60 research outputs found

    Bases de la herencia: propuesta didáctica para alumnado de 4º de la ESO

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    El objetivo principal de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es la realización de la unidad didáctica “Bases de la herencia” para ser aplicada en la asignatura de Biología y Geología correspondiente al curso de 4º de la ESO. En dicha unidad se trabaja todos los conceptos básicos relacionados con la genética seguido de los experimentos y las leyes de Mendel, para su posterior aplicación en la resolución de problemas. También se tratan otros fenómenos o variantes de los principios de la genética mendeliana como la codominancia, la herencia intermedia o el alelismo múltiple. Además, se aborda la determinación del sexo y la herencia ligada al mismo para, por último, terminar con las mutaciones y las enfermedades genéticas importantes a día de hoy. La aplicación de esta unidad didáctica tiene como base el modelo constructivista, de forma que las metodologías planteadas se adaptan a los perfiles del alumnado y buscan un aprendizaje activo y significativo. Además, fomenta la consecución de las competencias establecidas por el currículo y el interés por la rama de estudios científica. Todo ello, se logra por medio de una serie de actividades e instrumentos de evaluación que permiten que esta evaluación sea continua y formadora, lográndose así los objetivos del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje establecidos.Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y FisiologíaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Nukleární receptory- studium nových ligandů a význam genové variability

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    V ČESKÉM JAZYCE Kandidát: Mgr. Alejandro Carazo Fernández Školitel: Prof. Petr Pávek, PhD. Název dizertační práce: Nukleární receptory - stadium nových ligandů a význam genové variability Nukleární receptory (NR) náleží do superrodiny transkripčních faktorů, které regulují expresi cílových genů. Nukleární receptory se dělí na steroidní receptory, "adopted orphan receptors" a sirotčí receptory. Receptory, které nemají žádný identifikovaný endogenní ligand, jsou nazývány jako "sirotčí receptory". Nukleární receptory hrají důležitou roli ve fyziologických procesech a jsou široce distribuovány po celém lidském těle. Jejich role je důležitá například při regulaci adipogeneze, glukoneogeneze, lipolýze, odpovědi na inzulín, oxidativním metabolismu, homeostáze mastných kyselin, homeostáze cholesterolu, homeostáze glykogenu a triglyceridů. Během své doktorské práce jsem testoval několik sad látek endogenní, přírodní a syntetické povahy na interakce s několika jadernými receptory se zaměřením zejména na konstitutivní androstanový receptor (CAR) a v menší míře na pregnanový X receptor (PXR). Mým hlavním cílem bylo najít nové a spolehlivé ligandy nebo aktivátory lidského CAR. Kromě toho, cílem bylo studovat mechanismus účinku, kterým tyto sloučeniny interagují s CAR receptorem a jakým způsobem regulují jeho...IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Candidate: Mgr. Alejandro Carazo Fernández Supervisor: Prof. PharmDr. Petr Pávek, PhD. Title of the doctoral thesis: Nuclear receptors - new ligands study and importance of the genetic variability Nuclear receptors (NRs) constitute a superfamily of transcription factors, which regulate the expression of target genes upon the binding of a ligand. These receptors can be classified in steroid receptors, "orphan receptors" and "adopted orphan receptors" depending on the affinity to an endogenous ligand. Nuclear receptors play important roles in physiological processes and are widely distributed in the human body. Thus, adipogenesis, lipolysis, insulin sensitivity, oxidative metabolism, fatty acid homeostasis, cholesterol homeostasis, gluconeogenesis, glycogen homeostasis, triglyceride metabolism among other processes, are regulated by nuclear receptors. During my study, we have tested several sets of drugs, endogenous, natural and synthetic, in several nuclear receptors, focusing mainly on constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and to a lesser extent on pregnane X receptor (PXR). My main aim was to find a new and reliable ligand or activator for human CAR. In addition, I aimed to study the mechanism of action by which these compounds interact with the receptor and how they trigger...Katedra farmakologie a toxikologieDepartment of Pharmacology and ToxicologyFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    Teriflunomide Is an Indirect Human Constitutive Androstane Receptor (CAR) Activator Interacting With Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Signaling

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    The constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) is a nuclear receptor involved mainly in xenobiotic and endobiotic metabolism regulation. CAR is activated directly by its ligands via the ligand binding domain (LBD) or indirectly by inhibition of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling. We found that leflunomide (LEF) and its main metabolite teriflunomide (TER), both used for autoimmune diseases treatment, induce the prototype CAR target gene CYP2B6 in primary human hepatocytes. As TER was discovered to be an EGF receptor antagonist, we sought to determine if TER is an indirect activator of CAR. In primary human hepatocytes and in differentiated HepaRG cells, we found that LEF and TER up-regulate CAR target genes CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 mRNAs and enzymatic activities. TER stimulated CAR+A mutant translocation into the nucleus but neither LEF nor TER activated the CAR LBD, CAR3 variant or pregnane X receptor (PXR) in gene reporter assays. Interestingly, TER significantly up-regulated CAR mRNA expression, a result which could be a consequence of both EGF receptor and ELK-1 transcription factor inhibition by TER or by TER-mediated activation of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), an upstream hormonal regulator of CAR. We can conclude that TER is a novel indirect CAR activator which through EGF inhibition and GR activation controls both detoxification and some intermediary metabolism genes

    Influence of chain topology (cyclic versus linear) on the nucleation and isothermal crystallization of poly(L-lactide) and poly(D-lactide)

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    In this paper, ring closure click chemistry methods have been used to produce cyclic c-PLLA and c-PDLA of a number average molecular weight close to 10 kg/mol. The effects of stereochemistry of the polymer chains and their topology on their structure, nucleation and crystallization were studied in detail employing Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS), Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS), Polarized Light Optical Microscopy (PLOM) and standard and advanced Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The crystal structures of linear and cyclic PLAs are identical to each other and no differences in superstructural morphology could be detected. Cyclic PLA chains are able to nucleate much faster and to produce a higher number of nuclei in comparison to linear analogues, either upon cooling from the melt or upon heating from the glassy state. In the samples prepared in this work, a small fraction of linear or higher molecular weight cycles was detected (according to SEC analyses). The presence of such “impurities” retards spherulitic growth rates of c-PLAs making them nearly the same as those of l-PLAs. On the other hand, the overall crystallization rate determined by DSC was much larger for c-PLAs, as a consequence of the enhanced nucleation that occurs in cyclic chains. The equilibrium melting temperatures of cyclic chains were determined and found to be 5 ºC higher in comparison with values for l-PLAs. This result is a consequence of the lower entropy of cyclic chains in the melt. Self-nucleation studies demonstrated that c-PLAs have a shorter crystalline memory than linear analogues, as a result of their lower entanglement density. Successive self-nucleation and annealing (SSA) experiments reveal the remarkable ability of cyclic molecules to thicken, even to the point of crystallization with extended collapsed ring conformations. In general terms, stereochemistry had less influence on the results obtained in comparison with the dominating effect of chain topology.“UPV/EHU Infrastructure: INF 14/38”; “Mineco/FEDER: SINF 130I001726XV1/Ref: UNPV13–4E–1726” and “Mineco MAT2014-53437-C2-P”, 'Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO), code: MAT2015-63704-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and by the Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government), code: IT-654-13. O.C acknowledges financial support from the European Commission and Région Wallonne FEDER program (Materia Nova) and OPTI²MAT program of excellence, by the Interuniversity Attraction Pole Program (P7/05) initiated by the Belgian Science Policy office and by the FNRS-FRFC. OC is Research Associate of the F.R.S.-FNRS. Organic Synthesis and Mass Spectrometry Laboratory thanks F.R.S.-FNRS for the financial support for the acquisition of the Waters QToF Premier and Synapt-G2Si mass spectrometers and for continuing support. Finally, all authors would like to acknowledge Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017-778092, project BIODEST for promoting cooperation between the Mons team and the UPV/EHU team

    The immunogenicity to the first anti-TNF therapy determines the outcome of switching to a second anti-TNF therapy in spondyloarthritis patients

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    Introduction: Anti-TNF drugs have proven to be effective against spondyloarthritis (SpA), although 30% of patients fail to respond or experience adverse events leading to treatment discontinuation. In rheumatoid arthritis, the presence of anti-drug antibodies (ADA) against the first TNF inhibitor influences the outcome after switching. Our aim was to assess whether the response to a second anti-TNF drug is related to the previous development of ADA to the first anti-TNF drug SpA patients. Methods: Forty-two SpA patients began a second anti-TNF drug after failing to respond to the first anti-TNF therapy. Clinical activity was assessed by the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (ASDAS) at baseline (at the beginning of the first and second anti-TNF therapy) and at 6 months after switching. The drug and ADA levels were measured by ELISA before each administration. Results: All patients were treated with anti-TNF drugs and mainly due to inefficacy were switched to a second anti-TNF drug. Eleven of 42 (26.2%) developed ADA during the first biologic treatment. At baseline, no differences in ASDAS were found in patients with or without ADA to the first anti-TNF drug (3.52 ± 1.03 without ADA vs. 3.14 ± 0.95 with ADA, p = 0.399) and to the second anti-TNF drug (3.36 ± 0.94 without ADA vs. 3.09 ± 0.91 with ADA, p = 0.466). At 6 months after switching, patients with previous ADA had lower disease activity (1.62 ± 0.93 with ADA vs. 2.79 ± 1.01 without ADA, p = 0.002) and most patients without ADA had high disease activity state by the ASDAS (25 out of 31 (80.6%) without ADA vs. 3 out of 11 (27.3%) with ADA, p = 0.002). Conclusions: In SpA the failure to respond to the first anti-TNF drug due to the presence of ADA predicts a better clinical response to a second anti-TNF drug

    Collection, Use and Storage of Sensitive Biometric Data for Athletes: Inputs for Physical Education Majors

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    Recientes avances tecnológicos, incluyendo espacios de almacenaje y algoritmos computacionales, permiten la recolección y almacenaje de una amplia cantidad de variables biométricas asociadas al rendimiento deportivo. El propósito de este ensayo es reconocer la importancia de la tecnología portátil en el ámbito del deporte, así como las leyes internacionales y nacionales que regulan la recolección, uso y almacenaje de datos biométricos de naturaleza sensible provenientes de deportistas, con un ejemplo específico para el caso de futbolistas profesionales costarricenses. La información presentada y discutida es un insumo relevante y actual para la formación de profesionales en Educación Física. A diferencia de la normativa internacional, se concluye que en Costa Rica no existe claridad acerca de la legislación relacionada con la biometría del deporte. También queda en evidencia que es necesaria la creación de programas educativos interdisciplinarios en analítica deportiva.Recent technological advances, such as storage capacity and computational algorithms, allow a large quantity of biometric variables associated with sports performance to be collected. is study addresses the relevance of wearable or portable technology in sports and its association to international and local laws that regulate the recollection, use and storage of sensitive biometric data from professional athletes, analyzed, specifically, within the context of Costa Rican professional soccer players. As opposed to international regulations, Costa Rica lacks specific laws regulating sports biometrics. Interdisciplinary educational programs for sports analytics are also required to provide insight into this topic, so relevant to Physical Education majors, todayUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Sociales::Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Movimiento Humano (CIMOHU)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Educación::Escuela de Educación Físic

    Interaction of 2,6,7-Trihydroxy-Xanthene-3-Ones with Iron and Copper, and Biological Effect of the Most Active Derivative on Breast Cancer Cells and Erythrocytes

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    Metal chelators can be potentially employed in the treatment of various diseases, ranging from metal overload to neoplastic conditions. Some xanthene derivatives were previously reported to complex metals. Thus, in a search for a novel iron or copper chelator, a series of 9-(substituted phenyl)-2,6,7-trihydroxy-xanthene-3-ones was tested using a competitive spectrophotometric approach. The most promising compound was evaluated in biological models (breast adenocarcinoma cell lines and erythrocytes). In general, substitution of the benzene ring in position 9 had a relatively low effect on the chelation. Only the trifluoromethyl substitution resulted in stronger chelation, probably via a positive effect on solvation. All compounds chelated iron, but their copper-chelating effect was only minimal, since it was no longer observed under highly competitive conditions. Interestingly, all compounds reduced both iron and copper. Additional experiments showed that the trifluoromethyl derivative protected erythrocytes and even cancer cells against excess copper. In summary, the tested compounds are iron chelators, which are also capable of reducing iron/copper, but the copper-reducing effect is not associated with increased copper toxicity

    Angiosome study of the first digital feet space, for reconstruction of the digital tip

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    Background: The concept of angiosome explains the anatomical variations that exist between the vessels of different regions of the body and helps to understand the contributions of arterial blood supply to the skin and adjacent structures, dividing the human body into three-dimensional vascular blocks.Methods: This was an observational and descriptive study. In both lower extremities of 5 corpses with adequate tissue preservation in the operating room attached to the teaching area of the National Institute of Forensic Sciences in Mexico City. Angiosome study of the medial neurocutaneous flap of the second toe of both feet was performed.Results: The average, in centimeters, of the surface of the flaps was 1.57 cm x 2.47 cm, the average diameter of the inter-metatarsal digital artery was 1.1 millimeters and the average diameter of the veins draining the angiosome was 1.4 millimeters. The most constant anatomy was that of the nerve, which was present in all cases, with the digital nerve forming the neurosome of the flap.Conclusions: To obtain optimal results in microsurgery transfers, it is necessary to have a technique that is quick for harvesting the flap and with adequate systematization so as not to injure the neurovascular bundle, this is achieved through complete anatomical knowledge, without forgetting the main variants

    Serological reactivity against T. cruzi-derived antigens: Evaluation of their suitability for the assessment of response to treatment in chronic Chagas disease.

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    Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, affects more than 6 million people worldwide. Following a mostly asymptomatic acute phase, the disease progresses to a long-lasting chronic phase throughout which life-threatening disorders to the heart and/or gastrointestinal tract will manifest in about 30% of those chronically infected. During the chronic phase, the parasitemia is low and intermittent, while a high level of anti-T. cruzi antibodies persist for years. These two features hamper post-chemotherapeutic follow-up of patients with the tools available. The lack of biomarkers for timely assessment of therapeutic response discourages a greater use of the two available anti-parasitic drugs, and complicates the evaluation of new drugs in clinical trials. Herein, we investigated in a blinded case-control study the serological reactivity over time of a group of parasite-derived antigens to potentially address follow up of T. cruzi chronically infected subjects after treatment. We tested PFR2, KMP11, HSP70, 3973, F29 and the InfYnity multiplexed antigenic array, by means of serological assays on a multi-national retrospective collection of samples. Some of the antigens exhibited promising results, underscoring the need for further studies to determine their potential role as treatment response biomarkers.We thank Dr. A. Egui, Dr A. Fernández-Villegas and A. López-Barajas from IPBLNsingle bondCSIC (Granada, Spain), Carme Subirá from ISGlobal (Barcelona, Spain), and Suelene B. N. Tavares from Hospital das Clínicas (Goiás, Brazil) for their technical assistance. We also want to thank Dr. B. Carrilero from Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca (Murcia, Spain), Dr. Dayse E.C. de Oliveira from Hospital das Clínicas (Goiás, Brazil), and Dr. Raúl Chadi from Hospital General de Agudos “Dr. I. Pirovano” for their clinical follow up of patients. ISGlobal authors thanks the support by the Departament d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain (AGAUR; 2017SGR00924), funding by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III project PI18/01054 and RICET Network for Cooperative Research in Tropical Diseases (RD12/0018/0010) and FEDER, and the support to ISGlobal from the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities through the “Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019–2023″ Program (CEX2018–000806-S), and from the Generalitat de Catalunya through the CERCA Program. IPBLN work was financially supported by grants SAF2016–81003-R and SAF2016–80998-R from the Programa Estatal I + D + i (MINECO) and ISCIII RICET (RD16/0027/0005) and FEDER. MJP research is supported by the Ministry of Health, Government of Catalunya (PERIS 2016–2010 SLT008/18/00132). TAJ thanks the support of Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Tecnologico (CNPq/ 313011/2018–4) and Fundação Oswaldo Cruz/MS (25380.001603/2017–89). Authors also thank Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative and Fundacion Mundo Sano for financial support. For this project, DNDi received financial support from the following donors: UK Aid, UK; Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS), The Netherlands; Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Switzerland; Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), International. The donors had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Cuál es tu opinión. Conferencia sobre la Profesión de Ingeniero de Montes

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    Producción CientíficaDesde el Colegio se está organizando la Conferencia sobre la Profesión de Ingeniero de Montes, a celebrar a lo largo de dos jornadas en el mes de enero de 2016, con el objetivo de debatir y extraer conclusiones para iniciar actuaciones en relación con la situación actual de los estudios y títulos por un lado, y con el desarrollo de la profesión en el futuro por otro. Actualmente se está produciendo una reorganización de la formación universitaria y de la regulación del ejercicio profesional. Por este motivo sería interesante reflexionar sobre temas como los nuevos títulos de Grado y Máster Ingeniero de Montes, y los cambios en el marco legislativo que regula la actividad de la profesión.[Texto extraído del artículo de Joaquín Navarro Hevia]