steel vessels, it is necessary to perform a relative risk of failure assessment for each vessel. However, risk assessment of these vessels is confounded by uncertainties and variabilities related to the use of proprietary materials in fabrication, missing construction records, geometric discontinuities, weld residual stresses, and complex service stress gradients in and around the welds. Therefore, a probabilistic framework that can capture these uncertainties and variabilities has been developed to assess the fracture risk of flaws in regions of interest, such as longitudinal and circumferential welds, using the NESSUS probabilistic modeling software and NASGRO fracture mechanics software. In this study, the probabilistic framework was used to predict variability in the stress intensity factor associated with different reference flaws located in the head-to-shell circumferential welds of a 4-layer and 14-layer pressure vessel. The probabilistic studies predict variability in flaw behavior and the important uncertain parameters for each reference flaw location

    Intermediate phase, network demixing, boson and floppy modes, and compositional trends in glass transition temperatures of binary AsxS1-x system

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    The structure of binary As_xS_{1-x} glasses is elucidated using modulated-DSC, Raman scattering, IR reflectance and molar volume experiments over a wide range (8%<x<41%) of compositions. We observe a reversibility window in the calorimetric experiments, which permits fixing the three elastic phases; flexible at x<22.5%, intermediate phase (IP) in the 22.5%<x<29.5% range, and stressed-rigid at x>29.5%. Raman scattering supported by first principles cluster calculations reveal existence of both pyramidal (PYR, As(S1/2)3) and quasi-tetrahedral(QT, S=As(S1/2)3) local structures. The QT unit concentrations show a global maximum in the IP, while the concentration of PYR units becomes comparable to those of QT units in the phase, suggesting that both these local structures contribute to the width of the IP. The IP centroid in the sulfides is significantly shifted to lower As content x than in corresponding selenides, a feature identified with excess chalcogen partially segregating from the backbone in the sulfides, but forming part of the backbone in selenides. These ideas are corroborated by the proportionately larger free volumes of sulfides than selenides, and the absence of chemical bond strength scaling of Tgs between As-sulfides and As-selenides. Low-frequency Raman modes increase in scattering strength linearly as As content x of glasses decreases from x = 20% to 8%, with a slope that is close to the floppy mode fraction in flexible glasses predicted by rigidity theory. These results show that floppy modes contribute to the excess vibrations observed at low frequency. In the intermediate and stressed rigid elastic phases low-frequency Raman modes persist and are identified as boson modes. Some consequences of the present findings on the optoelectronic properties of these glasses is commented upon.Comment: Accepted for PR

    Second-order nonlinear optical properties induced by thermal poling in photonic oxide glasses and transparent glass-ceramics

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    In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in oxide glasses due to advances in lasers for information transport. Oxide glasses combine low cost of fabrication and good compatibility with silica glass fibers, which offer the opportunity for developing structures with nonlinear optical properties in integrated optical devices. The creation of an axial symmetry under thermal poling is currently necessary to induce Second-Order NonLinear (SONL) optical properties in glasses. A description of theoretical models which have been proposed for charge migration during thermal poling is presented. A review of SONL efficiencies which have been obtained for different glass compositions by this method is reported. Correlations between SONL properties and structural modifications under poling are also presented. Finally, we focus on the challenging fabrication of transparent glass-ceramic composites, especially when they are obtained by the precipitation of ferroelectric nanoparticle phases in the glassy matrix which adds the advantageous SONL properties of ferroelectric crystals

    Food Leftover Practices among Consumers in Selected Countries in Europe, South and North America

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    Citation: Koppel, K., Higa, F., Godwin, S., Gutierrez, N., Shalimov, R., Cardinal, P., . . . Chambers, E. (2016). Food Leftover Practices among Consumers in Selected Countries in Europe, South and North America. Foods, 5(3), 14. doi:10.3390/foods5030066Foodborne illnesses may be related to many food production factors with home practices of consumers playing an important role in food safety. Consumer behavior for handling food leftovers has been studied, however little work on comparisons among countries has been published. The objective of this study was to investigate home food leftover practices of people from North American, South American, and European countries. Surveys were conducted with approximately 100 or more consumers in Argentina, Colombia, the United States, Estonia, Italy, Russia, and Spain. The participants responded to questions related to the length of time different types of food leftovers; such as meat, fresh salads, or restaurant dishes would be kept refrigerated or would be left at room temperature before refrigeration. Researchers also investigated how consumers would determine if the food was still safe for consumption. Potentially risky behaviors were observed in all seven countries. For instance, 55.8% of Estonians, 25% of Russians and 25.8% of Argentinean participants left food out at room temperature for several hours before storing in the refrigerator. Furthermore, 25%-29% of Colombian, Estonian, and Spanish consumers would look, smell, and taste leftovers to determine its probable safety. Correct handling of leftovers is an important aspect of consumer food safety. Although the surveys cannot be representative of all consumers in each country, they do provide an initial overview of comparative practices for handling leftovers among different countries. This provides government and educators with information on potential universal and unique consumer food safety issues related to handling leftover foods among various countries