399 research outputs found

    A Test for Heritable Variation in Reproductive Response to Bisphenol A in a Population of White-footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus)

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    Bisphenol A, or BPA, is a plasticizer and a known endocrine-disrupting chemical in mammals that can interfere with functions controlled by hormones, including reproduction. This study tested for genetic variation in the reproductive response to the environmental toxin BPA. We used a genetically variable wild-source population of Peromyscus leucopus, from which two genetically different selection lines have been developed. These artificial selection lines of P. leucopus have either a strong reproductive response to short photoperiod or a weak reproductive response to short photoperiod. To measure the response of the reproductive systems to doses of BPA (50 and 250 mg/kg body mass), we measured food intake, body mass, gonad mass, and luteinizing hormone levels. In a previous pilot study, the selection lines differed in reproductive response, food intake, and body mass when given BPA. There was a suggestion for genetic variation in this response: the non-responsive line had higher food intake and body mass, less GnRH staining, and increased tyrosine hydroxylase staining relative to the photoperiod responsive line. This new experiment tested two different doses of BPA administered in food for 3 weeks. The effect of BPA on reproductive organ size, body weight, food intake, and a reproductive hormone was did not differ significantly at any dose or between lines. My data provide no evidence that the lines neither responded to BPA nor differed in reproductive responses to this environmental toxin, suggesting there may be no functional impairment resulting from this endocrine disruptor at these doses

    Relate today in the web society

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    L’avvento delle Information and Communication Technology (ICT) e successivamente quello di Internet nella sua evoluzione in Web 2.0 caratterizzato dall’insieme di tutte quelle tecnologie e applicazioni che permettono un alto grado di interattività tra utenti, ha portato alla diffusione della percezione di una realtà condivisa attraverso nuove possibilità e modalità di scambio comunicativo e socio-relazionale che hanno prodotto, e stanno tutt’ora producendo, sostanziali cambiamenti sul nostro essere sociali e relazionali. Ci troviamo infatti a vivere in quella che è stata definita la web society (Cipolla, 2013), la società dalla comunicazione in Rete, della socializzazione che vive e si dipana anche attraverso i social media. L’ipotesi generale che ha sostenuto l’intero lavoro qui esposto è che il web partecipi attivamente alla costruzione e al cambiamento delle dinamiche relazionali e sociali che caratterizzano il nostro fare società, attraverso l’offerta di una moltitudine di spazi interattivi mediante cui i soggetti riuscivano a soddisfare, ricercare, coltivare, mantenere ed ampliare le proprie relazioni sociali e affettive. Il lavoro qui esposto, ponendosi in un’ottica esplorativa presenta i risultati di una ricerca che ha permesso di mettere in luce e descrivere il rapporto della popolazione italiana, dai 14 ai 65 anni con internet e le innovazioni tecnologiche, gli stili di navigazione, l’utilizzo dei social network, la penetrazione dell’uso delle nuove tecnologie per svolgere determinate azioni socio-relazionali, ma anche il ruolo di internet all’interno delle relazioni amicali e di quelle sentimentali e le percezioni rispetto al rapporto internet e sessualità umana. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo si è adottata una metodologia mixed e sono stati utilizzati innovativi strumenti di indagine afferenti agli e-methods.The work here Exposed, placing itself in a explorary perspective Presents the result That have allowed to put into light and describe the relationship of the Italian population, 14 to 65 years old with internet and Technological Innovations, the Styles of Navigation, the social network use, the rules and the penetration of ICT in specific socio-relational actions, but also the Role of the Internet in relationships with customers and friendship, on the sentimental relationship and perceptions to the rules of Internet on human sexuality. For do this we have adopted a mixed methodology and some of the innovative tools of the e-methods


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    O artigo objetiva analisar a interrelação entre os direitos à saúde e ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado sadio para as presentes e futuras gerações. Pretende-se identificar as queimadas ocorridas na Amazônia como fenômeno de poluição do ar e causador de diversas doenças, podendo agravar a pandemia do coronavírus. A pesquisa se justifica tanto pela relevância acadêmica, considerando as causas e efeitos das queimadas no meio ambiente e na saúde, diante das disposições constitucionais e metas convencionais assumidas pelo poder público, como ações de governança; como pela relevância social em razão da preocupação com os bens ambientais a fim de assegurar a preservação da vida. A metodologia utilizada foi o método indutivo, considerando a hermenêutica constitucional tópico-problemática, com as técnicas do referente, conceitos operacionais, fichamento e da pesquisa bibliográfica. Concluindo-se que não havendo proteção ao meio ambiente, não há garantia do direito à saúde para todos, afetando diretamente o bioma amazônico.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Amazônia; Direito; Meio ambiente; Queimadas; Saúde.

    Quality of life in elderly ICU survivors before the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies

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    Objectives The influence of age on intensive care unit (ICU) decision-making is complex, and it is unclear if it is based on expected subjective or objective patient outcomes. To address recent concerns over age-based ICU decision-making, we explored patient-assessed quality of life (QoL) in ICU survivors before the COVID-19 pandemic. Design A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies published between January 2000 and April 2020, of elderly patients admitted to ICUs. Primary and secondary outcome measures We extracted data on self-reported QoL (EQ-5D composite score), demographic and clinical variables. Using a random-effect meta-analysis, we then compared QoL scores at follow-up to scores either before admission, age-matched population controls or younger ICU survivors. We conducted sensitivity analyses to study heterogeneity and bias and a qualitative synthesis of subscores. Results We identified 2536 studies and included 22 for qualitative synthesis and 18 for meta-analysis (n=2326 elderly survivors). Elderly survivors’ QoL was significantly worse than younger ICU survivors, with a small-to- medium effect size (d=0.35 (−0.53 and −0.16)). Elderly survivors’ QoL was also significantly greater when measured slightly before ICU, compared with follow-up, with a small effect size (d=0.26 (−0.44 and −0.08)). Finally, their QoL was also marginally significantly worse than age-matched community controls, also with a small effect size (d=0.21 (−0.43 and 0.00)). Mortality rates and length of follow-up partly explained heterogeneity. Reductions in QoL seemed primarily due to physical health, rather than mental health items. Conclusions The results suggest that the proportionality of age as a determinant of ICU resource allocation should be kept under close review and that subjective QoL outcomes should inform person-centred decision -aking in elderly ICU patients. PROSPERO registration number CRD42020181181


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    A pesquisa expõe o instituto Democracia e o exercício da cidadania, nas formas de participação popular, como o observatório social, e a importância deste para a lisura dos procedimentos de licenciamentos urbanos-ambientais, fundado na sustentabilidade. Justifica-se pela necessidade acadêmica de reavivar a democracia e seus objetivos, enfatizando que os observatórios sociais podem ser efetivos na fiscalização da legislação ambiental para garantir direitos socioambientais nas políticas públicas. Elegeu-se o método dedutivo, a técnica bibliográfica. Conclui-se que o exercício da democracia pela cidadania nos observatórios sociais, sob o princípio da sustentabilidade, faz valer a vontade popular na tomada de decisões


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    A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a prática de corrupção, conforme os pensamentos filosóficos, seu surgimento no Brasil e as consequências nos procedimentos de licenciamentos urbanos e ambientais. Justifica-se pela importância de se garantir os direitos sociais e uma qualidade de vida em um meio ambiente sadio, sem a interferência de interesses privados que corroem os sistemas em busca de mais lucro à custa de prejuízos sociais. Elegeu-se o método dedutivo, a técnica bibliográfica e a análise qualitativa. Ao final, pode-se compreender que a corrupção permeia os sistemas de licenciamentos urbano ambientais impedindo o exercício de direitos

    Semantic Boosting: Enhancing Deep Learning Based LULC Classification

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    The classification of land use and land cover (LULC) is a well-studied task within the domain of remote sensing and geographic information science. It traditionally relies on remotely sensed imagery and therefore models land cover classes with respect to their electromagnetic reflectances, aggregated in pixels. This paper introduces a methodology which enables the inclusion of geographical object semantics (from vector data) into the LULC classification procedure. As such, information on the types of geographic objects (e.g., Shop, Church, Peak, etc.) can improve LULC classification accuracy. In this paper, we demonstrate how semantics can be fused with imagery to classify LULC. Three experiments were performed to explore and highlight the impact and potential of semantics for this task. In each experiment CORINE LULC data was used as a ground truth and predicted using imagery from Sentinel-2 and semantics from LinkedGeoData using deep learning. Our results reveal that LULC can be classified from semantics only and that fusing semantics with imagery—Semantic Boosting—improved the classification with significantly higher LULC accuracies. The results show that some LULC classes are better predicted using only semantics, others with just imagery, and importantly much of the improvement was due to the ability to separate similar land use classes. A number of key considerations are discussed

    Hospital mortality and resource implications of hospitalisation with COVID-19 in London, UK: a prospective cohort study

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    Background. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) had a significant impact on the National Health Service in the United Kingdom (UK), with over 35 000 cases reported in London by July 30, 2020. Detailed hospital-level information on patient characteristics, outcomes, and capacity strain is currently scarce but would guide clinical decision-making and inform prioritisation and planning. Methods. We aimed to determine factors associated with hospital mortality and describe hospital and ICU strain by conducting a prospective cohort study at a tertiary academic centre in London, UK. We included adult patients admitted to the hospital with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and followed them up until hospital discharge or 30 days. Baseline factors that are associated with hospital mortality were identified via semiparametric and parametric survival analyses. Results. Our study included 429 patients: 18% of them were admitted to the ICU, 52% met criteria for ICU outreach team activation, and 61% had treatment limitations placed during their admission. Hospital mortality was 26% and ICU mortality was 34%. Hospital mortality was independently associated with increasing age, male sex, history of chronic kidney disease, increasing baseline C-reactive protein level, and dyspnoea at presentation. COVID-19 resulted in substantial ICU and hospital strain, with up to 9 daily ICU admissions and 41 daily hospital admissions, to a peak census of 80 infected patients admitted in the ICU and 250 in the hospital. Management of such a surge required extensive reorganisation of critical care services with expansion of ICU capacity from 69 to 129 beds, redeployment of staff from other hospital areas, and coordinated hospital-level effort. Conclusions. COVID-19 is associated with a high burden of mortality for patients treated on the ward and the ICU and required substantial reconfiguration of critical care services. This has significant implications for planning and resource utilisation


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    O estudo objetivou reportar sobre os riscos de contágio das Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DSTs), apresentando as principais formas de transmissão, sinais e sintomas associados, tratamento e prevenção. Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica no período de abril a junho de 2015, por meio das bases de dados (SciELO, PubMed, LILACS e BIREME), cartilhas e materiais do Ministério da Saúde, publicados entre 2003 a 2015 envolvendo os descritores: “doenças sexualmente transmissíveis”, “adolescente”, “sexualidade” e “vulnerabilidade em saúde” no idioma inglês e português. A busca resultou em 63 publicações das quais 58 foram selecionadas a partir da leitura dos resumos dos materiais para elaboração deste trabalho por abordarem o tema proposto. Pode se observar que a disseminação das DSTs entre a população jovem é crescente, sendo necessário investir continuamente em ações de caráter educativo que visem à redução dos fatores de riscos e possam contribuir para sua cidadania.Descritores: Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis; Adolescente; Sexualidade; Vulnerabilidade em Saúde.

    Traumatic life events and suicide risk among jail inmates: The influence of types of events, time period and significant others.

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    Relationships between traumatic life events and suicide risk were studied in two samples of jail inmates with a low (N D 216) and a high (N D 51) suicide risk. Although nonsuicidal inmates reported a high prevalence of traumatic life events, suicidal inmates reported even higher prevalence rates. Suicidal inmates reported more episodes of sexual abuse, physical maltreatment, emotional maltreatment, abandonment, and suicide attempts by significant others. They also had experienced more traumatic life events during childhood, later life, and detention. It is concluded that traumatic life events are associated with suicide risk and that such an association remains in a population with a high prevalence of traumatic life events. It is also concluded that suicide risk is dependent of the type of life event, the timing of the event, and the type of persons involved in the event