316 research outputs found

    Bottari, Salvatore: Nel Mediterraneo dal Mare del Nord. La presenza commerciale inglese nella Sicilia del Settecento. Roma: Aracne editrice, 2012, 90 pág.

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    The viceroy in check: Pedro Vico and the Suçesos de Zerdeña during the regency of Mariana of Austria

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    Tras el asesinato del virrey de Cerdeña en 1668, Mariana de Austria nombró como Virrey al duque de San Germán para someter nuevamente el reino al control político de la Monarquía hispana. En el presente estudio analizamos el papel que ocupó el arzobispo de Cagliari durante los años de gobierno del nuevo Virrey ya que supone una figura fundamental para comprender el desarrollo interno de los llamados Suçesos de ZerdeñaIn 1668, after the murder of the Viceroy of Sardinia, the Duke of San Germán was appointed new Viceroy by Mariana of Austria, in order to bring the kingdom back to the political control of the Spanish monarchy. The purpose of this article is to analyze the political role played by the Archbishop of Cagliari during this period, as a key for a better understanding of the events developed during the time of the so-­‐called Suçesos de Zerdeña

    From pulpit to banishment: The Sardinian religious elites and the assassination of the Viceroy Camarasa

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    Durante la minoridad de Carlos II tuvo lugar el asesinato del virrey de Cerdeña, el IV marqués de Camarasa. La historiografía de la Edad Moderna ha concedido poca importancia al reino insular debido a su papel subsidiario a nivel social y, sobre todo económico, dentro del entramado territorial de la Monarquía Hispana. Más allá del contexto sardo en que los especialistas se han movido habitualmente, nuestras investigaciones pretenden poner en relación este hecho histórico con los problemas internos por lo que atravesaba la Monarquía y el escenario político internacional. Además, el principal objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el papel que jugaron un grupo de religiosos sardos y la influencia específica de cada uno de ellos en el asesinato del virreyThe assassination of the Viceroy of Sardinia, the fourth Marquis of Camarasa, took place before Charles II came of age. Little importance has been given to this insular kingdom by historiography of the Early Modern period due to its subsidiary social and particularly economic role within the web of territories that constituted the Spanish monarchy. This paper seeks to move beyond the context of Sardinia, which has hitherto been the focus of most scholarship on the subject, and relates this historic event to the internal issues faced by the Spanish monarchy at the time as well, as the international political backdrop against which it took place. In addition, the main goal of this paper is to analyse the political role played by a group of Sardinian religious and their specific influence in the assassination of the vicero

    Seawater intrusion vulnerability assessment by Galdit method in the Metaponto coastal aquifer (Basilicata, Italy)

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    The groundwater vulnerability assessment to seawater intrusion (SWI), applying the GIS-based overlay-index GALDIT method, is provided for the Metaponto coastal aquifer (Basilicata region, southern Italy). The method is based on six conditioning parameters: groundwater occurrence (G), aquifer hydraulic conductivity (A), groundwater level (L), distance from the shore (D), impact of the existing status of SWI (I), and aquifer thickness (T). Three vulnerability classes were detected: low, moderate, and high, covering 70.40%, 22.65%, and 6.95% of the study area, respectively. The highest class is located close to the coastal sector due to the proximity to the sea, the greater thickness of the aquifer, and the shallow freshwater-seawater interface. To evaluate the sensitivity of the method on the predictive analysis and the influence of the single parameter and weight on the final vulnerability, the sensitivity analysis was carried out. The single-parameter analysis indicated that the factors such as groundwater table above sea level (a.s.l.), aquifer type, and impact of SWI have the greatest influence on the vulnerability. The application leads to the vulnerability mapping to SWI in the coastal plain that results to be a promising tool for decisionmaking finalized to properly manage groundwater

    Benefits for the Disabled: How Beneficial for Women?

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    The social and economic consequence of disability is of increasing interest in American society today. The numbers of persons reporting disabling conditions is rising, as is the number of persons qualifying for public disability benefits. This article examines the impact of current United States disability policy on disabled women, and concludes that the major programs - disability insurance, supplemental security income, workers\u27 compensation, vocational rehabilitation - because of their relationship to labor market participation, disadvantage women. Women not only receive fewer, but less generous benefits. Explanations of this outcome, and implications for future policy are addressed

    Hydrogeology and Hydrogeochemistry of the Lauria Mountains Northern Sector Groundwater Resources (Basilicata, Italy)

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    In this study, the hydrogeological characterization of the northern sector of the Lauria Mounts carbonate hydrostructure (southern Apennines, Basilicata region) has been carried out and the hydrochemical properties of different collected groundwater samples have been characterized. Several normal springs drain the hydrostructure, some of them characterized by high annual mean discharges. Groundwater samples were collected from different springs; many parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids have been measured, and major (cations and anions) elements and stable isotopes have been analysed following standard test procedures. Other chemical characteristics were derived from the analysed quality parameters. The results elucidate that the main hydrogeochemical processes control the chemical content and assess the quality of the groundwater within the hydrostructure. The analyses highlight that the chemical compositions of groundwater are strongly influenced by the lithology, especially limestones and dolomitic limestones; they explain and confirm the hydrogeological setting of the system. The groundwater system displays light different geochemical signatures. The processes contributing to the concentrations of major ions depend primarily on carbonate dissolution. The analysis, in all studied groundwater samples, shows that the facies groundwater type is Ca–HCO3, bicarbonate is the dominant anion, and calcium is the dominant cation with appreciable magnesium concentrations. To identify the aquifer's recharge areas, the environmental stable isotopes oxygen and hydrogen, deuterium, and 18O were analysed. The unaltered δ18O and δD signatures for the groundwater of the major springs allows identifying the recharge area of these emergencies at elevations ranging from 900 m to 1000 m (a.s.l.), pointing out the presence of deeper flow regime feeding of these springs. The groundwater sample isotopic characteristics of D and 18O suggest that most of the groundwater is recharged directly by infiltration in a high-permeability medium

    Species-specific responses of Antarctic terrestrial microalgae to salinity stress. Comparative study in Klebsormidium sp. and Stigeoclonium sp.

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    We studied the changes in PSII photochemical processes in the cells of Antarctic algae Klebsormidium sp. and Stigeoclonium sp. exposed to salinity stress (0 – 3M NaCl) for 3 h. Salinity stress induced a decrease in the potential (FV/FM) and effective quantum yield of PSII electron transport (FPSII). Salinity stress induced a decrease in vitality index (Rfd, relative decrease of chlorophyll fluorescence). Analyses of the polyphasic fast chlorophyll fluorescence transients (OJIP) showed that with the increase in salt concentration, the chlorophyll fluorescence signals recorded at the phases J, I, and P declined, and the transient flattened with increaseing NaCl concentration reaching close to zero ChlF values at salt concentration of 3 M NaCl after 180 min. exposition. Klebsormidium sp. was found more salinity stress resistant than Stigeoclonium sp

    Antonio Ximénez de Urrea y Enríquez, I marqués de Almonacir. Apuntes biográficos

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    Perteneciente a una de las más importantes casas del reino de Aragón –los condes de Aranda–, el marqués de Almonacir es un personaje muy poco conocido y habitualmente confundido con otros miembros de su estirpe. Hijo segundón, fue beneficiario de un título nobiliario por azares del destino y llegó a ocupar el cargo de virrey. Con este trabajo pretendemos aportar algunos datos sobre la biografía de este noble, analizando sus orígenes familiares, su trayectoria política como virrey o sus redes intelectuales o religiosas

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan, Nilai Yang Dirasa, Kepuasan, dan Biaya Perpindahan terhadap Pembelian Ulang Wifi Internet Service Indihome di Surabaya

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and transfer cost to repurchases as well as analyzing the effect of partial and joint significance of variables on Repurchase. The population used in this study is the Internet service provider WIFI Indihome. The sample used in this study is WIFI Indihome users of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Data used are premier data and collection techniques using purposive sampling. Analytical techniques using SEM PLS analysis. This research was conducted in the period 2019. The results of this study were that the quality of service, value that is felt, satisfaction, and the cost of moving together have a significant effect on repeat purchases on Indihome WIFI. Service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and transfer costs have a significant positive effect on repeat purchases on Indihome WIFI

    La Guerra de los Treinta Años en el Mediterráneo : la sombra francesa sobre Cerdeña

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    El reino de Cerdeña nunca formó parte de los principales escenarios bélicos de la Guerra de los Treinta Años, siendo este, sin embargo, un punto geoestratégico fundamental para la protección de las posesiones mediterráneas de la Monarquía hispana. Este artículo centra su atención en un episodio de este conflicto que demostró la necesidad de proteger un enclave que historiográficamente ha sido considerado secundario.El regne de Sardenya mai no fou un dels escenaris principals de la Guerra dels Trenta Anys, tot i ésser un punt geoestratègic fonamental per a la protecció de les possessions mediterrànies de la Monarquia hispànica. Aquest article se centra en un episodi d'aquest conflicte, la conquesta d'Oristany, que demostrà la necessitat de protegir un enclavament que s'ha considerat secundari en l'àmbit historiogràfic.The Kingdom of Sardinia has never been considered an important scenario in the theatre of The Thirty Years' War, even being a fundamental geostrategic point to safeguard the Spanish possessions in the Mediterranean. This paper focuses on a specific episode of this war, the conquest of Oristano, which pointed out how needed was to protect an island traditionally ignored by Early Modern Historiography