608 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Computational Study of Ionic Liquids Confined in Topologically Complex Micro and Nano Structures

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    Ionic Liquids (ILs) are novel solvents with unique and very interesting properties. These properties make them very promising for their use in electrochemical devicers, such as batteries or super-capacitors. However, a proper modelling and understanding of the properties of ILs at the electrodes is required for these applications. In this thesis, an extensive modeling and characterization of the structural and dynamic properties of ILs confined inside different pore geometries is performed. These geometries include twodimensional surfaces, one-dimensional nanotubes and ordered carbon frameworks. In order to do so, theoretical and computational tools were used, including molecular dynamics simulations, quantum density functional theory and Monte Carlo methods

    ¿Cómo realizar un mapeo de temperatura en un área de almacenamiento de medicamentos?

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    Drugstores in Costa Rica must comply with the Regulation of Good Practices for Storage and Distribution of Drug Products. One of the key points of this regulation is to verify that the quality of drug products is maintained and the best way to maintain it is to control the environmental conditions during storage. Temperature is one of the parameters that most affects the stability of drug products and therefore temperature mapping should be performed to establish in which areas is safe to store drug products. In this article we intend to detail the steps that a pharmacist needs to know to successfully perform a temperature mapping  Las droguerías en Costa Rica deben cumplir con el Reglamento de Buenas Prácticas de Almacenamiento y Distribución de Medicamentos en Droguerías. Uno de los puntos clave de este reglamento es garantizar que la calidad de los medicamentos se mantenga y la mejor forma de mantenerla es controlando las condiciones ambientales durante su almacenamiento. La temperatura es uno de los parámetros que más afecta la estabilidad de los medicamentos y por ello se deben realizar mapeos de temperatura para establecer en cuáles áreas es seguro almacenar los productos. En este artículo se detallan los pasos que un farmacéutico necesita saber para realizar de forma exitosa un mapeo de temperatura.&nbsp

    Estudio de emociones relacionadas con la violencia de género a través del análisis facial

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    La violencia de género es un problema de la sociedad actual que afecta a millones de personas y está presente en todas las esferas sociales, dado que, según la ONU, el 35% de mujeres ha sufrido violencia de género en algún momento de su vida. La concienciación sobre este problema es clave, ya que menos del 40% de las mujeres que sufren algún tipo de VG busca ayuda o denuncia al agresor. El proyecto EMPATÍA-CM de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid propone un enfoque tecnológico para combatir la violencia de género. Sus objetivos principales se centran en entender las reacciones de las víctimas de VG ante situaciones de peligro, generar mecanismos de detección de estas situaciones y estudiar cómo protegerlas de la mejor forma posible. Este Trabajo Fin de Grado forma parte del proyecto EMPATÍA-CM y busca entender y evaluar las emociones que reflejan las personas en situaciones de VG mediante un análisis facial. Para ello, se utilizan dos métodos de observación: método de observación directa y método de análisis biométrico mediante el software FaceReader. Con ambos métodos se realiza un análisis facial de las 6 emociones básicas: alegría, asco, ira, miedo, sorpresa y tristeza, a un grupo de personas voluntarias mientras visualizan escenas de VG. Una vez que se recogen los datos de ambos métodos, se realiza una comparación de los resultados para cada participante en particular y para todas las personas participantes en conjunto. Además, se comparan los resultados por grupo poblacionales, diferenciados por edad y sexo. Gracias a los experimentos realizados, se obtiene que las emociones más observadas en las personas analizadas en situaciones de VG son asco, ira y tristeza. Es necesario destacar que las emociones que sienten las personas en situaciones de VG se deben aprovechar como un recurso fundamental para reflexionar sobre la injusticia de la situación y buscar una manera de actuar de forma responsable en el futuro.Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Application of a computational method for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer using proteomic pattern recognition

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    O presente trabalho apresenta um método baseado em reconhecimento de padrões proteômicos para o diagnóstico precoce do câncer de próstata, utilizando técnicas computacionais, aplicadas na base de dados de padrões proteômicos SELDI-TOF. O método baseia-se em classificar o indivíduo quanto ao estágio de portabilidade do câncer de próstata. Para tanto, usa-se a técnica de Análise de Componentes Independente (ICA) para extrair as características, depois o algoritmo de Máxima Relevância e Mínima Redundância para reduzir o custo computacional, e finalmente a Máquina de Vetores de Suporte para a classificação. Obtêm-se o melhor resultado do método com um vetor de 27 características, alcançando acurácia, especificidade e sensibilidade, respectivamente de 89,21%, 83,68% e 95,08%.This paper presents a method based on the recognition of proteomic patterns for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer, using computational techniques, applied in the database of SELDI-TOF proteomic patterns. The method is based on classifying the individual as to the portability stage of prostate cancer. To do so, the Independent Component Analysis (ICA) technique is used to extract the characteristics, after which are utilized the algorithm of Maximum Relevance and Minimum Redundancy to reduce the computational cost, and finally the Support Vector Machine to obtain the classification. The best result of the method was obtained with a vector of 27 characteristics, achieving accuracy, specificity and sensitivity, respectively of 89.21%, 83.68% and 95.08%.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tristimulus weight functions to calculate musts color coordinates from 10-nm bandwidth spectral data

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    Color measurement of red musts is affected by errors due to the instrument architecture. The influence of bandwidth in color coordinates errors is studied and a set of weighting functions for the color coordinates calculation, from 10 nm spectral data, is proposed

    The “Bullied” Manager: An Empirical Study of Individual, Organizational and Contextual Factors

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    Abstract: The aim of this paper is to study the determinants of workplace bullying in a group of employees with a privileged position within the company: managers. First of all, we define the phenomenon. After, we make a review of literature with the object to set related variables in a global model of workplace bullying. A sample population of 608 managers was obtained from the microdata file of the last European Working Conditions Survey (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). The methodology used to achieve our research objectives is based on the binary logistic regression model. With this statistical technique we determine the probability of the occurrence of an event-workplace bullying in this case-compared to the probability of the occurrence of the opposite event. The global model is integrated by individual, organizational and contextual factors and predicts the likelihood of workplace bullying in 68% (61.6% between bullied managers and 75.9% between non bullied managers). The resulting model for managers is similar to models of workplace bullying for employees in general. Key words: Workplace bullying; Power; Harassment; Mobbing; Manager

    Evidence of Green Areas, Cycle Infrastructure and Attractive Destinations Working Together in Development on Urban Cycling

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    The built environment influences and promotes cycling that has now become a challenge for sustainable urban mobility in many cities where this mode of transport carries little weight. This is the case for Granada (Spain), a medium-sized city in southern Europe, which as a university city and with lots of green areas, could find potential supportive factors to promote cycling. Website-apps with a Global Positioning System (GPS), such as Ciclogreen that encourage active accessibility try to promote cycling and are supported by the University of Granada. The aim of this work is to assess the capacity of green areas and some influential factors of their built environment to attract cycling routes. To this end, a spatial analysis was made and interpreted by a statistical model to check the correlation between these factors and a high number of cycling routes through or near the green areas. The results show a high number of cycling routes within urban surroundings that include green areas, cycle lanes, university facilities, and public car parks in proximity relationships. Identifying synergies among these urban factors and the information and incentive coming from a digital catalyst in shape on an app could be useful in urban planning for cycling

    The dissolution of the classroom: Finmere Primary School (1958-59), an integrative, specific and active learning

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    [EN] The present article describes Finmere Primary School (1958-59), by the architects David and Mary Medd, which belongs to the Development Projects in Great Britain. The methodology of the article responds to Herbert Read¿s theses in his book Education through Art (1943) and influential professionals, Christian Schiller and Robin Tanner, who together with the Medds, supported his theories about the importance of the Arts in the personal development of the individual. The article focuses on describing how the spaces of the school, and the school as a whole, lend themselves to the development of the theories raised by these thinkers, to analyze the validity of their approaches in the present. The description of the project strategies helps to understand the architectural space in relation to some theoretical concepts that understand the human being as creative in a community environment. In the first place, the school will be explained as a single learning space without classrooms, promoting learning that integrates several disciplines. Next, as a place that absorbs the simultaneity of activities, a built-in variety school designed for specific activities. Finally, the school will be interpreted as a workshop that facilitates learning through experimentation and forces students to participate actively, building their own working corners. The article is limited to the study of a school in the British territory, as a particular case that allows us to see, through its evolution, how the educational and architectural discipline could jointly make a significant advance in the post-war schools. Finmere Primary School¿s project adapts to the pedagogical concepts still in force today, so we can learn from it fundamental strategies for the design of educational spaces.[ES] El artículo analiza la escuela de Finmere (1958-59) de los arquitectos David y Mary Medd, perteneciente a un grupo de proyectos conocidos como los Development Projects en el Reino Unido. La metodología del artículo atiende a las tesis de Herbert Read a través de su libro Educación por el arte (1943) y de profesionales influyentes como Christian Schiller y Robin Tanner que, junto con los Medd, apoyaban sus teorías acerca de la importancia del arte en el desarrollo personal del individuo. El artículo se centra en describir cómo los espacios de la escuela, y la escuela como conjunto, se prestan al desarrollo de las teorías planteadas por estos pensadores, para analizar la validez de sus planteamientos en la actualidad. La descripción de las estrategias proyectuales ayuda a comprender la forma del espacio arquitectónico basada en el ser humano como ser creativo en un ambiente comunitario. En primer lugar, se explica la escuela como un único espacio sin aulas, fomentando un aprendizaje que integra varias disciplinas. A continuación, como un lugar que absorbe la simultaneidad de actividades, una escuela hecha por partes (built-in variety), diseñada para actividades específicas. Por último, se interpreta la escuela como taller que facilita el aprendizaje a través de la experimentación y obliga a los alumnos a participar de forma activa, construyendo sus propios rincones de trabajo. El artículo se limita al estudio de una escuela en el territorio británico, como un caso particular que permite ver, a través de su evolución, cómo la disciplina educativa y la arquitectónica pudieron realizar conjuntamente un avance significativo en las escuelas de posguerra. El proyecto de Finmere se adapta a los conceptos pedagógicos vigentes aún, por lo que se puede aprender de ella estrategias fundamentales para el diseño de espacios educativos.Los autores agradecen el apoyo del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, del Gobierno de EspañaLacomba-Montes, P.; Campos-Uribe, A. (2018). La disolución del aula: Finmere Primary School (1958-59), un aprendizaje integrador, específico y activo. Revista 180. Arquitectura, arte, diseño. (41):1-13. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/123498S1134

    Mary and David Medd’s schools. The dissolution of the classroom: architecture for education

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    Today’s architect is entrusted with giving spatial form to the new ideas on education. From the discussion between philosophy and pedagogy, we learn that it is impossible to develop methodologies without the content intended to be taught. Pedagogy should result of the research that teachers develop on their own teaching. That leads us to specific didactics, rules and methods which serve to learn a certain subject, thus to specific qualified spaces. Since the Modern Movement, design of schools has moved away from the additive configuration of flexible classrooms towards an addition of dissimilar places that students can use for different purposes, depending on the discipline they are learning. The best example of this approach is the work of Mary and David Medd, in post-war England, which serves as a case study. In their built-in variety we find no classrooms, but a single learning unit formed by spaces qualified for different uses

    An autonomic framework for enhancing the quality of data grid services

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    Data grid services have been used to deal with the increasing needs of applications in terms of data volume and throughput. The large scale, heterogeneity and dynamism of grid environments often make management and tuning of these data services very complex. Furthermore, current high-performance I/O approaches are characterized by their high complexity and specific features that usually require specialized administrator skills. Autonomic computing can help manage this complexity. The present paper describes an autonomic subsystem intended to provide self-management features aimed at efficiently reducing the I/O problem in a grid environment, thereby enhancing the quality of service (QoS) of data access and storage services in the grid. Our proposal takes into account that data produced in an I/O system is not usually immediately required. Therefore, performance improvements are related not only to current but also to any future I/O access, as the actual data access usually occurs later on. Nevertheless, the exact time of the next I/O operations is unknown. Thus, our approach proposes a long-term prediction designed to forecast the future workload of grid components. This enables the autonomic subsystem to determine the optimal data placement to improve both current and future I/O operations