202 research outputs found

    Evaluación de riesgos de exposición a virus respiratorios y propuesta formativa en PRL en laboratorio de microbiología clínica

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    Tras una evaluación del riesgo de exposición a agentes biológicos del puesto de trabajo para detectar posibles situaciones de riesgo que requieran adoptar medidas preventivas, se plantea la formación del personal laboral en el correcto uso de equipos de protección individual como una medida adicional para la prevención de riesgos, teniendo en cuenta que la formación nunca debe utilizarse en sustitución de las medidas preventivas que debe adoptar el empresario en el cumplimiento de su deber general de prevención

    Determinants and Tools to Evaluate the Ecological Sustainability of Using Forest Biomass as an Alternative Energy Source

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    Forest biomass, the most ancient of fuels, is again in the center of renewable energy production. This chapter provides an introductory view of the main factors that condition the ecological sustainability of this energy source. The basic concepts of ecological sustainability, ecological rotation, and ecological thresholds (among others) are presented. The state of the art on approaches to assess the sustainability of forest biomass production for heat and electricity is discussed, and tools available for decision-makers to evaluate the sustainability of forest biomass production and management are described. This chapter then describes the main advantages and drawbacks of forest certification, growth and yield tables, and ecological models in relationship to their use in sustainable forest management for biomass and energy production

    ICT and gamification experiences with CLIL methodology as innovative resources for the development of competencies in compulsory secondary education

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    Due to the lack of research in the field of music through CLIL and ICT in Secondary Education in Spain, we propose to merge this subject with an innovative methodology. The general objective is to present a different approach to students in order to increase their motivation for the subject. The specific objectives are to teach music in English by integrating content, cognition and vocabulary through communication and the use of new technologies. This approach makes the design and implementation didactic, audiovisual and multimedia. Cuadernia: digital notebook composed of flash files, videos and audios, and gamification strategies. Quizziz: multiplayer questionnaire of class contents, based on teaching music through a cooperative methodology and gamification, are applied as options with a great educational projection, with information and innovative pedagogical experiences and potential to work together in the classroom with different levels of the subject. The results that follow the Likert scale reflect high student satisfaction with regard to teaching methodology, content acquisition, teacher training, ICT and resources. As a conclusion, of the coincident results between the professor and the students, we would like to implement it in the coming years

    A comprehensive placement test tool for language centres

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    ©[2011] by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston[EN] One of the main problems relating to language courses offered at language centres is measuring the students' entry-level skills in a fast, efficient and reliable way. This problem is particularly acute in language centres with large numbers of students, especially at the beginning of the academic year, as a mechanism has to be implemented which serves to determine the language skills of students prior to the registration period. For this purpose we have developed a software tool that allows us to determine a student's level quickly and effectively, while managing volumes of approximately 600 students in each of the two academic periods in which the courses are offered. The tool presented has been tested and validated over four years of use, giving results that demonstrate a high degree of reliability. Also, given the program's flexibility, it can be adapted to other specific needs, and can also be used to assess proficiency in terms of the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.Jaime Pastor, MA.; Pérez Guillot, MC.; Candel Mora, MÁ. (2012). A comprehensive placement test tool for language centres. Language Learning in Higher Education. 1(2):325-331. doi:10.1515/cercles-2011-0020S3253311

    Benefits of introducing Picture books through ICTs in Bilingual Settings: An example with Cuadernia and Press Here by Herve Tullet

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    Picture books which were implemented through Wanga Gag’s Millions of Cats have been proven to be an excellent resource because images opposed to words have a leading role. This resource also becomes a perfect ally for digital natives who are appealed to images and with the use of ICT tools turns it into a more appealing and engaging experience.The picture book titled Press Here by Herve Tullet has been used to work the 4Cs of CLIL (Content, Culture, Communication and Cognition) through non-linguistic subjects (Art, Math and Music). Cuadernia due to its flexibility and easiness it is the most suitable ICT tool to introduce a picture book through CLIL methodology at early stages. Different tasks to work Art like the result of mixing primary colors or a video to consolidate the shape of a circle help students to activate their prior knowledge in a visual way. Math was also introduced through Cuadernia with the aim to learn counting until 5 through bottle caps and associated to colors. Lastly, Music together with the shape of the circles was displayed showing finger paint. For all the previously stated ideas, it is highly recommended to use a software like Cuadernia to work any picture book through bilingual methodology because it will broaden students’ knowledge and allow them to practice in a more dynamic and attractive environment.Los álbumes ilustrados fueron implementados a partir de la obra Millions of Cats de Wanga Gag y han resultado ser un excelente recurso porque las imágenes, en contraposición a las palabras, tienen un papel primordial. Este recurso se convierte en el aliado perfecto para los nativos digitales quienes se sienten atraídos por las imágenes que junto con las TIC lo convierten en una experiencia más atractiva y motiva-dora. El álbum ilustrado Press Here de Herve Tullet se ha empleado para trabajar las 4 C de AICLE (Contenido, Cultura, Comunicación y Cognición) a través de materias no lingüísticas (arte, matemáticas y música). Cuadernia por su flexibildiad y facilidad es la herramienta más adecuada para introducer el álbum ilus-trado a través de la metodología AICLE a edades tempranas. Se han llevado a cabo diferentes activida-des para trabajar el arte como resultado de la mezcla de los colores primarios o el video, consolidando la forma del círculo que ayudará a los alumnos a activar su conocimiento previo de forma visual. Las matemáticas también se introducen a partir de Cuadernia con el propósito de aprender a contar hasta 5 a partir de los tapones de las botellas de plástico asociadas a los colores. Por último, la música junto con la forma de los círculos se muestra a partir de la pintura de dedos. Por todas las ideas expuestas con anterioridad, es altamente recomendable emplear el software Cuadernia para trabajar cualquier álbum ilustrado a través de la metodología bilingüe porque ampliará el conocimiento de los alumnos y les per-mitirá practicar en un entorno más dinámico y atractivo

    ICT and AICLE as facilitators in bilingual education.

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    El enorme desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) y la expansión de Internet, han provocado una auténtica revolución para el mundo de la música, proporcionando nuevos recursos para los educadores musicales de todos los niveles. Por lo tanto, la enseñanza bilingüe está empleando nuevas metodologías como CLIL-AICLE, que encuentra en las TIC un excelente recurso para mejorar la práctica docente, favoreciendo el desarrollo de la competencia digital en el alumnado, así como facilitando el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Justificamos el uso de este blog educativo: My Musical corner, http://mymusicalconer.blogspot.com/, que versa sobre la utilización y puesta en práctica de recursos didácticos y multimedia sobre música en inglés. El objetivo principal es lograr una comunicación más efectiva de la música en inglés permitiendo la dimensión formativa y socializadora de nuestros estudiantes. Este trabajo se concibe a través de una metodología práctica, cooperativa y centrada en el estudiante, con un diseño activo, colaborativo y comunicativo adecuado para una educación integral. Los resultados demuestran que puede ser una herramienta de aprendizaje extraordinaria en el contexto educativo, ya que ofrece un medio eficaz, atractivo y de fácil acceso para enriquecer el currículo de Edu cación Secundaria y las actividades desarrolladas en el aula de música bilingüe. The enormous development of information and communication technologies (ITC) and the expansion of the Internet have sparked a real revolution for the world of music, providing resources for music educators of all levels. Therefore, bilingual teaching is using new methodologies such as CLIL-AICLE, which finds in ICT an excellent resource to improve teaching practice, promoting the development of digital competence in students, as well as learning a foreign language. We justify the use of this educational blog: My Musical corner, http://mymusicalconer.blogspot.com/ , which deals with the use and implementation of teaching and multimedia resources on Music in English. The main objective being to achieve a more effective communication of music in English enabling the formative and socializing dimension in our students. This work is conceived through a practical, cooperative and student-centered methodology, with an active, collaborative and communicative design suitable for comprehensive education. The results demonstrate that it can be an extraordinary learning tool in the educational context, as it offers an effective, attractive and easily accessible means to enrich the Secondary Education curriculum and the activities developed in the bilingual music classroom

    Nutritional Status and Risk Factors for Frailty in Community-Dwelling Older People : A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Objective: This study aims to assess the relationship that frailty has with nutritional status and functional risk factors in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: Cross-sectional study in community-dwelling older people, independent for walking and without impaired cognition. Frailty was assessed by Fried criteria. Nutritional status was analyzed by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF), biochemical markers (albumin, total proteins, cholesterol, lymphocytes, and hemoglobin); and anthropometric parameters (body mass index [BMI], body fat percentage, handgrip, and perimeters). A comprehensive geriatric assessment analyzed other risk factors: functionality, cognition, falls, comorbidity, polypharmacy, physical activity, and quality of life (QoL). Results: We included 564 elderly people with a mean age of 76.05 (standard deviation 3.97) years; 63.1% (n = 356) were women, and 83.9% (n = 473) were prefrail, and frail. The sample presented high functionality and a nutritional status with a predominance of overweight and obesity. Factors associated with frailty (R2 = 0.43) were age over 75 years (odds ratio [OR] 3.31, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.76, 6.21; p < 0.001), female gender (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.24, 4.52; p = 0.009), anemia (OR 2.45, 95% CI 1.19, 5.02; p = 0.015), falls (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.12, 3.25; p = 0.016) and the fear of falling (OR 4.01: 95% CI 1.76, 9.16; p = 0.001). Performing more than 3 weekly hours of physical activity was found to be a protective factor (OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.15, 0.35; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The relationship between frailty and malnutrition in functionally independent community-dwelling older people is unclear. More studies are needed to know what nutritional markers are related to frailty, cognition, and functionality in order to discriminate the risk factors for community-dwelling older people at risk of malnutrition and dependency

    Influencia de los métodos de conservación en las actividades enzimáticas de suelos forestales mediterráneos

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    Soil storage method may alter enzymatic activity being storage conditions of the soil samples prior to analysis decisive for the results. Studies made on freshly collected soils are generally preferred. However it is always not possible due to practical reasons since for example sampling is often restricted to short period of the year or because a great quantity of microbiological analyses must be made on time and by few people. On this context, soil storage methods are needed, being cold at 4°C the most widely used although sometimes alternative storage methods are also utilized. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of two alternative storage methods of soil samples (freezing at –20°C and air drying conservation methods) in comparison to cold at 4°C on the enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, phosphatase, β-glucosidase and urease soil enzymes). Samples of two forest ecosystems (pine and holm oak forest stand) were taken in two different season of the year (winter and spring 2009). Results showed that enzymatic activities differed when freezing or air drying conservation methods were used in comparison with cold soil samples. Generally, alternative soil storage methods presented lower enzymatic activity than cold at 4°C. However, these changes depend on season and sampling location.El método de conservación del suelo utilizado puede alterar la actividad enzimática, siendo decisivas para los resultados, las condiciones de conservación previas a los análisis. Para los estudios es preferible realizar los análisis en muestras frescas y recién cogidas. Sin embargo, esto no es siempre posible por razones prácticas ya que las muestras se tienen que recoger en un corto periodo del año o porque los análisis los debe hacer poca gente y siempre en un determinado tiempo. En este contexto, se necesita un método de conservación, siendo el mantenimiento en el frigorífico a 4°C el método más usado, aunque existen otros métodos alternativos. El objetivo de este trabajo es el de evaluar el efecto de dos métodos alternativos de conservación (congelado a –20°C y secado a temperatura ambiente) sobre las actividades enzimáticas (deshidrogenasa, fosfatasa, β-glucosidasa y ureasa), en comparación con el mantenido en el frigorífico a 4°C. Las muestras se obtuvieron de dos zonas forestales diferentes (pinar y encinar) y en dos épocas distintas (primavera y verano de 2009). Los resultados mostraron diferencias en las actividades enzimáticas cuando se usó el congelado o secado al aire de las muestras de suelo en comparación con el mantenimiento en el frigorífico. De forma general, los métodos de conservación alternativos mostraron una menor actividad enzimática en las muestras de suelo analizadas. Sin embargo, estos cambios dependen de la época del año y la zona de muestreo