71 research outputs found

    La incidencia del salario mínimo interprofesional en sectores de bajos salarios

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    The minimum wage is an issue that is in discussion again. Most of the analyses are focus on its possible negative impact on employment. However, very few studies addressing whether the minimum wage effectively fulfills its basic purpose: to improve the incomes of low-wage earners. In this paper we address precisely this issue. In order to do it, we analyzes the evolution of wages in collective bargaining in three sectors considered low wage (retail, hospitality and cleaning), focusing on the jobs on the bottom.El salario mínimo es un tema que ha vuelto a cobrar actualidad. La mayoría de los análisis que se realizan al respecto se centran en determinar si su nivel tiene algún tipo de incidencia sobre el empleo. No obstante, son escasos los trabajos que abordan si efectivamente el salario mínimo cumple con su objetivo básico: mejorar las rentas de los perceptores de bajos salarios. En este trabajo abordamos precisamente esta cuestión. Para ello se analiza la evolución de los salarios en la negociación colectiva en tres sectores considerados de bajos salarios (comercio al por menor, hostelería y limpieza de locales y edificios), centrándonos en los puestos inferiores de la escala salarial

    Economia del treball. Guions de seguiment

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    Aquest material ha rebut l'ajut del Servei de Política Lingüística de la Universitat de València.Guions de seguiment de l'assignatura Economia del Treball, impartida al Grau en Relacions Laborals i Recursos Humans. Els temes abordats són els següents: 1. El mercat de treball des d'un punt de vista estructural: determinants de la demanda i oferta de treball, segmentació laboral. 2. L'anàlisi econòmica de les causes de l'atur i les polítiques d'ocupació: enfocament microeconòmic convencional sobre l'atur, enfocament macroeconòmic de l'atur, l'atur des d'un punt de vista estructural. 3. La determinació dels salaris. 4. Visió global del mercat laboral a Espanya: principals tendències i transformacions de l'activitat, l'ocupació i l'atur des de finals dels anys setanta fins l'actualitat. 5. Dinàmica econòmica i laboral i polítiques d'ocupació a Espanya: transició política i crisi econòmica (1975-1985), transformacions econòmiques i laborals des de mitjans dels anys vuitanta fins 2007, la crisi actual, la política econòmica i laboral en el marc europeu, reformes laborals i política d'ocupació

    Migraciones y mercado laboral

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    En este artículo pasamos revista a los análisis de las migraciones desde la perspectiva de los mercados laborales. Se discuten los diversos enfoques analíticos y se argumenta la relevancia del enfoque de la segmentación laboral para entender las dinámicas laborales en las que se sitúan una gran parte de procesos migratorios. Defendemos que los procesos migratorios están influidos tanto por las transformaciones de las economías capitalistas como las regulaciones institucionales específicas de cada país (leyes de migración, políticas de bienestar, etc.). _______________________________________In this paper we review the analyses of migration from the point of view of labor markets. We discuss different analytical perspectives and we consider the relevance of the labor segmentation approach for understanding the labor dynamics that influence the majority of migration processes. We argue that migration processes are influenced both by the transformation of capitalist economies and by the specific institutions of each country (migration laws, welfare policies, etc.)

    La incidencia del salario mínimo interprofesional en sectores de bajos salarios

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    El salario mínimo es un tema que ha vuelto a cobrar actualidad. La mayoría de los análisis que se realizan al respecto se centran en determinar si su nivel tiene algún tipo de incidencia sobre el empleo. No obstante, son escasos los trabajos que abordan si efectivamente el salario mínimo cumple con su objetivo básico: mejorar las rentas de los perceptores de bajos salarios. En este trabajo abordamos precisamente esta cuestión. Para ello se analiza la evolución de los salarios en la negociación colectiva en tres sectores considerados de bajos salarios (comercio al por menor, hostelería y limpieza de locales y edificios), centrándonos en los puestos inferiores de la escala salarial

    Implementation of educational sequences based on peer assessment for learning key concepts of statistics

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    This article presents the results of applying an educational sequence implemented with technological support on an LMS and focused on peer assessment that was designed specifically to address key concepts in statistics with first-year undergraduate students. Individualized information is available for a total of n=232 students to support the empirical conclusions that are drawn. Based on the comparison of the peer assessments and the academic performance obtained in the two previous academic years in which a different methodology was applied, differential effects are found in the quality of the assignments presented. This, together with the perception of the learning by the students, suggests the incorporation of peer assessment processes in future curricular design

    Bioelectrochemically-assisted degradation of chloroform by a co-culture of Dehalobacter and Dehalobacterium

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    Using bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) to provide electrochemically generated hydrogen is a promising technology to provide electron donors for reductive dechlorination by organohalide-respiring bacteria. In this study, we inoculated two syntrophic dechlorinating cultures containing Dehalobacter and Dehalobacterium to sequentially transform chloroform (CF) to acetate in a BES using a graphite fiber brush as the electrode. In this co-culture, Dehalobacter transformed CF to stoichiometric amounts of dichloromethane (DCM) via organohalide respiration, whereas the Dehalobacterium -containing culture converted DCM to acetate via fermentation. BES were initially inoculated with Dehalobacter, and sequential cathodic potentials of −0.6, −0.7, and −0.8 V were poised after consuming three CF doses (500 μM) per each potential during a time-span of 83 days. At the end of this period, the accumulated DCM was degraded in the following seven days after the inoculation of Dehalobacterium. At this point, four consecutive amendments of CF at increasing concentrations of 200, 400, 600, and 800 μM were sequentially transformed by the combined degradation activity of Dehalobacter and Dehalobacterium. The Dehalobacter 16S rRNA gene copies increased four orders of magnitude during the whole period. The coulombic efficiencies associated with the degradation of CF reached values > 60% at a cathodic potential of −0.8 V when the degradation rate of CF achieved the highest values. This study shows the advantages of combining syntrophic bacteria to fully detoxify chlorinated compounds in BESs and further expands the use of this technology for treating water bodies impacted with pollutants

    Remote control of movement disorders using a photoactive adenosine A(2A) receptor antagonist

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    G protein-coupled adenosine receptors are promising therapeutic targets for a wide range of neuropathological conditions, including Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the ubiquity of adenosine receptors and the ultimate lack of selectivity of certain adenosine-based drugs have frequently diminished their therapeutic use. Photopharmacology is a novel approach that allows the spatiotemporal control of receptor function, thus circumventing some of these limitations. Here, we aimed to develop a light-sensitive caged adenosine A(2A) receptor (A(2A)R) antagonist to photocontrol movement disorders. We synthesized MRS7145 by blocking with coumarin the 5-amino position of the selective A(2A)R antagonist SCH442416, which could be photoreleased upon violet light illumination (405 nm). First, the light-dependent pharmacological profile of MRS7145 was determined in A(2A)R-expressing cells. Upon photoactivation, MRS7145 precluded A(2A)R ligand binding and agonist-induced cAMP accumulation. Next, the ability of MRS7145 to block A(2A)R in a light-dependent manner was assessed in vivo. To this end, A(2A)R antagonist-mediated locomotor activity potentiation was evaluated in brain (striatum) fiber-optic implanted mice. Upon irradiation (405 nm) of the dorsal striatum, MRS7145 induced significant hyperlocomotion and counteracted haloperidol-induced catalepsy and pilocarpine-induced tremor. Finally, its efficacy in reversing motor impairment was evaluated in a PD animal model, namely the hemiparkinsonian 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesioned mouse. Photo-activated MRS7145 was able to potentiate the number of contralateral rotations induced by L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA). Overall, MRS7145 is a new light-operated A(2A)R antagonist with potential utility to manage movement disorders, including PD

    Toluene-driven anaerobic biodegradation of chloroform in a continuous-flow bioelectrochemical reactor

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    Altres ajuts: D.Fernández-Verdejo acknowledges a predoctoral grant from UAB (PIF 2017-2018) and financial support for the research stay performed (ESTPIF2022-04).Subsurface co-contamination by multiple pollutants can be challenging for the design of bioremediation strategies since it may require promoting different and often antagonistic degradation pathways. Here, we investigated the simultaneous degradation of toluene and chloroform (CF) in a continuous-flow anaerobic bioelectrochemical reactor. As a result, 47 μmol L −1 d −1 of toluene and 60 μmol L −1 d −1 of CF were concurrently removed, when the anode was polarized at +0.4 V vs. Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE). Analysis of the microbial community structure and key functional genes allowed to identify the involved degradation pathways. Interestingly, when acetate was supplied along with toluene, to simulate the impact of a readily biodegradable substrate on process performance, toluene degradation was adversely affected, likely due to competitive inhibition effects. Overall, this study proved the efficacy of the developed bioelectrochemical system in simultaneously treating multiple groundwater contaminants, paving the way for the application in real-world scenarios
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