8 research outputs found

    Climatic controls on biophysical interactions in the Black Sea under present day conditions and a potential future (A1B) climate scenario

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    A dynamical downscaling approach has been applied to investigate climatic controls on biophysical interactions and lower trophic level dynamics in the Black Sea. Simulations were performed under present day conditions (1980–1999) and a potential future (2080–2099) climate scenario, based on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change A1B greenhouse gas emission scenario. Simulations project a 3.7 °C increase in SST, a 25% increase in the stability of the seasonal thermocline and a 37 day increase in the duration of seasonal stratification. Increased winter temperatures inhibited the formation of Cold Intermediate Layer (CIL) waters resulting in near complete erosion of the CIL, with implications for the ventilation of intermediate water masses and the subduction of riverine nutrients. A 4% increase in nitrate availability within the upper 30 m of the water column reflected an increase in the retention time of river water within the surface mixed-layer. Changes in thermohaline structure, combined with a 27% reduction in positive wind stress curl, forced a distinct change in the structure of the basin-scale circulation. The predominantly cyclonic circulation characteristic of contemporary conditions was reversed within the southern and eastern regions of the basin, where under A1B climatic conditions, anticyclonic circulation prevailed. The change in circulation structure significantly altered the horizontal advection and dispersion of high nutrient river waters originating on the NW self. Net primary production increased by 5% on average, with much spatial variability in the response, linked to advective processes. Phytoplankton biomass also increased by 5% and the higher nutrient environment of the future scenario caused a shift in species composition in favour of larger phytoplankton. No significant change in zooplankton biomass was projected. These results constitute one of many possible future scenarios for the Black Sea, being dependent on the modelling systems employed in addition to the choice of emission scenario. Our results emphasise in particular the sensitivity of dynamical downscaling studies to the regional wind forcing fields extracted from global models (these being typically model dependent). As atmospheric warming is projected with a high degree of confidence warming of the Black Sea upper layer, increased water column stability, and erosion of the CIL are believed to be robust results of this study

    Numerical models and long term monitoring - How can numerical models be used to support in situ sampling and survey design for long term hydrographic monitoring in standard sections?

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    As a part of regular monitoring of the marine environment, IMR conducts 10 fixed transects on a multiannual basis during which hydrographical, chemical and plankton data are collected at the same positions several times a year. The transect data sets, which in some cases span up to seven decades, have been vital to the understanding of long-term variability and trends in environmental and climate conditions. As an alternative approach to assemble physical data, numerical circulation models are widely used. There is a large variety of model data archives available, both internally at the IMR and from publicly open data portals, but it is difficult to consider the precision of the different models as they have different properties, resolution, coverage area etc. This report assesses how well existing model products developed and/or intensively used by the Oceanography and Climate Research Group can be utilised to assess and support the shipboard monitoring on the transects. Main focus is on TOPAZ, which is the only fully operational model with a model domain covering all the transects considered here. The results show that TOPAZ reproduces interannual variability and multiannual trends well. However, temperature, salinity and current velocity values, as well as seasonal variability and extreme conditions are less well represented. The operational (internal) Norkyst model show the best skill reproducing current velocities, but do not cover all transects. Using TOPAZ to assess how well the present sampling strategy captures the spatial variability in hydrographic variables suggests that the current sampling strategy is well designed in terms of the horizontal spacing of the fixed transects, although the sections in the northern Norwegian Sea and southern Barents Sea show a significant co-variability of Atlantic Water towards the Arctic Ocean. Assessing the impact of sampling frequency on long-term monitoring efforts in one of the transects, suggests a minimum sampling frequency of 3-4 transects per year to prevent loss of information relating to interannual variability and trends. We note, however, that a full assessment of the impact of sampling frequency on the transects must include also chemical and plankton observations and models, as well as the need of capturing short-term variations like the seasonal cycle.Numerical models and long term monitoring - How can numerical models be used to support in situ sampling and survey design for long term hydrographic monitoring in standard sections?publishedVersio

    Diversity and seasonal development of large zooplankton along physical gradients in the Arctic Barents Sea

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    Due to ongoing climate change, a new Arctic Ocean ecosystem is emerging. Within the framework of the Nansen Legacy project, we investigated the community composition of the large zooplankton and its seasonal development along a latitudinal gradient in the northern Barents Sea. Total biomass was maximal in summer and early winter, and minimal in spring, with copepods contributing considerably in all seasons. Euphausiids represented a minor fraction of the biomass, whereas chaetognaths and other gelatinous zooplankton contributed substantially to the sampled zooplankton at all stations, particularly in winter. Amphipod biomass was high in early winter, but otherwise low. Temperature in the water column interior and bottom-depth had the highest explanatory power for the community composition of the large zooplankton, both revealing the same distinct Atlantic and Arctic domains along the studied section. The continental shelf of the northern Barents Sea had an Arctic signature and was in terms of biomass characterized by a dominance of cold-water species, such as Themisto libellula, and Calanus glacialis. The copepod Calanus hyperboreus was the dominant over the continental slope. Locations at the southern and northern end of the studied section were influenced by Atlantic Water (at intermediate depth at the northern stations), and contained a mixture of temperate species, deep-water species, and sympagic amphipods in northern ice-covered waters. In the northern Barents Sea, a seasonal change was observed in the biomass fractions of different zooplankton feeding guilds, with dominance of herbivores in summer and carnivores in winter. This suggests switching between bottom-up and top-down control through the year. On the continental slope, species that are typically considered omnivores seemed to increase in importance. The role of seasonally changing food preferences to bridge periods outside of the main primary production season is discussed in light of ecosystem resilience to the expected changes in the Arctic Ocean.publishedVersio


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    participantThe increase in heat content of the World's Oceans between 1961 and 2003 equates to approximately 90 % of the estimated increase in heat content of the entire Earth system over this period. Knowledge of trends and variability in oceanic heat content is thus vital to monitor and interpret global warming. Sea temperature time series typically exhibit considerable low frequency variability, associated with internal oscillations of the ocean-atmosphere system. Whilst upper-ocean warming has been observed in each of the ocean basins since 1850, year to year differences are typically larger than underlying warming trends. We resolve the dominant modes of variability in the in the North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) record in order to extract the underlying warming signal, which is then related to the trend in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The dominant modes of low frequency variability in North Atlantic SST records, determined through EOF analysis, correspond to the Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation (a 50-88 year cycle of North Atlantic heating and cooling), the East Atlantic Pattern, and the North Atlantic Oscillation, respectively accounting for 23 %, 16 % and 9 % of variance in the data set. The latter two modes correspond to the dominant modes of variability in the North Atlantic seal level pressure record. Resolved modes of natural variability in the North Atlantic SST record explain nearly 50 % of the observed warming trend, with the remainder attributed to anthropogenic activity. The anthropogenic contribution to the current warm anomaly in the North Atlantic SST record has been estimated at 0.42 °C

    Extreme Sea Level Projections

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    Under-ice observations by trawls and multi-frequency acoustics in the Central Arctic Ocean reveals abundance and composition of pelagic fauna

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    Abstract The rapid ongoing changes in the Central Arctic Ocean call for baseline information on the pelagic fauna. However, sampling for motile organisms which easily escape vertically towed nets is challenging. Here, we report the species composition and catch weight of pelagic fishes and larger zooplankton from 12 trawl hauls conducted in ice covered waters in the Central Arctic Ocean beyond the continental slopes in late summer. Combined trawl catches with acoustics data revealed low amounts of fish and zooplankton from the advective influenced slope region in the Nansen Basin in the south to the ice-covered deep Amundsen Basin in the north. Both arctic and subarctic-boreal species, including the ones considered as Atlantic expatriate species were found all the way to 87.5o N. We found three fish species (Boreogadus saida, Benthosema glaciale and Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), but the catch was limited to only seven individuals. Euphausiids, amphipods and gelatinous zooplankton dominated the catch weight in the Nansen Basin in the mesopelagic communities. Euphausiids were almost absent in the Amundsen Basin with copepods, amphipods, chaetognaths and gelatinous zooplankton dominating. We postulate asymmetric conditions in the pelagic ecosystems of the western and eastern Eurasian Basin caused by ice and ocean circulation regimes