17 research outputs found

    Biodegradation of herbicide diuron by streptomycetes isolated from soil

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    The diuron degrading activity of 17 streptomycete strains, obtained from agricultural and non-agricultural soils, was determined in the laboratory. All strains were identified as Streptomyces sp. by phenotypic characteristics and PCR-based assays. The strains were cultivated in liquid medium with diuron (4mgL(-1)) at 25 degrees C for 15 days. Biodegradation activity was deter-mined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The results indicated that all strains were able to degrade diuron, but to different amounts. Twelve strains degraded the herbicide by up to 50% and four of them by up to 70%. Strain A7-9, belonging to S. albidoflavus cluster, was the most efficient organism in the degradation of diuron, achieving 95% degradation after five days of incubation and no herbicide remained after 10 days. Overall, the strains isolated from agricultural soils exhibited higher degradation percentages and rates than those isolated from non-agricultural soils. Given the high degradation activity observed here, the streptomycete strains show a good potential for bioremediation of soils contaminated with diuron. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Castillo López, MÁ.; Felis Reig, N.; Aragón Revuelta, P.; Cuesta Amat, G.; Sabater Marco, C. (2006). Biodegradation of herbicide diuron by streptomycetes isolated from soil. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. 58(3-4):196-202. doi:10.1016/j.ibiod.2006.06.020S196202583-

    Risks of Using Antifouling Biocides in Aquaculture

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    Biocides are chemical substances that can deter or kill the microorganisms responsible for biofouling. The rapid expansion of the aquaculture industry is having a significant impact on the marine ecosystems. As the industry expands, it requires the use of more drugs, disinfectants and antifoulant compounds (biocides) to eliminate the microorganisms in the aquaculture facilities. The use of biocides in the aquatic environment, however, has proved to be harmful as it has toxic effects on the marine environment. Organic booster biocides were recently introduced as alternatives to the organotin compounds found in antifouling products after restrictions were imposed on the use of tributyltin (TBT). The replacement products are generally based on copper metal oxides and organic biocides. The biocides that are most commonly used in antifouling paints include chlorothalonil, dichlofluanid, DCOIT (4,5-dichloro-2-n-octyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, Sea-nine 211®), Diuron, Irgarol 1051, TCMS pyridine (2,3,3,6-tetrachloro-4-methylsulfonyl pyridine), zinc pyrithione and Zineb. There are two types of risks associated with the use of biocides in aquaculture: (i) predators and humans may ingest the fish and shellfish that have accumulated in these contaminants and (ii) the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. This paper provides an overview of the effects of antifouling (AF) biocides on aquatic organisms. It also provides some insights into the effects and risks of these compounds on non-target organisms

    Pesticides, volatile and semivolatile organic compounds in the inland surface waters of Cyprus

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    The pollution of the surface waters of Cyprus from priority compounds which are included in the EU Directive 76/464/EEC was evaluated. The Directive deals with the pollution caused by certain dangerous substances discharged into the aquatic environment of the Community. In the framework of the reporting obligations of Cyprus towards EU, a study was carried out for the Environment Service of Cyprus by the University of Cyprus in collaboration with the State General Laboratory. 19 out of the 59 surface water bodies of the country were investigated. 30 substances of List I, List I candidates and List II were examined. The analytical determination was performed by a Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detection for organochlorine insecticides, by Gas Chromatography - Flame Thermionic Detector for the chlorotriazine herbicides and organophosphate insecticides and finally by on line purge and trap technique followed by Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detection/Photoionization Detection for the volatiles and semivolatiles organic compounds. Toluene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, 1,2-dichloropropane, vinyl chloride and 1,4-dichlorobenzene were the most frequently found among VOCs and SVOCs. In some cases non-compliance was observed for hexachlorobutadiene, hexachlorobenzene and 1,2,4- trichlorobenzene. The most commonly encountered organochlorine insecticides were hexachlorobenzene and heptachlor. This paper summarizes the work carried out, the methodologies applied and provides a discussion on the results found

    Organochlorine and organophosphoric insecticides, herbicides and heavy metals residue in industrial wastewaters in Cyprus

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    Most industries in Cyprus possess permits either for disposal at central wastewater treatment plants (the treated effluent of which is reused or disposed into the sea), or discharge on soil, or reuse either for irrigation or groundwater recharge or discharge into the sea. A preliminary investigation undertaken by the University of Cyprus in regards to dangerous substances was the first step towards establishing a new licensing and monitoring system. Liquid-liquid extraction was used for the extraction of the selected pesticides from wastewaters. Gas chromatography with two different detection methods (ECD and FTD) was applied for the determination of 17 pesticides (12 organochlorine insecticides, 3 organophosphoric insecticides and 2 herbicides). In addition ICP and a mercury evaporation unit were used to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in the samples. The results revealed the presence of several priority substances in wastewaters, in most cases at concentrations well below the regulatory limits. Non-compliance was observed for a limited number of metals. Sixteen out of 17 organic substances that were monitored for 1-year period time were traced in different wastewater streams. What was found out is that there is a need to expand the analytical determinations and the monitoring to more wastewater streams and more priority substances, in order to safeguard the water resources in Cyprus

    Final SCALE Report on an Action Plan and Options for Action for ”Biomonitoring of Children” under the framework of the European Environment and Health Strategy

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    Produced by the DG ENV Technical Working Group on Integrated Monitoring – Heavy Metals/ The SCALE Initiative (Scientific evidence, focused on Children, meant to raise Awareness, improve the situation by use of Legal instruments and ensure a continual Evaluation of the progress made)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Presentation based on work by the subgroup “Biomonitoring of Children” that has been set up by the European Commission in the framework of the “Environment & Health Strategy” (COM (2003)338 final)

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    A one-day Science/Policy Workshop, Budapest, 22 June 2004, in the framework of the Fourth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Budapest, Hungary. Workshop organized by European Environment Agency (EEA), World Health Organization (WHO) and Collegium Ramazzini. On invitation by EEA.Chair:Ludwine Casteleyn (presenting). Members by alphabetical order:Louis Bloemen, Ethel Brits, Peter Boogaard, Stella Canna Michaelidou, Nadine Fréry, Alexandra Fucic, Reinhard Joas, Paul Harrison, Marek Jakubowski, Maryse Lehners, Christine Lorente, José Ramet, Reis Maria De Fatima Calado Varela, Bernd Seifert, Greet Schoeters, Anne Steenhout, Gavin W Ten Tusscher, Birgit Van Tongelen, Catherine Wattiez, Joop Van Wijnen. Co-Chairs: Lisbeth E Knudsen And Carlo Sala. “Biomonitoring: towards more integrated approaches”info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe