165 research outputs found
Geometry learning: The role of tasks, working models, and dynamic geometry software
We present several learning experiences that illustrate how three aspects of the geometric competence, constructing and analyzing properties of figures, identifying patterns and investigating and geometric problem solving, were developed by pupils that participated in the implementation of an innovative geometry teaching unit in grade 8. The topics addressed were dealing with properties of two dimensional figures, Pythagoras theorem, loci, translations and similarity of triangles. The development of the geometric competence was clearly supported by the dynamic geometry environment but unfolded in different ways, depending on the way how pupils reacted to the different types of tasks.Apresentamos várias experiências de aprendizagem que ilustram como três aspectos da competência geométrica, construir e analisar propriedades de figuras, identificar regularidades e investigar e resolver foram desenvolvidos por alunos que participaram de uma experiência de ensino inovadora no campo da Geometria no 8.º ano de escolaridade. Os temas tratados incluem o trabalho com figuras bidimensionais, teorema de Pitágoras, lugares geométricos, translações e semelhança de triângulos. O desenvolvimento da competência geométrica foi claramente apoiado pelo ambiente de geometria dinâmica mas processou-se de formas diferentes, em resultado do modo como os alunos reagiram aos diferentes tipos de tarefa
Times they are a-changing’ for portuguese emigration?: A comparision of emigrants that departure before and after the economic crisis
Este trabajo pretende responder a la pregunta: ¿En qué medida los emigrantes
portugueses que salieron después de la crisis económica y financiera difieren
de los que se fueron antes de este punto de inflexión? Para cumplir con
este propósito, se cubre una parte de la literatura sobre los impactos de esta
crisis en las migraciones internacionales, así como algunas teorías sobre
las motivaciones que conducen a la emigración. La componente empírica de
este trabajo moviliza a los datos de una encuesta aplicada a una muestra de
cerca de 6.000 residentes portugueses en cerca de 100 países extranjeros.
El trabajo de campo se llevó a cabo entre mayo de 2014 y mayo de 2015
y se aplicó en una estrategia multimodal, recopilando encuestas en línea y
en formato de papel. Se comparan varias características de los encuestados
teniendo en cuenta el año de salida de Portugal: antes de 2008 o después
de 2009. Además se utilizan estadísticas oficiales también para corroborar
mejor los argumentos.This paper aims to answer the question: To what extent do the Portuguese
emigrants who left after the economic and financial crisis differ from those
who left before this turning point? To fulfil this purpose, it is covered
some literature on the impacts of this crisis on international migrations as
well as some theories about the motivations that lead to emigration. The
empirical component of this paper mobilizes data from a questionnaire survey
applied to a sample of about 6,000 Portuguese residents in about 100
foreign countries. The field work took place between May 2014 and May
2015 and was applied in a multi-mode strategy, collecting surveys online
and in paper-and-pen format. Several characteristics of the respondents are
compared taking into account the year of departure from Portugal: before
2008 or after 2009. Furthermore, official statistics are also used to better
corroborate the argument
Socio-demographic characteristics and consumption patterns of drug users : syntesis of outcome research at a TC for a 10 year range
– Therapeutic communities (TCs) are one of the existent social responses in helping drug users overcome addiction and pursue social reintegration. The purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the general characteristics of about 200 drug users and their addiction and those of addicts abroad treated in a TC and clinically discharged. The analysis now presented is the first empirical approach to capture social regularities and singularities that are present in these individuals’ reintegration strategies.
– The data have a ten-year range – from 1999 to 2009 – and were statically analysed.
– They show a group of individuals with low qualifications reflected in their professional occupation, from which family is an essential support. These data also show a significant prevalence of heroin, alcohol, cocaine and polydrug uses, highlighting the need to consider new use patterns and new synthetic substances.
– TC have been little studied, mainly in Portugal.
“The closed door?”: the relationship of the ciganos with the labour market from the perspective of the employment and training officers
The employability of the Portuguese Roma, or Ciganos, is one of the major challenges that arises in contemporary Portuguese society, being transversal to other European countries, since a part of this population lack the necessary school and professional qualifications for their integration in the labour market. Employment and professional training centres can operate as institutional mediators between the Ciganos and the labour market. However, there are few studies about these public services and this article aims to fill this gap in terms of knowledge on this thematic. This paper is based on the analysis of the results derived from an online survey applied to employment centre directors and officers, aimed at unravelling the motives that justify, in their perspective, the low employability of Ciganos. Despise the results highlighted the greater emphasis on explanations of individual order and lesser reference to factors that are structural or focused on the employers. The contact with Cigano culture appears to be associated with a decrease of the importance of explanations of individual order and a higher weight of the explanations of structural order.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A emigração portuguesa para a Alemanha remonta aos anos 1960, durante o período
do programa formal de trabalhadores convidados. Este fluxo começou a decrescer a partir
de 1974 mas recuperou um novo fôlego com a queda do muro de Berlim. Atingiu o seu pico
em meados dos anos 1990 para decrescer até meados dos anos 2000. Desde então, e até
2013, voltou a crescer. No ano de 2015 residiam na Alemanha 133,929 cidadãos portugueses.
Os portugueses na Alemanha encontram-se em grande parte em idade ativa, com uma
proporção de homens ligeiramente superior à de mulheres. Com base no stock de portugueses,
parecem ter existido três grandes vagas: uma, chegada há mais de 40 anos, outra, entre 20 e
25 anos atrás, e uma, mais recente, que se encontra na Alemanha há menos de 4 anos.
Mais de metade dos portugueses reside no estado federado da Renânia do Norte-Vestefália
e em Bade-Vurtemberga
Intelligent wheelchair simulation
Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major Automação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200
No estudar é que está o ganho?” Comparação entre ciganos com diferentes níveis de escolaridade com base em dados do Estudo Nacional sobre as Comunidades Ciganas
A dificuldade dos ciganos em aceder e permanecer no sistema de ensino é uma questão bem vincada na sociedade portuguesa. Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer algumas caraterísticas que diferenciam ciganos portugueses que acederam e terminaram o ensino secundário ou o ensino superior face a dois outros grupos: com escolaridade até ao 3º ciclo do ensino básico e iletrados. Para cumprir este fim recorre-se a dados do inquérito por questionário aplicado no âmbito do Estudo Nacional Sobre as Comunidades Ciganas. São tomados como domínios de análise as caraterísticas sociodemográficas, as relações de conjugalidade com não ciganos, a integração no mercado de trabalho, as relações com a escola e as atitudes face a desigualdades de género.The difficulty of Ciganos to access and stay in school is a recurring issue in the Portuguese society. This article aims to know some features that differentiate Portuguese Ciganos who have accessed and finished secondary education or higher education compared with two other groups: those with education up to the 3rd cycle of basic education and the illiterate. To fulfil this purpose we used data from the questionnaire survey of the National Study of Roma Communities. The domains of analysis assumed are as follows: social and demographic characteristics, the blood relationships with non-Ciganos, integration into the labour market, the relationship with the school and the attitudes towards gender inequalities.Les difficultés à accéder et à rester à l’école rencontrées par les Roms est un problème évident de la société portugaise. Cet article vise à connaître certaines caractéristiques différenciant les Ciganos portugais qui ont suivi et terminé l’enseignement secondaire ou supérieur par rapport à deux autres groupes : celui qui a suivi le 3ème cycle de l’enseignement de base et celui des illettrés. Pour atteindre ce but, nous avons utilisé des données de l’enquête par questionnaire de l’Étude nationale sur les communautés Ciganos. Les domaines d’analyse sont les caractéristiques sociodémographiques,les relations de sang avec les non-Ciganos, l’intégration sur le marché du travail, la relation avec l’école et les attitudes face à des inégalités de genre
“No study, no gain?” Comparison of Ciganos with different levels of education based on National Study data on Roma Communities
A dificuldade dos ciganos em aceder e permanecer no sistema de ensino é uma questão
bem vincada na sociedade portuguesa. Este artigo tem como objetivo conhecer
algumas caraterísticas que diferenciam ciganos portugueses que acederam e terminaram
o ensino secundário ou o ensino superior face a dois outros grupos: com escolaridade
até ao 3º ciclo do ensino básico e iletrados. Para cumprir este fim recorre-se a
dados do inquérito por questionário aplicado no âmbito do Estudo Nacional Sobre as
Comunidades Ciganas. São tomados como domínios de análise as caraterísticas sociodemográficas,
as relações de conjugalidade com não ciganos, a integração no mercado
de trabalho, as relações com a escola e as atitudes face a desigualdades de género.The difficulty of Ciganos to access and stay in school is a recurring issue in the Portuguese society. This article aims to know some features that differentiate Portuguese Ciganos who have accessed and finished secondary education or higher education compared with two other groups: those with education up to the 3rd cycle of basic education and the illiterate. To fulfil this purpose we used data from the questionnaire survey of the National Study of Roma Communities. The domains of analysis assumed are as follows: social and demographic characteristics, the blood relationships with non-Ciganos, integration into the labour market, the relationship with the school and the attitudes towards gender inequalities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Product of the Environment: efeitos de interação entre preditores contextuais e individuais de intolerância social na Europa.
O artigo analisa indicadores de intolerância social na Europa. O objetivo é testar efeitos de moderação entre preditores individuais e contextuais num modelo de regressão para indicadores de intolerância social.O material empírico consiste nos resultados da vaga de 2008 do European Value Studies. As hipóteses foram testadas com recurso ao software HLM. Confirmou-se a existência de dois efeitos de moderação: (i) entre o sentimento de ameaça e a dimensão do habitat e (ii) entre a longevidade e o suporte à democracia. Embora o tema da tolerância social já tenha sido vastamente estudado, são poucos os trabalhos que estudam esse fenômeno numa análise multinível, e menor ainda os que testam efeitos de moderação. Sugere-se a procura por novos efeitos de moderação na explicação da intolerância social
“The closed door?” The relationship of the Ciganos with the labour market from the perspective of the employment and training officers
The employability of the Portuguese Roma, or Ciganos, is one of the major challenges that arises in contemporary Portuguese society, being transversal to other European countries, since a part of this population lack the necessary school and professional qualifications for their integration in the labour market. Employment and professional training centres can operate as institutional mediators between the Ciganos and the labour market. However, there are few studies about these public services and this article aims to fill this gap in terms of knowledge on this thematic. This paper is based on the analysis of the results derived from an online survey applied to employment centre directors and officers, aimed at unravelling the motives that justify, in their perspective, the low employability of Ciganos. Despise the results highlighted the greater emphasis on explanations of individual order and lesser reference to factors that are structural or focused on the employers. The contact with Cigano culture appears to be associated with a decrease of the importance of explanations of individual order and a higher weight of the explanations of structural order.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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