381 research outputs found

    Uma comparação das interações sensoriais entre Espanha e Portugal. Os resultados de um workshop de design sinestésico

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    ABSTRACT : Synaesthesia is the result of automatic processes of human perception that combine sensations of different sensory modalities. Throughout this paper, we are going to present the results of a Synaesthetic Design Workshop, made with design students of IADE, Universidade Europeia (Lisbon, Portugal) and University of Extremadura (Mérida, Spain) with the purpose of identifying different types of crosssensory interactions between participants living in the two countries, that might be influenced by cultural and personal information. On this purpose the choise of Spain as country to have a comparison was driven by the fact that 13,95% of the Spanish population experiences some kind of synaesthesia (Melero, Peña-Melián, & Ríos-Lago, 2015) while in the rest of the world the percentage is around the 4,16% (Simner & Carmichael, 2015). Results suggest probable interactions between modalities with no obvious differences between genders from both the universities.A sinestesia é o resultado de processos automáticos da perceção humana que combinam sensações de diferentes modalidades sensoriais. Ao longo deste artigo, apresentaremos os resultados de um Workshop de Design Sinestésico, realizado com estudantes de design do IADE, Universidade Europeia (Lisboa, Portugal) e da Universidade de Extremadura (Mérida, Espanha), com o objetivo de identificar diferentes tipos de interações sensoriais que podem ser influenciadas para aspetos culturais e pessoais, entre participantes residentes nos dois países. Nesse sentido, a escolha da Espanha como país para fazer uma comparação foi motivada pelo fato que 13,95% da população espanhola experimenta algum tipo de sinestesia (Melero, Peña-Melián e Ríos-Lago, 2015) enquanto no resto do mundo, a percentagem é de cerca de 4,16% (Simner & Carmichael, 2015). Os resultados sugerem interações prováveis entre modalidades, sem diferenças óbvias entre os sexos dos participantes das duas universidades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    As cores do nosso espelho : a co-construção socio-discursiva das identidades em contexto de telenovela portuguesa

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque

    A Natureza na aprendizagem científica: o percurso pedestre como instrumento de um ambiente educativo: o Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciências da Terra e da Vida para o Ensino, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Os percursos pedestres e as aulas de campo são ambientes de aprendizagem ricos, a serem explorados com regularidade. Nesta perspectiva, procedeu-se à caracterização de um dado local, capaz de suportar o desenvolvimento de actividades centralizadas na sua interpretação geológica e na exploração da flora mediterrânica que é mal conhecida e com raros exemplos nos currículos e manuais. Pretende-se contribuir para a compreensão de como as aulas de campo/percursos terrestres podem ser mais efectivas em termos cognitivos e com impacto duradouro nos alunos, provocando ainda mudanças comportamentais em relação à defesa e preservação do património natural. A abordagem compreendeu um estudo de um local/percurso considerado apropriado e aplicação das aulas de campo desenhadas em diferentes níveis de ensino. As variáveis medidas relacionam-se com a efectiva mudança cognitiva, procedimental e atitudinal efectuada após as aulas de campo e a determinação dos factores que contribuem para o sucesso destas aulas como o tempo, abrangência do tema, número de visitas, número e nível de alunos, custo, tipo de trabalho a efectuar e materiais de apoio. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que com esta abordagem, e apesar das dificuldades de implementação, os alunos parecem relacionar-se afectivamente com o espaço–Natureza, passam a envolver-se mais nas questões ambientais, ficam a conhecer aspectos da flora mediterrânica e reconhecem a importância sua da preservação. Neste contexto, considera-se que as aulas de campo são fundamentais na educação global dos alunos em todos os níveis, sendo um modo efectivo de promover valores de cidadania e de consciência ambiental.Nature field trips are rich educational environments for learning Biology and Geology. With this in mind, a given site was characterized so that we could develop activities connected to the geological interpretation and Mediterranean flora exploration of the area in study. We aim to contribute to the understanding of how field trips or classes in the open air can be more effective in cognitive terms and also have a positive impact in the students causing behavioural changes towards Nature and it´s preservation. The study consisted on exploring a place that was considered appropriate for field trips in different teaching levels. We tried to measure if the students really learned better and showed a real chance in attitude towards the environment. We also determinate factors that may help the success of these classes, like duration, number of trips, number and age of students, costs and supporting materials. The results suggest that in this type of classes the students relate to Nature and become more evolved in environmental issues. They know more about Mediterranean flora and the importance of its preservation. Field trips are fundamental in the global education of students of all ages, and are also an effective way to promote values of citizenship and environmental awareness

    Near miss: Almost error or potential adverse event?

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    The relationship between ESG ratings, investment factors, and credit ratings

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    Responsible investing, the investment approach that considers Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, has been gaining relevance in the financial markets. Consequently, ESG rating agencies have become key players in the field of responsible investment. As ESG and factor investing are becoming more important to the asset management industry, we investigate the relationship that investment factors and credit ratings may have with ESG ratings overall, and individual pillars. The dataset includes ESG ratings from Sustainalytics and Refinitiv Eikon, investment factors from Morningstar, and credit ratings from Thomson Reuters. We use a sample of 825 publicly-listed firms in the U.S. at the end of 2021. To examine the relationship, we conduct a descriptive and regression analysis. The descriptive analysis includes analysis of the general descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and scatter plots. We also include a sectorial analysis of firms to see which sectors have, on average, better or worse ESG ratings. Finally, we split our sample taking into account the 25% worst and best companies in terms of ESG ratings in order to draw more sample-specific conclusions. In the regression analysis, in order to analyse the relationship of our variables, we conduct eight robust regressions involving the Newey-West method. Our findings suggest that an asset manager, by investing in companies according to certain investment factors, or sectors, or with higher credit ratings, may be adding alpha while having a portfolio positively aligned with better ESG ratings. The results are more conclusive according to the Refinitiv Eikon ESG Rating.O investimento responsável, a abordagem de investimento que considera os critérios Environmental, Social e Governance (ESG), é cada vez mais relevante nos mercados financeiros. Consequentemente, as agências de ratings ESG tornaram-se num player fundamental. Uma vez que o ESG e o investimento por fatores estão a tornar-se mais relevantes para a indústria de gestão de ativos, a questão científica desta Dissertação investiga a relação que os fatores de investimento e os ratings de crédito podem ter com os ratings ESG. A base de dados inclui ratings ESG da Sustainalytics e Refinitiv Eikon, fatores de investimento da Morningstar, e ratings de crédito da Thomson Reuters. A nossa amostra contém 825 empresas cotadas publicamente nos EUA em 2021. Para examinar a relação, realizámos uma análise descritiva e de regressão. A análise descritiva inclui a análise da estatística descritiva, matriz de correlação, e scatter plots. Incluímos também uma análise setorial para ver que setores têm melhores ou piores ratings ESG. Finalmente, dividimos a nossa amostra tendo em conta as 25% piores e melhores empresas em termos de ratings ESG a fim de tirar conclusões mais concretas. Na análise de regressão, realizámos regressões robustas envolvendo o método Newey-West. Os resultados da presente Dissertação sugerem que um gestor de ativos, ao ter em conta empresas com determinados fatores de investimento, ou com ratings de crédito mais elevados, pode estar a adicionar alpha enquanto tem um portefólio alinhado positivamente com melhores ratings ESG. Os resultados são mais claros relativamente ao rating ESG da Refinitiv Eikon

    The role of carotid body in brain insulin resistance and neurodegeneration

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    Recent epidemiological studies have shown that individuals who develop Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) at an early age have an increased risk to develop neurodegenerative disorders, as Alzheimer’s (AD) and Parkinson’s Disease (PD). A common characteristic between T2D and these neurodegenerative disorders is the development of an insulin resistance state. Considering that the therapeutics that exists to neurodegenerative disorders only attenuate the symptoms and have several side effects, it is important to search for novel disease modifying therapies. Recently, Conde’s group showed that in states of insulin resistance, glucose intolerance and obesity, features associated with T2D, the carotid bodies (CBs) were overactivated. The CBs are peripheral chemoreceptors classically defined as oxygen sensors, and in the last years they havebeen described as metabolic sensors. Moreover, when CBs activity was abolished via the resection of the carotid sinus nerve (CSN), which transmits the information from the CBs to the brain, T2D dysmetabolic features were reverted. Considering that dysmetabolism is a risk factor to the development of neurodegenerative disorders, the main goal of this project was to investigate if the abolishment of CBs activity via bilateral resection of the CSN could prevent/ameliorate the neurodegenerative process, and cognitive impairment associated with brain insulin resistance. For that, we have used an animal model of dysmetabolism, the high fat-high sucrose (HFHSu) diet animal and tested the effect of the abolishment of CBs activity, through the resection of the CSN, on whole-body glucose metabolism and on the behavioural activity of the animals. Moreover, the levels of insulin signalling- related proteins, synaptic and neurodegenerative markers in prefrontal cortex and in the hippocampus were evaluated. We observed that the HFHSu animals exhibited impaired cognitive and olfactory functionsevaluated by the y-maze and the block tests. In contrast, the CSN resection prevented this phenotype in the y-maze test. Additionally, HFHSu diet led to an increase in the levels of advanced glycation end products (AGEs), and the amyloid precursor protein (APP) in the hippocampus, while the CSN resection attenuating this second effect. In the prefrontal cortex, it was observed an increase in the levels of alpha-synuclein (aSyn), and APP, effects abolished by CSN resection. In conclusion, this project demonstrate that CBs modulation might have a role in preventing neurodegenerative processes associated with insulin resistance

    Institutional, Economic, and Socio-Economic Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Activity of Nations

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    This empirical study analyses the effects of institutional, economic, and socio-economic determinants on total entrepreneurial activity in the contexts of developed and developing countries. It fills a gap in the literature, regarding the lack of empirical studies about the relationships among entrepreneurial activity, corruption, commercial freedom, economic growth, innovativeness, inward foreign direct investment, unemployment, households, and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs)’ final consumption expenditure, age dependency ratio, education index, and life expectancy at birth. The empirical application uses annual panel data for the 2003–2018 period, with a total sample of 21 countries, analysed in a two-stage empirical application, including preliminary analysis and a quantile regression model. New empirical evidence is provided, revealing a significantly positive role played by commercial freedom, innovativeness, inward foreign direct investment, households, and NPISHs’ final consumption expenditure and education on entrepreneurial activity. Corruption, unemployment, age dependency ratio, and life expectancy at birth have a significantly negative influence on entrepreneurial activity. In terms of implications, greater government control is recommended, in order to foster the quality of nations’ institutional environment. Additionally, suggested is the launch of new incentives to stimulate research and development activities aimed at registering international patents with a global impact, sourced from new ventures and transnational collaboration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O canto - Análise multidimensional da cultura imaterial. Validação da versão do Singing Voice Handicap Index (SVHI), em lingua portuguesa de Portugal e do Modelo Hermenêutico/interpretativo de Agustin Escolano Benito

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    Cadernos de SociomuseologiaO presente artigo tem como objetivo a apresentação de um ponto comum de reflexão, da trajetória de saberes e conceitos, aparentemente, tão distintos como a medicina e a cultura. A análise multidimensional do canto e a validação da versão do Singing Voice Handicap Index (SVHI) traduzida e adaptada culturalmente para a língua portuguesa de Portugal constrói-se, nos seus pressupostos, no modelo interpretativo de cultura, apresentado por Agustin Escolano Benito, validando-se, também, a sua utilização para outros universos culturais que não só os da cultura escolar. O questionário utilizado na avaliação da desvantagem nos cantores com problemas vocais (SVHI), em que estão presentes para análise dados de naturezas diversas, pressupõe, mais que o corpo fisiológico, o corpo cultural onde se manifestam e interagem a cultura científica, a cultura política e a cultura empírica. É este corpo, enquanto património a presevar, que é lido enquanto narrativa com os detalhes da sua singularidade e que não se distância do preconizado pela UNESCO. O artigo apresenta o modelo interpretativo de cultura e avança para o conceito de voz, para se deter no estudo da análise multidimensional do canto, adicionando o modelo à lista de versões traduzidas (agora para português). Por último demonstra-se que a versão portuguesa do SVHI é instrumento fiável e válido na avaliação da desvantagem vocal nos cantores portugueses e pode ser acrescentada à lista de versões traduzidas deste instrumento, criado originalmente para a avaliação vocal dos cantores de língua inglesa da América e que o modelo de análise de Escolano Benito é válido para outros universos culturais que não só a cultura escolar.This article aims to present a point of reflection, the trajectory of knowledge and concepts, apparently as different as medicine and culture. The multidimensional analysis of singing and the validation of the version of the Singing Voice Handicap Index (SVHI), translated and adapted culturally to the Portuguese language of Portugal, reminds us, in its assumptions, the Agustin Escolano Benito´s interpretative model of culture. The questionnaire used in the evaluation of disadvantage in singers with vocal problems (SVHI), in which data of different natures are present for analysis, presupposes, rather than the physiological body, the cultural body in which scientific culture is manifested and interacted, political culture And empirical culture. It is this body, as heritage to be preserved, that is read as narrative with the details of its uniqueness. The article presents the interpretive model of culture and advances to the concept of voice, to focus on the study of multidimensional analysis of voice, adding the model to the list of translated versions (now for Portuguese). Finally, it is demonstrated that the Portuguese version of the SVHI is a reliable and valid instrument in the evaluation of the vocal disadvantage in the Portuguese singers and can be added to the list of translated versions of this instrument originally created for the vocal evaluation of the Englishspeaking singers of America., and that the model of analysis of Escolano Benito is valid for other cultural universes that not only the school culture

    In Vitro Reassembly of the Malolactic Fermentation Pathway of Leuconostoc oenos (Oenococcus oeni)

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    The mechanism of metabolic energy generation by malolactic fermentation was studied with artificial membrane vesicles of Leuconostoc oenos (Oenococcus oeni). (Note that although L. oenos was recently reclassified as O. oeni, the old designation was kept in the present work.) Purified malolactic enzyme was entrapped in artificial membrane vesicles prepared from L. oenos cells able to transport L-malate. We show that the in vitro reconstituted system, including an electrogenic L-malate carrier and the decarboxylating malolactic enzyme, generated a proton motive force that was able to drive intravesicular accumulation of leucine.

    Pierre Babin: 1925 (Paray le Monial) - 2012 (Lyon)

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    Pela importância da sua obra ímpar, pela relevância da sua forte relação com Portugal (onde formou inúmeros agentes pedagógicos e deixou alguns discípulos) e pela memória da sua presença em alguns momentos na Universidade Católica Portuguesa, aqui se deixa uma justa homenagem a este importante investigador, professor, ensaísta e sacerdote católico francês falecido com 87 anos no início de maio do corrente ano