52 research outputs found

    La ganaderia en los albores del siglo XXI, con especial referencia a la provincia de Jaén

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    Discurso de Ingreso en la Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias de Andalucía Oriental como Académico de Número

    Patrones de citación en la investigación española sobre evaluación de programas educativos (1975-200)

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    This study is a scienciometric review whose aim is to synthesize, according to citation indicators, a series of the primary Spanish studies found dealing with program evaluation into the educational field during the period 1975-2000. Considering an isomorphism between research and publication of the corresponding reports in the form of articles in specialised journals, we begin with a literature retrieval in the ISOC-CSIC data base and proceed with other cross–references retrieved. In this way, a review was made with 138 studies published as research papers in Spanish educational scientific journals. Several citation indicators were obtained which could help us to infer some considerations on the evaluation of educational programs in this field and period of time.Este estudio es una revisión cienciométrica que trata de sintetizar, utilizando indicadores de citación, las realizaciones de la investigación educativa española sobre evaluación de programas educativos durante el periodo 1975-2000. Tras asumir un isomorfismo entre investigación y publicación de su informe como artículo en revistas especializadas, se parte de una búsqueda de tales informes fundamentalmente en la base de datos del ISOC/CSIC (Instituto de Información y Documentación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades), complementada con búsquedas cruzadas manuales, para realizar la revisión de 138 estudios recuperados y publicados como artículos de investigación en revistas científicas españolas del campo de la Educación. Al efecto, se elaboran y examinan una serie de indicadores cientimétricos de citación, que permiten inferir ciertas consideraciones sobre la evaluación de programas educativos en este campo y periodo

    Prescripción de antibióticos en la infección del tracto urinario: adecuación a criterios de calidad en atención primaria

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    ObjetivoDeterminar la prevalencia de insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) sin tratamiento sustitutivo (TSR), describir el tipo de enfermedades renales primarias y los factores de riesgo asociados que pueden favorecer su evolución hacia la insuficiencia renal terminal.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoPoblación atendida por un centro de atención primaria.ParticipantesMayores de 14 años con historia clínica abierta en el CAP Bon Pastor.ResultadosDurante el período 1-I-1997 hasta 1-XII-1997 se revisaron 12.241 historias clínicas. Se identificaron 64 pacientes que cumplían criterios de IRC sin TSR; prevalencia, 5.228 pacientes por millón de habitantes (pmp) (IC del 95%, 3.950–6.510 pmp). Un 71,9% era varón, la edad media era de 72 años (DE, 13,5). La media de la última creatinina plasmática fue de 2 mg/dl (DE, 0,66). La frecuencia según tipo de nefropatía fue: glomerular, 3 (4,7%); diabética, 5 (7,8%); intersticial, 3 (4,7%); vascular (HTA), 41 (64,1%); indeterminada, 2 (3,1%), e inclasificable, 10 (15,6%). Los factores de riesgo asociados en estos pacientes fueron: hipertensos, 47 (73,4%); diabéticos, 16 (25%); hipercolesterémicos, 26 (40,6%); consumidores crónicos de analgésicos, 20 (31,3%), y 10 (15,6%), fumadores. Un 51,6% de los pacientes presentaba otras enfermedades cardiovasculares.ConclusionesLa prevalencia estimada de IRC sin TRS en la población es de 5.228 pmp, y la hipertensión es el factor de riesgo más frecuente asociado a esta patología.ObjectiveTo determine the prevalence of chronic renal failure (CRF) without replacement treatment (RT), and to describe the primary renal diseases and associated risk factors that might favour its evolution to terminal renal failure.DesignCross-sectional, descriptive study.SettingPopulation attended at a primary care centre (PCC).ParticipantsOver-14s with a clinical history opened at the Bon Pastor PCC.ResultsBetween the 1st of January 1997 and the 1st of December 1997, 12241 clinical histories were reviewed. 64 patients were identified who satisfied criteria of CRF without RT, a prevalence of 5228 patients per million inhabitants (95% CI, 3,950–6,510). 71.9% were men, and mean age was 72 (SD, 13.5). The most recent plasma creatinine averaged 2 mg/dl (SD, 0.66). Frequency according to kind of nephropathy was: 3 (4.7%) glomerular, 5 (7.8%) diabetic, 3 (4.7%) interstitial, 41 (64.1%) vascular (hypertension), 2 (3.1%) indeterminate and 10 (15.6%) unclassifiable. Associated risk factors in these patients were: 47 (73.4%) with hypertension, 16 (25%) diabetic, 26 (40.6%) with hypercholesterolaemia, 20 (31.3%) chronic consumers of analgesics, and 10 (15.6%) smokers. 51.6% of the patients suffered other cardiovascular illnesses.ConclusionsThe estimated prevalence in the population of CRF without RT is 5,228 per million inhabitants. Hypertension is the risk factor most closely associated with this pathology

    Calidad sensorial de aceites de oliva virgen procedentes de variedades de aceitunas producidas en Extremadura

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    Abencor system of olives sampled in 2000 - 01 of the Cacereña, Carrasqueña, Cornezuelo, Corniche, Morisca, Picual and Verdial de Badajoz varieties in different stages of ripeness have been evaluated. The analysis of variance taking into account the variety and ripeness data shows the differences found for the different attributes that characterize them. Likewise, the correlation between the physicochemical characteristics of these oils and their attributes are shown.Se han evaluado sensorialmente 129 muestras de aceites de oliva virgen, obtenidas por el sistema Abencor, de aceitunas muestreadas en la campaña 2000 – 01 de las variedades Cacereña, Carrasqueña, Cornezuelo, Corniche, Morisca, Picual y Verdial de Badajoz, en diferentes estados de maduración. Un análisis de varianza teniendo en cuenta los factores variedad y estado de maduración, muestra las diferencias encontradas para los diferentes atributos que las caracterizan. Así mismo, se indican las características físicoquímicas elementales de estos aceites y su correlación con los atributos ya mencionados

    Animal performance and fatty acid composition of lambs fed with different vegetable oils.

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    Twenty-seven lambs were used to investigate the effects of the inclusion of 4% hydrogenated palm oil (HPO) or sunflower oil (SFO) in the concentrate on animal performance, carcass and meat quality and fat characteristics and fatty acid composition. Animals (16.2 ± 0.27 kg initial weight) were fed concentrate (Control, HPO or SFO) and barley straw ad libitum and slaughtered at 25 kg. SFO lambs tended to eat less concentrate than HPO animals (P 0.05). SFO decreased proportions of C16:0, C18:1 cis-11 and C18:3 (P < 0.05) and increased C18:1 trans (P < 0.001) and C18:2/C18:3 ratio (P < 0.05). Atherogenicity index was lower (P < 0.05) when SFO was included in the concentrate. HPO did not affected and SFO improved fatty acid composition of fattening lambs without affecting animal performance

    Neuroimaging and serum biomarkers of neurodegeneration and neuroplasticity in Parkinson’s disease patients treated by intermittent theta-burst stimulation over the bilateral primary motor area: a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, crossover trial study

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    Background and objectivesIntermittent theta-burst stimulation (iTBS) is a patterned form of excitatory transcranial magnetic stimulation that has yielded encouraging results as an adjunctive therapeutic option to alleviate the emergence of clinical deficits in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Although it has been demonstrated that iTBS influences dopamine-dependent corticostriatal plasticity, little research has examined the neurobiological mechanisms underlying iTBS-induced clinical enhancement. Here, our primary goal is to verify whether iTBS bilaterally delivered over the primary motor cortex (M1) is effective as an add-on treatment at reducing scores for both motor functional impairment and nonmotor symptoms in PD. We hypothesize that these clinical improvements following bilateral M1-iTBS could be driven by endogenous dopamine release, which may rebalance cortical excitability and restore compensatory striatal volume changes, resulting in increased striato-cortico-cerebellar functional connectivity and positively impacting neuroglia and neuroplasticity.MethodsA total of 24 PD patients will be assessed in a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled crossover study involving the application of iTBS over the bilateral M1 (M1 iTBS). Patients on medication will be randomly assigned to receive real iTBS or control (sham) stimulation and will undergo 5 consecutive sessions (5 days) of iTBS over the bilateral M1 separated by a 3-month washout period. Motor evaluation will be performed at different follow-up visits along with a comprehensive neurocognitive assessment; evaluation of M1 excitability; combined structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), resting-state electroencephalography and functional MRI; and serum biomarker quantification of neuroaxonal damage, astrocytic reactivity, and neural plasticity prior to and after iTBS.DiscussionThe findings of this study will help to clarify the efficiency of M1 iTBS for the treatment of PD and further provide specific neurobiological insights into improvements in motor and nonmotor symptoms in these patients. This novel project aims to yield more detailed structural and functional brain evaluations than previous studies while using a noninvasive approach, with the potential to identify prognostic neuroprotective biomarkers and elucidate the structural and functional mechanisms of M1 iTBS-induced plasticity in the cortico-basal ganglia circuitry. Our approach may significantly optimize neuromodulation paradigms to ensure state-of-the-art and scalable rehabilitative treatment to alleviate motor and nonmotor symptoms of PD