2,653 research outputs found

    Una nueva asociación de matorral gipsófilo para el Sur de España (Provincia Bética)

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    El estudio de los matorrales gípsicos en el sur de España, revela la presencia de una comunidad diferente del resto de asociaciones descritas hasta el momento dentro de la alianza Lepidion subulati, al existir diferencias florísticas, ecológicas y biogeográficas. Por ello se propone la asociación Ononido angustifolii-Anthyllidetum cytisoidi nova, con un área subbética e hispalense, que se presenta en ambientes, secos y subhúmedos, sobre substratos gípsicos, los cuales dependiendo del ombrotipo se encuentran más o menos lavados, por lo que el matorral puede presentar más o menos gipsófitos estrictos. Asociación que se desarrolla sobre sustratos gípsicos, los cuales experimentan una pérdida de sales en ambientes seco-subhúmedos, por lo que esta nueva comunidad presenta un bajo porcentaje de gipsófilos estrictos frente a una mayor frecuencia de especies menos estrictas. Por lo que se propone la nueva alianza Resedo constrictae-Helianthemion syriacae nova de distribución ibérico-magrebíA study of the thickets growing on gypsum soils in the south of Spain reveals the presence of a community different from the other associations already described within the suballiance Lepidienion subulati as a result of the floristic, ecological and biogeographical differences. Therefore, we propose the association Ononido angustifolii-Anthyllidetum cytisoidi nova with a Subbetic and Hispalensean distribution. The association occurs in semiarid, dry and subhumid environments, on gypsum soils which, depending on the ombrotype, are more or less washed-out and, consequently, the thicket may comprise more o less strict gypsophytes. The association grows on gypsum soils which undergo salt deprivation in dry-subhumid environments. Thus, in this new community the percentage of strict gypsophilous taxa is low as compared to the number of less strict gypsophytes. To propose the new alliance Resedo constrictae-Helianthemion syriacae iberico-magrebi distribution

    Influencia del mucílago de cactus y extracto de algas pardas marinas en la resistencia a compresión y durabilidad del hormigón

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    This paper presents the mechanical performance and durability of concrete with water/cement (w/c) ratios of 0.30 and 0.60 containing cactus mucilage and brown marine seaweed extract solutions (at 0.5° Brix concentrations). Cylindrical specimens (100 mm x 200 mm) were cast and moist-cured for 0 and 28 days. Compressive strength, rapid chloride permeability, and chloride diffusion tests were conducted to evaluate all of the concrete mixes at the ages of 60 and 120 days. In addition, accelerated carbonation tests were carried out on specimens at the age of 180 days by exposure to 23 °C, 60% RH and at 4.4% CO2 for 120 days. The compressive strength results showed that only one concrete mix with admixtures increased in strength compared to the control. Regarding the rapid chloride permeability, chloride diffusion and carbonation, the results indicated that the durability of concretes containing organic additions was enhanced compared to the control.Este trabajo presenta el comportamiento mecánico y de durabilidad de concretos con relaciones agua/cemento de 0.30 y 0.60, conteniendo soluciones de mucílago de nopal y extracto de algas marinas cafés (0.5 °Brix de concentración). Especímenes cilíndricos (100 mm x 200 mm) fueron elaborados y curados en húmedo por 0 y 28 días. Se evaluó la resistencia a la compresión, permeabilidad rápida y difusión de cloruros a los 60 y 120 días de edad. Adicionalmente, se realizaron pruebas de carbonatación acelerada en especímenes con 180 días de edad, expuestos a 23 °C, 60% HR y 4.4% de CO2 por 120 días. Los resultados de resistencia a la compresión muestran que únicamente una mezcla de concreto con adición orgánica incrementó su resistencia con respecto al control. Con respecto a la permeabilidad rápida a cloruros, difusión de cloruros y carbonatación, los resultados indican que la durabilidad de los concretos que contenían adiciones orgánicas fue mejorada con respecto al control

    Aplicaciones de la digitalización 3D del patrimonio

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    [ES] La digitalización 3D se ha convertido en un herramienta habitual en arqueología. No obstante, el procesamiento de los datos generados por los escáneres láser sigue siendo complejo, y la utilidad dada a los modelos obtenidos es aún muy limitada.En este trabajo analizamos algunos de los puntos más conflictivos en el procesamiento de las nubes de puntos, revisamos algunas de las aplicaciones usuales de los modelos digitales y proponemos un marco conceptual para la utilización de los modelos 3D en la documentación arqueológica.[EN] 3D digitalization has become a common tool in archaeology. However, the post processing of the data produced by the scanners is still quite complex, and the computer models generated are given very few practical applications.In this paper, we analyse the key steps involved in the processing of the point clouds. We also review some of the more usual applications for the digital models and propose a conceptual framework for the use of this models in the documentation of cultural heritage.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y los fondos FEDER (TIN2007-67474-C03-02), Consejería de Innovación Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía ( TIC-401.)Torres, JC.; Cano, P.; Melero, J.; España, M.; Moreno, J. (2010). Aplicaciones de la digitalización 3D del patrimonio. Virtual Archaeology Review. 1(1):51-54. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2010.4768OJS515411AGNELLO, F. et al. (2003): Cultural heritage and information systems, an investigation into a dedicated hypertext. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 34, Part 5.BESORA, I. et al.(2008): "Real-Time Exploration of the Virtual Reconstruction of the Entrance of the Ripoll Monastery", en Actas del XIX Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica CEIG'08.CALLIERI, M. et al.(2008):Virtual Inspector: "A Flexible Visualizer for Dense 3D Scanned Models". IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 28, no.1, pp. 44-54 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2008.20GRANDE LEON, A. (2002): "Italica virtual. Un proyecto educativo que hace Historia", en PH Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, no 40/41, pp. 241-247.HODAČ J. (2005): 3D Information System of Historical Site - Proposal and Realisation of a Functional Prototype. Acta Polytechnica. Vol. 45 No. 1IOANNIDIS, C. et al. (2003): An integrated spatial information system for the development of the archaeological site of mycenae. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. 34, Part 5.LAMOLDA F. et al. (2008): "Registro mediante la utilizacion de escaner 3D del estado previo a la intervencion de la Fuente de los Leones". Taller en el IX Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación, Sevilla.MELERO J. et al. (2005): "Combining SP-octrees and impostors for the visualisation of multiresolution models". Computer & Graphics, vol. 29, pp: 225-233 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2004.12.008MEYER, E. et al. (2006): "Intra-site Level Cultural Heritage Documentation: Combination of Survey, Modeling and Imagery Data in a Web Information System". 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. VAST.NAGLIČ K.K. (2003): "Cultural Heritage Information System in The Republic of Slovenia". ARIADNE 5 Workshop on Documentation, Interpretation, Presentation and Publication of Cultural Heritage. Prague.PAPAGIANNAKIS, G. et al. (2005): "Mixing Virtual and Real scenes in the site of ancient Pompeii". Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 16(1), 11-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cav.53OKAMOTO, Y.,(2008): "Editing, Retrieval, and Display System of Archeological Information on Large 3D Geometric Models". Digitally Archiving Cultural Objects, chapter 21 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-75807_21SCOPIGNO R. et al. (2003): "Using optically scanned 3D data in the restoration of Michelangelo's David. Optical Metrology for Arts and Multimedia". Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5146, pp. 44-53 http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.49992

    Fracturas del macizo trocantéreo. Estudio comparativo Ender-DHS: revision de 114 casos

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    Se presenta un estudio retrospectivo de 114 fracturas pertrocantéreas tratadas con enclavado elástico de Ender (71) y tornillo placa deslizante, DHS (43). Se efectuó un estudio estadístico descriptivo-comparativo entre los 2 grupos de pacientes según la técnica quirúrgica empleada. Se constató un mayor índice de estabilidad usando el DHS (81%), frente al 6 1 % del otro grupo. La tasa de complicaciones fue del 16% y 55% respectivamente. Los resultados clínicos fueron mejores en los enfermos tratados con DHS, fundamentalmente en cuanto a la deambulación que se consiguió en el 98% (Ender 75%), ausencia de dolor y movilidad conservada. Los autores piensan que la estabilidad preoperatoria no influye en la solidez del montaje usando el DHS, pero con la técnica de Ender ésta disminuye en las fracturas inestables; por ello, la técnica de Ender estaría solamente indicada en el tratamiento de fracturas estables en pacientes de edad avanzada o con mal estado general, aunque en clara competencia con el DHS.A retrospective study of 114 intertrochanteric fractures operated on either with Ender's rods (71) or dynamic hip screws, DHS (43) is presented. A statistical descriptive-comparative study between the 2 groups was attempted. There was a greater index of stability using the DHS (82%) than Ender's rods (61%). The rate of complications was 16% and 55% respectively. The clinical outcome was better in cases treated with DHS, specially for walking ability, which was regained in the 98% of cases (Ender 75%), painless and preserved mobility. The authors think that the stability before operation do not influence the solidity of the assembly using the DHS device. On the contrary, with the Ender's technique the fixation is no satisfactory in unstables fractures. Ender's rods would only be suitable for treatment of stable fractures in older patient or with serious associated diseases, although in clear competition with the DHS

    Band-gap engineering of Cu2ZnSn1-xGe xS4 single crystals and influence of the surface properties

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    Thin film solar cells based on Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 are very promising, because they contain earth-abundant elements and show high absorptivity. However, the performance of these solar cells needs to be improved in order to reach efficiencies as high as that reported for Cu(In,Ga)Se 2-based devices. This study investigates the potential of band-gap engineering of Cu2ZnSn1-xGexS 4 single crystals grown by chemical vapour transport as a function of the [Ge]/([Sn] + [Ge]) atomic ratio. The fundamental band gap E0 is found to change from 1.59 to 1.94 eV when the Ge content is increased from x = 0.1 to x = 0.5, as determined from spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements. This knowledge opens a route to enhancing the performance of kesterite-based photovoltaic devices by a Ge-graded absorber layer. Furthermore, the formation of GeO2 on the surface of the as-grown samples was detected by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, having an important impact on the effective optical response of the material. This should be also taken into account when designing photovoltaic solar cellsRC acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the program Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2011-08521). This work was supported by the Marie Curie-IRSES project (PVICOKEST, GA: 269167), MINECO projects (KEST-PV, ENE2010-21541-C03-01/-02/-03) and Marie Curie-ITN project (KESTCELL, GA: 316488

    TGF-β2, EGF, and FGF21 Growth Factors Present in Breast Milk Promote Mesenteric Lymph Node Lymphocytes Maturation in Suckling Rats

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    Breast milk, due to its large number of nutrients and bioactive factors, contributes to optimal development and immune maturation in early life. In this study, we aimed to assess the influence of some growth factors present in breast milk, such as transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2), epidermal growth factor (EGF), and fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21), on the immune response development. Newborn Wistar rats were supplemented daily with TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21, throughout the suckling period. At day 14 and 21 of life, lymphocytes from mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs) were isolated, immunophenotyped, and cultured to evaluate their ability to proliferate and release cytokines. The main results demonstrated that supplementation with TGF-β2, EGF, or FGF21 modified the lymphocyte composition in MLNs. At day 14, all supplementations were able to induce a lower percentage of natural killer (NK) cells with the immature phenotype (CD8+), and they reduced the CD8αα/CD8αβ ratio at day 21. Moreover, the cytokine pattern was modified by the three treatments, with a down regulation of interleukin (IL)-13 secretion. These results showed the contribution of these growth factors in the lymphocytes MLNs immune maturation during the neonatal period. View Full-Text Keywords: growth factors; breast milk; immunonutrition; cytokines; lymphocyte

    Microbial Communities in Pre-Columbian Coprolites

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    The study of coprolites from earlier cultures represents a great opportunity to study an “unaltered” composition of the intestinal microbiota. To test this, pre-Columbian coprolites from two cultures, the Huecoid and Saladoid, were evaluated for the presence of DNA, proteins and lipids by cytochemical staining, human and/or dog-specific Bacteroides spp. by PCR, as well as bacteria, fungi and archaea using Terminal Restriction Fragment analyses. DNA, proteins and lipids, and human-specific Bacteroides DNA were detected in all coprolites. Multidimensional scaling analyses resulted in spatial arrangements of microbial profiles by culture, further supported by cluster analysis and ANOSIM. Differences between the microbial communities were positively correlated with culture, and SIMPER analysis indicated 68.8% dissimilarity between the Huecoid and Saladoid. Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes and methanogens were found in all coprolite samples. Propionebacteria, Shewanella and lactic acid bacteria dominated in the Huecoid samples, while Acidobacteria, and peptococci were dominant in Saladoid samples. Yeasts, including Candida albicans and Crypotococcus spp. were found in all samples. Basidiomycetes were the most notable fungi in Huecoid samples while Ascomycetes predominated in Saladoid samples, suggesting differences in dietary habits. Our study provides an approach for the study of the microbial communities of coprolite samples from various cultures

    Leptin and adiponectin variations in rat’s milk and plasma throughout the lactation period

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster núm. 1