602 research outputs found

    Map challenge: Analysis using a pair comparison method based on Fourier shell correlation

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    This document presents the analysis performed over the Map Challenge dataset using a new algorithm which we refer to as Pair Comparison Method. The new algorithm, which is described in detail in the text, is able to sort reconstructions based on a figure of merit and assigns a level of significance to the sorting. That is, it shows how likely the sorting is due to chance or if it reflects real differencesThe authors would like to acknowledge economical support from: The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Grants BIO2013-44647-R, BIO2016-76400-R(AEI/FEDER, UE) and AEI/FEDER BFU 2016 74868P, the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid through Grant: S2017/BMD-3817, European Union (EU) and Horizon 2020 through grant CORBEL (INFRADEV-1-2014-1, Proposal: 654248). This work used the EGI Infrastructure and is co-funded by the EGI-Engage project (Horizon 2020) under Grant No. 654142. European Union (EU) and Horizon 2020 through grant West-Life (EINFRA-2015-1, Proposal: 675858) European Union (EU) and Horizon 2020 through grant Elixir - EXCELERATE (INFRADEV-3-2015, Proposal: 676559) European Union (EU) and Horizon 2020 through grant iNEXT (INFRAIA-1–2014-2015, Proposal: 653706). The authors acknowledge the support and the use of resources of Instruct, a Landmark ESFRI projec

    Least-Squares Filtering Algorithm in Sensor Networks with Noise Correlation and Multiple Random Failures in Transmission

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    This paper addresses the least-squares centralized fusion estimation problem of discrete-time random signals from measured outputs, which are perturbed by correlated noises. These measurements are obtained by different sensors, which send their information to a processing center, where the complete set of data is combined to obtain the estimators. Due to random transmission failures, some of the data packets processed for the estimation may either contain only noise (uncertain observations), be delayed (randomly delayed observations), or even be definitely lost (random packet dropouts). These multiple random transmission uncertainties are modelled by sequences of independent Bernoulli random variables with different probabilities for the different sensors. By an innovation approach and using the last observation that successfully arrived when a packet is lost, a recursive algorithm is designed for the filtering estimation problem. The proposed algorithm is easily implemented and does not require knowledge of the signal evolution model, as only the first- and second-order moments of the processes involved are used. A numerical simulation example illustrates the feasibility of the proposed estimators and shows how the probabilities of the multiple random failures influence their performance

    Hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos en adolescentes escolarizados

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    The aim of this study is to know the alimentary habits (including like and dislike foods) of adolescent students of a district of the province of Granada (Spain) between 14 and 17 year olf. The results shows that girls have breakfast less frecuently that the boys. There is a low intake of fiber and vitamins rich foods (vegatables and legumes) and a high intake of saturated fats from animal foods (sausages and meats). The teenagers, especialy the boys, begining the intake of alcohol. The knowledge of the alimentary behavior of adolescents is important of the development of nutrition education programs specific for this ages.El objeto de este trabajo ha sido conocer los hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de adolescentes escolarizados en un centro de Enseñanza Media de la Provincia de Granada. Los resultados más destacables son el alto porcentaje de hembras que no desayunan, el consumo bajo de alimentos ricos en fibra y vitaminas (verduras, hortalizas, legumbres) y alto de alimentos que aportan proteína animal y grasa saturada (embutidos y carnes), junto con el inicio en el consumo de alcohol y la disminución, con la edad, en el consumo de leche en hembras. Se han analizado los alimentos que más gustan y menos gustan. El conocimiento del comportamiento alimenticio de los adolescentes es importante en el desarrollo de programas de Educación Nutricional específicos para estas edades

    Hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos en adolescentes escolarizados

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    El objeto de este trabajo ha sido conocer los hábitos alimenticios y frecuencia de consumo de alimentos de adolescentes escolarizados en un centro de Enseñanza Media de la Provincia de Granada. Los resultados más destacables son el alto porcentaje de hembras que no desayunan, el consumo bajo de alimentos ricos en fibra y vitaminas (verduras, hortalizas, legumbres) y alto de alimentos que aportan proteína animal y grasa saturada (embutidos y carnes), junto con el inicio en el consumo de alcohol y la disminución, con la edad, en el consumo de leche en hembras. Se han analizado los alimentos que más gustan y menos gustan. El conocimiento del comportamiento alimenticio de los adolescentes es importante en el desarrollo de programas de Educación Nutricional específicos para estas edades.The aim of this study is to know the alimentary habits (including like and dislike foods) of adolescent students of a district of the province of Granada (Spain) between 14 and 17 year olf. The results shows that girls have breakfast less frecuently that the boys. There is a low intake of fiber and vitamins rich foods (vegatables and legumes) and a high intake of saturated fats from animal foods (sausages and meats). The teenagers, especialy the boys, begining the intake of alcohol. The knowledge of the alimentary behavior of adolescents is important of the development of nutrition education programs specific for this ages

    Graphic Classes in the Worldwide Classroom: A Comparison of Two MOOC Experiences

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    Graphics are present in the day-to-day professional practice of architects and engineers, not only to receive and transmit information, but also to design and create. Students who are accepted on university courses have varied curriculum vitae, and some may initially lack skills. Consequently, engineering schools have developed a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) entitled “The Language of Engineering” (ELI), which reviews basic geometry concepts and develops spatial intelligence, among others. The Barcelona School of Architecture has produced “From reality to design. From design to augmented reality” (RA), which covers topics including traditional architectural representation and the latest techniques. The goal of this study was to explain and analyse the main characteristics and learning strategies of these two MOOC (strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement). The results show that although strategies vary depending on the subjects, the contents and exercises should be practical and adapted to students (interests, level, time availability and aesthetics), always considering motivation as a key point (gamification). These topics have been found to have a considerable influence on the success of a MOOC. Therefore, the conclusions should be considered in subsequent versions of these courses and other MOOCs.Postprint (author's final draft

    Analysis of the barriers to the adoption of zero-emission vehicles in Spain

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    This paper investigates Spanish drivers’ perceptions of the main barriers existing in Spain to the purchase of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). Following a comprehensive literature review in this field, this paper quantifies, by means of a survey conducted in Spain of 1474 Spanish drivers, the drivers’ desired levels for each barrier to consider ZEVs in their next purchase decision to replace their current usually-used car. The analysis of these reported levels with latent class cluster models revealed the existence, in the sample, of groups of consumers with homogeneous preferences regarding the barriers. These groups differ in terms of individuals’ characteristics, the car to be replaced, and journeys made with it. The most flexible groups comprise individuals with a significant knowledge of ZEVs, which underscores the importance of educational policies for the promotion of the use of ZEVs. The desired levels of the barriers for each group are confronted with the current status of the barriers for certain ZEVs. This comparison reveals that Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) would have great potential if they received government support, because their only barriers are eco nomic (purchase price and fuel availability). This paper also quantifies the effects that purchase incentives and infrastructure investment policies could have in terms of higher FCEV penetration rates

    Elastofibroma Dorsi

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    Se realiza un estudio clínico-patológico de dos casos, mujeres de 57 y 45 años, de "elastofibroma dorsi" intervenidos quirúrgicamente. En una enferma apareció como una tumoracion asintomática y en otra asociada a dolor en el hombro irradiado a miembro superior derecho. Se describen las particularizadas clínicas, las exploraciones complementarias, los hallazgos quirúrgicos y las características histológicas de estos tumores de partes blandas cuyo origen debe referirse a una alteración del tejido fibroelástico. Se confronta nuestra experiencia con los casos anteriormente publicados confirmándose su aparición en mujeres adultas o añosas dedicadas a trabajos manuales rutinarios, que parecen estar implicados en la patogenia del elastofibroma dorsi. En uno de los casos, aunque localizado en el espacio anatómico escápulo-torácico, su situación era supraescapular frente a la típicamente infraescapular del elastofibroma dorsi, y la consideramos la primera observación de la literatura.A clinical-pathological study of two cases of elastofibroma dorsi was carried out. Both patients were female, 57 and 45 years old, and underwent surgical operation. One patients was sympton-free, while the other complained of pain in the shoulder which spread to the upper right arm. The autors describe the clinical details, the diagnostic methods employed, the results of surgery and the histopathological features of these tumours which must have originated in a modification of conective tissue, especially in elastic fibres. We compare our findings with those of previously published cases and can confirm the appearence of these tumours in adults or middle-aged women who carry out rutinary manual work, which seems to be connected with the pathogeny of the elastofibroma dorsi. These are normally found adjacent to the vertebral border of the escapula at its inferior angle, but in one case ot was located in the supra-escapular region and we believe this is the first evidence of this kind in the literature