74 research outputs found

    Les càmeres digitals, la xarxa... i el darrer Nobel de física

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    El darrer Nobel de física ha premiat els treball de tres científics que han obert el camí a les càmeres digitals i a la transmissió eficient de senyals digitals, la base de la xarxa

    Input-image homogenization as a method to improve a correlator's discrimination capability

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    We propose an input-image preprocessing method consisting of homogenization of the image to improve the discrimination capability of a correlation-based recognition process. This method is an approximation of the optimal filter. It offers the advantage that correlation with the preprocessed images can easily be implemented in an optical correlator working with phase-only spatial light modulators

    Detection theory approach to multichannel pattern location

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    We propose and assess new algorithms for detecting and locating an object in multichannel images. These algorithms are optimal for additive Gaussian noise and maximize the likelihood of the observed images. We consider two cases, in which the illumination of the target and the variance of the noise in each channel are either known or unknown. We show that in the latter case the algorithm provides accurate estimates of variance and luminance. These algorithms can be viewed as postprocessed versions of the correlation of a reference with the scene image in each channel

    Evaluation and correction of aberrations in an optical correlator by phase-shifting interferometry

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    We propose a new method for evaluating and correcting aberrations in a Vander Lugt correlator. The technique is achieved with liquid-crystal displays of the correlator and allows the task to be performed in situ. We present the theory on which the method is based and the experimental results that we obtained by applying it in a convergent correlator

    Perfils de llum a la carta

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    Una investigació del Grup d'Òptica ha aconseguit obtenir perfils d'intensitat de llum a la carta, un control molt precís del comportament de la llum. La investigació permet incrementar o disminuir a voluntat la profunditat de focus i obtenir múltiples focals, amb aplicacions tecnològiques interessants

    Simple expressions for performance parameters of complex filters, with applications to super-Gaussian phase filters

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    To study the three-dimensional (3-D) behavior produced by complex filters, we have extended the expressions for the axial and the transverse gain to the case in which the best image plane is not near the paraxial focus. Super-Gaussian phase filters are proposed to control the 3-D image response of an optical system. Super-Gaussian phase filters depend on several parameters that modify the shape of the phase filter, producing tunable control of the 3-D response of the optical system. The filters are capable of producing a wide range of optical effects: transverse superresolution with high depth of focus, 3-D superresolution, and transverse apodization with different axial responses

    Derivation of weighting coefficients for multiplexed phase-diffractive elements

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    We mathematically analyze the phase-only hologram constructed by taking the phase corresponding to the linear combination of two weighted phase functions. We show that this phase-only hologram may be written as a new linear combination for the original phase functions with new weights. Expressions for the new weights are developed to control the performance of the hologram. Also, some nondesired new terms appear and are written in terms of the original phase functions. The particular case of a bifocal lens is analyzed

    Pattern detection using a modified composite filter with nonlinear joint transform correlator

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    A simple method for optical implementation of a composite filter in a joint transform correlator is presented. A composite filter in object space is a real function, but by adding an appropriate constant value, only positive values are obtained. As a drawback, the bias introduced decreases the relative height of the correlation peaks in the recognition process. Non-linear effects in a joint transform correlator are used to increase discrimination by using positive composite filters. Digital simulation and optical implementation of the process has been carried out, achieving the non-linearities by means of saturation effects on the intensity detection process

    Interferometric characterization of the structured polarized light beam produced by the conical refraction phenomenon

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    The interest on the conical refraction (CR) phenomenon in biaxial crystals has revived in the last years due to its prospective for generating structured polarized light beams, i.e. vector beams. While the intensity and the polarization structure of the CR beams are well known, an accurate experimental study of their phase structure has not been yet carried out. We investigate the phase structure of the CR rings by means of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer while applying the phase-shifting interferometric technique to measure the phase at the focal plane. In general the two beams interfering correspond to different states of polarization (SOP) which locally vary. To distinguish if there is an additional phase added to the geometrical one we have derived the appropriate theoretical expressions using the Jones matrix formalism. We demonstrate that the phase of the CR rings is equivalent to that one introduced by an azimuthally segmented polarizer with CR-like polarization distribution. Additionally, we obtain direct evidence that the Poggendorff dark ring is an annular singularity, with a π phase change between the inner and outer bright rings.We acknowledge financial support from the Spanish MINECO and Fondos FEDER (FIS2012-39158-C02-01, FIS2011-23719, BES-2010-031696, and AP2010-2310), and the Catalan Government (2014 SGR 1639). C. Iemmi appreciates the support from UBACyT 20020100100689, CONICET PIP 112-200801-03047, and ANPCYT PICT 2010-02179 (Argentina)

    En los límites de la difracción: superresolución y apodización en sistemas ópticos. Implementación en moduladores LCD

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    La difracción es el fenómeno que ocurre cuando las ondas se propagan y se encuentran con un obstáculo. Se trata de un aspecto fundamental en Óptica, ya que todos los sistemas ópticos están afectados por la difracción, produciendo en general dos efectos desfavorables. Por un lado produce un ensanchamiento de los haces a lo largo de su propagación. Por otro lado, limita el tamaño mínimo posible del haz al ser enfocado. A lo largo de los años, ha habido multitud de intentos de mejorar o reducir estos inconvenientes tanto en la difracción de campo lejano como también en la de campo cercano. En este artículo nos centraremos en el estudio de los límites impuestos por la difracción de campo lejano, y especialmente en el segundo problema que explicábamos antes: cómo mejorar el poder resolutivo o de una manera más general, la respuesta tridimensional de un sistema, ya que nosotros estamos especialmente interesados en sistemas ópticos como formadores de imagen. En segundo lugar mostraremos el uso de los moduladores espaciales de luz basados en cristal líquido (LC-SLM) para crear filtros de transmisión y/o fase no uniforme y también la generación de elementos ópticos difractivos orientados a formación de imagen. Mostraremos resultados experimentales que cubren un amplio abanico de posibilidades ofrecidas por el uso conjunto de los filtros mencionados y de los dispositivos LC-SLM