1,982 research outputs found

    Evaluation et contrôle des stratégies des ressources humaines dans le secteur du tourisme. Preuves/indices/donnees empiriques dans les provinces de Málaga et Granada

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    Dans le contexte économique de l'effondrement de l'économie réelle, le tourisme a pris un rôle de premier plan en tant que premier créateur d'emplois dans notre pays. Il est connu que l'augmentation de la qualité du travail dans le secteur du tourisme, a pour conséquences une augmentation de la productivité, une amélioration des conditions de vie, ainsi qu'une croissance économique. Dans une telle situation, la stratégie des ressources humaines, l'un des facteurs clés de succès pour l'avantage concurrentiel, doit être un stimulus pour que le capital humain, le plus talentueux, se semble plus attiré et développe sa carrière dans ce secteur, ce qui se traduirait par une amélioration des attentes des performances commerciales. Comme nous l'avons démontré dans les recherches précédentes, le secteur du tourisme en général, et surtout dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie, contrairement à d'autres, présente certaines caractéristiques spécifiques, qui exercent un impact significatif sur la qualité et la quantité des emplois créés. Parmi ces caractéristiques, on peut souligner concrètement la saisonnalité. En termes d'emploi, la saisonnalité implique, a priori, l'instabilité, de faibles attentes, des salaires bas, ils signifient dans son ensemble, une baisse de la qualité de l'emploi, ajouté à une réduction de celui-ci lors des périodes de moins de touristes. L'objectif de ce travail est d'obtenir des preuves empiriques sur l'attraction et la rétention des talents du capital humain dans le secteur du tourisme andalou (concrètement à Malaga et à Grenade), en utilisant comme variable proxy, le désajustement de l’éducation. La méthodologie utilisée pour l'analyse était la méthode statistique, basée sur la mode, après avoir catégoriser des hôtels (Malaga et Grenade) par analyse 444 discriminante de l'information économique agrégée, la plus pertinente, de chaque entreprise. Pour l'application de la méthode statistique on a utilisé l'information à partir d'une enquête menée aux hôtels, et á partir d'une analyse Delphi réalisée sur des experts sociaux et des leaders de l'industrie. La conclusion la plus importante, en termes généraux, se réfère à la nonconcordance entre l'évaluation de l'importance accordée à la stratégie des ressources humaines et le développement de cette même lors de sa mise en oeuvre. Ainsi, une dichotomie peut être vu, dans le niveau d'éducation, se produisant un problème d'éducation en excès, alors que l'éducation formelle est insuffisante pour l'exécution efficace du travail. Tout cela reflète une politique ne favorisant point la rétention des talents.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Factores de riesgo y conocimiento sobre tuberculosis en pacientes sintomáticos respiratorios mayores de 10 años que consultan en UCSF San Francisco Javier, Usulután, Abril - Junio 2017

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    Se describen los factores de riesgo y el conocimiento sobre tuberculosis pulmonar que poseen los pacientes sintomáticos respiratorios mayores de 10 años que consultan en la UCSF San Francisco Javier. El estudio es de tipo descriptivo, de corte transversal, el método de muestreo en éste estudio es no probabilístico, y la muestra seleccionada fue de 30 pacientes, el 26.7 % (8) corresponden a sexo masculinos y 73.3% (22) al sexo femenino, que cumplieron con la definición de sintomático respiratorio. La recolección de datos sobre factores de riesgo y conocimiento se realizó a través de un cuestionario a la población estudiada, el cual consistió en 26 preguntas: 14 de exploración de conocimientos sobre tuberculosis, y 12 sobre la identificación de factores de riesgo. Resultados: En relación a los factores de riesgo se encontró que el índice de hacinamiento fue “Bajo” en un 50%, “Medio” en un 30% y “Alto” en un 20%. El padecer una “enfermedad crónica” como factor de riesgo fue de un 90%, de los cuales de los cuales en un 63.33% pertenece a hipertensión arterial crónica, 20% diabetes mellitus, y un 6.6% la insuficiencia renal crónica. La mitad de los entrevistados (50%) señalaron tener hábitos como tabaquismo y alcoholismo. De acuerdo a los datos obtenidos sobre el nivel de conocimiento de la población fue el siguiente muy malo 13.33%, malo 13.33%, regular 36.66%, bueno 36.66% y excelente 0%

    Ethics and Civil Drones: European Policies and Proposals for the Industry

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    This open access book disseminates some of the results of the European H2020 AiRT Project (Technology transfer of RPAs for the creative industry). In particular, it presents findings related to mitigating safety and security concerns when civil drones are piloted by the service sector (mainly, the creative industry). European policies regarding drones generally focus on outdoor drones, but they are also used indoors. Moreover, a number of European countries have fragmented regulations on drone use, and as a result, European institutions are attempting address these issues. This work is based on a detailed study of the European policies, a comparative analysis of the regulation in various European countries, an analysis of the drone sector in Europe, and primary data from members of the creative industry. The authors created focus groups in Spain, the UK and Belgium in order to discuss with the creative industry the concerns on safety and security when using civil drones for their work. Based on these results, the book offers advice to the European industry, as well as new insights for academics and policymakers

    Analysis of the influence of the different variables involved in a damage progression probability model

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    Motivated by these difficulties, Castillo et al. (2012) made some suggestions on how to build consistent stochastic models avoiding the selection of easy to use mathematical functions, which were replaced by those resulting from a set of properties to be satisfied by the model

    El procedimiento ejecutivo especial hipotecario contenido en la ley general de bancos D.F.L. N 3, de 1997.

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    77 p.La Presente memoria utiliza un método analítico, critico y comparativo, desde una perspectiva legal, de lo que es el llamado Juicio Especial hipotecario contenido en el Decreto con fuerza de Ley N º 3, del año 1997. Se plantea como objetivo general, analizar, desde una perspectiva reflexiva y critica el procedimiento de ejecución forzada contenido en la ley General de bancos. Los objetivos pacíficos son: En primer lugar, establecer las características, presupuestos, requisitos, formalidades y alcances de la aplicación de las normas procesales contenidas en el juicio especial hipotecario. En segundo lugar, establecer a partir de un análisis comparativo, las diferencia que existen, entre el procedimiento ejecutivo especial hipotecario, contenido en del D.F:.L. N º 3, del Ministerio de hacienda del año 1997, y el procedimiento ejecutivo ordinario, consagrado en el Código de procedimiento Civil. Y en tercer lugar, Ilustrar y reseñar, la procedencia de la supletoriedad de las disposiciones procesales, contenidas en el juicio ejecutivo ordinario del código de procedimiento Civil, respecto del silencio o ausencia de normas procesales, en el juicio ejecutivo especial hipotecario de la ley general de bancos. La estructura de la presente memoria contempla una introducción y cuatro capítulos; el primero de ello, referido a los aspectos generales del procedimiento de ejecución forzada. El segundo capitulo, se analiza detalladamente el procedimiento especial hipotecario de la ley general de bancos de 1997. El tercer capitulo, aborda la situación de los tercero en el juicio hipotecario. Y el cuarto capitulo, se dedica a realizar un análisis comparativo, centrado en las diferencias entre el procedimiento ejecutivo especial del D.F.L. Nº 3 de 1997 y el ejecutivo ordinario o general del Código de Procedimiento Civil. Por último, se contiene las conclusiones extraídas del presente trabajo, como la finalidad de lograr una utilización provechosa de esta memoria

    User involvement before the development of an indoor RPAS for the creative industries

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    [EN] This paper presents user needs and preferences gathered prior to the development of an indoor remotely piloted air system. A literature review was carried out to analyse previous studies about the involvement of users in the design of indoor unmanned aerial vehicles. Subsequently, the results of these user needs obtained from three focus groups held in European countries (Belgium, Spain and United Kingdom) are presented here. Through a content analysis of the information obtained in the focus groups, 40 codes and 4 variables were defined and used to examine the differences between types of users and their previous experience with drones. The literature review gave support to the results obtained through users¿ involvement in the features to be included in a new unmanned aerial vehicle. Non-parametric tests and qualitative comparative analysis were used to analyse the information gathered in the focus groups. The results revealed few differences between artists working in creative industries and drone operators working for the creative industries. These differences affected features such as detecting and avoiding obstacles, which requires the inclusion of sensors. In addition, previous experience with drones was found to be a sufficient condition to explain greater concerns over safety, ethical and security issues in indoor environments.The author(s) declared the following potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the European Commission (H2020, grant number 732433).De-Miguel-Molina, B.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Santamarina-Campos, V.; Segarra-Oña, M. (2021). User involvement before the development of an indoor RPAS for the creative industries. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles. 13:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/17568293219921401141

    Regulation, Co-Regulation and Self-Regulation of Civil Unmanned Aircrafts in Europe

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    [EN] Safety and security concerns play a key role during the design of civil UAs (aircraft controlled by a pilot who is not onboard it) by the producers and the offer of different services by the operators. At present, European countries have fragmented regulations about the manufacture and use of civil drones, therefore the European institutions are trying to approach all these regulations into a common one. In this sense, not only law but also ethics can give guidelines to the industry in order to obtain better reports from their clients. With our results, we would like to give advice to the European industry, as well as give new insights to the academia and policymakersThe European Project AiRT has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732433. Reference: H2020-ICT-2016-2017.De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Santamarina Campos, V.; Segarra-Oña, M.; De-Miguel-Molina, B. (2018). Regulation, Co-Regulation and Self-Regulation of Civil Unmanned Aircrafts in Europe. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 12(5):498-501. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/104547S49850112

    Development of an Indoor Drone Designed for the Needs of the Creative Industries

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    [EN] With this contribution, we want to show how the AiRT system could change the future way of working of a part of the creative industry and what new economic opportunities could arise for them. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), also more commonly known as drones, are now essential tools used by many different companies for their creative outdoor work. However, using this very flexible applicable tool indoor is almost impossible, since safe navigation cannot be guaranteed by the operator due to the lack of a reliable and affordable indoor positioning system which ensures a stable flight, among other issues. Here we present our first results of a European project, which consists of developing an indoor drone for professional footage especially designed for the creative industries. One of the main achievements of this project is the successful implication of the end-users in the overall design process from the very beginning. To ensure safe flight in confined spaces, our drone incorporates a positioning system based on ultra-wide band technology, an RGB-D (depth) camera for 3D environment reconstruction and the possibility to fully pre-program automatic flights. Since we also want to offer this tool for inexperienced pilots, we have always focused on user-friendly handling of the whole system throughout the entire process.The AiRT project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 732433Santamarina Campos, V.; De-Miguel-Molina, M.; Kröner, SU.; De-Miguel-Molina, B. (2018). Development of an Indoor Drone Designed for the Needs of the Creative Industries. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. 12(5):519-523. https://doi.org/10.1999/1307-6892/10009012S51952312

    Sociolinguistic characteristics of the Latino population in the Baton Rouge metro area

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    This thesis examines sociolinguistic characteristics of the Latino population in the Baton Rouge metro area and has a manifold purpose. The main purpose of the study is to determine whether Latinos consider that the way they speak their native language –Spanish– has changed as a consequence of their living in Baton Rouge, i.e., the United States. A questionnaire was applied to 106 Latinos in Baton Rouge, 58 male and 48 female, between the ages of 18 and 71 years old, from several socioeconomic backgrounds (white collar workers, blue collar workers, etc.). They represent 14 Latin American countries. I tested a total of 48 factor groups using Goldvarb as my statistical tool to determine their statistical significance. The factor groups examined include influence of the English language, diglossic environments, linguistic insecurity, and subject personal pronoun expression. Eight significant variables were found, with respect of to the main research question. The results showed that Latinos think their native Spanish has changed, essentially because of the influence of other Latinos with whom they have constant contact, but also because of the influence of the English language. Moreover, it was determined that the number of years in the United States is a factor that favors the occurrence of the dependant variable; the longer Latinos live here, they are more likely to report changes in their Spanish. Besides, it was found that the informants have constant contact with the Spanish spoken in their home country, but this factor has not stopped the change they perceived in their language. Latinos also have a high degree of bilingualism at work, meanwhile Spanish is the main language spoken at home. In addition, informants showed a positive attitude towards their native dialect, although some traces of linguistic insecurity were found among Salvadorans, Hondurans and Puerto Ricans. Finally, some particularities in the use of second person pronouns were found, such as the rare use of the pronoun vos among speakers who come from countries were this pronoun is highly used