4,296 research outputs found

    Disputas de la historia reciente Argentina: nociones, relatos e interpretaciones en torno a la última dictadura militar (1976-1983)

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    The present work takes a look at those notions, stories and interpretations that make of this recent past a conflictive and difficult story to reconstruct, given the diverse approaches and centers of intellectual preoccupation that concern the historiographic production around the last argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983). We will focus on four major issues that have marked the construction of meanings in relation to the recent argentine past: anti-subversive struggle, the application of a neoliberal economic plan, state terrorism and the qualification of genocide; finally, the role of the working class and the mass movement.El presente trabajo recorre aquellas nociones, relatos e interpretaciones que hacen de este pasado reciente un relato conflictivo y difícil de reconstruir, dado los diversos enfoques y centros de preocupación intelectual que atañen a la producción historiográfica en torno a la última dictadura militar argentina (1976-1983). Nos centraremos en cuatro grandes temas que han marcado la construcción de sentidos en relación al pasado reciente argentino: la lucha antisubversiva, la aplicación de un plan económico neoliberal, el terrorismo de Estado y la calificación de genocida, y, por último, el papel de la clase obrera y el movimiento de masas


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    How high can expectations go? Practitioner issues and risks of interactive installations

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    Sistemas cuánticos individuales

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    AbstractThe Nobel Prize in Physics for 2012 was awarded to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland “for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems”. The former deals with photons and measures them with atoms and the latter deals with ions and manipulates them with photons. The potential and actual applications of handling quantum systems are on their way to revolutionize not only technology but the way we understand the microscopic world

    Cofemel´s internationalization plan to Poland

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics.Internationalization has become a crucial process for the survival and growth of firms in general so that, this thesis presents an internationalization plan through a franchising strategy for Cofemel. It is a clothing company creator of the brand Tiffosi in 1978. Its main activity is to manufacture and trade exterior apparel, which includes the common clothing, such as: trousers, shirts, jeans, sweaters, dresses and accessories. Since Cofemel opened its first Tiffosi´s store, the brand started to grow fast. But, contrary of what seemed a good performance in 2008, the firm was near the bankrupt mostly because it was a family´s business where members were poorly prepared exercising executive and strategic positions. The strategy and objectives were not clear for a long period before 2008 so that it lead the company to have 29 millions of sales but a negative net income of 6 million euros in that year. VNC Group – a group led by António Vila Nova – in 2008 decided to buy Cofemel in that situation and thanks to his long experience in this market he was able to restructure the company totally and turn it into a competitive and sustainable firm. In 2009, the results became positives and Cofemel with its brand Tiffosi started to growth strategically on the market, establishing objectives for the future. Therefore, it emerged the opportunity to expand to Poland and the entry mode was chosen using an analysis of various available hypotheses and a market study. It also presents an implementation plan with duration of two years

    Planning for climate change in Cartagena, Colombia : institutionalizing alternative approaches

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    Planning for climate change in cities of developing countries is a difficult task due to the lack of resources, low institutional capacity of local authorities and governments, and the informal and illegal growth of urban areas. This is worsened by the fact that the occurrence of extreme weather events and small incremental changes in climate phenomena is increasing and intensifying in these areas. This paper is a case study of Cartagena, Colombia. It seeks to identify how bottom-up approaches are incorporated or considered into its legal and institutional planning frameworkmapas, gráficos, tablas.Incluye referencias bibliográficas (páginas 87 - 95)

    A Data Model for Exploration of Temporal Virtual Reality Geographic Information Systems

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    Geographic information systems deal with the exploration, analysis, and presentation of geo-referenced data. Virtual reality is a type of human-computer interface that comes close to the way people perceive information in the real world. Thus, virtual reality environments become the natural paradigm for extending and enhancing the presentational and exploratory capability of GIs applications in both the spatial and temporal domains. The main motivation of this thesis is the lack of a framework that properly supports the exploration of geographic information in a multi-dimensional and multi-sensorial environment (i.e., temporal virtual reality geographic information systems). This thesis introduces a model for virtual exploration of animations. Virtual exploration of animations is a framework composed of abstract data types and a user interface that allow non-expert users to control, manipulate, analyze, and present objects\u27 behaviors in a virtual-reality environment. In the model for virtual exploration of animations, the manipulation of the dynamic environment is accomplished through a set of operations performed over abstractions that represent temporal characteristics of actions. An important feature of the model is that the temporal information is treated as first-class entities and not as a mere attribute of action\u27s representations. Therefore, entities of the temporal model have their own built-in functionality and are able to represent complex temporal structures. In an environment designed for the manipulation of the temporal characteristics of actions, the knowledge of relationships among objects\u27 behaviors plays a significant role in the model. This information comes from the knowledge base of the application domain and is represented in the model through constraints among entities of the temporal model. Such constraints vary from simply relating the end points of two intervals to a complex mechanism that takes into account all relations between sequences of intervals of cyclic behaviors. The fact that the exploration of the information takes place in a virtual reality environment imposes new requirements on the animation model. This thesis introduces a new classification of objects in a VR environment and describes the associated semantics of each element in the taxonomy. These semantics are used to direct the way an object interacts with an observer and with other objects in the environment

    Can ultrastrong coupling change ground state chemical reactions?

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    Recent advancements on the fabrication of organic micro- and nanostructures have permitted the strong collective light-matter coupling regime to be reached with molecular materials. Pioneering works in this direction have shown the effects of this regime in the excited state reactivity of molecular systems and at the same time has opened up the question of whether it is possible to introduce any modifications in the electronic ground energy landscape which could affect chemical thermodynamics and/or kinetics. In this work, we use a model system of many molecules coupled to a surface-plasmon field to gain insight on the key parameters which govern the modifications of the ground-state Potential Energy Surface (PES). Our findings confirm that the energetic changes per molecule are determined by single-molecule-light couplings which are essentially local, in contrast with those of the electronically excited states, for which energetic corrections are of a collective nature. Still, we reveal some intriguing quantum-coherent effects associated with pathways of concerted reactions, where two or more molecules undergo reactions simultaneously, and which can be of relevance in low-barrier reactions. Finally, we also explore modifications to nonadiabatic dynamics and conclude that, for this particular model, the presence of a large number of dark states yields negligible changes. Our study reveals new possibilities as well as limitations for the emerging field of polariton chemistry