72 research outputs found

    Effects of Physical Exercise on Executive Function in Adults with Depression: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Executive function is among the most affected cognitive dimensions in depression. Physical exercise may improve executive function (e.g., working memory, inhibition, cognitive flexibility), although this is without consensus on adults with depression. Through this systematic review, we aim to elucidate the effects of physical exercise programs on executive functions in adults with depression. The literature search was performed in four relevant electronic databases, combining keywords and medical subject headings, from inception until September 2022. Controlled interventions, involving adults with depression, and reporting working memory, inhibition, and/or cognitive flexibility pre-post-intervention data, were considered includable. Results from meta-analyses included effect size (ES, i.e., Hedges’ g) values reported with 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs), with p set at ≤0.05. Seven studies were included, including 202 men and 457 women (age: 21.0–51.2 years; mild–moderate depression). For working memory, a small favoring effect was observed in the experimental groups compared with controls (ES = 0.33, 95%CI = 0.04–0.61; p = 0.026; I2 = 64.9%). For inhibition, physical exercise had a small favoring non-significant effect compared with controls (ES = 0.28, 95%CI = −0.17–0.74; p = 0.222; I2 = 72.4%). Compared with the control group, physical exercise had a trivial effect on cognitive flexibility (ES = 0.09, 95%CI = −0.21–0.39; p = 0.554; I2 = 68.4%). In conclusion, physical exercise interventions may improve working memory behavioral measures in adults with mild-to-moderate depression when compared with active and passive control conditions. However, the reduced number of available high-quality studies precludes more lucid conclusionsPartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Nonideal optical response of liquid crystal variable retarders and its impact on their performance as polarization modulators

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    Liquid crystal variable retarders (LCVRs) will be used for the first time in a space instrument, the Solar Orbiter mission of the European Space Agency, as polarization states analyzers (PSAs). These devices will determine the Stokes parameters of the light coming from the Sun by temporal polarization modulation, using the so-called modulation matrix O. This is a matrix constituted by the first rows of properly selected PSA Mueller matrices. Calibrating a space instrument, in particular, finding O, is a critical point because in a spacecraft there is no possibility of physical access. Due to the huge difficulty in calibrating the complete instruments in all possible scenarios, a more complete calibration of the individual components has been done in ground in order to make extrapolations to obtain O in-flight. Nevertheless, apart from the individual calibrations, the experimental errors and nonideal effects that inhibit the system to reach the designed and theoretical values must be known. In this work, description and study of these effects have been done, focusing on the nonideal effects of the LCVRs and the azimuthal misalignments between the optical components of the PSA during the mechanical assembly. The Mueller matrix of a representative LCVR has been measured and mathematically decomposed by logarithm decomposition, looking for values of circular birefringence and fast axis angle variations as a function of voltage. These effects, in the absence of other nonidealities, affect the polarimetric performance, reducing the polarimetric efficiencies in some cases until 11%. Nevertheless, in this case, they are negligible if compared to the other nonideality studied, which are the azimuthal misalignments between the PSA optical components. The study presented in this work is key to extrapolate the PSA O matrix if the expected instrumental set-point temperatures are not reached in flight and can be used for the design and implementation of other polarimetric instruments

    Molecules involved in the sperm interaction in the human uterine tube: a histochemical and immunohistochemical approach

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    In humans, even where millions of spermatozoa are deposited upon ejaculation in the vagina, only a few thousand enter the uterine tube (UT). Sperm transiently adhere to the epithelial cells lining the isthmus reservoir, and this interaction is essential in coordinating the availability of functional spermatozoa for fertilization. The binding of spermatozoa to the UT epithelium (mucosa) occurs due to interactions between cell-adhesion molecules on the cell surfaces of both the sperm and the epithelial cell. However, in humans, there is little information about the molecules involved. The aim of this study was to perform a histological characterization of the UT focused on determining the tissue distribution and deposition of some molecules associated with cell adhesion (F-spondin, galectin-9, osteopontin, integrin αV/β3) and UT’s contractile activity (TNFα-R1, TNFα-R2) in the follicular and luteal phases. Our results showed the presence of galectin-9, F-spondin, osteopontin, integrin αV/β3, TNFα-R1, and TNFα-R2 in the epithelial cells in ampullar and isthmic segments during the menstrual cycle. Our results suggest that these molecules could form part of the sperm-UT interactions. Future studies will shed light on the specific role of each of the identified molecules

    Validação e fidelidade do dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0 na medição da velocidade e da amplitude isocinética

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    Cuando se realizan valoraciones de cualquier protocolo de evaluación uno de los aspectos fundamentales es conocer la validez y fiabilidad de los dispositivos utilizados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la validez y fiabilidad de la variable de velocidad en el rango isocinético (VRI) en el dispositivo Haefni Health (HHe 1.0). Un total de dos protocolo se diseñaron para el análisis de la validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados mostraron altos Índices de Correlación Intraclase (ICC 2,1) para las medidas de validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo (0,998 y 0,99, respectivamente). Cuando se analizó la fiabilidad de las medidas por cada una de las condiciones de evaluación altos ICC 2,1, además de bajos CV y SEM fueron encontraros (rango 0,71–0,99, rango 0,19–3,73 y rango 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente). Los resultados obtenidos avalan la validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0 para la medición de la variable de VRI tanto para la fase concéntrica como para la fase excéntrica del movimiento.When rating any assessment protocol one of the key issues is to determine the validity and reliability of the devices used. The aim of this study was to analyze the validity and reliability of the variable velocity isokinetic range (VRI) in Haefni Health System (HHe 1.0). Two assessment protocols were design to test bot, validity and reliability. The results showed high Index of Intraclass Correlation (ICC2,1) for measures of validity and reliability of the VRI (0,998 and 0,99, respectively). Moreover, when the reliability was assessed at each criterion velocity high values of ICC2,1, range 0,71–0,99 and low CV and SEM, range 0,19–3,73% and range 0.001– 0.004 m·s-1, were found respectively. The results obtained confirm the validity and reliability of HHe1.0 device for measuring VRI variable.Quando se realizam apreciações de qualquer protocolo de avaliação um dos aspectos fundamentais é conhecer a validade e fidelidade dos dispositivos utilizados. O objectivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a validade e fidelidade da variável de velocidade na amplitude isocinética (VRI) no dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0. Um total de dois protocolos foram delineados para a análise da validade e fidelidade. Os resultados mostraram elevados Índices de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC2,1) para as medidas de validade e fidelidade do dispositivo (0,998 e 0,99, respectivamente). Adicionalmente, quando se analisou a fidelidade das medidas por critério de altos ICC2,1 e baixos CV e SEM foram identificados (amplitude 0,71–0,99, amplitude 0,19–3,73 e amplitude 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente). Os resultados obtidos confirmam a validade e fidelidade do dispositivo Haefni Health HHe1.0 para a medição da variável de VRI, tanto para a fase concêntrica, como para a fase excêntrica do movimento

    Validación y fiabilidad del dispositivo Haefni Health System 1.0 en la medición de la velocidad en el rango isocinético

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    Cuando se realizan valoraciones de cualquier protocolo de evaluaciónuno de los aspectos fundamentales es conocer la validez y fiabilidadde los dispositivos utilizados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar lavalidez y fiabilidad de la variable de velocidad en el rango isocinético (VRI)en el dispositivo Haefni Health (HHe 1.0). Un total de dos protocolo se diseñaronpara el análisis de la validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados mostraronaltos Índices de Correlación Intraclase (ICC2,1) para las medidas de validezy fiabilidad del dispositivo (0,998 y 0,99, respectivamente). Cuando se analizóla fiabilidad de las medidas por cada una de las condiciones de evaluaciónaltos ICC2,1, además de bajos CV y SEM fueron encontraros (rango0,71–0,99, rango 0,19–3,73 y rango 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente).Los resultados obtenidos avalan la validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo HaefniHealth HHe1.0 para la medición de la variable de VRI tanto para la faseconcéntrica como para la fase excéntrica del movimiento

    Efeitos de uma sessão de jogo pequeno baseado em handebol na atenção seletiva e sustentada e atenção em uma amostra de adultos jovens.

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    Previous studies have highlighted the chronic and acute effects that physical exercise has on cognitive functioning. However, it is necessary to go deeper in order to obtain precise information on what type of exercise is more favorable for certain cognitive abilities. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the effects of a session of small games based on handball on selective, sustained attention and attention span in a sample of young adults. Fifty-two participants between the ages of 21 and 25 (M= 21.83; SD= .94) from the city of Malaga (Spain) took part in this study. A quasi-experimental intersubject's research design was used with a control and experimental group. Using non-parametric statistical analyzes (U Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon) we tried to explore the effects of the physical/sports activity session on four tests of attention span, two of selective attention and one of sustained attention. The results showed statistically significant effects on the selective tests and attention span, although not on the sustained attention test. The findings suggest that collective physical-sporting activity could have a significant acute effect on attention, although it would be necessary to continue investigating the specific dimensions of attention, given the differences found between some parameters and others.Estudios previos han puesto de relieve los efectos crónicos y agudos que el ejercicio físico tiene sobre el funcionamiento cognitivo. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir profundizando para obtener información precisa sobre qué tipo de ejercicio es más favorable sobre determinadas capacidades cognitivas. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos de una sesión de juegos reducidos basados en el balonmano sobre la atención selectiva, sostenida y amplitud atencional en una muestra de adultos jóvenes. Formaron parte de este estudio 52 participantes con edades entre 21 y 25 años (M = 21.83; DT = .94) procedentes de la ciudad de Málaga (España). Se empleó un diseño de investigación cuasiexperimental intersujetos con grupo control y experimental. Mediante análisis estadísticos no paramétricos (U Mann Whitney y Wilcoxon) se trató de explorar los efectos de la sesión de actividad físico/deportiva sobre cuatro pruebas de amplitud atencional, dos de atención selectiva y una de atención sostenida. Los resultados mostraron efectos estadísticamente significativos sobre las pruebas de atención selectiva y amplitud atencional, aunque no en la prueba de atención sostenida. Los hallazgos encontrados sugieren que la actividad físico-deportiva colectiva podría tener un efecto agudo significativo sobre la atención, aunque sería necesario seguir indagando sobre qué dimensiones específicas de la atención, dadas las diferencias encontradas entre unos parámetros y otros.Estudos anteriores destacaram os efeitos crônicos e agudos que o exercício físico tem no funcionamento cognitivo. No entanto, é necessário aprofundar este conhecimento para obter informações mais precisas sobre qual tipo de exercício mais favorável para determinadas habilidades cognitivas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos de uma sessão de pequenos jogos baseados no andebol na atenção seletiva, sustentada e capacidade de atenção numa amostra de adultos jovens. Cinquenta e dois participantes com idades compreendidas entre 21 e 25 anos (M= 21,83; DP= ,94)  da cidade de Málaga (Espanha) participaram deste estudo. Um projeto de pesquisa intersujeitos quase-experimental foi usado com um grupo de controlo e experimental. Através de análises estatísticas não paramétricas (U Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon) procurámos explorar os efeitos da sessão de atividade física/desportiva em quatro testes de capacidade de atenção, dois de atenção seletiva e um de atenção sustentada. Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças estatisticamente significativos nos testes de atenção e seletivos, mas não no teste de atenção sustentada. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que a atividade físico-desportiva coletiva pode ter um efeito agudo significativo na atenção, embora seja necessário continuar a investigar as dimensões específicas da atenção, dadas as diferenças encontradas entre alguns parâmetros

    Efeitos de uma sessão de jogo pequeno baseado em handebol na atenção seletiva e sustentada e atenção em uma amostra de adultos jovens

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    Estudios previos han puesto de relieve los efectos crónicos y agudos que el ejercicio físico tiene sobre el funcionamiento cognitivo. Sin embargo, es necesario seguir profundizando para obtener información precisa sobre qué tipo de ejercicio es más favorable sobre determinadas capacidades cognitivas. Así, el objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los efectos de una sesión de juegos reducidos basados en el balonmano sobre la atención selectiva, sostenida y amplitud atencional en una muestra de adultos jóvenes. Formaron parte de este estudio 52 participantes con edades entre 21 y 25 años (M= 21.83; DT= .94) procedentes de la ciudad de Málaga (España). Se empleó un diseño de investigación cuasiexperimental intersujetos con grupo control y experimental. Mediante análisis estadísticosno paramétricos (U Mann Whitney y Wilcoxon) se trató de explorar los efectos de la sesión de actividad físico/deportiva sobre cuatro pruebas de amplitud atencional, dos de atención selectiva y una de atención sostenida. Los resultados mostraron efectos estadísticamente significativos sobre las pruebas de atención selectiva y amplitud atencional, aunque no en la prueba de atención sostenida. Los hallazgos encontrados sugieren que la actividad físico-deportiva colectiva podría tener un efecto agudo significativo sobre la atención, aunque sería necesario seguir indagando sobre qué dimensiones específicas de la atención, dadas las diferencias encontradas entre unos parámetros y otros.Previous studies have highlighted the chronic and acute effects that physical exercise has on cognitive functioning. However, it is necessary to go deeper in order to obtain precise information on what typeof exercise is more favorable for certain cognitive abilities. Thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the effects of a session of small games based on handball on selective, sustained attention and attention span in a sample of young adults. Fifty-two participants between the ages of 21 and 25 (M= 21.83; SD= .94) from the city of Malaga (Spain) took part in this study. A quasi-experimental intersubject's research design was used with a control and experimental group. Using non-parametric statistical analyzes (U Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon) we tried to explore the effects of the physical/sports activity session on four tests of attention span, two of selective attention and one of sustained attention. The results showed statistically significant effects on the selective tests and attention span, although not on the sustained attention test. The findings suggest that collective physical-sporting activity could have a significant acute effect on attention, although it would be necessary to continue investigating the specific dimensions of attention, given the differences found between some parameters and others.Estudos anteriores destacaram os efeitos crônicos e agudos que o exercício físico tem no funcionamento cognitivo. No entanto, é necessário aprofundar este conhecimento para obter informações mais precisas sobre qual tipo de exercício mais favorável para determinadas habilidades cognitivas. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os efeitos de uma sessão de pequenos jogos baseados no andebol na atenção seletiva, sustentada e capacidade de atenção numa amostra de adultos jovens. Cinquenta e dois participantes com idades compreendidas entre 21 e 25 anos (M= 21,83; DP= ,94)da cidade de Málaga (Espanha) participaram deste estudo.Um projeto de pesquisa intersujeitos quase-experimental foi usado com um grupo de controlo e experimental. Através de análises estatísticas não paramétricas (U Mann Whitney e Wilcoxon) procurámos explorar os efeitos da sessão de atividade física/desportiva em quatro testes de capacidade de atenção, dois de atenção seletiva e um de atenção sustentada. Os resultados evidenciaram diferenças estatisticamente significativos nos testes de atenção e seletivos, mas não no teste de atenção sustentada. Os resultadosencontrados sugerem que a atividade físico-desportiva coletiva pode ter um efeito agudo significativo na atenção, embora seja necessário continuar a investigar as dimensões específicas da atenção, dadas as diferenças encontradas entre alguns parâmetro

    End-to-end tests of the TuMag instrument for the SUNRISE III mission

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    Ground-based and airborne instrumentation for astronomy IX (2022), Montreal, jul 17-22, 2022.--Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering vol. 12184 Article number 121842FSUNRISE III mission is a one-meter aperture telescope onboard a balloon within NASA Long Duration Balloon Program. Three post-focus instruments are used for studying the Sun's dynamics and magnetism, among which the Tunable Magnetograph (TuMag) is a tunable imaging spectropolarimeter. TuMag is a diffraction-limited imager, a high sensitivity polarimeter (< 10(-3)), and a high-resolution spectrometer (Delta lambda similar to 65 m angstrom). It will be able to study solar magnetic fields at high spatial resolution (similar to 100 km on the solar surface). It will make images of the solar surface magnetic field after measuring the state of polarization of light within three selected spectral lines: the Fe I lines at 525.02 nm and 525.06 nm, and the Mg I b2 line at 517.27 nm. It will be sensitive to the solar vector magnetic fields and line-of-sight velocities, in the photospheric and chromospheric layers. TuMag will be the first solar magnetograph onboard an aerospace platform with the capability of tuning the solar line to be observed. In this paper the TuMag end-to-end tests carried out during the verification phase are described. These tests are performed to characterize and calibrate the instrument. Specifically, they determine the polarimetric and spectroscopic performances of the instrument as well as the image quality. The availability of a singular facility, an ISO6 clean room with a coelostat on the building roof, allowed the use of solar light during the verification campaign. This was key to a complete instrument verification due to the unique spectroscopic and polarimetric characteristics of solar light.The authors would like to thank Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion from the Spanish government for the support of this research via the grant Space Solar Physics RTI2018-096886-B-C5 and "Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa" grant SEV-2017-0709.Peer reviewe

    Single nucleotide variations in ZBTB46 are associated with post-thrombolytic parenchymal haematoma

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    Haemorrhagic transformation is a complication of recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator treatment. The most severe form, parenchymal haematoma, can result in neurological deterioration, disability, and death. Our objective was to identify single nucleotide variations associated with a risk of parenchymal haematoma following thrombolytic therapy in patients with acute ischaemic stroke. A fixed-effect genome-wide meta-analysis was performed combining two-stage genome-wide association studies (n = 1904). The discovery stage (three cohorts) comprised 1324 ischaemic stroke individuals, 5.4% of whom had a parenchymal haematoma. Genetic variants yielding a P-value < 0.05 1 x 10(-5) were analysed in the validation stage (six cohorts), formed by 580 ischaemic stroke patients with 12.1% haemorrhagic events. All participants received recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator; cases were parenchymal haematoma type 1 or 2 as defined by the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study (ECASS) criteria. Genome-wide significant findings (P < 5 x 10(-8)) were characterized by in silica functional annotation, gene expression, and DNA regulatory elements. We analysed 7 989 272 single nucleotide polymorphisms and identified a genome-wide association locus on chromosome 20 in the discovery cohort; functional annotation indicated that the ZBTB46 gene was driving the association for chromosome 20. The top single nucleotide polymorphism was rs76484331 in the ZBTB46 gene [P = 2.49 x 10(-8); odds ratio (OR): 11.21; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.82-26.55]. In the replication cohort (n = 580), the rs76484331 polymorphism was associated with parenchymal haematoma (P = 0.01), and the overall association after meta-analysis increased (P = 1.61 x 10(-8), OR: 5.84; 95% CI: 3.16-10.76). ZBTB46 codes the zinc finger and BTB domain-containing protein 46 that acts as a transcription factor. In silica studies indicated that ZBTB46 is expressed in brain tissue by neurons and endothelial cells. Moreover, rs76484331 interacts with the promoter sites located at 20q13. In conclusion, we identified single nucleotide variants in the ZBTB46 gene associated with a higher risk of parenchymal haematoma following recombinant tissue-plasminogen activator treatment.Peer reviewe

    Salud de los trabajadores

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    Actividad f&iacute;sica y su relaci&oacute;n con los factores de riesgo cardiovascular de carteros chilenosAn&aacute;lisis de resultados: riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo Suceso-Istas 21 en Cesfam Quell&oacute;nAusentismo laboral por enfermedades oftalmol&oacute;gicas, Chile 2009Brote de diarreas por norovirus, posterremoto-tsunami, Constituci&oacute;n, Regi&oacute;n del MauleCalidad de vida en profesionales de la salud p&uacute;blica chilenaCaracterizaci&oacute;n del reposo laboral en personal del SSMN durante el primer semestre de 2010Concentraci&oacute;n de nicotina en pelo en trabajadores no fumadores expuestos a humo de tabaco ambientalCondiciones de trabajo y bienestar/malestar docente en profesores de ense&ntilde;anza media de SantiagoDisfunci&oacute;n auditiva inducida por exposici&oacute;n a xilenoErgonom&iacute;a aplicada al estudio del s&iacute;ndrome de dolor lumbar en el trabajoEstimaci&oacute;n de la frecuencia de factores de riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de una empresa mineraExposici&oacute;n a plaguicidas inhibidores de la acetilcolinesterasa en Colombia, 2006-2009Factores de riesgo y da&ntilde;os de salud en conductores de una empresa peruana de transporte terrestre, 2009Las consecuencias de la cultura en salud y seguridad ocupacional en una empresa mineraPercepci&oacute;n de cambios en la pr&aacute;ctica m&eacute;dica y estrategias de afrontamientoPercepci&oacute;n de la calidad de vida en la Universidad del Biob&iacute;oPesos m&aacute;ximos aceptables para tareas de levantamiento manual de carga en poblaci&oacute;n laboral femeninaRiesgo coronario en trabajadores mineros seg&uacute;n la funci&oacute;n de Framingham adaptada para la poblaci&oacute;n chilenaTrastornos emocionales y riesgo cardiovascular en trabajadores de la salu